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Alca 1 - Alcaline

Alca 1 - Alcaline

Il nostro alcalino sgrassante è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti. Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora. Il nostro alcalino sgrassante, usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi all’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio. Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
FULLGEAR FD 10W-30 - Lubrifianți pentru vehicule grele

FULLGEAR FD 10W-30 - Lubrifianți pentru vehicule grele

Fullgear FD 10W-30, is a multi purpose transmission oil for manual or automatic transmissions, hydraulic, axle, wet brake systems, final drives and PTO (Power take Off) of construction machines. Quality base oils and anti-friction additives in its formulation provide high performance while power transmission in moving components.
FULLGEAR LS 80W-90 - Lubrifianți pentru Vehicule Grele

FULLGEAR LS 80W-90 - Lubrifianți pentru Vehicule Grele

Fullgear LS 80W-90, is an automotive gear oil which is developed with quality base oils and advanced technology additives for limited slip(LS) differentials.
MATADOR 10W/40 SL/CF - Uleiuri de motor pentru autovehicule de pasageri și comerciale ușoare

MATADOR 10W/40 SL/CF - Uleiuri de motor pentru autovehicule de pasageri și comerciale ușoare

It is semi synthetic engine oil that is prepared by adding advanced technological additive packs to synthetic and high quality mineral based oils in order to meet lubrication requirements of modern, high speed, highly efficient, normal emission and turbo charge engines. It can be safely used in all vehicles operating with gasoline, diesel and LPG.
MATADOR 20W/50 CF-4/SJ - Uleiuri pentru Motoare de Mare Capacitate

MATADOR 20W/50 CF-4/SJ - Uleiuri pentru Motoare de Mare Capacitate

It is an engine oil that can be used in any kind of modern and old diesel engines during the whole year. It is suitable to be used in fleets including lorry kinds having high motor powers so as to carry heavy loads. The special combination of high quality base oil with state-of-art additive technology provides effective protection and lubrication during the usage period of this oil. It is suitable to be used in any kind of turbo charge engine.
OPTIMA 150 - Lubrifianți industriali și altele

OPTIMA 150 - Lubrifianți industriali și altele

Optima Series, is a high performance industria lgear oils developed for closed gear boxes under extreme operating conditions. It is formulated with quality base oils and specially developed additive package.
Nuante PCD și tipuri de margini de tăiere

Nuante PCD și tipuri de margini de tăiere

Pour le PCD, la gamme des différentes nuances est plus restreinte que pour le PcBN, ce qui simplifie beaucoup le choix. Les nuances se différencient principalement par leur microstructure, ainsi que par la taille de grain. MAPAL offre ici une sélection de nuances qui ont fait leurs preuves et qui sont les mieux indiquées pour des plaquettes performantes et de haute précision. Pour les matériaux à copeaux longs, comme par exemple les alliages d’aluminium à faible teneur en silice, MAPAL propose des plaquettes avec brise copeau. Deux variantes sont disponibles en standard, offrant toutes deux une structure spécialement développée pour une casse du copeau maîtrisée, pour l’usinage de finition et l’usinage à forte profondeur de coupe. Les copeaux sont comprimés et cassés sans coller à la structure de la pièce et sans formation d’arête rapportée.