Produse pentru cremă de hrean (26)

Pastă de alune

Pastă de alune

Nut pastes are a mass of very finely ground roasted nuts. Our high-quality nut pastes are often used in the production of praline fillings, mousses or crunchy layers in cakes and, in particular, in the production of ice cream.
Crema de dovleac

Crema de dovleac

Dal cuore del Parco Nazionale del Cilento, un patrimonio dell'UNESCO noto per la sua biodiversità e la sua ricca tradizione culinaria, nasce la nostra Crema di Zucca Sottovuoto. Un prodotto che esprime l'essenza autentica della nostra terra, dal sapore ricco e genuino. Le nostre zucche tonda varietà napoletana crescono rigogliose nei campi dell'azienda, baciati dal sole del sud Italia. Questa varietà di zucca, nota per il suo sapore dolce e la sua consistenza cremosa, è la protagonista di questa deliziosa crema. L'olio extravergine d'oliva, ottenuto dagli ulivi dell'azienda, è un altro ingrediente fondamentale che conferisce al prodotto un profilo di sapore unico. Il tocco di cipolla dorata, un pizzico di sale e il succo di limone spremuto a freddo completano la ricetta, creando un equilibrio perfetto di sapori. Ogni vasetto di Crema di Zucca è un omaggio alla nostra terra: il Cilento.
Sorbet de lămâie

Sorbet de lămâie

Sorbetto al limone Cod:VSC001
Aromă de castane prăjite

Aromă de castane prăjite

As comforting as a childhood memory, the warm notes of roasted chestnuts lend their characteristic flavour to a wide range of sweet and savoury culinary creations. Colin-Ingredients Ref:245U2202 Natural:No Form / particle size:Powder Heat treatment:No
Brânză Rochefort

Brânză Rochefort

350g Rochefort jeune disponible aussi en : - pain de 2,3kg - blister de 6 tranches de 150g


Ingrédients et allergens: Framboise, sucre, jus de citron, gélifiant: pectines de pomme. Valeurs nutritionnelles moyennes pour 100g Energie 985/232 kJ kcal Mat ères grasses < 0.5 g Dont acides gras saturés < 0.1 g Glucides 55 g Dont sucres 54 g Proteins 0.9 g Sel 0.01 g La confiture de Framboise est une délicieuse confiture de fruits qui capture l’essence des framboises mûres et juteuses. Cette confiture vibrante et savoureuse célèbre les caractéristiques sucrées et légèrement acidulées de ces délicieuses baies. Poids:335g UGS:3 455 149 000 294
Scorțișoară Ceylon

Scorțișoară Ceylon

Im 16. Jahrhundert entdeckten portugiesische Eroberer Ceylon-Zimt in Sri Lanka und brachten dieses Gewürz im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert nach Europa. Ceylon-Zimt wird aus wildwachsenden Bäumen gewonnen, die Wuchshöhen bis zu 10 m erreichen und in den Wäldern von Ceylon und Südindien wild wachsen. Dieses Gewürz wird aus der feinsten Innenrinde hergestellt, die von drei Jahre alten Trieben geschnitten wurde. Echter Ceylon-Zimt ist ein stark duftendes und geschmacklich hervorragendes Gewürz. Jeder, der schon einmal ihn probiert hat, weiß gut Bescheid, welche unterschiedlichen Geschmacksqualitäten dieses Gewürz haben soll. Kohlenhydrate (g / 100 g):4,0 Fett (g / 100 g):3,0 Eiweiß (g / 100 g):28 Brennwert (kcal):160 Mindestens:18 Monate haltbar Nettogewicht (g):30
Scorțișoară (Tăiată)

Scorțișoară (Tăiată)

Kategorie: Einzelgewürze Geschmack und Aroma: Sehr feines, angenehm süßes Aroma mit herb-holzigem Duft und Noten von Gewürznelken. Anwendung: Der Ceylon-Zimt stammt aus Sri Lanka und wird dort aus der Rinde des Zimtbaumes gewonnen. Er duftet und schmeckt feiner und deutlich vielschichtiger als der preiswertere, chinesische Cassia-Zimt und enthält zudem bis zu 400-mal weniger Cumarin, das gesundheitlich als bedenklich gilt. Der geschnittene Zimt (2-7mm) eignet sich sehr gut für die Herstellung eigener Tee-Kreationen. Zutaten: Zimt Hinweis für Allergiker: Kann Spuren von Schalenfrüchten, Erdnüssen, Sesam, Senf und Sellerie enthalten. Inhalt: 30 g in Weißblechdose
Amestec 'Substitut de ou'

Amestec 'Substitut de ou'

The mixture completely replaces the thickening property of eggs when baking. There are no flavors, preserving agents and other harmful food additives in the mixture. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:300 g
Pudră de Cremă

Pudră de Cremă

Un dessert traditionnel qui a été transmis de génération en génération. Son goût laiteux et crémeux doit en être la raison.


