Cea mai bună furnizor pentru cuarț de beton

...Sigilant pe bază de apă, monocomponent pentru utilizare în interior. Sigilant de beton în gri cuarț, aprox. RAL7032 Caracteristici speciale Rezistent la ulei de încălzire conform DIN 53168 Metoda de aplicare Vopsire (pensulă acrilică) Rulare (rolă cu păr scurt)...

Produse pentru cuarț de beton (31)

Cuart Roz

Cuart Roz

quarzite rosa ambra
Unisan: Dehumidifying structural, reinforcing, grey cement plaster

Unisan: Dehumidifying structural, reinforcing, grey cement plaster

Unisan A composite mortar that is fibre-reinforced, consolidating, dehumidifying, grey in colour and utilised for the structural restoration of crumbling old or monumental masonry. It contains no substances that are potentially harmful to masonry and is composed of NHL 3.5 natural hydraulic lime and hydraulic binders free from soluble salts, along with silicas with pozzolanic activity, selected siliceous-calcareous aggregates, specific shrinkage-reducing agents and resistant alkaline READYMESH fibres that confer high flex-traction whilst increasing the performance of the mortar’s fracture energy. In conjunction with ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA fibreglass mesh, it is ideal for the structural restoration of old walls or crumbling constructions. Construction of plasters and reinforced slabs in interventions of restoration, construction of plaster and dehumidifying coatings with high performance, bedding of bricks and modular elements. The surfaces should be clean and free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition of "saturated dry surface". In the case of structural reinforcing slabs, you will need to proceed with applying an appropriate reinforcing electrowelded mesh, to be fixed with PROFIX, Grout Micro-J, Repar Tix G2 or Syntech IC 55. Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Unisan and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 12-14% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. Apply the product by plastering trowel and brick trowel, or preferably with plastering machine (type PFT model G4). Do not apply in case of direct exposure to sunlight or excessive ventilation. Cure the protection and the prolonged moist hardening, of exposed surfaces. Approximately 15 kg/m² of Unisan for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1500 kg per cubic metre). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
MORTAR REFRACTAR - Mortar refractar

MORTAR REFRACTAR - Mortar refractar

COMPOSITION ET ASPECT Ciment spécial, sable et divers adjuvants. La pâte est de couleur foncée. SUPPORTS ADMIS • Béton • Brique en terre cuit • Brique réfractaire DOCUMENTS À CONSULTER DTU 20.1 et DTU 24.1. CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES • Temps de prise : 30 mn • Température admise après séchage complet : 1000 °C CONDITIONNEMENTS Sacs de 5 et 25 kg sur palette houssée. STOCKAGE 6 mois en emballage d’origine non entamé à l’abri de l’humidité. PRÉPARATION DES SUPPORTS Les supports doivent être propres, dépoussiérés, durs et exempts de toute trace d’agents séparateurs. Les supports très poreux ou par temps chaud devront être préalablement humidifiés. TAUX DE GÂCHAGE Environ 3 à 4 l. d’eau par sac de 25 kg. APPLICATION Appliquer à l’aide d’une truelle à maçonner puis d’un fer à joints. Entre deux briques, créer un joint d’environ 1 cm et en retrait de 5 à 7 mm par rapport aux bords.
Beton refractar dens CBG-DP-90 - Beton refractar dens CBG-DP-90 cu o temperatură de aplicare de până la 1.900°C

Beton refractar dens CBG-DP-90 - Beton refractar dens CBG-DP-90 cu o temperatură de aplicare de până la 1.900°C

