Produse pentru fertilizantverdeprimavară (25)

Fertilizatori organici compuși NPK 2-4-3

Fertilizatori organici compuși NPK 2-4-3

This is a series of organic compound fertilizers used as base fertilizer for a range of different crops. In addition to providing primary nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, they contain a high percentage of organic material and some very important trace elements such as Fe, Mn, B, Mo, Zn and Cu. Organic matter:60% Dry matter:88% Total nitrogen (N):2,0% Of which organic (N):1,7% Phosphorus (P2O5):4,0% Magnesium (MgO):1,0% Calcium (CaO):7,0% Sulphate (SO4):1,0% Ratio C/N:> 10


cultivatori profesioniști

cultivatori profesioniști

Professional cultivators are designed for heavy-duty soil preparation, offering unmatched efficiency in breaking up and aerating the ground. These machines are equipped with powerful engines and durable tines, ensuring thorough soil preparation even in challenging conditions. Ideal for use in agriculture and landscaping, professional cultivators provide users with the power and precision needed to optimize their soil management practices. The adjustable depth settings and ergonomic designs of professional cultivators provide comfort and control during operation. These machines not only save time and effort but also enhance the quality of the soil by mixing in organic matter and improving drainage. Investing in a high-quality cultivator is a smart choice for anyone looking to optimize their gardening or farming practices.
Pătrunjel (20g) - Ierburi

Pătrunjel (20g) - Ierburi

Petersilie ist herrlich frisch, aromatisch würzig und hat eine leicht herbe Note. Oft wird Petersilie auch verwendet, einfach nur um Gerichte verfeinernd zu garnieren. Sie ist ein Allrounder, besonders in der heimischen und französischen Küche. Das Aroma der Petersilie besticht durch ein frisches Kräuterbouquet mit würziger, muskatartiger Note. Blätter und Stängel enthalten sogar mehr Vitamin C als Zitrusfrüchte. Taboulé aus dem Orient, provenzalisches Pistou, Frankfurter Grüne Saucen – aus dem ehemaligen einfachen Suppenkraut hat sich ein international beliebtes Gewürz entwickelt. Petersilie verleiht nahezu allen herzhaften Gerichten eine ausgewogene Grundwürze. Kalte Gerichte wie Salat, Eier, Rohkost und Dips auf Quark-, Frischkäse- oder Joghurtbasis erhalten mit etwas Petersilie ein würzig-frisches Finish. Aber auch warme Speisen wie helle Saucen, Fischzubereitungen, Geflügel und Bratenfüllungen lassen Inhalt:15,00 g Artikel-Nr:206577
Ulei vegetal de camelina

Ulei vegetal de camelina

Camelina vegetable oil is extracted from the seeds of the Camelina sativa plant, also known as golden flax or false sesame. This essential oil is appreciated for its nutritional profile, being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E. Its anti-inflammatory and emollient properties make it a natural moisturizer for the skin, helping to calm irritation and improve skin elasticity. Additionally, camelina oil is known for its ability to strengthen and soften hair, providing shine and manageability. It is also used in cooking due to its mild flavor and high content of healthy fatty acids, contributing to a balanced diet. CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Camelina sativa seed Oil
ESSERA Cu 6 - Îngrășământ cu Cupru

ESSERA Cu 6 - Îngrășământ cu Cupru

İçerdiği özel Sistemik Bakır dolayısıyla bakır ihtiyacını karşılar ve iletim demetleriyle taşınabilir. İçerdiği bakır sayesinde anti-fungal ve anti-bakteriyel etkiye de sahiptir. Uygulama sonrasında çevre koşullarından etkilenmez. Doz aşımı yapılmamalı ve günün sıcak saatlerinde uygulama yapmaktan kaçınılmalıdır.
Îngrășământ pentru Trandafiri - Îngrășământ Natural și Ecologic

Îngrășământ pentru Trandafiri - Îngrășământ Natural și Ecologic

Engrais liquide naturel pour Rosiers et Bougainvilliers, Lauriers Fleurs - flacon 600 ml , produit à diluer, s'utilise en arrosage ou en pulvérisation foliaire.Bouchon doseur. Reference:6004
Pigmenți - Îngrășăminte

Pigmenți - Îngrășăminte

Liquid and powdered fertilizers, sowing seed NATURAL OXIDES: yellow, red, brown, black BISTER SYNTHETIC IRON OXIDES: yellow, red, brown, black DRAGON PIGMENTS: red, yellow, blue, green, grey A pigment is a substance that has the capacity of colouring a certain carrier (cement, plaster, synthetic fibres, paint, …). Contrary to dyes, pigments are insoluble. Therefore, pigments remain under the form of small particles and will just be dispersed in the carrier and so colouring the carrier. The colouring capacity of the pigment depends on the fineness of the particles composing the pigment. In general we can say that the finer the particles are, the higher the colouring capacity of the pigment will be. A pigment is only suitable for certain applications. The pigment shouldn’t react with the carrier. Moreover, the pigment shouldn’t oxidize under influence of oxygen in the air and shouldn’t lose its colour under influence of sunlight (UV).
Falter BIO Îngrășământ Vegan cu Trifoi Mini Pellets - Fabricat din produse vegetale din agricultura ecologică

