Produse pentru ecoflux pro (28)

iglidur® J2

iglidur® J2

iglidur® J2 Environmentally friendly. The growing demand for PFOA-free iglidur® materials* is met by igus® with an ongoing review of all iglidur® materials – the list of already PFOA-free iglidur® materials is thus getting continuously longer – and a new iglidur® material: iglidur® J2. iglidur® J2 is available as cylindrical bearings and plain bearings with flange. Good mechanical properties, robust Low-priced Good resistance to media Lubricant- and mainteance-free
EMULCORE ® EC 50 - Agricultură

EMULCORE ® EC 50 - Agricultură

Composition: Propriotory blend of surfactants Emulcore® EC 50 it is a blend of anionic & nonionic surfactants which is the recommended emulsifier for EC formulations. Provides a stable emulsion with technical particles and non-polar solvents Emulcore® EC 50 is O/W emulsifier used in various formulation, technical & solvents Emulcore® EC 50 is oil adjuvant emulsifier When considering the use of any Latro’s products in a particular application, you should review our latest Safety Data Sheet and ensure that the use you intend can be accomplished safely. For Safety Data Sheets and other product safety information, contact the Latro’s Sales Office nearest to you. Before handling any other products mentioned in the text, you should obtain available product safety information and take the necessary steps to ensure safety of use. Up to one years from the date of manufacture for material in original unopened, properly stored containers. Appearance:Yellow to amber colour liquid Solubility:Dispersible in water pH of (5% soln.):5,5 – 7,5 Moisture content (%):Maximum 1,0 %
Hose hidraulice, furtunul hidraulic Exovation 2SN este un furtun de presiune medie,

Hose hidraulice, furtunul hidraulic Exovation 2SN este un furtun de presiune medie,

Der Exovation 2SN Hydraulikschlauch ist ein mittlerer Hochdruckschlauch, der für den Einsatz mit Mineralölen, Wasser, Ölen auf Polyglykol- und Synthetik-Esterbasis, Wasser-Öl-Emulsionen und Rapsöl optimiert wurde. Er bietet eine beeindruckende Ozonbeständigkeit von 150 Stunden und eine Abriebfestigkeit von 0,5 g, was seine Langlebigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unterstreicht. Seine robuste Konstruktion sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer und minimiert das Risiko von Ausfällen. Mit einer Betriebstemperatur von -40°C bis +100°C ist der Exovation 2SN Hydraulikschlauch für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet. Er ist besonders widerstandsfähig gegen chemische Einflüsse und bietet eine hohe Flexibilität, was ihn zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für moderne Hydrauliksysteme macht. Seine Fähigkeit, hohen Drücken standzuhalten, macht ihn zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil jeder industriellen Ausrüstung.
Bond Plus: Adeziv, flexibil, latex reactiv pentru mortar și tencuieli

Bond Plus: Adeziv, flexibil, latex reactiv pentru mortar și tencuieli

Bond Plus Adhesive latex based on elastomeric styrene-butadiene rubber and alkaline silicate in aqueous dispersion, flexibilising, reactive, for adhesive grout and to improve adhesion, the behaviour and performance of mortars and plasters. Production of adhesive, deformable, high-protective and waterproofing performance mortars and plasters for civil, hydraulic, industrial works, in urban, marine and mountain atmospheres. Preparation of hydrating solutions to improve the adhesion and performance of premixed mortars and plasters; preparation of adhesive grouts for non-structural construction joints. Anti-dust treatments, reinforcing concrete surfaces. Shake Bond Plus thoroughly in the tank, and dilute it with water as required. Add the prepared solution to the cement (or lime) and aggregates mixture, in the most suitable dosages for this application, as specified below. It is always essential to carry out preliminary tests for an accurate definition of the mixtures to use, and to check the suitability of the product on the basis of the specific requirements. Refer to the table shown in the product datasheet. Packaging: 25 kg can UM: €/kg
Substanță naturală pentru utilizare biostimulantă - EVAFILM 200 - Kit de acoperire - Protecția semințelor

Substanță naturală pentru utilizare biostimulantă - EVAFILM 200 - Kit de acoperire - Protecția semințelor

Enrobage des semences réduisant les pertes liées aux insectes et aux nuisibles du sol Destiné à l’enrobage des semences pour assurer des levées saines, vigoureuses et homogènes EVAFILM 200 a une action naturelles et réalisant une barrière naturelle . EVAFILM 200 est une gamme de produits à base d’extraits de plantes et d’huiles essentielles. – Huiles végétales – Extrait de plantes – Huiles essentielles Il est normé en Norme NFU Il s’utilise en agriculture biologique selon les réglements CE 834/2007 et 889/2008
ProSolin - Solvent Concentrat pentru Ulei

