Produse pentru definiția grupului (19)

Interpretarea comitetelor de grup - Interpretarea comitetelor de grup

Interpretarea comitetelor de grup - Interpretarea comitetelor de grup

Le dialogue social au sein d’une entreprise ayant des filiales hors de France – et donc des salariés de nationalités différentes – est un exercice de communication délicat. La négociation au sein d’un CGE nécessite la mise en place d’un véritable partenariat linguistique, domaine dans lequel Alto International possède une longue expérience. Nos interprètes, traducteurs et techniciens assurent l’organisation complexe de ces événements et garantissent la régularité et la fluidité des échanges entre les différents acteurs, de la Direction aux salariés.
Alltegrio: Companie de dezvoltare a AI generative

Alltegrio: Companie de dezvoltare a AI generative

Our Comprehensive Services: Generative AI Development: We take your ideas and turn them into reality, crafting custom AI models that add real value to your business. AI Strategy Consulting: Our experts guide you through the AI journey, crafting a clear roadmap to maximize the impact of AI on your business goals. Data Science & Big Data Consulting: We help you unlock the power of your data, extracting valuable insights to inform your AI strategy and decision-making. Chatbot Development & Conversational AI: We build intelligent chatbots that enhance customer service, automate tasks, and provide a personalized user experience. Responsible AI Development: We prioritize ethical considerations and regulatory compliance, ensuring your AI solutions are implemented securely and responsibly.
Dezvoltare Firmware de către Specialiști

Dezvoltare Firmware de către Specialiști

Als Spezialist für eingebettete Systeme verfügen wir über große Erfahrung im Bereich der Firmware-Entwicklung und Firmware-Erstellung für diverse Controller und Prozessoren
Gestionarea retururilor de către profesioniști, inclusiv inspecția și rezervarea

Gestionarea retururilor de către profesioniști, inclusiv inspecția și rezervarea

Bei uns Retouren werden schnell vereinnahmt und geprüft. Wo versendet wird, entstehen stets auch Retouren bzw. Rücksendungen. Je nach Branche in einer Quote bis über 60 %. Es gibt unterschiedlichste Verfahren, wie mit Retouren umgegangen werden kann. Dabei richten wir uns stets nach der Branche, bzw. den Wünschen des jeweiligen Kunden. Üblicherweise prüfen wir eingehende Retouren gemäß vereinbarter Kriterien und führen einwandfreie Waren wieder ins Lager zurück. Retouren werden schnell vereinnahmt und geprüft. Schließlich können die Besteller nur dann finanziell entlastet werden, wenn die Ware einwandfrei und wieder verwendbar ist. Diese Prüfungen mit allen verbundenen Buchungen führen wir stets innerhalb der vereinbarten Zeitfenster durch.
Fertilizator Amicot - Minerale

Fertilizator Amicot - Minerale

La gamme d’engrais AMICOT, presentée sous plusieurs formulations, ont des métabolites de microorganismes bénéficiaux, qui sont biomolécules et compost provenant de l’activité métabolique des microorganismes du sol, bénéficiaux pour les plantes. Ils sont compost d’haute valeur biologique dont les plus importantes sont les acides organiques, enzymes, acides aminés, protéines, phytohormones, micronutriments complexes et polysaccarides activeurs de l’action microbienne. Parmi les principales avantages pour les plantes, on trouve un plus haut dévéloppement radiculaire et végétatif de la culture, le profitement massif des nutriments du sol et des engrais et una plus haute résistance face au stress hydrique.
Brevet de Ghid

Brevet de Ghid

Stai cercando un servizio affidabile per ottenere o rinnovare la tua patente di guida in Italia? Patente Di Guide è qui per aiutarti in ogni fase del processo! Dalla patente di guida B al rinnovo patente, fino alle risposte a domande come "Quanto costa il rinnovo della patente?" o "Come posso rinnovare la patente?", offriamo servizi completi e convenienti. Affidati a noi per tutte le tue esigenze legate a patenti di guida italiane, incluso il supporto per i costi di rinnovo, revoca patente, e opzioni come acquistare la patente online. Inoltre, siamo qui per aiutarti a capire il costo e le procedure per ottenere una patente nautica o una patente online. Non importa la tua esigenza – che tu voglia comprare la patente originale, conoscere i costi della patente B, o capire come rinnovare la patente dopo i 70 anni – Patente Di Guide è il punto di riferimento. Social: Facebook: Patente Di Guide Instagram: @patentediguidaitalic Twitter (X): @patentediguidas Contattaci oggi stesso all’indirizzo email o visita la nostra pagina di contatto su per scoprire di più! Siamo pronti a rispondere a tutte le tue domande su costi, rinnovo, revoca e nuove patenti.
Distribuție de Cosmetice și Parfumuri