CBG-DP-90 ist ein dichter, feuerfester, selbstfließender Beton mit niedrigem Zementgehalt, der für den Einsatz in aggressiven Umgebungen, einschließlich Kontakt mit geschmolzenen Metallen und Schlacken bei Temperaturen von bis zu 1.900°C, insbesondere für die Herstellung von monolithischen Auskleidungen von Stahlpfannen, Elementen des Metalltrakts und als Reparaturbetonmasse bestimmt ist. Er kann sowohl für monolithische Auskleidungen als auch für Produkte beliebiger Konfiguration und Komplexität verwendet werden. — hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit — hohe Temperatur der Flüssigphaseentstehung — hohe mechanische Belastbarkeit — hohe Temperatur beim Einsetzen der Verformung unter Last — enthält keine Stoffe, die allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen — beständig gegen Metallschmelze, saure und alkalische Schlacken Hauptanwendung: Eisen-, Nichteisen- und Glasindustrie, Auskleidung von Schmelzaggregaten bei Herstellung von Mineralfasern etc. Zusammensetzung:Korund, Tabulartonerde, Spinell Bindung:Hydraulisch Anwendungstemperatur:bis zu 1 .900°C Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit:> 40 Wasserabkühlzyklen von 1300°C bis auf Kühlwassertemperatur Temperatur bei Beginn der Verformung unter Last 0,2 MPa:1 .850°С Dichte:2.850 kg/m³ Maximale Korngröße:10 mm Wasserverbrauch:5,0-5,3 l/100 kg Chemische Zusammensetzung:Al2O3 - 88,5 % ; MgO - 0,5 % ; Cr2O3 - 2,5 % ; Fe2O3 - 0,5 % ; CaO - 5,0% Dichte (g/cm³):2,85 (bei Temp. 110 °C) ; 2,85 (bei Temp. 800 °C) ; 2,90 (bei Temp. 1350 °C) Wärmeleitfähigkeit (W/m∙K):1,94 (bei Temp. 110 °C) ; 2,56 (bei Temp. 800 °C) ; 2,70 (bei Temp. 1350 °C) Druckfestigkeit (MPa):85 (bei Temp. 110 °C) ; 80 (bei Temp. 800 °C) ; 110 (bei Temp. 1350 °C) Restliche lineare Deformation (%):0 (bei Temp. 110 °C) ; 0 (bei Temp. 800 °C) ; -0,1 (bei Temp. 1350 °C) Offene Porosität (%):n.a. (bei Temp. 110 °C) ; 16,0 (bei Temp. 800 °C) ; 14,9 (bei Temp. 1350 °C)
Pavele din Granit Gri sau Albastru - Granit gri cu granulație fină până la medie. Apariție omogenă.

Pavele din Granit Gri sau Albastru - Granit gri cu granulație fină până la medie. Apariție omogenă.

Mesures : 5x5x5 / 7x10x10 / 10x10x10 / 5x10x10 / 15x17 / 20x10x10 ... Finitions : Fissuré / Éclate / Scié / Granulé / Bouchardé / Flammé / Sablée / Polie Poids M3 : 2650 kg Format : Couper à la mesure Conditionnement : En vrac / Boîtes en bois / Big Bags (sacs) Transport : Camion / Bateau Délai : 3-5 jours Résistance Compression : 2180 kg / cm2 Absorption d'eau : 0.2 % Porosité : 0.6 % Résistance à l'usure : 0.2 mm Résistance Glace : plus de 240 cycles de glace Port : Leixões Minimum : 24 Tonnes Résistance Chocs : 65 cm Résistance Glace après : 2050 kg / cm2 Résistance Flexion : 158 kg / cm2
Plăci de podea - Beton imprimat

Plăci de podea - Beton imprimat

Le béton imprimé est obtenu en posant une empreinte décorative sur la surface du béton encore frais. La forme et le relief du dessin sont alors marqués directement dans la surface du béton.
Piatra cubică de granit granitestone - produse din piatră cubică de granit granitestone

Piatra cubică de granit granitestone - produse din piatră cubică de granit granitestone

erga grup madencilik granit küp taş ürünleri ve uygulama faaliyeti için bizimle iletişim kurunuz.
Piatra naturală din Franța Dordogne Montagnac - Piatra naturală franceză, podea de pavimentare antică

Piatra naturală din Franța Dordogne Montagnac - Piatra naturală franceză, podea de pavimentare antică

Dallage ancien en pierre naturelle de Montagnac d'Auberoche, Limeyrat. Pierre naturelle de Dordogne, pierre du Périgord. Carrelage, dallage, terrasse, sol intérieur et extérieur, finition dalle d'église, abbaye, vieux manoir, format cathédrale avec usure et patine, des siècles gravés et encrés comme une vieille pierre gorgée d'histoire. Sol haut de gamme pour villa de luxe. Le top des sols anciens.
Gravă de cuarț, dimensiune 5,60-8,00 mm

Gravă de cuarț, dimensiune 5,60-8,00 mm

Filterquarz gemäß DIN 4924 und DIN EN 19623 und DIN EN 12904 QUARZKIES GEMÄß EN 12904 Quarzkies ist ein natürliches Filtermaterial, das in verschiedenen Korngrößen für die Trinkwasser-, Schwimmbad- und Brauchwasserfiltration eingesetzt wird. Quarzsand (Körnung < 2 mm) kommt überwiegend als Filtermaterial zum Einsatz, während Quarzkies fast ausschließlich (Körnung > 2 mm) als Stütz- bzw. Tragschicht zur Anwendung kommt. Quarzkies wird durch selektive Sortierung, Waschung, Trocknung und anschließende Siebung entsprechend EN 12904 veredelt. Quarzkies besitzt eine annährend kantengerundete Kornform, seine Oberfläche ist quasi glatt. Quarzkies wird bevorzugt als untere Filterschicht in der Mehrschichtfiltration. ANWENDUNG • Trinkwasseraufbereitung • Industriewasseraufbereitung • Abwasseraufbereitung • Schwimmbeckenwasseraufbereitung
Umplutură de beton

