Produse pentru echipamente laborator (1051)

Lingură de probă SteriPlast® și LaboPlast® - De unică folosință, PS, opțional sterilizată, dispozitiv de prelevare a probelor, echipament de laborator

Lingură de probă SteriPlast® și LaboPlast® - De unică folosință, PS, opțional sterilizată, dispozitiv de prelevare a probelor, echipament de laborator

The SteriPlast® sample spoon made of polystyrene is produced in our clean room of class 7 (10,000), individually packaged for disposable use and then sterilised by gamma rays. The sample spoon is available in two sizes, 2.5 ml (similar to a teaspoon) and 10 ml (similar to a tablespoon), and is ideal for sampling powders, granulates and fluids. Material:PS, white
CAMERA DE TESTARE UV 3D BS-05: Irradiere UV de înaltă performanță pentru aplicații exigente - Cameră de iradiere

CAMERA DE TESTARE UV 3D BS-05: Irradiere UV de înaltă performanță pentru aplicații exigente - Cameră de iradiere

The 3D UV test chamber BS-05 is a large irradiation chamber for double-sided, 3D irradiation of samples with UV or visible light. A sample plate made of stainless steel or fused silica or a rotating holder for mixing of fluids are available. Like all BS irradiation chambers, the BS-05 offers time- and dose-controlled irradiation of samples with UV light. The chamber can be fully equipped for one of the spectral ranges UVC, UVB, or UVA to achieve the highest irradiance. Alternately, the use of two separately controlled lamp groups for different spectral ranges allows for especially flexible operation of the chamber. The large irradiation chamber of the test chamber has a base area of 86 x 65 cm² and a height of 32 cm. The maximum sample chamber temperature during operation is approx. 25 °C, so that thermal damage to the samples is avoided. Due to the high homogeneity of the irradiation, the samples can be positioned as required. Interior chamber:86 x 65 x 32 cm Dimensions:95 x 87 x 75 cm Power consumption:900 W Lamp lifetime UVA:up to 4.000 h Lamp lifetime UVB:up to 4.000 h Lamp lifetime UVC:up to 9.000 h Irradiance UVA:8 mW/cm² Irradiance UVB:2..4 mW/cm² Irradiance UVC:4..8 mW/cm²


PP (Polypropylene) Non-Sterile Predilution Wells 6 (Nephelometric) is a sample preparation tool made from PP (Polypropylene) material, featuring non-sterile properties. This product is designed for use in nephelometric analyses. Predilution Wells 6 is a predilution vessel with 6 wells, designed to safely and practically perform pre-dilution processes for microbiological and chemical analyses in laboratory settings. Offered in a non-sterile format, this product is ideal for obtaining standard results in analyses and accelerates the sample preparation process. The ease of use of each well makes it perfect for precise operations. Made from reliable materials, Predilution Wells 6 is widely preferred in microbiology laboratories and enhances the reliability of analyses. Product Code: AKL-979
Serviciul de Prelucrare a Foliilor Metalice la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea foilor metalice și asamblări preliminare

Serviciul de Prelucrare a Foliilor Metalice la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea foilor metalice și asamblări preliminare

RPWORLD offers sheet metal fabrication and pre-assemblies services as the complementary of our one-stop manufacturing service. The core benefits of this process include one-stop service, wide materials selection, hardware inserts, and our extensive experience in applications. - Wide Material Selection Aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum. - Hardware Inserts Choose from hundreds of in-house hardware inserts specifically designed for sheet metal fabrication. - One-stop Service Maintain consistent part quality and guaranteed lead times under our one-stop service. - Rich Experience for Various Applications Auto parts, medical devices, home appliances, robotics, scientific instruments etc. Industries Applied: - Medical Device Manufacturing - Automotive - Scientific Instrument - Mechanical Engineering - Robotic - Design Industries Applied:Medical Device Industries Applied:Scientific Instrument
Inel de 70 mm diametru interior

Inel de 70 mm diametru interior

steel, 8 mm Ø*zinc plated*three point support
Oxigenmetru de încheietură - Checkme O2 Max

