Produse pentru epoxidharz (6)

ALPHATEC® 800 Chit Epoxidic de Înaltă Performanță - Chit epoxidic pentru uz general pentru mașini industriale

ALPHATEC® 800 Chit Epoxidic de Înaltă Performanță - Chit epoxidic pentru uz general pentru mașini industriale

This grout material was specifically formulated to support heavy machinery on concrete foundations, and when used correctly, will ensure the transfer of static and dynamic loads into the inertia block. The polymer epoxy grouts offered by the Alphatec Group are already extensively tried and proven in many industries around the world. The benefits of using epoxy grouts are most easily seen in a repair or rehabilitation project, but they will perform very well in new installations of all types of rotating machinery. As the only epoxy grout manufacturer with its own contracting arm, Alphatec Engineering is uniquely placed to give you the best combination of products and services.
Rezervor de apă - Rezervor de apă din oțel cu șuruburi cu rășină epoxidică

Rezervor de apă - Rezervor de apă din oțel cu șuruburi cu rășină epoxidică

Tanque de agua de acero atornillado con resina epoxi Almacenar agua más de 40 años es posible sin tanques de hormigón o balsas es posible Posibilidad de cambiar el color, colocar cubierta, entradas, salidas, rebosaderos, escaleras, manómetro o cualquier accesorio. Incluye instrucciones de montaje. Perfecto para riego, agua potable, aguas residuales, contra incendios, alberca, piscifactoría, piscina, etc... #tanquedeagua #depósitoagua #balsariego
Moldarea materialelor termoizolante / termoizolante pentru industrie - Epoxidice, Fenolice (Bakelite), Melamine, Poliester....

Moldarea materialelor termoizolante / termoizolante pentru industrie - Epoxidice, Fenolice (Bakelite), Melamine, Poliester....

Especialistas en la transformación de Termoestables. Disponemos de tecnología y equipo para la transformación de todo tipo de resinas termoestables: epoxi, fenólicas, melamina, poliéster…. Los materiales termoestables están indicados especialmente para la industria electrónica y electrica, aunque sus elevadas prestaciones en resistencia al impacto, a los solventes, a la permeación de gases y a las temperaturas extremas los hacen aptos para multitud de aplicaciones. Puentes Rectificadores de Potencia – Frontales – Zócalos – Regletas eléctricas….
PVC Flexibil

PVC Flexibil

Blue gel solvent cement for rigid and flexible PVC PIPES in pressure systems. Also suitable for use on ABS. Non- drip. THF–free.
ALPHATEC® 342 mortar de injecție - Adeziv pe bază de rășină epoxidică pentru repararea fundațiilor din beton

ALPHATEC® 342 mortar de injecție - Adeziv pe bază de rășină epoxidică pentru repararea fundațiilor din beton

ALPHATEC 342 is an injection resin which is used with our high-pressure injection system to repair all types of machinery foundations, where cold joints or stress cracking has been found. The repaired foundation will often exceed the strength of the original.
ALPHATEC® 170 Chock injecție - Pentru a înlocui pachetele și căptușelile din oțel utilizate în multe condiții diferite.

ALPHATEC® 170 Chock injecție - Pentru a înlocui pachetele și căptușelile din oțel utilizate în multe condiții diferite.

ALPHATEC® 170 is a three-component polymer grout system consisting of modified epoxy resin, chemical hardener, and a chemically-modified filler. It is specially formulated for chock grouting to replace the steel packers and liners used under many different types of machinery. ALPHATEC® 170 chock grouting can be used between steel surfaces, or between aggregate-filled epoxy grout and steel bases, in a sandwich approach. ALPHATEC® 170 has been approved by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR) for use in chocking main propulsion engines in marine applications, as well as for miscellaneous deck machinery and auxiliaries. Alphatec Engineering, Epoxy Grout and Concrete Repair Specialists.