Umplutură de beton

Unsere exklusiven Produkte von CREAREV aus der Schweiz und Mercadier Beton Cire zur fugenlosen Wand - und Bodengestaltung.
Granulat de Marmură Granomar

Granulat de Marmură Granomar

Putze finden sich sowohl an Fassaden um Gebäude zu schützen und zu dekorieren als auch in Innenräumen zur Gestaltung. Das Bild und die Struktur – also auch die Qualität –
Mortar ușor pentru zidărie

Mortar ușor pentru zidărie

Optimale Wärmedämmeigenschaften (Einsparung der Heizenergie bis zu 25% gegenüber Normalmörtel) bei hoher Druckfestigkeit. Mit Leichtmauermörtel können einschalige Außenwände ohne zusätzliche Dämmschicht wirtschaftlich erstellt werden. Optimale Wärmedämmeigenschaften (Einsparung der Heizenergie bis zu 25% gegenüber Normalmörtel) bei hoher Druckfestigkeit. Guter Schallschutz, leicht verarbeitbar, ökologisch und sehr wirtschaftlich durch einschalige Bauweise. Wird werkfrisch angeliefert – pünktlich! • LM21 besteht aus hochwertigen Leichtzuschlagstoffen für beste Wärmeleitfähigkeit. • LM36 für wärmedämmendes Mauerwerk mit besten Verarbeitungseigenschaften.
Nisip - Nisip decorativ

Nisip - Nisip decorativ

Nos graviers respectent la norme CE de marquage des granulats, tant du point de vue de la dureté que de la granulométrie. Deux d’entre eux respectent en outre la norme BENOR, nécessaire pour couler du béton. 2/6 mm (CE, BENOR) 6/14 mm (CE) 6/20 mm (CE,BENOR) 20/32 mm (CE)


Rapid Set CONCRETE MIX ist ein auf BCSA-Zementtechnologie basierender, mineralischer, multi-funktionaler Schnellreparaturmörtel für Schichtdicken von 50 - 600 mm. Geeignet für Betoninstandsetzung, Reparatur und Bau von Gehwegen, Fahrbahnen, Beton- und Maschinenfundamente, Schalungsarbeiten sowie Industrieböden, für innen und außen, auch in Nassbereichen. Erstarrungsbeginn nach ca. 15 Minuten, belastbar nach ca. 1 Stunde. Eigenschaften:für Reparatur und Neubau horizontal und vertikal spannungsarm Lieferform:25 kg Papierspezialverpackung
Plăci de Bazalt | Plăci pentru Grădină | Plăci Exterioare

Plăci de Bazalt | Plăci pentru Grădină | Plăci Exterioare

Basalt Paving Slabs, Garden Slabs, Outdoor Slabs, Flagstones, Driveway Pavers - The deep black colour of Basalt makes it popular all over the world for driveways, paths and patios and also due to its durability and toughness. In addition to being fine-grained, basalt has subtle shades of pewters and charcoals with some faint flecks of silver-grey. The color of Basalt deepens when it is wet, resulting in a solid black tone. Whether it's dry or wet, this elegant stone will surely be a talking point and an envy among your neighbors. If you want to create or revitalize an existing driveway, this is certain to generate a lot of interest. This amazing natural stone will definitely captivate people's attention. Our Basalt Paving Slabs are a perfect choice that will last forever in your garden and will keep their stunning features which are strong enough to withstand traffic pressure in today's world. Citadel Stone Ltd supplies the best Patio Slabs in the quarry for our customers. We select the best blocks and cut them according to your projects.
Acoperiri de Podea WHG

Acoperiri de Podea WHG

WHG-Bodenbeschichtungen finden überall dort Anwendung, wo auslaufende Öle, Kraftstoffe, Lösemittel, Zusätze oder Chemikalien den Boden unter dem Gebäude und damit Gewässer verunreinigen könnten.
Material compozit mineral

Material compozit mineral

HIMacs, Corian und Varicor Mineralwerkstoff, kommt mehr oder weniger aus den medizinischen Bereichen, da es antibakteriell, leicht zu reinigen, fugenlos und gegen sämtliche Desinfektionsmittel beständig ist. Wir sind damit aber auch immer mehr im Bad unterwegs, Waschbecken und duschen. Natürlich immer in Zusammenarbeit mit Fliesenleger und Sanitärer.
Bazalt - Piatră de canal din bazalt

