Produse pentru comune (324)

Iarba comună de coada-calului - Iarba uscată de coada-calului, equisetum arvense, coada-calului de câmp

Iarba comună de coada-calului - Iarba uscată de coada-calului, equisetum arvense, coada-calului de câmp

High quality dried organic or conventional Common horsetail herb for wholesale Horsetail has a positive effect on physical fitness, supports the growth and strengthening of hair, skin and nails. Horsetail supports the health of the urinary system, speeding up the process of excretion of water by the kidneys. It also helps maintain the strength of blood vessel walls. Horsetail extract contains silicon dioxide. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Organic, conventional Grade:A Quantity:up to 5 tons per year Package:As required
Orez Basmati Instant - Cereale într-un sac de gătit

Orez Basmati Instant - Cereale într-un sac de gătit

Get to know each other! Before you is the "King of rice" - Basmati rice! Having a delicate texture and a pronounced nutty taste, it will not leave anyone indifferent. Basmati rice grains are the longest, and the variety itself is the most expensive. When cooking, the grains are elongated without boiling and sticking together, which is important for side dishes and dishes of oriental cuisine, including chmsli and pilaf.
VG Titans W65-L Proteină texturată din grâu

VG Titans W65-L Proteină texturată din grâu

VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein is a dry, plant-based product that offers a meat-like texture upon hydration. Made from high-quality wheat protein and wheat flour, this product is ideal for creating a variety of plant-based dishes. Its large chunks and high protein content make it a perfect ingredient for burgers, sausages, and cold cuts, as well as an addition to meat and poultry products. With a hydration rate of 1:3 and a recommended rehydration time of 30 minutes, VG Titans W65-L provides convenience and versatility for culinary creations. This textured wheat protein is not only a great source of protein but also a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of applications. From plant-based bolognese sauce to minced meat, VG Titans W65-L provides a rich and satisfying texture that enhances any dish. Packaged in a 6kg PE bag, it is easy to store and use, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen looking to explore the benefits of plant-based cooking.
Cheie Multifuncțională SubMaker Quadro - Pentru aproape toate dulapurile de control și închiderile tehnice comune

Cheie Multifuncțională SubMaker Quadro - Pentru aproape toate dulapurile de control și închiderile tehnice comune

• Für fast alle gängigen Schaltschränke und technischen Schließungen • Schlüsselprofile für die Bereiche: Elektrotechnik, Heizung und Sanitär, Klima- und Belüftungstechnik, Industrie und Gebäudetechnik z.B. für Schaltschränke, Netzschalttafeln, Absperrsysteme, technische Anlagen, Heizungsentlüftung und viele mehr • Durch den Drehmechanismus können acht verschiedene Schlüsselprofile in Position gebracht werden. • Universelle 1/4"-Bitaufnahme für handelsübliche Bits, mit Dauermagnet zur Fixierung • Aus Kunststoff, glasfaserverstärkt • Aus Zinkdruckguß (GD-Zn) Länge in millimeter:95 Gewicht in Gramm:105
Mirt Mirt comun - Toate extractele noastre naturale

Mirt Mirt comun - Toate extractele noastre naturale

Notre huile essentielle de Myrte Rouge est tracée et documentée, issue de notre ferme au Maroc. Achetez en direct du fabricant pour une qualité responsable. Label Landema : Cultivé dans nos fermes Pays de fabrication : MAROC Pays de récolte : MAROC Partie de la plante : Feuille Composition : 100% Pure, naturelle et intégrale. Notes olfactives : agreste, camphré, floral Qualité et origine garantie: Botaniquement et biochimiquement identifiée, certificat d’analyse fourni avec chaque produit acheté. Contrôlé et conditionné dans nos ateliers en France Culture Le myrte, de son nom latin Myrtus communis, est un arbuste poussant à l'état sauvage sur tout le pourtour méditerranéen. Son huile essentielle est produite par distillation à la vapeur d'eau des rameaux collectés dans les montagnes du Rif, dans des zones soumises à adjudication. Réf:MYRTHE1 Famille de produit:MYRTE Type d'extrait:Huile essentielle Code INCI:HUILE DE MYRTHOL COMMUN 100% Pays de fabrication:MAROC Pays de récolte:MAROC Partie de la plante:Feuille Catégorie d'usage pour les particuliers:Ingrédient Nom Botanique:Myrte commun L. Composition:100% Pure, naturelle et intégrale.
Tuburi Pătrate / Rectangulare - Sudate / Fără Sudură Oțel Inoxidabil și Oțeluri Speciale

