Produse pentru double glase (159)

Frosted Glass

Frosted Glass

Patterned glasses have a texture imprinted onto their surface and are used for decorative purposes. One of the most natural materials used in home and office design, glass will bring the shiny touch of the sun to the interiors where you live. Patterned glasses are produced for an aesthetic interior design and bring out the elegance in living areas. It allows new ideas and creative designs to come alive. It imparts a sense of light and spaciousness to dim and cramped areas. It offers innovative solutions in interior and exterior design by designers and architects. It offers light and privacy simultaneously. Every design offers a different level of vision control depending on your needs in your designs and projects. Lamination gives it the qualities of a security and safety glass. It can be used in places requiring security after being tempered. It can be given different visual characteristics with the application of mirror on its patterned surfaces.
Modul cu sticlă dublă Sonnenkraft fără cadru, bifacial cu 72 celule complete

Modul cu sticlă dublă Sonnenkraft fără cadru, bifacial cu 72 celule complete

Sonnenkraft Doppelglas Modul ohne Rahmen, bifacial mit 72 Vollzellen Das Sonnenkraft Doppelglas Modul ohne Rahmen, bifacial mit 72 Vollzellen, bietet eine innovative Lösung für die effiziente Nutzung von Solarenergie. Mit seiner bifacialen Bauweise kann es sowohl auf der Vorder- als auch auf der Rückseite Sonnenlicht absorbieren und so die Gesamtleistung erhöhen. Die wichtigsten Merkmale dieses Moduls sind Bifacial-Technologie: Durch die bifaciale Technologie kann das Modul nicht nur das einfallende Sonnenlicht auf der Vorderseite absorbieren, sondern auch das reflektierte Licht von der Rückseite nutzen, was zu einer höheren Gesamtleistung führt. Doppelglas-Design: Das Modul ist mit einem robusten Doppelglas-Design ausgestattet, das eine verbesserte Haltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit bietet, insbesondere in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen. 72 Vollzellen: Mit insgesamt 72 Vollzellen bietet das Modul eine optimale Leistung und Effizienz, selbst bei begrenztem Platzangebot. Artikelnummer:18002319
Nanomol-C - Desicant

Nanomol-C - Desicant

Nedex Trockenmittel NANOMOL-C ist eine Mischung aus Calciumoxid, das natürliche Trocknungsmittel und natürliche Bindemittel enthält. Das Produkt ist für einen statischen Wasseradsorptionsprozeß mit sehr niedriger Adsorptionsgeschwindigkeit ausgelegt. Mit einer optimierten Dichte kann es in einem bestimmten Volumen eine sehr gute Wasseradsorptionskapazität erreichen. Es hat keine chemischen Reaktionen mit Aluminium, Stahl, verzinktem Stahl und Kunststoffen. NANOMOL-C ist ein Trockenmittel für Isolierglaseinheiten mit Spezifikationen nach EN 1279:2018. Merkmale: Sehr niedrige Gasdesorptionswerte Sehr hohe Wasseraufnahmekapazität Granulierung ohne gebrochene Partikel und Kein Staubgehalt Verpackung: Kartons (25 kg) Metallfässer (160/170 kg) Big Bags (680 kg) Granulatgrößen: 0,5-0,9 mm (automatische Befüllung) 1,0-1,5 mm (manuelle Befüllung)


Dimension des vantaux testés : 980x2075x53mm Les vantaux sont composés de: - Un cadre en tôle d'acier électrozingué d'1,5mm d'épaisseur profilé de façon à créer deux gorges symétriques afin d'y loger les produits foisonnants. - Le revêtement est réalisé à l'aide de deux tôles d'acier électrozingué de 1,5mm d'épaisseur avec les bords pliés à 180°. Celles-ci sont raidies par la fixation d'Omégas en tôles d'acier pliées à 1,5mm d'épaisseur, disposées verticalement et assurant le maintien des matelas isolants. - Les tôles de revêtement sont fixées sur la cadre par soudure assurant de ce fait une grande rigidité à la torsion. - L'âme isolante est réalisée à l'aide de deux matelas de laine de roche épaisseur 60mm dont la masse volumique est de 110kg/m³. - Les chants de porte sont garnis de deux bandes de produit foisonnant distinctes d'une largeur de 10mm et d'une épaisseur de 6mm, avec enrobage PVC dont les angles de coupe sont obturés afin d'assurer une protection
Feron de lemn cu sticlă izolatoare

Feron de lemn cu sticlă izolatoare

Wooden windows with insulating glass offer the perfect combination of the natural beauty of wood and energy efficiency. These windows are designed to provide superior thermal insulation and soundproofing, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home. The use of insulating glass not only enhances the window's durability but also adds a touch of elegance to any room. With a range of styles and finishes available, you can customize your windows to match the architectural style of your home. Whether you are looking to improve energy efficiency or simply want to add a classic touch to your home, wooden windows with insulating glass are an excellent choice.