Falter BIO Îngrășământ Vegan cu Trifoi Mini Pellets - Fabricat din produse vegetale din agricultura ecologică

Dieser vegane Dünger wurde in der biologischen Landwirtschaft produziert, verarbeitet und als Dünger hergestellt. Er ist geeignet für alle Gartenpflanzen und auch hervorragend für den Anbau von Kräuter-, Obst- und Gemüsepflanzen in Beeten (auch Hochbeeten) und Töpfen geeignet. Geeignet für den Bio-Landbau. • Vegan • Startdünger • Auch für Jungpflanzen geeignet • Für kräftiges Wachstum • Wurzelstärkend • Leichte Ausbringung • Bodenaktivierend pH-Wert (CaCI₂): 6,3 78 % Organische Substanz i.d. TS 2,8 % N – Gesamt Stickstoff 0,8 % P₂O₅ – Gesamt Phosphat 3,4 % K₂O – Gesamt Kaliumoxid Falter BIO Veganer Kleedünger erfüllt folgende Standards: Betriebsmittelliste Deutschland resp. FiBL-Liste Öko-Verarbeitung, Demeter International, EU ÖKO Rechtsvorschriften, Naturland Deutschland, Gäa Deutschland, Ecovin Deutschland, Bioland Deutschland, Demeter Deutschland, Biodkreis Deutschland. Gesamt Stickstoff:2,8 % N Gesamt Phosphat:0,8 % P₂O₅ Gesamt Kaliumoxid:3,4 % K₂O
Pulbere de Spirulină Organică Naturland - Microalgă

Pulbere de Spirulină Organică Naturland - Microalgă

Golden Peanut Bio Spirulina Platensis Algen Pulver ist reich an pflanzlichen Proteinen und vielen Nährstoffen und stellt daher eine wertvolle Nahrungsergänzung dar. Enthalten sind Nährstoffe wie Aminosäuren, Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Mineralstoffe. Die Süßwasseralge wird besonders als natürliche Quelle für Beta-Carotin, Eisen und Linolsäure geschätzt. Golden Peanut Bio Spirulina wird nach strengen Richtlinien kultiviert. Das bedeutet eine Produktion nach neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, ohne Einsatz von Pestiziden oder Herbiziden und ein Endprodukt ohne mikrobiologische Verunreinigung. Bio Spirulina Platensis Algen Pulver ist reich an pflanzlichen Proteinen und vielen Nährstoffen und daher eine wertvolle Ergänzung zur täglichen Ernährung. Enthalten sind Nährstoffe wie Aminosäuren, Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Mineralstoffe. Die Süßwasseralge wird besonders als natürliche Quelle für Beta-Carotin, Eisen und Linolsäure geschätzt. Golden Peanut Bio Spirulina wird nach streng
Grăunțe de Hrișcă pentru Germinare 600g

Grăunțe de Hrișcă pentru Germinare 600g

Green buckwheat sprouts go well with everything green! For example, with herbs, avocado, cucumber, celery. By including sprouted buckwheat in your daily diet, you acquire strong immunity, good health, a feeling of lightness and an excellent mood. Weight:600 g
Angro Spirulină Naturală 100% Cultivare Franceză - Gamă largă și greutăți ale produselor de la 50g la 10KG

Angro Spirulină Naturală 100% Cultivare Franceză - Gamă largă și greutăți ale produselor de la 50g la 10KG

VOTRE PRODUCTEUR DE SPIRULINE EN VENTE DIRECTE Dotée de multiples nutriments, très riche en fer et en protéines, la spiruline est considérée comme l'un des aliments les plus complets au monde. Découvrez une large gamme de produits : - Paillette - Comprimé - Poudre - Pâtes -etc.. Contactez nous pour un devis ou une brochure tarifaire.
Pachete de îngrășăminte și pesticide

Pachete de îngrășăminte și pesticide

Batlle is the only brand to offer exclusive product format on that tune perfectly with the target and the new consumer habits.
Var pentru gazon - Var pentru gazon, Promovează absorbția nutrienților

