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Licență software Vt56

Licență software Vt56

YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION Receive monthly updates on your VT56 TPMS tool with the annual software subscription including the latest and greatest features and coverage. The latest software update subscription also includes new tool functionalities, procedures, corrections, vehicle coverage, sensor coverage and more. New vehicle and OE/Aftermarket sensor coverage added each month Access to new features & functions Subscribe to receive a tech release email for each release Update the tool as many times as needed with the annual subscription PN:SW56-0001
tvONE MWP-4Hi-1Y CORIOview Multiviewer

tvONE MWP-4Hi-1Y CORIOview Multiviewer

Der CORIOview ist einer der schnellsten und intuitivsten 4K-Multi-Window-Prozessoren für bis zu 8 Quellen. Er ist in sechs Standardausführungen sowie in einer Vielzahl von kundenspezifischen Versionen
MATRIXline single în cupru local - MATRIXline 2000 Extensor KVM Full HD pe IP

MATRIXline single în cupru local - MATRIXline 2000 Extensor KVM Full HD pe IP

The highly optimized KVM Extender over IP has a range of 150m/492ft at a resolution of 1920x1200 @60 Hz and is available in copper as single version. The perfect tuning of kvm-tec video compression with a low latency time enables a delay-free transmission of the signals. USB and video is transmitted via CAT5e/6/7 cable. Due to the DVI extension Full HD videos can be transmitted in real time. The transparent USB 2.0 interface already supports tablets and touch screens, sound modules, printers and much more. For memory sticks and USB hard drives the USB upgrade is included. High reliability and robust design make the kvm-tec Extender ideal for many applications. The kvm-tec feature "USB save" prevents the intrusion of viruses via the USB interface by deactivating mass storage devices. All upgrades such as USB memory, sound, RS232, analog VGA- as DVI transfer are already included.
Sisteme Video cu Ecran Mare

Sisteme Video cu Ecran Mare

Wer Heute Erfolg haben will muß Seine Produkte und Dienstleistungen wirkungsvoll präsentieren. Erst der professionelle Einsatz moderner Kommunikationsmittel sorgt dafür dass Ihre Angebote überzeugend, anschaulich und interessant -dem Zeitgeist entsprechend- demonstriert werden können. rb-Audio bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Produkten für Ihre Präsentations- und Schulungsarbeit. Fordern Sie hierzu unseren aktuellen Multimediakatalog nebst Verleihliste an.
Cardpresso Software Xxl

Cardpresso Software Xxl

cardPresso XXL card design software Upgrade The XXL version adds advanced features like MIFARE® DESFire® encoding, Web Print Server and Net License up to 16 PCs.