Glass double edger line includes two sets of straight-line glass double edgers and one 90° transfer table. It is used for edging and polishing the four parallel straight lines of the flat glass automatically.
cană de cafea cu perete dublu - TRITAN

cană de cafea cu perete dublu - TRITAN

Dimensions : 58 x 73 mm Volume : 7cl Poids : Description : Seul en Europe et de fabrication 100% Française demandé à ce jour à travers le monde par son originalité de design double paroi.
Magazin Vienez cu Telecomandă

Magazin Vienez cu Telecomandă

Double vitrage à store vénitien télécommandé, est une nouvelle technologie. Jusqu’à présent SUNSET rest le seul fabriquant et fournisseur de ce modèle qui est motorisé et contrôlé à l’aide d’une télécommande ou d’un interrupteur. Ce dernier s’interchangent très facilement, sans perforer le vitrage isolant du coté utilisateur cela permer un haut niveau de fiabilité. Ce système de store télécommandé est alimenté par un petit moteur électrique spécialement produit par Johnson Electric pour SUNSET JALUZI ce moteur se trouve dans le mécanisme de store à l’intérieur de la fenêtre. Il peut être contrôlé à l’aide des touches pouvant être placés sur le vitrage isolant ou à l’aide d’une télécommande.
Adăpost Dublu pentru Coșuri de Gunoi pentru Reciclarea Sticlei - Adăpost Dublu pentru Coșuri de Gunoi

Adăpost Dublu pentru Coșuri de Gunoi pentru Reciclarea Sticlei - Adăpost Dublu pentru Coșuri de Gunoi

Cadre en tube de 30x30 galvanisé Grillage 25 mm galvanisé Finition vert RAL 6005 Dimension intérieure: Largeur 1300 mm, Profondeur 1100 mm, hauteur 1350mm Dimension extérieure: Largeur 1360 mm, Profondeur 1136 mm, hauteur 1350 mm 2 poubelles jusqu'à 240 litres chacune ou un conteneur allant jusqu'à 1000 litres Fixation au sol par goujons Nous vous proposons un cache poubelle dessiné et imaginé par nos équipes. Nos produits sont uniques, ils allient design et qualité pour vous proposer le meilleur rapport qualité. Cet abri poubelle s'intégrera parfaitement dans votre jardin ou terrasse grâce à son habillage en feuillage industrielle haut de gamme reproduisant à la perfection ce qui se fait de mieux dans la nature. Ce cache poubelle est réalisé en acier galvanisé épais de haute qualité. Des cadres livrés soudés d'usine par des ferronniers expérimentés pour une meilleure résistance dans le temps. Un grillage soudé aussi en acier galvanisé habille ces cadres. Délai de livraison:3 semaines Des éléments de qualité:acier épais et de qualité La structure est livrée soudée:d'usine par des ferronniers expérimentés pour résister dans le temps Garantie 10 ans anti corrosion:grâce à la protection double par galvanisation et thermolaquage Pas d'entretien:aucun entretien nécessaire Esthétique:il s'intègre parfaitement dans l'environnement Montage facile:Grâce à la structure soudée, seule les éléments de la structure sont à assembler Capacité:2 poubelles jusqu'à 240 litres chacune ou un conteneur allant jusqu'à 1000 litres
Allium (Fund Rotativ) - Acrilic Fără Aer

Allium (Fund Rotativ) - Acrilic Fără Aer

Flacons AIRLESS Double Paroi Cylindriques RECHARGEABLES Twist base Flacons/cartouches rechargeables en PP. Capacité:30 et 50ml
Unități de Sticlă Izolată - Sistem de Vitrage Dublu