Var pentru gazon - Var pentru gazon, Promovează absorbția nutrienților

Help your tired lawn absorb more nutrients with MOOWY’s Lawn Lime. Lime lowers your soil’s acidity level, making it easier for your grass to absorb the nutrients from the earth while increasing the efficacy of other lawn fertiliser products you use throughout the year. Made from premium English limestone, Lawn Lime is an indispensable component in the fight against moss. Moss loves soil with a high acidity level, so applying Lawn Lime neutralises the natural acidity of your garden earth. The optimum pH value of your soil is between 5.5 and 6.5. However, acidity naturally increases throughout the year from organic digestion. Applying Lawn Lime once or twice a year will help keep acid-loving moss at bay.
Extract de ribwort

Extract de ribwort

Extract from Plantago lanceolata L. Ratio 4:1
Seră Hulk

Seră Hulk

La Hulk Greenhouse est une variété hybride à dominante Sativa. Une fleur particulièrement savoureuse, avec des notes d’agrumes et des nuances de fruit rouges et aussi un léger goût terreux. C’est une fleur d’aspect asses compacte majoitairement verte foncé, avec de légéres nuances vertes claires et orange Référence:HB0332
Ardei Unguresc

Ardei Unguresc

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Busuioc - Ierburi organice și congelate

Busuioc - Ierburi organice și congelate

Plante fraîchement coupée, lavée et surgelée après récolte. Pour les plats cuisinés, salades, sauces, soupes ... Utilisation de préférence à froid. Convient également aux utilisations à chaud. Poids:50gr
Fertilizatori organici de înaltă calitate

Fertilizatori organici de înaltă calitate

High-quality organic fertilizers are nutrient-rich products derived from natural, organic sources designed to enhance soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth.
ESSERA NPK - Îngrășământ NPK Echilibrat

ESSERA NPK - Îngrășământ NPK Echilibrat

Hızlı alınabilir besin kaynağıdır. Birlikte kullanıldığı diğer bitki besleme ürünlerinin verimini arttırır. Kök gelişimini arttırır ve fotosentezi hızlandırır. Meyve tutumu ve meyve gelişimini dolaylı olarak olumlu yönde etkiler. İklim koşullarından kaynaklanan streslere karşı mukavemet sağlar. Toprak mikro faunasını zenginleştirir. Toprağın geçirgenliğini arttırarak, toprağı kabartır ve havalanmasına yardımcı olur. Topraktaki pH'ı düşürür. Toprakta bağlı olan makro ve mikro besin elementlerinin çözümünü arttırır.
ESSERA B - Îngrășământ pe Bază de Bor

ESSERA B - Îngrășământ pe Bază de Bor

Ethanolamin şelatlı ve suda kolay çözülebilen, bitkiler tarafından hızla alınabilen Bor(B) içermektedir. Meyve tutumunu arttırır ve Olgunlaşmasına yardımcı olur. Meyvelerde irileşememe problemini ve şekil bozukluklarını giderir. Bitkinin çevre koşullarına karşı olan direncini arttırır.
ESSERRA - Îngrășământ Organic Lichid

ESSERRA - Îngrășământ Organic Lichid

Her bitkiye yapraktan ve topraktan uygulanabilen ESSERRA Sıvı Organik Gübre, 10-15 gün arayla ortalama 3-5 defa uygulandığında meyvede, üründe veya mahsülde kalite ve lezzet artışı, erkencilik ve görsellik sağlar. Organik ve doğal olduğu için hiç bir yan etkisi ve zararı yoktur.
Grăunțe de secară pentru germinare 300g

Grăunțe de secară pentru germinare 300g

Rye sprouts contain a lot of enzymes and nutrients. Their number multiplies during germination, and even new substances appear that are not initially in the grains. The nutritional and biological value of sprouted rye grains is significantly higher than that of processed products made from this cereal. Weight:300 g


Our varieties to produce energy are characterized by the high level of rusticity, the high performance and its positive effect for the environment. Winter Colza: Fricola: New generation "00" winter rapeseed. Excellent productivity and very regular in various growing conditions. Very good starting hardiness. Not too sensitive to elongation during early plantings. Mid-late flowering and maturity precocity. Medium size. Good weight of a thousand seeds that gives better chances in the emergence. Sow in cold areas during the first half of October and in warm areas up to the first half of November. It is recommended to seek 40-45 plants/m2 at the end of winter. Sow with 6-8 kg/ha to avoid emergence problems. Spring Colza: Valle de oro: ALTERNATIVE NEW VARIETY TO THE RAPESEED "00". High oil content. HARDINESS AND EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE. MEDITERRANEAN ALTERNATIVE TYPE It has achieved excellent results in production, exceeding more than 10% the currently most planted varieties.
Semințe de ciulin pentru germinare 100g

Semințe de ciulin pentru germinare 100g

Milk thistle seeds are the main ingredient in many different pharmaceuticals for the prevention and treatment of diseases of a liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. Weight:100 g