Bazalt - Piatră de canal din bazalt

Su geçirmezliğiyle bilinen bazalt su ve yağmur oluğu vazifesi de görür.
GIPS DE ARGILĂ ROȘIE 25KG - Produse pentru Turnare Gips pentru Turnare

GIPS DE ARGILĂ ROȘIE 25KG - Produse pentru Turnare Gips pentru Turnare

REFERENCE : ARTP3200TCR25 ALPHA 3200 coloré PLATRE 3200 T.CUITE ROUGE 25kg -> Descritpion PLATRE DE MOULAGE COLORE POUR L'INDUSTRIE STATUAIRE -> Domaine d'application Produit teinté, spécialement conçu pour l'industrie statuaire : - Moulages durs, - Maquettes, - Statuettes, et ornement. -> Caractéristique Unité de vente : bidon de 25kg Minimum de vente : un bidon
Gravă de Protecție Împotriva Înghețului din Diabas

Gravă de Protecție Împotriva Înghețului din Diabas

Stabile, drainagefähige Tragschicht mit Diabas Frostschutz. Unterbau aus oberfränkischem Diabas in zwei Körnungen erhältlich. Das ideale Material für Ihren Unterbau: - leichtes Verdichten - stabile, drainagefähige Tragschicht - die optimale Gründung für alle Arten technischer Bauwerke - eigene Herstellung - kostenlose Lieferung auch in großen Mengen Gebinde: 25 kg, Big Bags und lose
Jgheab pentru apă pluvială

Jgheab pentru apă pluvială

Grille de caniveau en béton pour le drainage des eaux pluviales.
Travertin Tăiat cu Vene Clare - Travertin Clar

Travertin Tăiat cu Vene Clare - Travertin Clar

Travertine Paver Since 2011 Travertine Paver has been a World-Class quarrier and manufacturer of naturel stone, Travertine, Marble, Limestone, Stone Accesories, as well as Mosaic.
ciment adeziv - C2ETS1

ciment adeziv - C2ETS1

Nous fournissons tout type de ciment colle fabriqué selon la norme EN 12004 : du Cilement colle basique (C1) à ciment colle haute performance (C2TES2)
Grout CR: Mortar de ciment pour couler, anti-lixiviation et compensé pour retrait

Grout CR: Mortar de ciment pour couler, anti-lixiviation et compensé pour retrait

Grout CR Composite , castable, anti-washout, controlled shrinkage cement mortar, superfluid consistency, based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers (MICROSIL 90), polymeric modifiers, shrinkage resistant agents, specific additives, calcium silicate mineral fibres, selected silica aggregates. - Based on of thickened silica fume - three-dimensionally reinforced fibre with mineral and synthetic fibres - Provides high adherence and adhesion - dimensionally stable (shrinkage-compensated) - Provides high stability-physical chemical and resistance to chlorides and sulphates - suitable for underwater castings: it is anti-washout - high strength in terms of hydrostatic positive and negative thrust. Repair and protective coatings of hydraulic structures, marine and underwater structures, and articles in critical situations: harsh chemical-physical, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Filling of formwork for the containment of cast immersed in sea water. In case of underwater application, the installation operations must be carried out within 8-10 hours of cleaning and "fouling" (accumulation and deposits of organic and inorganic particles on product surfaces) removal. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). Pour 2/3 of total mixture water in the cement mixer, gradually add the product and the remaining water, until a homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained. For sizable filling thicknesses, greater than 60 mm, Ghiaietto 6.10 (inert washed is selected with a particle size of from 6-10 mm) can be added in a percentage ranging from 20% to 40 %, on the basis of practical requirements. In some particularly demanding cases in terms of the resistance to the "dry-wet" cycle (for example, for the action of the tides) or for chemical attacks particularly strong, it would be advisable to add, in addition to the gravel, even thickened silica fume(MICROSIL 90), and in a variable amount depending on the thickness and construction-related need, to further improve the waterproofing and the mechanical strength of the product. In these cases, please contact our Technical Service. In the case of casts in water, make sure of perfect product hardening before removal of the formwork. Approximately 20,50 kg/m² of Grout CR for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2050 kg per cubic metre). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Grout 2 HP: Mortar reoplástico, structural y anti-retracción con muy alta resistencia

Grout 2 HP: Mortar reoplástico, structural y anti-retracción con muy alta resistencia