ProSolin - Solvent Concentrat pentru Ulei

Tüm kurumuş yemek artıkları ve yanmış yağları, davlumbazda biriken yağ kalıntılarını temizlemek için formüle edilmiştir. Su bazlıdır. Fayans, çelik ve plastik yüzeylerde güvenle kullanılabilir.
EcoSolv - Sistem de Reciclare a Solventilor

EcoSolv - Sistem de Reciclare a Solventilor

The EcoSolv solvent recycling system ensures LEIBINGER inkjet printers consume the smallest possible amount of solvent. A JET3up or JET2neo series printer with EcoSolv consumes up to 50% less solvent. EcoSolv recovers the evaporated solvent from the printer exhaust air through condensation and directs it back into the supply tank. Solvent recovery allows you to save cash and protect the environment!
F-Exx 3.0 F

F-Exx 3.0 F

F-Exx 3.0 F - Der Fettbrandlöscher bei Fettbränden bis zu 25 Litern
Loctite® 7063 Curățitor Rapid 400 ml

Loctite® 7063 Curățitor Rapid 400 ml

Der Schnellreiniger Loctite® 7063 wurde zum Reinigen und Entfetten von Oberflächen vor der Verklebung entwickelt. Das Produkt ist lösungsmittelhaltig, FCKW-frei, universell einsetzbar und hinterlässt keine Rückstände. Loctite® 7063 ist ideal zur Vorbereitung der zu verklebenden Oberflächen. Er entfernt die meisten Fette, Öle, Schmierflüssigkeiten, Metallspäne und Feinstpartikel. Des Weiteren kann der Loctite® Schnellreiniger auch im Rahmen von Wartungsarbeiten zum Reinigen und Entfetten von Maschinenteilen verwendet werden. Größe: 400 ml
Chemtronics Flux-Off Îndepărtător de flux

Chemtronics Flux-Off Îndepărtător de flux

Die Flussmittelentferner Flux-Off Rosin und Flux-Off Lead-Free von Chemtronics eignen sich für die Reinigung von Elektronik Baugruppen. Chemtronics Flux-Off Rosin Kunststoffsicheres Reinigungsmittel für alle Flussmittelarten, auch für No Clean einsetzbar. Flux-Off Rosin ist entflammbar, langsam trocknend und kostengünstig. Chemtronics Flux-Off Lead-Free Sehr starker Reiniger für Hochtemperatur Lote (bleifrei). Geeignetes Lösemittel für alle bleifreien Lote, aber auch für bleihaltige Legierungen. Verdunstet sehr schnell ohne Rückstände zu hinterlassen.


Specialized alkaline, odorless, general-purpose detergent.Suitable for use in kitchens, floors, walls, tables, chairs, textiles, vehicles, food stalls, schools, nursery stations, hospitals, restaurants, cafes, bars, stadiums, refineries, hotels, waiting halls, public areas and transportation means
Epicor Kinetic ERP

Epicor Kinetic ERP

Grow, thrive, and compete in a global marketplace with Kinetic—an industry-tailored, cognitive ERP that helps you work smarter and stay connected.


XcelOil è una linea avanzata di lubrificanti progettata specificamente per veicoli industriali e commerciali, che garantisce prestazioni eccezionali e una protezione affidabile in condizioni di utilizzo intensivo. Formulata con tecnologie all'avanguardia, XcelOil riduce al minimo l'usura dei componenti del motore, migliorando l'efficienza e la longevità del veicolo. Grazie alle sue proprietà di elevata resistenza termica e chimica, questa gamma di oli è ideale per mezzi pesanti, autobus, tir e macchine da lavoro, operando in ambienti difficili e carichi estremi. XcelOil contribuisce a ottimizzare il consumo di carburante, riducendo così le emissioni e i costi operativi. Compatibile con motori diesel e a benzina, soddisfa o supera gli standard internazionali di settore, assicurando un funzionamento fluido anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Le flotte commerciali possono contare su una manutenzione ridotta e su intervalli di cambio olio estesi, garantendo prestazioni TOP!
Flex Sigma - Platinoil Flex

Flex Sigma - Platinoil Flex

Spécifique pour les produits difficiles à démouler, par exemple riches en sucre et en protéine. Excellent pouvoir anti-adhérent. Viscosité :700 à 1100 mPa.s (25°C) Valeur d’iode:± 80 Point de fumée:230 °C POIDS SPECIFIQUE:920 kg/m3 (20°C) Formats disponibles:10L – GRV 1000L
Fertilizant Lichid - Complexfluide - Fertilizant foliar NPK cu conținut ridicat de PHC