Tuburi Pătrate / Rectangulare - Sudate / Fără Sudură Oțel Inoxidabil și Oțeluri Speciale

Large gamme de nuances : 1.4301 (304/304L) ; 1.4404 (316/316L) ; 1.4571 (316TI) ; 321 (1.4541), 1.4406 ; 1.4542 ; 1.4021 ; 1.4439 (317L) 1.4539 (904L, UB6) ; 1.4529 (S31254) 1.4828 ; 1.4833 (309, 309S), 1.4841 ; 1.4845 (310, 310S) ; 1.4878 (321H) ; 1.4550 (347, 347H) 1.4462 (UNS S31803) ; 1.4410 ; 1.4501 (UNS S32750, S32760) Inconel 600, 601 et 625 (2.4816, 2.4851, 2.4856) ; Incoloy 800 et 825 (1.4876 ; 2.4858) ; Hastelloy C276 (UNS N10276) S235JR ; P355GH ; P 235GH, P 265GH, P295GH
Furtunuri EPDM

Furtunuri EPDM

Las mangueras reforzadas se utilizan comúnmente en procesos industriales que operan con presión o vacío extremadamente altos.Las mangueras reforzadas se utilizan comúnmente en procesos industriales que operan con presión o vacío extremadamente altos.
Bobine din oțel carbon - Dimensiuni și grosimi variate de oțel carbon

Bobine din oțel carbon - Dimensiuni și grosimi variate de oțel carbon

Produkty ze stali węglowej znajdują zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Materiały budowlane, części samochodowe, noże, narzędzia i inne są wytwarzane ze stali węglowej. Nasz zespół ekspertów tworzy niestandardowe produkty ze stali węglowej, aby spełnić potrzeby biznesowe klientów. Dzięki naszemu zespołowi ekspertów i szerokiej gamie produktów oferujemy produkty ze stali węglowej dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb. Odkryj nasz symbol wytrzymałości i trwałości produktów ze stali węglowej. Odwiedź naszą stronę Uzyskaj wycenę.
Indicator de poziție analogic S80/1 - Indicator de poziție analogic S80/1, Compatibil cu multe roți manuale comune

Indicator de poziție analogic S80/1 - Indicator de poziție analogic S80/1, Compatibil cu multe roți manuale comune

Analog position indicator. Measured value acquisition based on the gravity principle. High stability thanks to doubly supported pointer shaft. Very robust, glass-fiber reinforced plastic housing. Wide range of gear ratios. Special scales, also for small numbers of pieces. Dustproof, oil-filled or waterproof versions.
Common Rail pentru Automobile

Common Rail pentru Automobile

Poppe + Potthoff beliefert die Automobilindustrie mit hochwertigen eigen entwickelten Common Rail Subsystemen und Hochdruckeinspritzleitungen für Dieselmotoren.
Mașină de Închidere OPTIMA OV - Mașină de Închidere OPTIMA OV: Toate tipurile comune de închidere

Mașină de Închidere OPTIMA OV - Mașină de Închidere OPTIMA OV: Toate tipurile comune de închidere

Containers: - Container or cap feed as bulk goods via fully automatic sorting and optional storage bin - Container classification via the infeed screw - Continuous container transport - Optimized container transport for preventing splashing in little headroom - Very gentle processing of the containers and packaging - Processing different container shapes Shapes: - User-friendly, fast and primarily tool-free format change Design: - Can be designed as a monobloc combination with filling and sealing modules - Good visibility and accessibility - Integrated separation for reject product and/or production patterns - Min./max. Sensors for jam detection upstream and downstream of the machine - Secure and sturdy mechanical system Manufacture/Closing: - Processing all standard types of caps Output::max. 400 containers/min Format change time::max. 20 minutes Container height::up to 300 mm Container diameter::up to 200 mm Working stations::up to 12 Closing stations
Lapsana comună Lapsana communis - Fitoterapie

Lapsana comună Lapsana communis - Fitoterapie

Extrait de plante bio, fraiche (non surgelé). Mise en macération sur les lieux de cueillette (Origine France) Flacon en verre de 50 ml
Ulei Esențial De Mirt Comun 1,8 Cineol - Uleiuri Esențiale