Grout 2 HP Grout 2 HP is a pourable, fiber-reinforced mortar, used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. The formulation contains very fine high-strength cements, micro-silicas with pozzolanic activity, aggregates in a rational granulometric curve (0.1 ÷ 1.8 mm), and special antisegregative additives. The product is mixed with 11% - 12% of water, requiring vigorous and prolonged mechanical mixing. The special formulation of Grout 2 HP provides the castings with mechanical strength, fracture energy, exceptional durability, and very high chemical-physical resistance. Grout 2 HP has a workability time of about 60-90 minutes, after which the setting process is triggered, followed by progressive hardening. The plastic and hygrometric shrinkage is extremely low thanks to the presence of Readymesh PM-060 multifilament synthetic fibers, which provide volumetric stability. The performances that make Grout 2 HP unique are: • very high compressive mechanical strengths (> 90 MPa at 28 days), • very high mechanical resistance to bending-traction (> 12 MPa after 28 days), • excellent durability and resistance to chemical attacks. Grout 2 HP is used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. It is particularly suitable for operations where high mechanical performance is required after short curing (compressive strength at 3 days > 60 MPa) and in operations carried out in severe exposure environments (XC - XS - XF), characterized by aggression from sulphates, chlorides, and nitrates. The material can also be used for repairs in anchoring areas subject to high stresses. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., and suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface". Adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting, etc. is always necessary to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). It is strongly recommended, for optimal performance of site operations, to use a vertical axis mixer with planetary movement or a double horizontal helicoid. The powder is mixed with drinking water to the extent of 11% - 12%, referring to the total weight of the mortar (about 2.75 liters per 25 kg bag) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Mixing time: about 4 minutes with a high efficiency mixer. The anchoring can be filled with a single screw pump, for mortars. Pumping must be carried out at a controlled speed to ensure a low working pressure. In case of restorations, the surface must be protected, after application, by polyethylene sheets or anti-evaporation treatments. Packaging: 25 kg bag Unit of Measure: €/kg
Plăci de Pavaj din Granit Gri - Finisaj Rustic. Trotuare și Drumuri.

Plăci de Pavaj din Granit Gri - Finisaj Rustic. Trotuare și Drumuri.

Mesures : 5x5x5 / 7x10x10 / 10x10x10 / 5x10x10 / 15x17 / 20x10x10 ... Finitions : Fissuré / Éclate / Scié / Granulé / Bouchardé / Flammé / Sablée / Polie Poids M3 : 2660 kg Format : Couper à la mesure Conditionnement : En vrac / Boîtes en bois / Big Bags (sacs) Transport : Camion / Bateau Délai : 3-5 jours Résistance Compression : 2260 kg / cm2 Absorption d'eau : 0.2 % Porosité : 0.5 % Résistance à l'usure : 0.2 mm Résistance Glace : plus de 240 cycles de glace Port : Leixões Minimum : 24 Tonnes Résistance Chocs : 65 cm Résistance Glace après : 2090 kg / cm2 Résistance Flexion : 162 kg / cm2
Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 - Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 cu temperatură de aplicare de până la 1.900°C

Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 - Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 cu temperatură de aplicare de până la 1.900°C

CBG-DP-90 is a dense, refractory, self-flowing concrete with low cement content intended for use in aggressive environments, including contact with molten metals and slags at temperatures up to 1,900°C, especially for the production of monolithic linings of steel ladles, elements of the metal tract and as a repair concrete mass. It can be used for monolithic linings as well as for products of any configuration and complexity. — high temperature resistance — high temperature of liquid phase formation — high mechanical strength — high temperature of onset of deformation under load — does not contain substances that cause allergic reactions — resistant to molten metal, acid and alkaline slags Main application: ferrous, non-ferrous and glass industry, lining of melting aggregates in the production of mineral fibres etc.
Borduri din granit - Bordură galbenă

Borduri din granit - Bordură galbenă

Graniteinfassungen gelb Finish gesägt. Verwüstete Flächen. >> Klicken Sie hier für technische Beschreibungen.
carbonat de calciu măcinat 0/2 mm - calcare măcinate pentru fabricarea sticlei

carbonat de calciu măcinat 0/2 mm - calcare măcinate pentru fabricarea sticlei

Les produits broyés sont les produits historiques de la carrière, expérimentée dans ce domaine depuis plus de 150 ans. Ils sont essentiellement utilisés en verrerie, et peuvent, à la demande, être séchés, défillérisés (on parle alors de 0,1/2mm) et éventuellement réhumidifiés. Leur faible taux d’impureté en aluminium et en fer et leur haut taux en calcaire (>98,5%) en font un produit de choix, introuvable ailleurs à 250 kilomètres à la ronde. Ils peuvent être, au choix, chargés par péniches (jusque 1350 T) ou par camions. Contactez-nous pour des informations complémentaires