Oxigenmetru de încheietură - Checkme O2 Max

Le Checkme O2 est un oxymètre certifié par la FDA, TÜV et CE. C’est un oxymètre de pouls innovant pour une utilisation à long terme et un moniteur de sommeil SpO2 + podomètre, permettant une surveillance continue de la saturation en oxygène du sang via Bluetooth, avec fonction vibration. Les données sont gérées via l'application ViHealth (disponible gratuitement pour iOS et Android). Le capteur en forme d'anneau, innovant, ne limite pas les mouvements lors de son utilisation. La vibration se déclenche automatiquement lorsque la SpO2 est basse ou qu’un objectif de pas est atteint (le seuil de SpO2 et l'intensité de la vibration sont entièrement réglables). Cette vibration aide le corps à réagir aux troubles respiratoires et alerte en cas de manque d'oxygène. Elle peut ainsi prévenir des pauses respiratoires prolongées et même provoquer un réveil vital.


The CONFOCHECK is a dedicated FTIR system for the investigation of proteins in water. Its specific configuration facilitates a fast data acquisition (ca. 30 sec. per sample) with a high sample throughput controlled by an extremely user-friendly software interface. FTIR Protein Applications Protein quantification Detection of conformational changes Protein dynamics (temperature induced conformational changes) Monitoring of conformational changes during protein aggregation, precipitation and crystallization Determination of the secondary structure Quantification of all kind of solutes in aqueous samples (buffers, excipients, detergents) Typical Applications in Pharma: Pre-formulation and formulation development: Analysis of the influence of the formulation on protein stability Stability studies (stress tests): Influence of pH, temperature, mutation, etc. on the protein stability
SCaUN GINECOLOGIC KG-2M - Cumpără scaun ginecologic

SCaUN GINECOLOGIC KG-2M - Cumpără scaun ginecologic

Sillón ginecológico confiable y práctico КG-2М es ampliamente utilizado en gabinetes de ginecología para realizar encuestas y diversos procedimientos, así como intervenciones quirúrgicas menores. Además, gracias a un asiento más ancho, puede usarse en urología. Silla ginecologica permite dar una posición diferente del cuerpo al paciente, incluido Anti Trendelenburg. Para mejorar la estabilidad, el sillón está montado sobre cuatro soportes de goma. Completo con un sillón es un paso cómodo que se puede colocar en el lugar más conveniente para el paciente. El sillón КG-2М tiene una altura fija, un ajuste del respaldo y el asiento se lleva a cabo manualmente. El sillón está equipado con reposabrazos de metal, rodboards y tazón de acero inoxidable. Además, suministramos la sección de la pierna, por medio de la cual el sillón se transforma en la mesa de tratamiento.
SPHWM01.A (Sedimentationsplatten Wand-Halterung, klappbar, zur Fest-Montage)

SPHWM01.A (Sedimentationsplatten Wand-Halterung, klappbar, zur Fest-Montage)

GxP-konforme, fest montierbare Sedimentationsplatten-Halterung zur Fixierung an der Wand. Stoßfest, FDA-konforme Oberfläche, klappbar (zur leichten Reinigung der Wände). Geeignet für 90mm Platten-Durchmesser. Zur Unterstützung prozessbezogener oder qualifizierungsrelevanter passiven Luftkeimsammlungen.
Franța Științifică aliatul tău în ceea ce privește serviciul post-vânzare

Franța Științifică aliatul tău în ceea ce privește serviciul post-vânzare

France Scientifique assure un service après-vente de qualité à ses clients grâce à notre équipe d’ingénieurs de service formés pour ce type d’interventions. En effet, nos 4 techniciens ont suivi deux formations : une formation aux techniques d’accueil SAV et de gestion de situations délicates, et une formation dispensée par les fournisseurs eux-mêmes sur les produits et services. Nos ingénieurs gèrent depuis plusieurs années le service après-vente de grandes marques d’équipements scientifiques de laboratoire comme Bruker, Brookfield, Thermo Fisher ou encore Tinius Olsen. Nous gérons nous-mêmes le SAV de plusieurs marques et avons du stock de produits et pièces de rechange pour en envoyer aux clients si besoin et être encore plus réactif lors des interventions sur site.