Distribuție de Cosmetice și Parfumuri

Dermocura Srl, fondata nel 2017 e con sede a Frattamaggiore, è specializzata nella distribuzione professionale di cosmetica e profumi dei principali marchi commerciali. Grazie alla nostra esperienza e all’impegno per l’eccellenza, offriamo un'ampia gamma di prodotti di alta qualità, rispondendo alle esigenze di una clientela attenta alle ultime tendenze di bellezza. Per maggiori informazioni, non esitate a contattarci tramite email o WhatsApp: il nostro team è a vostra disposizione per assistervi con competenza e rapidità.
Companie de software

Companie de software

Anfix es una plataforma de gestión empresarial y contable en la nube diseñada para facilitar el día a día de pymes, autónomos y profesionales contables. Con una interfaz intuitiva y herramientas avanzadas, Anfix permite gestionar la contabilidad, facturación y finanzas de forma eficiente y segura desde cualquier lugar. Entre sus principales características, destaca la automatización de tareas repetitivas como la creación de facturas, la conciliación bancaria y la generación de informes financieros, lo que ayuda a ahorrar tiempo y reducir errores humanos. La plataforma está diseñada para cumplir con las normativas fiscales y ofrecer información actualizada en tiempo real, lo que permite a los usuarios tener un control total sobre sus ingresos y gastos. Además, Anfix proporciona herramientas para la colaboración con contables, facilitando el intercambio de información y simplificando la comunicación en el proceso de gestión contable. Con su enfoque en la simplicidad y la flexibilidad, Anfix se ha convertido en una solución ideal para aquellos que buscan mejorar la eficiencia de sus procesos contables y administrativos, sin complicaciones técnicas. En resumen, Anfix combina tecnología y experiencia para ofrecer una solución integral de gestión empresarial en la nube, ayudando a las empresas a tomar decisiones informadas, optimizar sus recursos y crecer con confianza.
Asistență tehnică

Asistență tehnică

Cooperation with the designer The characteristics of Bossong anchorages are defined on the base of the specific parameters of each single project, as well as the dimensions of the hole they must be embedded in, that depend on the type of material constituting the substrate. The change of information relating to the knowledge of the building’s state of preservation and of the aims of the provided interventions, drawings and pictures, the pattern of cracks and deformations, as well as the design of interventions, are very important to define the type of anchor that better fits the application and also to evaluate the intervention from the economic point of view. Tests in place The need to give to design engineers the possibility of an assessment of the behaviour of injected anchors in a particular application and in a specific setting has lead Bossong to equip its technician with a mobile instrumentation that allows the execution of onsite tests.
Certificare - Companie de Certificare

Certificare - Companie de Certificare

Bir yandan tüketiciler ile doğrudan temas kurulması bir yandan da tüketiciler açısından bir güvence oluşturması bakımından ürün ve hizmetlerin belgelendirilmesi için bir takım sistemlerin kurulması son derece etkili olmuştur. Bugün başta Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri olmak üzere dünyanın birçok ülkesinde, ürün ve hizmetlerin belgelendirilmesi çalışmaları yapılmaktadır. Avrupada Uluslararası Standartlar Organizasyonu ve ülkemizde Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, bir mal veya hizmet üreten kuruluşların standartlara uygun üretim yapmaları ve tüketicilere kaliteli ürün ve hizmetler sunmaları yönünde standartlar geliştirmektedir. Bu standartlar sayesinde hem üretici firmalarda kalite ve standartlara uyum konusunda bilinç yükseltilmekte hem de tüketicilerin can ve mal emniyeti sağlanmakta, aynı zamanda tüketicilerin güvenilir ürün ve hizmet arayışlarında seçim imkanı yaratılmakta ve kalite açısından aldanmaları önlenmiş olmaktadır.
Dioxid de titan (TiO2)

Dioxid de titan (TiO2)