Fertilizant Lichid - Complexfluide - Fertilizant foliar NPK cu conținut ridicat de PHC

COMPLEXFLUIDE ha sido especialmente diseñado para inducir y estimular el desarrollo óptimo de las plantas para obtener resultados más rápidos y efectivos en el metabolismo. Actúa rápido y es altamente compatible con mezclas para aplicaciones foliares. La sinergia formada entre el PHC y los macroelementos NPK favorece la asimilación de estos nutrientes, mejorando el proceso fotosintético, lo que contribuye a un mayor crecimiento vegetativo y una fructificación de mayor calidad. Packs de: • 1000 L • 20 L • 10 L • 5 L Nitrógeno (N) total :6% p/p Nitrógeno (N) uréico:4% p/p Nitrógeno (N) amoniacal :2% p/p Pentóxido de Fósforo (P2O5) soluble en agua:6% p/p Óxido de Potasio (K2O) soluble en agua:6% p/p Cloruro (Cl):<0,3 Ph:6,5-7 Densidad (gr/cc):1,19
Soluție Completă Euro 04

Soluție Completă Euro 04

Ce produit contient : 50 protections en polystyrène par paquet 50 carton de suremballage par paquet UGS:Euro-04


Mini-Hochdruckreiniger, speziell für die präzise Reinigung von schwer zugänglichen Stellen und Kleinteilen Präzisionsreinigungsgerät mit integriertem und voll drehbarem Flüssigkeitstank. Durch einfaches Abschalten der Flüssigkeitszugabe am Gerät wird Nassreinigen und Trocknen in einem Arbeitsgang möglich. Das geringe Gewicht und die optimale Ergonomie lassen auch längere Arbeiten in schwierigen Positionen leicht von der Hand gehen. Artikelnummer: 200100
Turmofluid Seria GV - Uleiuri de înaltă calitate

Turmofluid Seria GV - Uleiuri de înaltă calitate

Fully synthetic, multi-purpose oils for the long-term lubrication of gears, hydraulics, bearings and chains in a wide temperature range with generally good elastomer and plastic compatibility. Wide temperature range:Elastomer and plastic compatibility Fully synthetic:Multi purpose oil
FLUXOTEC - Soluție de Control și Monitorizare a Producției Textile

FLUXOTEC - Soluție de Control și Monitorizare a Producției Textile

FLUXOTEC é uma solução de planeamento e monitorização da tecelagem, desenvolvida pela Infos em parceria com a Fluxodata – Grupo Somelos. Reduzindo a recolha de dados manual ao mínimo, apoia as empresas têxteis no aumento da produtividade e na garantia do controlo, em tempo real, dos seus processos produtivos. É configurável e está preparado para funcionar com a sua fábrica de tecelagem: - A configuração da solução é efectuada à medida das suas necessidades e considerando a tecnologia existente na sua empresa. - Funciona com várias tecnologias de tecelagem (jacquard, maquineta, projétil, jato de ar, entre muitas outras) e abrange quer tecelagens de felpos, quer tecido a metro.
Fepa Flexicartil

Fepa Flexicartil

Complemento alimenticio a base de glucosamina, condroitina, MSM, ácido hialurónico, extractos de plantas y vitamina C con edulcorante vitamina C contribuye a la formación normal de colágeno para el funcionamiento normal de los vasos sanguíneos, huesos, cartílagos, encías, piel y dientes. La vitamina C contribuye a la formación normal de colágeno para el funcionamiento normal de los cartílagos Presentación:30 sobres de 5 g Peso neto:150 g Dosis diaria recomendada:1 sobre al día (5g) Dosis por envase:30 Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 sobre (5 g) disuelto en 200 ml de agua una vez al día.
FLC 700 - Spray cu silicon

FLC 700 - Spray cu silicon

ELKALUB FLC 700 ist ein hochviskoses Gleitmittel (ca. 30.000 mm²/s bei 25 °C) mit langer Standzeit. Der Gleitfilm von ELKALUB FLC 700 ist nach dem Abdunsten des Lösungsmittels geruchsneutral und transparent. Metallische Oberflächen werden durch den Film vor Korrosion geschützt. ELKALUB FLC 700 hinterlässt keine Flecken. Der Einsatz erfolgt vorrangig zur Verbesserung der Gleiteigenschaften von Papier, Pappe, Gummi, Holz und Kunststoffe. ELKALUB FLC 700 darf nicht auf heiße Oberflächen oder im Bereich von offenen Feuern versprüht werden. Der nach einer kurzen Abdunstung verbleibende Gleitfilm darf keiner Temperatur über 170 °C ausgesetzt werden.
Evo Cu - Soluție de Sulfat de Cupru