- Lösungsmittelverdampfung - - Kristallisation - - Trocknung von Suspensionen, Pulvern oder Granulaten - - Explosionsgefährdete Bereiche - - 50-l- und 100-l-Verdampferkolben -
Mixere EL1 – pm, EL2 – pm, EL3 – pm și EL6 – pm în versiune de sticlă

Mixere EL1 – pm, EL2 – pm, EL3 – pm și EL6 – pm în versiune de sticlă

Der kleinste Mischer aus unserer Produktpalette wurde 1987 erstmals produziert und seitdem ständig verbessert.
Baie cu apă Balneolum 20 pentru comprese calde

Baie cu apă Balneolum 20 pentru comprese calde

Wasserbad Balneolum 20 für Wärmekompressen mit Regelbarem Thermostat, 0-80 Grad ,
Merit – Sisteme HPLC Accesibile

Merit – Sisteme HPLC Accesibile

Cecil Instruments are leading designers and manufacturers of HPLC systems, Ion Chromatographs and UV/Visible Spectrophotometers. Cecil Instruments have launched the new, low cost and easy to use Merit HPLC range. The Merit systems expand their proven Q-Adept and Adept HPLC ranges. These PC controlled isocratic and binary systems, are designed to be the easiest of HPLC systems to operate, at the same time offering performance of the highest specification. Set-up of the system hardware is fast and the PC software takes just a few minutes to master. The Merit systems are excellent for use in screening, quality checks, method development, teaching and use by novices. The price of an isocratic system is GBP 6,990 and GBP 7,990 for a binary system. Delivery is fast.
Cabina PCR - Marca Netalab modele NTL-60PCR NTL-80PCR Cabinete PCR

Cabina PCR - Marca Netalab modele NTL-60PCR NTL-80PCR Cabinete PCR

PCR Çalışma Kabini PCR kabin açık laboratuvar ortamında örnekleri çapraz yada hava kontaminasyonuna karşı korur. Kontaminasyonsuz numuneler elde etmek için hava kalitesinin kontrol edilebildiği PCR Kabinlerde çalışma yapılmalıdır. Genel Özellikler ; • Asite karşı dayanıklı paslanmaz çelik çalışma yüzeyi. • Rahat açılıp kapanan demperli emniyet camı. • Dayanıklı ergonomik tasarım, güvenli kullanım • Sterilizasyon için göze karşı güvenli alana monte edilen uzun ömürlü UV lamba. • Net görüş için Floeresan Lamba. • Basit ve kullanışlı kontrol paneli.
Coloane Kinetex HPLC/UHPLC - Îmbunătățiți sensibilitatea, eficiența și performanța HPLC/UHPLC cu Kinetex

Coloane Kinetex HPLC/UHPLC - Îmbunătățiți sensibilitatea, eficiența și performanța HPLC/UHPLC cu Kinetex

Kinetex core-shell technology columns are designed to help you improve your column performance, sensitivity, and efficiency across an platform and particle size.
Seria de Băi Termostatice TC-550 (MX, SD sau AP)

Seria de Băi Termostatice TC-550 (MX, SD sau AP)

Umwälzthermostat mit Kühlung
Seturi de Site

Seturi de Site

Siebsätze aus mehreren Einzelsieben, Maschenweite nach internationaler Normierung Siebsätze aus Edelstahl (System Retsch) oder aus Kunststoff, Maschenweiten mit internationaler Normierung, verschiedene Durchmesser
SPRING Pompe de dozare cu piston și membrană