Unități de Sticlă Izolată - Sistem de Vitrage Dublu

Efficient heat control with insulated glass units system


These crystals are characterised by a three-dimensional pore system, with pores of precisely defined diameter. This diameter is in the dimension of the size of molecules such as water, CO2 and H2S. The pores can be adjusted to precisely determined uniform openings allowing for molecules smaller than its pore diameter to be adsorbed whilst excluding larger molecules, hence the name “molecular sieve”. The different pore sizes of synthetic zeolites open up a wide range of possibilities in terms of "sieving" molecules of different size or shape from gases and liquids.
Stâlp Inox - Sticlă + 2 Cablu - Dublu Start 90° - STÂLP PENTRU STICLĂ ȘI CABLU

Stâlp Inox - Sticlă + 2 Cablu - Dublu Start 90° - STÂLP PENTRU STICLĂ ȘI CABLU

Poteau en inox avec quatre pinces à verres et 2 x 2 vis à œil à 90°, à utiliser en double départ en angle, à fixer sur le dessus. Poteau à monter: les accessoires sont compris et sont à assembler sur le poteau par vos soins, ce qui réduit le coût. Poteau pré-monté: les accessoires sont montés d'usine sur le poteau. Il est donc livré prêt à poser. Référence:3164.0100.4021 Gamme de garde-corps:Garde-corps avec verre et câble Modèle de poteau:Verre et 2 câbles en angle à 90° Diamètre:42.4 mm Section:Rond Utilisation:En poteau d'angle Mode de fixation:Dessus Platine de fixation:A plat Pose:Au sol (à la Française) sur terrasse, balcon, mezzanine, escalier... Hauteur:1010 mm avec main courante 42mm Fabricant:Erminox Lieu de fabrication:France Marque:Erminox


Tarro de vidrio con boca de rosca doble entrada que permite un taponado rápido. Indicado para especias y hierbas, molidas como en grano. Se vende con tapa flip-flop o tapa bisagra con obturador de dosificación. Bien definida la zona de etiquetado. Diseño sólido que evita el volteado durante la fase de llenado.
Sticlă Antibalas - Sticle Antibalas

Sticlă Antibalas - Sticle Antibalas

Güvenlik esaslı bu camlar devlet daireleri, özel mülk gibi alanlarda güvenliği üst seviyeye çıkarmak için tercih edilir. İstenilen ölçü ve boyutta sipariş verebilirsiniz.
Unități de Sticlă Duble - DGU Low-E pentru Feronerie, Uși, etc.

Unități de Sticlă Duble - DGU Low-E pentru Feronerie, Uși, etc.

Nowadays, modern architecture is characterized by the increasing use of glass in most areas of construction. Homes and offices, flooded with light, play an important role in our quality of life. But why the consumer should choose the double glazing energy technology systems and not ordinary glass? The high degree of transparency, ordinary glass, leading to an increase of heat and ultraviolet light inside the building. This problem solves the use of modern energy third generation of windows with the "ability" to hinder the emission of heat from the warmer to the cooler side (hence called low emissivity (Low-E) glass, our Energy Glass they help to "keep" the heat of our home through the winter and in the summer the heat out of the external environment, saving energy (for heating or room air conditioning, respectively) .At the same time allow for maximum light transmission in any application!
Creare și Restaurare Clasică - Sticlă Colorată și Sablată la Comandă

Creare și Restaurare Clasică - Sticlă Colorată și Sablată la Comandă

Traditionnellement le vitrail orne les intérieurs haussmanniens, par des compositions majestueuses. Frises de feuilles d’acanthe, décor floral, le vitrail participe au prestige des intérieurs. Bow-windows, verrières, portes intérieures mais aussi faux plafonds. Le vitrail éclaire et décore appartements et résidences. Motifs peints avec grisailles ou des émaux, cuits au four selon la technique traditionnelle. Les vitraux permettent la création de décors minutieux, en accord avec votre intérieur.
Ușă automată din oțel inoxidabil - Ușă automată cu balamale pentru săli de operație cu sticlă decorativă

Ușă automată din oțel inoxidabil - Ușă automată cu balamale pentru săli de operație cu sticlă decorativă

Porta in acciaio inox automatica - Porta automatica va e vieni per sale operatorie con vetri decorati
Bari din spate - UȘI DIN STICLĂ DUBLE - 1 UȘĂ C 1 B

