Produse pentru dureri de cap (8)

Calsil-T - Tratament și profilaxie

Calsil-T - Tratament și profilaxie

Complex preparation for extension of active longevity on the basis of calcium, magnesium and also vitamins A, D and E. Influences the key links in the chain of pathogenesis of the accelerated aging, resolving cell activity of all organs and systems, also restoring violated immune and antioxidant status. Prophylactic preparation for osteoporosis and oncopathology. headaches Bulk:20 tablets by 1,0 g Expiry date:17.09.2025 Barcode:4627099310023 Article:7030110
Migraine Stop ODT - Prevenire naturală a atacurilor de migrenă și a durerilor de cap severe.

Migraine Stop ODT - Prevenire naturală a atacurilor de migrenă și a durerilor de cap severe.

Natural prevention of migraine attacks and severe headache, a unique product combining the effects of Feverfew extract and Baical skullcap extract, enriched with L-Theanin and vitamins B1 a B6. The only product on the market with scientifically proven high solubility and cellular absorption of effective plant extracts - up to 300 times higher than that of commonly available products, developed in cooperation with the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, Czech Republic. User friendly dosage form in orally soluble tablets (ODT) for maximum absorption. Indication: Individuals suffering from migraine attacks Reduces increased sensitivity to light and noise Prevents vomiting and nausea during migraine attacks Induction of relaxation Prevention of anxiety
Fără Risc de Stoc

Fără Risc de Stoc

Chez Giulia nous voyons les choses différemment : nous achetons, nous stockons et nous préparons les commandes pour vous sur demande. Avec Giulia dans vos magasins, vous n’avez plus à vous souciez de la couleur tendance, du stock ou des soldes. Manexco s’occupe de tout


Dostarczamy profesjonalne rozwiązania dla anestezjologii: filtry, adaptery i łączniki, maski anestetyczne, tlenowe i krtaniowe, prowadnice do intubacji, resuscytatory, rurki intubacyjne i gardłowe, systemy do odsysania, igły i wiele więcej.
Tutoriale de Depanare

Tutoriale de Depanare

Tutos dépannage
Parfumuri Naturale

Parfumuri Naturale

Au plus proche de la nature Parfums par Nature vous accompagne pour composer votre parfum d'une majorité d'ingrédients d'origine naturelle, et formulé à base d'alcool naturel. Cette solution vous permettra d'acquérir des formules nobles et précieuses, très prisées des consommateurs. Notre équipe vous guide dans vos premiers pas vers un univers plus responsable de l'environnement.
Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap - Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap

Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap - Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap

Está cansado de sofrer com dores de cabeça? Sente irritabilidade que só lhe apetece gritar com toda a gente? Experimente acalmar a sua dor de cabeça usando uma almofada terapêutica de caroços de azeitona Natural Body & Soul arrefecida no congelador. Sinta o frio a penetrar e a dor a acalmar.