SPRING Pompe de dozare cu piston și membrană

Im Aluminium- oder Kunststoffgehäuse mit Federrücklauf-Mechanismus zur Förderung von Fluiden von 5‚5 L/h bis 1.000 L/h bei bis zu 20 bar. Die Kolben- und Membrandosierpumpen SPRING von TELAB macht das Dosieren von großen Fördermengen so einfach und kostengünstig‚ dass Sie eine hohe Genauigkeit bei geringen Kosten als Selbstverständlichkeit betrachten können. Die Basis des Dosierers sind Hochleistungs-Motoren‚ wahlweise auch in ATEX Ex-Schutz Ausführungen‚ die neben einer manuellen Hubverstellung auch über eine externe Drehzahlregelung optional gesteuert werden können. Wahlweise sind die Membrandosierer mit PP / VA oder optional auch mit PTFE Dosierköpfen und lieferbar. Bei der Serie SPRING sind auch Sonderausführungen bis 40 bar lieferbar.
Congelator Ultra Scăzut - Congelator Ultra Scăzut ZLN-UT 500 VIP Pol Eko

Congelator Ultra Scăzut - Congelator Ultra Scăzut ZLN-UT 500 VIP Pol Eko

I congelatori a bassissima temperatura, o Ultra Congelatori, (ZLN-UT) sono dispositivi che consentono il congelamento e la conservazione a lungo termine di campioni biotecnologici e altri materiali nell'intervallo di temperatura da -86°C a -50°C. A seconda dell'applicazione, è possibile scegliere il modello COMFORT (interno in acciaio inossidabile DIN 1. 4016) o PREMIUM (interno in acciaio inossidabile resistente agli acidi DIN 1. 4301). I congelatori a bassissima temperatura da laboratorio ZLN-UT sono dotati di controller Smart o Smart PRO moderni e innovativi. Verifica le possibilità del congelatore ZLN-UT con pannelli VIP! TECHNICAL DATA air convectionnatural chamber capacity [l]482 number of boxes 133x133x50mm [pcs]352 controllermicroprocessor PID display4,3" full colour touch screen insulation typevacuum - VIP panels TEMPERATURE temperature range [°C]-86…-50 temperature resolution every … [°C]0,1 cooling time from +20°C to -80°C [min]210
Componente UHV

Componente UHV

UHV-Bauteile für Forschung, Speicherringe und Nanotechnologie
Fabricare Făcută În Franța

Fabricare Făcută În Franța

Le laboratoire LMDC Lab est situé à Valence dans la Drôme et vous propose la création de produits de beauté made in France. A 2h10 de Paris en TGV, à 25 min de Lyon, à 1h de Marseille et à 4h de Toulouse, LMDC Lab est au plus proche de vous. Venez visiter notre laboratoire. LMDC Lab travaille avec des collaborateurs experts dans leur domaine et réactifs aux nouvelles tendances. Le maîtremot de nos équipes de LMDC Lab la qualité ! Avec eux, créez une ligne complète de cosmétiques et/ou biocides pour votre marque.En choisissant LMDC Lab pour la conception de votre gamme de cosmétiques vous faites appel à un savoirfaire à la française inégalable. Vous pourrez mettre en avant un avantage considérable pour votre marque, des formules et produits made in France, pays pionnier du luxe et de la beauté. Nos équipements sont à la pointe de la technologie, LMDC Lab est donc capable de fabriquer des lignes complètes de soins et biocides en petites et grandes séries.
Instalații de mortar uscat

Instalații de mortar uscat

Trockenmischer und komplette Trockenmörtelanlagen einschl. Absackung Wir planen und bauen kundenspezifische Trockenmischanlagen für diverse Mischgüter: Isolierputze und Trockenputze Trockenmörtel Mischen von Edelsplitten Sämtliche Trockenmischungen (Versuche können auch im Technikum durchgeführt werden) Mischen: KKM-Konusmischer mit innerem und äußerem Rührwerk in bewährter Form für schwierige Mischgüter. Konusmischer nur mit Schneckenrührwerk in vereinfachter Form für einfache Mischgüter. Absackung: Absackanlagen automatisch und manuell.
BONEGRAFT - Grefă Osseasă Inovatoare