MOQ: 1 tonnes Packing: 1KG / 10 KG Box Size: 1KGx6 Price/kg : 3-5 EUR / 4-6 USD
Crema de prune

Crema de prune

Crème pruneaux SANS CONSERVATEUR 450GR avec sucre rajoute et arôme vanille Poids:0.7 kg
Piure de castane

Piure de castane

- Purée de marrons 850g Boite 4/4 - Purée de marrons boite 1/2 430g - Purée de marrons bocal 300g - Purée de marrons BIO bocal 300g - Purée de marrons BIO Boite 1/2 430g


Combine all the traits you love about fresh cauliflower including fresh flavour, color, nutrients and vitamins, with the convenience and longer shelf life of frozen products and get that with Frosty Foods’ IQF Cauliflower. Keep Frozen Below -18° C Packing Types 400 gram 1 kilo 2.5 kilo 10 kilo Types
Lapte integral - îndulcit

Lapte integral - îndulcit

Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes. Et dedans il y a quoi ? Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille. Allergènes à la loupe Lait. Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture. Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Supă Clară Bio

Supă Clară Bio

Für Suppen Masse in siedendes Wasser einstreuen und kurz kochen lassen. Zum Verfeinern und Würzen Masse den kochenden Speisen beigeben. Dosierung 24 g (1 Esslöffel) für 1 Liter Wasser Nährwerte/100g Pulver (berechnete Werte): Energie: 840 kJ/200 kcal Fett: 5 g •davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: 3 g •davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren: < 2 g •davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren: < 1 g Kohlehydrate: 35 g •davon Zucker: < 1 g •davon mehrwertige Alkohole: – •davon Stärke: 34 g Ballaststoffe: < 1 g Eiweiß: 3 g Salz: 50 g Transport, Lagerung und Mindesthaltbarkeit: Gut verschlossen, trocken zwischen 6° und 25° C lagern. Im ungeöffneten Originalgebinde mindestens 18 Monate ab Produktionsdatum haltbar. Mögliche Varianten Bouillon&Co Klare Suppe BIO erhalten Sie in den Gebindegrößen 25 kg und 12 kg, sowie auf Wunsch auch in den Rezepturen „Klare Suppe“, „Premium“ oder „ohne zugesetztem Glutamat“.
LECKER'S Smântână Organică Puternică

LECKER'S Smântână Organică Puternică

Ob zum Garnieren oder Füllen von Torten und Gebäck, zum Verfeinern von Obst oder Desserts Lecker’s Bio Sahnestark gibt der geschlagenen Sahne Stabilität – und das ganz ohne chemische Zusätze. Der bei der Verzuckerung der Maisstärke gewonnene Traubenzucker hat die Eigenschaft, Feuchtigkeit zu binden, wodurch die Standfestigkeit der Schlagsahne über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg gewährleistet wird. Zutaten:Maisquellstärke*, Traubenzucker* *=aus kontrolliert ökoligischer Erzeugung Allergene :keine enthalten Vegetarisch:Ja Vegan:Ja
Maioneză cu Migdale

Maioneză cu Migdale

Clizia is our delicate vegetable mayonnaise made with Sicilian almonds. Almond is the protagonist of a delicious soft and delicate cream, alternative to the classic mayonnaise. All the scent of our Sicilian almonds and the intense flavor of the extra virgin olive oil of our olives meet in the revisitation of the famous sauce in vegan friendly style.
Sare de Mare cu Usturoi

Sare de Mare cu Usturoi

Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes. Proteins (g / 100g):9,5 Fats (g / 100g):0,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g):3,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g):50
Semințe de mărar - HoReCa

Semințe de mărar - HoReCa

A wreath of stalks and branches of dill in the Roman Empire awarded distinguished gladiators. Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes. Use for Warm and cold sauces, soups, meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish dishes, egg dishes, as well as for pickling. Taste Bitter grass Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 16 Fats (g / 100g)… 15 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
Sfeclă uscată - HoReCa

Sfeclă uscată - HoReCa

The history of beets totals more than 2 thousand years. This root crop is the most common among vegetable crops. In dried form, it can be stored for a long time. Its use is similar to the use of fresh root crops. Like any dried product, getting into the liquid, it quickly restores its properties. Use for Soups, sauces, meat, marinades, poultry dishes, rice and vegetable dishes. Taste sweet Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 9,0 Fats (g / 100g)… 0,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 54 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 260
Fulgi de cocos - HoReCa

Fulgi de cocos - HoReCa

In cooking, coconut flakes are used mainly in the confectionery business. It is added to different cakes, sweet rolls and pastries, both as a delicate fragrant filling and as a delicious decoration for the finished product. Coconut flakes are also used in the coating of chocolate treats, food bars, ice cream icing, crackers, crispy cookies, muesli, sweets and many other desserts. Use for Desserts, pastries, cookies, any bakery products, sauces, meat and fish dishes. Taste Delicate, sweet with a coconut smell Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 5,0 Fats (g / 100g)… 50 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)…520
Amidon de porumb

Amidon de porumb

Corn starch is often used in ketchup, mayonnaise, various sauces and puddings, as well as pie fillings. This product can also help if you need to make the dough less glutenous and give it some tenderness and softness. Corn starch has slightly more calories than potato starch. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:400 g
Crema de castane 325g

Crema de castane 325g

- Crème de Marrons bocal verre 325g - Crème de Marrons BIO bocal verre 325g - Crème de Marrons AOP bocal verre 325g La Crème de Marrons se consomme nature sur des tartines, du pain grillé ou en dessert avec du fromage blanc, glace, yaourt, crêpes, gaufres.
Făină de cocos Garnec

Făină de cocos Garnec

Coconut flour is flour made from dried coconut pulp. It is used in all sorts of baked goods, but mainly in confectionery, because of its mild sweet taste, typical of coconut. Coconut flour has a lower glycemic index than average grain flour and is also high in fiber, protein and healthy fats. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:300 g
Lapte concentrat - tub

Lapte concentrat - tub

300g de gourmandise. Et dedans il y a quoi ? Lait entier, sucre. Allergènes à la loupe Lait. Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture. Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.