Pigment, Rutile / Anatase
Managementul Calității - Servicii

Managementul Calității - Servicii

Top security for your processes Quality is no accident. Benefit from the highest process reliability, from the idea to the development to the finished product. More than 14 years of experience, intensive know-how in the field of gas filling and qualified employees are the basis for successful applications. As a team we work to inspire you - with competence, reliability and quality. Quality management with latest technology A continuous quality management documents all processes: Your orders are managed by the ERP-system, Microsoft AX, all quality-related data will be stored in Share Point libraries for secure storage, evaluation and documentation. Almost the entire quality management is IT based. Interfaces to proprietary software developments allow external connections to quality-related data - the highest transparency for you and your processes. Documented Reliable batch traceability: consistently, from the source to the bottle. Our currently unique cylinder database saves all impor
Servicii de suport vamal și logistic al partenerului exportator Temas Group

Servicii de suport vamal și logistic al partenerului exportator Temas Group

Customs and logistics procedures are a crucial part of global trade. For companies looking to expand internationally and remain competitive, efficient management of these procedures is essential. This is where we can help. At Temas Group, we leverage our extensive experience and broad network to simplify exports to Europe for our clients. Our tailored solutions are based on our understanding of the nuances of these procedures.
Soluții de depozitare

Soluții de depozitare

Les performances et les services de stockage de produits chimiques du Groupe blondel sont évaluées régulièrement dans le cadre du programme SQAS (Safety &- Assessment for Sustainability) et lors des audits de certification ISO 9001. Ses évaluations couvrent la qualité, la sûreté, la sécurité, l’environnement et la RSE (responsabilité sociale des entreprises).
Grupul Emart

Grupul Emart

Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
Optimizarea Proceselor

Optimizarea Proceselor

Process optimization - how to get started? Any company that wants to maintain improved processes in the long run must first consider a vision, direction or goal (1). The most effective way to successfully motivate employees is clear communication of vision, direction and goals. Process optimization requires a change in the current way of working, so it is very important for employees to identify with the vision, direction and goals of the company. Once the direction is confirmed and agreed, the current situation needs to be effectively analyzed to optimize the process (2). Understanding the current situation without subjective ballast is the key to effective process optimization. Employees directly involved in the process participate in the analysis of the current situation and systematically present the current situation using lean methods.
Garduri și Pereți Separatori Protectori

Garduri și Pereți Separatori Protectori

Maßgenaue Vorrichtungen für den sicheren Einsatz an Maschinen unter Berücksichtigung der Unfallverhütungsvorschriften (UVV). Die Schutzzäune und Trennwände bieten optimalen Schutz für Ihre Mitarbeiter. Flächenelemente aus den unterschiedlichsten Materialien, Wellengitter, usw. lassen sich nach Ihren Wünschen einsetzen und ermöglichen gleichzeitig, durch individuelle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, ein ansprechendes Design.
Prezentare și Calitate

Prezentare și Calitate

La poudre de diamant Diprotex est traitée à partir de matières premières de tous les types de diamants synthétique polycristallin, monocristallin et diamant naturel précisément en grade diamant tailles. Les granulométries standard varient de 050 nanomètres jusqu’à 6080 microns. Cette gamme serrées de tailles de diamants a été conçue pour affiner votre processus nécessaires à la finition de surface et le taux d’enlèvement maximum. Les caractéristiques exceptionnelles des poudres de diamant micron de Diprotex font une différence remarquable dans le contexte actuel des applications critiques. Traitement brut des abrasifs diamant fini en diamant de taille micron.Il est le résultat de l’optimisation de nos procédés de fabrication, associé aux techniques de production, systèmes de mesure très sensible et efficace, certifiée ISO 9001 de gestion du système qualité.
Gestionarea Profesională a Returnărilor

Gestionarea Profesională a Returnărilor

Retouren werden bei uns schnell vereinnahmt und geprüft. Schließlich können die Besteller nur dann finanziell entlastet werden, wenn die Ware einwandfrei und wieder verwendbar ist. Wo versendet wird, entstehen stets auch Retouren bzw. Rücksendungen. Je nach Branche in einer Quote bis über 60 %. Es gibt unterschiedlichste Verfahren, wie mit Retouren umgegangen werden kann. Dabei richten wir uns stets nach der Branche, bzw. den Wünschen des jeweiligen Kunden. Üblicherweise prüfen wir eingehende Retouren gemäß vereinbarter Kriterien und führen einwandfreie Waren wieder ins Lager zurück. Retouren werden schnell vereinnahmt und geprüft. Schließlich können die Besteller nur dann finanziell entlastet werden, wenn die Ware einwandfrei und wieder verwendbar ist. Diese Prüfungen mit allen verbundenen Buchungen führen wir stets innerhalb der vereinbarten Zeitfenster durch.