Bari din spate - UȘI DIN STICLĂ DUBLE - 1 UȘĂ C 1 B

DÉGIVRAGE ET ÉVAPORATION AUTOMATIQUES Gaz réfrigérant R600A Arrière bars groupe logé (en bas) Température +2°C/+10°C Carrosserie skinplate Intérieur aluminium Fermeture à clef Évaporateur ventilé Éclairage intérieur Thermostat électronique Épaisseur d’isolation 32,5 mm Dotation 2 clayettes par porte Volume:140 litres Puissance:250 W Poids:54 kg Dimensions:602 x 535 x 930 mm
Ușă de Sticlă Automată cu Senzație - Ușă de Sticlă Automată cu O Singură Foaie - Două Foi - Spider

Ușă de Sticlă Automată cu Senzație - Ușă de Sticlă Automată cu O Singură Foaie - Două Foi - Spider

Otomatik Cam Kapı İstenildiği durumda sadece kanat profiller veya mekanizma ayrı olarak temin edilebilir Montajlı olarak satış mevcuttur
HINGE GLASS - Uși pliabile duble fără ghidaj inferior

HINGE GLASS - Uși pliabile duble fără ghidaj inferior

Forza strutturale e leggerezza, sono qualità che i nostri portoni a libro vetrati senza guida hanno come prerogativa. Solidità ma non pesantezza, anche in questi portoni così tradizionali l’innovazione di tutte le altre tipologie di chiusure è ben visibile. Questo garantisce al nostro cliente una linea di prodotti diversi nelle forme, ma uguali nelle finiture degli accessori, quindi di facile reperibilità perché sempre disponibili a magazzino.
Amenajari interioare - Amenajari interioare personalizate, premium si conform cu cerintele dvs.

Amenajari interioare - Amenajari interioare personalizate, premium si conform cu cerintele dvs.

Amenajarile interioare sunt un serviciu pe care il oferim tuturor clientilor. Astfel, daca se doreste sa se respecte conditiile discutate nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru a incepe colaborarea. Veti beneficia de profesionalism si promptitudine atat in fiecare etapa, cat si dupa finalizarea proiectului. Va vom oferii idei despre cum puteti avea un spatiu multifunctional, solutii despre cele discutate astfel incat in final veti avea o amenajare moderna si personalizata, care tine cont de identitatea firmei.
Sticlă colorată

Sticlă colorată

Tinted glass is manufactured by adding coloring agents to the raw batch before the melting process. Advantages Offers wide options to designers and customers to create aesthetic and stylish places with its different color alternatives. If used in the exterior, it limits solar heat input into the building, controls the extreme brightness of the sun, and offers a comfortable working and living environment. By its solar control, it reduces the cooling costs.​ Supply opportunities are available in different sizes and colors. Laminated glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, enameled glass, bent glass, coated glass, acid-etched glass, sandblasted glass, and mirrors can be produced by applying secondary processes to tinted glass. Applications Tinted glass offers solutions to non-residential buildings with curtain walls, windows, spandrels, facade claddings, overhead glazing, and balustrades. Also alternative choices for interior applications such as tabletops, shelves, doors, shower cabins, and partitions. Solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened to avoid thermal breakage risks. Green, grey, bronze, blue, turquoise and dark grey colors are available.
Sticlă Lăptoasă

Sticlă Lăptoasă

Patterned glasses have a texture imprinted onto their surface and used for decorative purposes. One of the most natural materials used in home and office design, glass will bring the shiny touch of the sun to the interiors where you live. Patterned glasses are produced for an aesthetic interior design and bring out the elegance in living areas. It allows new ideas and creative designs come alive. It imparts a sense of light and spaciousness to dim and cramped areas. It offers innovative solutions in interior and exterior design by designers and architects. It offers light and privacy simultaneously. Every design offers a different level of vision control depending on your needs in your designs and projects. Lamination gives it the qualities of a security and safety glass. It can be used in places requiring security after being tempered. It can be given different visual characteristics with the application of mirror on its patterned surfaces.
Sticlă fumurie gri închis