Evo Cu - Soluție de Sulfat de Cupru

%6 Su da Çözünür bakır içermektedir. organik şelatlıdır. bitkide leke yapmaz. bitkiyi durdurmaz. saha da yapılan çalışmalarda Aliette veya muadili ilaçlar ile karıştırılarak dikimden 10 gün sonra uygulama yapıldığı zaman kök hastalıklarında etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. üstten 100 lt suya 100-150 gr arasında uygulama yapılır. meyveler de 200-250 gr a kadar çıkılabilir. damlamadan 1 lt uygulama yapabilirsiniz.
MAXANT® PRO - Textile

MAXANT® PRO - Textile

Maxant® PRO is a highly effective silicone antifoam emulsion. It offers excellent foam control and high stability in various foaming systems. Permanent foam cut off Stable effects during storage period Rapid foam knock-down Foam inhibition in extreme temperatures (up to 95 °C) Long term foam inhibition Compatibility with wetting agents Long durability in acidic and alkaline conditions Outstanding durability at low add on levels Maxant® PRO is mainly designed for preventing foam in process applications. For process applications, we recommend prediluting Maxant® PRO silicone antifoam with cold water in a ratio of 1:1 to 1:10. Appearance Visual:Milky white liquid Solid Content (%) HE73 / 01, Mettler Toledo, 160°C.:20-25% pH at 25°C pH 7110, Inolab:7-8 Ionic character:Nonionic Viscosity at 25°C LVDV-E 230, Brookfield:1000-1500 CP


SURFECO® PLUS is a super-spreading surfactant based on a trisiloxane ethoxylate, a silicone polyether copolymer with 550 molecular weight. SURFECO® PLUS has super-spreading properties in aqueous solutions while remaining stable in formulations from pH 5 - 8. SURFECO® PLUS can reduce surface tension in aqueous solutions at use levels up to 1.0 % by weight. Typical recommended starting level is 0.1 %. Stable effects during storage period Super-spreading and wetting Lowers surface tension more, compared to conventional surfactants Provides an aqueous surface tension of 21.5 nM/m2 Effective and remaining stable in formulations from pH 5 - 8 Low viscosity Very effective at low concentrations SURFECO® PLUS should be added directly into tank and agitated to ensure proper mixing. For optimum performance, solutions containing SURFECO® PLUS should be applied within 72 hours after mixing. Surface Tension (0.1%):(0.1%)21,5 nM/m2 Viscosity at 25 0C:500-900 mPa.s Cloud Point:< 10 °C Base Fluid Viscosity:20 – 30 Ionic Character:Nonionic
Soluție Completă Euro Jero

Soluție Completă Euro Jero

Ce produit contient : 5 protections en polystyrène par paquet 5 carton de suremballage par paquet UGS:Euro-JERO
Soluție Completă Euro 03

Soluție Completă Euro 03

Ce produit contient : 30 protections en polystyrène par paquet 30 carton de suremballage par paquet UGS:Euro-03
FLUXOREV - Soluție de Control și Monitorizare a Producției Textile

FLUXOREV - Soluție de Control și Monitorizare a Producției Textile

FLUXOREV é uma solução de suporte às operações de revista de tecidos em ambiente industrial, desenvolvida pela Infos em parceria com a Fluxodata – Grupo Somelos. Criada a pensar na diminuição do desperdício e na qualidade da produção têxtil, FLUXOREV é uma solução suporte às operações de revista de tecidos em ambiente industrial. Desenvolvido de forma a garantir uma completa adaptação aos diferentes requisitos dos cadernos de encargos da sua empresa. A mesa de revista, enquanto posto de recolha de informação, encontra-se dotada de um ecrã táctil, - com um interface intuitivo e potente, dinamicamente ajustado aos diferentes cenários de operação, - garantindo ao operador um elevado rendimento e um dispêndio mínimo de tempo numa tarefa acessória da sua atividade principal.
Turmogearoil PE Seria - Uleiuri de înaltă calitate

Turmogearoil PE Seria - Uleiuri de înaltă calitate

Synthetic, multiple-alloy gear oils on ester oil base with high thermal stability as well as good wear and corrosion protection. They are suitable for the lubrication of high temperature gears, slide ways and chains. Fully synthetic:High thermal stability Corrosion protection:Chains, gears, slide ways