BONEGRAFT - Grefă Osseasă Inovatoare

Powerbone / Bonegraft ürünleri, ameliyatla veya travmatik hasar yoluyla oluşan kemik defektlerini onarmak, yük taşıyıcı olmayan klinik uygulamalarda kemik büyümesini arttırmak veya yeni kemik dokusunun oluşumunu desteklemek için tasarlanmıştır. Kemik iliği, kan ve klinik olarak bilinen diğer kemik greftleri ile karıştırılabilmektedir Bu ürünler travma, ortopedi, omurga ve çene cerrahisinde kullanılır. ■ %100 Sentetik İnsan veya hayvan dokusu içermez, bu nedenle hastalık bulaşma riski taşımaz. ■ Osteokondüktif Yeni kemik oluşumunu destekler. Yeni kemik oluşumunu sağlayan hücrelere bir çatı görevi görür. Kemikte doğal olarak bulunan minerale benzer yapıdadır. Powerbone poligonal granüller 0,25-9 mm arasında farklı parçacık boyutuna sahiptir. ■ Biyobozunur Optimize edilmiş gözenekli yapısı ve kimyasal bileşimi ile Powerbone, sağlıklı kemiğin sürekli yenilenme döngüsü için uygundur. İyileşme sürecinde β-TCP zamanla emilir ve kemik oluşumunu destekler.
Serum Anti-Aging - Aromă: GRANAT  Culoare: deschisă

Serum Anti-Aging - Aromă: GRANAT Culoare: deschisă

Retinol anti-aging essence is combined with vitamins C, E, and other ingredients to make it safe and effective in daily use. We are committed to providing anti-aging solutions for everyone. Stimulate the vitality of skin cells, and reduce the signs of fine lines and wrinkles by promoting collagen synthesis, thus maintaining the anti-aging effect. 2.5% retinol can improve the skin surface, improve the dull and sagging skin, and make the skin feel softer and younger.
Tamponi cu mediu de transport lichid pentru patogeni - Tamponi cu mediu de transport

Tamponi cu mediu de transport lichid pentru patogeni - Tamponi cu mediu de transport

Dispositivi pronti per l’uso, composti da un tampone nasale con asta in plastica e una provetta con tappo a vite contenente un terreno di trasporto liquido, stabile a temperatura ambiente, idonei per la raccolta, il trasporto e la conservazione di patogeni.
BM27C TINERET MAȘINA DE AX FLEXIBIL - Motor Suspendat - Motor Pendul

BM27C TINERET MAȘINA DE AX FLEXIBIL - Motor Suspendat - Motor Pendul

Curățarea Pieselor Mici Seria VL GE

Curățarea Pieselor Mici Seria VL GE

Durch den Einsatz einer Zwischenlage bzw. eines Spanndeckels in der Gitterbox kann empfindlicheres Waschgut in seiner Bewegung eingeschränkt/fixiert werden.
Pistol de Spălare - Sprinkler pentru Laboratoare - Pistol cu Apă pentru Suprafațe Mari Folosite în Patologie + Medicină Veterinară

Pistol de Spălare - Sprinkler pentru Laboratoare - Pistol cu Apă pentru Suprafațe Mari Folosite în Patologie + Medicină Veterinară

Washing Pistol / Gun for autopsy/ laboratory tables Washing gun with different water spray patterns to clean big surfaces, Laboratories, stainless steel furniture, tables etc. Widley used at the Autopsie, examination, pathology, veterinary medicine. •Flow volume is presettable •Spray pattern is in nitely adjustable from full to spray jet •Ergonomically formed soft-rubber handle with locking device for continuous spraying •Incl. cone for table or wall mount •Incl. water connection set with either ½“ or ¾”
VACUSERA 10 ml CAT Activator de Coagulare a Serului - Tuburi Activatoare de Coagulare a Serului Vacusera pentru biochimie clinică și imunologie

VACUSERA 10 ml CAT Activator de Coagulare a Serului - Tuburi Activatoare de Coagulare a Serului Vacusera pentru biochimie clinică și imunologie

Vacusera Serum Clot Activator Tubes are used for clinical biochemistry and immunology. The inner wall of the Serum Clot Activator Tube is specially coated with clot activator, which activate coagulation process. Reference :236200 Draw volume:10 ml Size:16 x 100 mm Shelf life:18 months Cap Color:Red Label:Paper Pack / Box:100 / 1200