Sticlă fumurie gri închis

Tinted glass is manufactured by adding coloring agents to the raw batch before the melting process. Advantages Offers wide options to designers and customers to create aesthetic and stylish places with its different color alternatives. If used in the exterior, it limits solar heat input into the building, controls the extreme brightness of the sun, and offers a comfortable working and living environment. By its solar control, it reduces the cooling costs.​ Supply opportunities are available in different sizes and colors. Laminated glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, enameled glass, bent glass, coated glass, acid-etched glass, sandblasted glass, and mirrors can be produced by applying secondary processes to tinted glass. Applications Tinted glass offers solutions to non-residential buildings with curtain walls, windows, spandrels, facade claddings, overhead glazing, and balustrades. Also alternative choices for interior applications such as tabletops, shelves, doors, shower cabins, and partitions. Solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened to avoid thermal breakage risks.
Sticlă cu nuanță de bronz

Sticlă cu nuanță de bronz

Tinted glass is manufactured by adding coloring agents to the raw batch before the melting process. Advantages Offers wide options to designers and customers to create aesthetic and stylish places with its different color alternatives. If used in the exterior, it limits solar heat input into the building, controls the extreme brightness of the sun, and offers a comfortable working and living environment. By its solar control, it reduces the cooling costs.​ Supply opportunities are available in different sizes and colors. Laminated glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, enameled glass, bent glass, coated glass, acid-etched glass, sandblasted glass, and mirrors can be produced by applying secondary processes to tinted glass. Applications Tinted glass offers solutions to non-residential buildings with curtain walls, windows, spandrels, facade claddings, overhead glazing, and balustrades. Also alternative choices for interior applications such as tabletops, shelves, doors, shower cabins, and partitions. Solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened to avoid thermal breakage risks.
Sticlă nuanțată gri

Sticlă nuanțată gri

Tinted glass is manufactured by adding coloring agents to the raw batch before the melting process. Advantages Offers wide options to designers and customers to create aesthetic and stylish places with its different color alternatives. If used in the exterior, it limits solar heat input into the building, controls the extreme brightness of the sun, and offers a comfortable working and living environment. By its solar control, it reduces the cooling costs.​ Supply opportunities are available in different sizes and colors. Laminated glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, enameled glass, bent glass, coated glass, acid-etched glass, sandblasted glass, and mirrors can be produced by applying secondary processes to tinted glass. Applications Tinted glass offers solutions to non-residential buildings with curtain walls, windows, spandrels, facade claddings, overhead glazing, and balustrades. Also alternative choices for interior applications such as tabletops, shelves, doors, shower cabins, and partitions. Solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened to avoid thermal breakage risks.
Modul cu sticlă dublă Sonnenkraft fără cadru, bifacial cu 60 de celule complete

Modul cu sticlă dublă Sonnenkraft fără cadru, bifacial cu 60 de celule complete

Sonnenkraft Doppelglas Modul ohne Rahmen, bifacial mit 60 Vollzellen Das Sonnenkraft Doppelglas Modul ohne Rahmen, bifacial mit 60 Vollzellen, ist eine hochwertige Lösung für die Stromerzeugung aus Sonnenenergie. Dieses Modul bietet eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit für verschiedene Anwendungen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien. Die wichtigsten Merkmale dieses Moduls sind: Bifacial-Technologie: Das Modul ist auf beiden Seiten mit Solarzellen ausgestattet, um die Lichtabsorption und damit die Energieerzeugung zu maximieren. Dadurch kann es sowohl direktes Sonnenlicht von oben als auch reflektiertes Licht von unten nutzen. Doppelglas-Design: Durch das Doppelglas-Design ist das Modul besonders robust und langlebig. Es bietet eine verbesserte Beständigkeit gegen Umwelteinflüsse wie Feuchtigkeit, Temperaturschwankungen und mechanische Belastungen. Artikelnummer:18002049
Sticlă nuanțată verde

Sticlă nuanțată verde

Tinted glass is manufactured by adding coloring agents to the raw batch before the melting process. Advantages Offers wide options to designers and customers to create aesthetic and stylish places with its different color alternatives. If used in the exterior, it limits solar heat input into the building, controls the extreme brightness of the sun, and offers a comfortable working and living environment. By its solar control, it reduces the cooling costs.​ Supply opportunities are available in different sizes and colors. Laminated glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, enameled glass, bent glass, coated glass, acid-etched glass, sandblasted glass, and mirrors can be produced by applying secondary processes to tinted glass. Applicaitons Tinted glass offers solutions to non-residential buildings with curtain walls, windows, spandrels, facade claddings, overhead glazing, and balustrades. Also alternative choices for interior applications such as tabletops, shelves, doors, shower cabins, and partitions. Solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened to avoid thermal breakage risks.