Ulei Esențial De Mirt Comun 1,8 Cineol - Uleiuri Esențiale

Myrtus communis L. cinéoliférum A Morta Cet arbrisseau au feuillage vert et lumineux porte à la fin du printemps une floraison délicate et gracieuse et produit dès octobre des baies dont se régalent les oiseaux... et les humains, sous forme de liqueurs et de confitures. On en distille les rameaux pour produire une huile essentielle noble et raffinée dont la composition biochimique en Corse est caractérisée par l’abondance de 1,8 cinéole, ce qui lui confère son intérêt thérapeutique (fluidifiant, décongestionnant, antiviral). Usages traditionnels et modes d’utilisation (revue de littérature) On l’utilise en diffusion atmosphérique pour favoriser la détente, dans des huiles de massage pour soulager les états congestifs de la sphère orl, respiratoire ou génitourinaire et dans des préparations cosmétiques. Son utilisation cutanée est aisée en raison de sa très bonne tolérance par la peau. Réf:HE10.M
Imprimantă 3D PEEK Dimensiune Comună - Imprimante 3D FDM PEEK Industriale Model Q200 Q300

Imprimantă 3D PEEK Dimensiune Comună - Imprimante 3D FDM PEEK Industriale Model Q200 Q300

THE SYNERGY OF LARGE BUILD VOLUME AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE THERMAL DESIGN. High-temperature chamber for printing large functional parts with material PEEK Polymer without warpage & delamination. Large Scale. High Temperature. Industrial Production. Consumables:1.75mm PEEK Max. Print Head Temperature:500 Celsius Max. Chamber Temperature:150 Celsius Extrude Quantity:40-160mm/s Layer thickness:0.05-0.4mm Connect:SD Card/USB line Build Volume Q200:200x200x200mm Build Volume Q300:300x300x300mm
Octopus Comun

Octopus Comun

Disponible en congelé à bord et frais. Pêché ici en Mauitanie & Dakhla. Fishing here in Mauritania and available in frozen on board and fresh.
Vindi ESENȚIAL - Ulei Esențial BIO - Lavandă Comună

Vindi ESENȚIAL - Ulei Esențial BIO - Lavandă Comună

Flacon 10ml - Fabrication Française - Marque Bretonne - 100% pure et naturelle - Les propriétés de l’huile essentielle de Lavandin s’expliquent par la présence de composés actifs à l’origine présents dans les sommités fleuries de Lavandula burnatii Super ou Lavandula hybrida clone super (Lavandin, Lavandin super, Lavandin hybride, ou Lavandin doux).
WHC1-SET16 Centru de lucru, Panou de atelier - Panou de unelte pentru utilizare comună, Ateliere, Sudură, Lemn, Auto

WHC1-SET16 Centru de lucru, Panou de atelier - Panou de unelte pentru utilizare comună, Ateliere, Sudură, Lemn, Auto

Mayor exposición de todos los puntos de venta: «Mostrar y vender». Control visible del inventario. Mezcla ideal para todos los talleres. Fácil acceso y almacenamiento de herramientas. Contenidos: 1 x 131-07, 131-10, 111-05, 111F-07, 111F-10, 112-07, 112-10, 124-06, 124-12, 125-09, 127F-06, 128-08, 139-10, MG2K-040, 1010-099, 1075-099, WHC-1) 16 x Ganchos, 4 x Tornillos y Anclajes
Mătura comună necesită 2 rânduri - Mături articulate

Mătura comună necesită 2 rânduri - Mături articulate

Le balai commun nécessite 2 rangées - Balais articulés Numéro d'article:11001
Plăci de particule brute și plăci MDF în toate grosimile comune

Plăci de particule brute și plăci MDF în toate grosimile comune

Eine der modernsten Plattenzuschnittanlagen Europas arbeitet im 2- oder 3-Schicht Betrieb. Mit einem Maximalformat von 6,20 m x 2,80 m und einer Spanplattenstärke von 2,2-60 mm. Dünnspanplatten von 3-8 mm HDF/MDF-Platten 2,8-8 mm Lackierte Rückwände MDF-Platten in Paneelqualität Melaminbeschichtete Platten im Standardformat / Rohfixmaß und Fertigmaß  
Absolut de Portocală Amară

Absolut de Portocală Amară

En parfumerie fine, cette ressource est idéale pour apporter de l’opulence et de la féminité aux fragrances. Cette communelle permet d’impacter par des notes miellés et jasminées intenses qui s’accordent avec tous les ingrédients caractéristiques de cette parfumerie orientale. Ref:F1842A
Cuie comune

Cuie comune

Common nails are used for installation of a wooden covering of facades and gables and at other construction works. And also at construction of frameworks of houses, fastening of rafters, lattices for a metal tile or a professional flooring, a metal professional flooring and other roofing materials.
Tinctură de Coada-Calului Comună 100ml

Tinctură de Coada-Calului Comună 100ml

Horsetail is used to treat bacterial and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and chronic bladder irritation, but is also used for heavy periods. Horsetail builds blood cells and helps with chronic bronchitis. Due to the high silica content, it is used in kidney disease as well. Furthermore, horsetail acts as a support for connective tissue problems, skin elasticity improvement, is important for building bone material, healthy teeth and strong fingernails and toenails. Silica tones the skin and improves its circulation. In addition, silica has an astringent effect, so it for instance pulls the pores together, which is particularly useful in diseases such as acne, inflamed or blemished skin. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus. Supports/Is good for Skin inflammation, acne Varicose veins Nails and hair Rheumatic complaints Bladder Area of use Connective tissue, skin, bones, urinary tract, blood...
Răzătoare pentru Furaje

Răzătoare pentru Furaje

Rotor à vis à âme épaisse muni de crocs, supporté à chaque extrémité par des paliers à roulement à rotule sur rouleaux. Trèfle fixe et couteaux mobiles pour l’obtention de la granulométrie. Caisson en forme de double U, avec ou sans grille. Automatisme et asservissement en cas de surcharge par rotation inverse. Pour : Encombrants – Palettes Déchets verts – Branchages Balles de plastiques, papiers, cartons Copeaux métalliques – Casse cuite Écran de téléviseur – Pare brise Etc.
Esteri Sintetici

Esteri Sintetici

Esters synthétiques incluant mono-esters, diesters, esters de glycol, esters de néo-polyols et esters complexes. Utilisés comme base unique ou en combinaison avec d’autres fluides afin de formuler des lubrifiants haute-performance pour applications industrielles et automobiles. Nombres d’entre eux sont biodégradables et conformes à l’Ecolabel européen. Les esters NYCOBASE permettent de formuler des lubrifiants synthétiques dernière génération : stabilité thermique, faible volatilité, pouvoir lubrifiant, biodégradabilité, faible toxicité, éco-compatibilité.
Grupul Emart

Grupul Emart

Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
ALCHIMILĂ COMUNĂ - Extracte Hidro-Alcoolice Alimentare

ALCHIMILĂ COMUNĂ - Extracte Hidro-Alcoolice Alimentare

FLACON VERRE DE 1L - ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS Certification:Biologique Contient de l'alcool:Oui Poids total unitaire (kg brut):1.41 Densité:0.92 Volume unitaire en litre:1


buckwheat, (Fagopyrum esculentum), also called common buckwheat, herbaceous plant of the family Polygonaceae and its edible seeds. Buckwheat is a staple pseudograin crop in some parts of eastern Europe, where the hulled kernels, or groats, are prepared as kasha, cooked and served much like rice.
Ulei de Bergamotă - Uleiul de bergamotă este folosit frecvent în aromaterapie pentru a îmbunătăți starea de spirit

Ulei de Bergamotă - Uleiul de bergamotă este folosit frecvent în aromaterapie pentru a îmbunătăți starea de spirit

Commonly used in aromatherapy to elevate mood and alleviate stress, it is said to have properties similar to grapefruit essential oil in that it is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and analgesic (pain-relieving).
Cuie cu bobină de sârmă - Cuie folosite în construcții și fabricarea paletelor

Cuie cu bobină de sârmă - Cuie folosite în construcții și fabricarea paletelor

Wire collated nails are used in the construction and pallet manufacturing business. These coils can hold up to 150-200 nails.
Șurub cu cârlig - Cârlig cu șurub - Cârlig unghiular - Cârlig rotund

Șurub cu cârlig - Cârlig cu șurub - Cârlig unghiular - Cârlig rotund

Wir fertigen Hakenschrauben oft auch bekannt unter dem Begriff Schraubhaken, Rundhaken oder Winkelhaken als kundenspezifischen Artikel in jeder Losgröße, allen gängigen Güten und Oberflächen. Unsere Hakenschrauben und Schraubhaken zeichnen sich durch ihre hohe Qualität und Genauigkeit aus. Wir sind auf die unterschiedlichsten Hakenformen und Abmessungen spezialisiert. Werkstoffe S235, S355, C45k, 36Mn6, 42CrMo4, A2, A4 und Sonderwerkstoffe auf Anfrage Oberflächen roh, galv. verzinkt, dickschichtpassiviert, feuerverzinkt, ZinkNickel Beschichtung und Zink Lamellenbeschichtung Größen:M4 bis M36 HERKUNFTSLAND:Deutschland