Cea mai bună furnizor pentru cefaleea

Centro San Sebastiano operează în domeniul tratării multor patologii prin acupunctura tradițională chineză, o practică eficientă milenară a medicinei orientale. Prin inserarea de ace mici și subțiri în țesutul subcutanat pe câțiva milimetri, este posibil să se trateze o gamă largă de boli, cum ar fi cervicala, cefaleea, lombalgia, lombosciatica și artroza, în timp ce pentru cei care au frică de...

Produse pentru cefaleea (14)

Amestec de masaj pentru oboseală și dureri de cap - Kituri

Amestec de masaj pentru oboseală și dureri de cap - Kituri

Add 5 drops of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Basil oil to 50 ml of Almond oil. The resulting mixture will help relieve fatigue, relieve headaches, tone the muscles of the body and give vitality. Collection:Budjak Almond oil:50 ml Eucalyptus oil:10 ml. Peppermint oil:10 ml. Basil oil:10 ml.
Calsil-T - Tratament și profilaxie

Calsil-T - Tratament și profilaxie

Complex preparation for extension of active longevity on the basis of calcium, magnesium and also vitamins A, D and E. Influences the key links in the chain of pathogenesis of the accelerated aging, resolving cell activity of all organs and systems, also restoring violated immune and antioxidant status. Prophylactic preparation for osteoporosis and oncopathology. headaches Bulk:20 tablets by 1,0 g Expiry date:17.09.2025 Barcode:4627099310023 Article:7030110
Roll-on Ușurare a Durerii de Cap - Suplimente Alimentare

Roll-on Ușurare a Durerii de Cap - Suplimente Alimentare

Pour les maux de têtes passagers Fatigue passagère, beaucoup de temps passé devant un écran, environnement bruyant… les maux de têtes peuvent rapidement apparaitre et gâcher le quotidien. Le stress, une mauvaise alimentation ou encore le manque de sommeil peuvent favoriser ces sensations d’inconfort. Ce stick ROLL-ON contient une association de 2 huiles essentielles pour soulager en cas de maux de tête passagers : L’huile essentielle de menthe poivrée pour ses propriétés rafraichissantes L’huile essentielle de lavande officinale pour son action relaxante Ces huiles essentielles sont HEBBD (Huile Essentielle Botaniquement et Biochimiquement Définie). Le ROLL-ON MAUX DE TÊTE s’applique en massages circulaires sur les tempes, le front et la nuque. L’effet de massage et la sensation de froid procurés par le ROLL-ON MAUX DE TÊTE soulagent la douleur liée aux maux de tête et aux migraines. Référence:24201
Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap - Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap

Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap - Perna Termică Terapeutică pentru Dureri de Cap

Está cansado de sofrer com dores de cabeça? Sente irritabilidade que só lhe apetece gritar com toda a gente? Experimente acalmar a sua dor de cabeça usando uma almofada terapêutica de caroços de azeitona Natural Body & Soul arrefecida no congelador. Sinta o frio a penetrar e a dor a acalmar.
Migraine Stop ODT - Prevenire naturală a atacurilor de migrenă și a durerilor de cap severe.

Migraine Stop ODT - Prevenire naturală a atacurilor de migrenă și a durerilor de cap severe.

Natural prevention of migraine attacks and severe headache, a unique product combining the effects of Feverfew extract and Baical skullcap extract, enriched with L-Theanin and vitamins B1 a B6. The only product on the market with scientifically proven high solubility and cellular absorption of effective plant extracts - up to 300 times higher than that of commonly available products, developed in cooperation with the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, Czech Republic. User friendly dosage form in orally soluble tablets (ODT) for maximum absorption. Indication: Individuals suffering from migraine attacks Reduces increased sensitivity to light and noise Prevents vomiting and nausea during migraine attacks Induction of relaxation Prevention of anxiety
Cafeaua ameliorează durerea de cap

Cafeaua ameliorează durerea de cap

Coffee can help relieve headaches in some people, as caffeine is a natural stimulant that can help reduce inflammation and increase blood flow. However, caffeine can also have the opposite effect and actually cause headaches in some individuals. It is hence a component of several commonly used painkillers. It can increase their logical persuasiveness by up to 40%. Caffeine changes the drug’s composition and speed of action. So, with some moderation, cherish caffeine’s uplifting and anguish-facilitating qualities.
Autoclave Medicale

Autoclave Medicale

Tutoriale de Depanare

Tutoriale de Depanare

Tutos dépannage
Fii mai bun cu Bowen

Fii mai bun cu Bowen

The Bowen Technique which provides swift and effective pain relief for a range of conditions. I worked as an Occupational Therapist for almost 20 years. During this time, I have worked with pre-term infants, babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly with a huge range of conditions and functional limitations. I have now set up my own clinic and provide Bowen full time because the results are incredible. See my website for google reviews and testimonials. The Bowen Technique treats the individual ‘as a whole’ rather than a collection of separate symptoms. It is hands-on, natural, non-invasive, relaxing and beneficial for all ages. It does not use drugs or surgeries, which put additional stressors on the body, because it taps into the innate ability of the body to heal itself.


"Die haben wir täglich im Einsatz!" Men's Health Magazin ✔ EFFEKTIV: Effektiv zur nachhaltigen Kräftigung des gesamten Körpers. Jeder einzelne Muskel lässt sich gezielt ansteuern. ✔ UNIVERSAL-TOOL: Ideal für das Grundlagentraining, Variabel einsetzbar, Trizeps, Bizeps und Co. ✔ HIGHLIGHT: Die hochwertige Polyurethan-Kurzhantel weist eine extrem hohe Reißfestigkeit auf und ist äußerst unempfindlich und widerstandsfähig gegen Schläge, Abrieb, Kratzer oder Abplatzungen. ✔ DESIGN: Top-Design im High-End-Finish gewährt ein jederzeit perfektes Handling. Markenqualität von Men's Health Power. ✔ HOCHWERTIGE VERARBEITUNG: Vollstahlhantel, mechanisch verbunden und zu einem Bauteil verschweißt - nicht lösbar! Hochfeste, reißfeste Polyurethan-Beschichtung, Logo ausgelasert, präzise und griffige Griffrändelung - hartverchromt.


“Unsere Agenten brauchen die besten Tools für unsere Kunden. Mit Venezia können wir mit unseren Kunden diese Tools für jedes Projekt maßschneidern. Keine Programmierung, keine Frontendschulungen, standardisierte Schnittstellen, einfachstes Deployment” Features Webbasierte Erstellung von Eingabemasken Online ohne Programmierung durch nicht IT-Kräfte in sehr kurzer Zeit Eingabemasken können direkt in der Besprechung mit dem Anforderer erstellt werden Vorschaufunktion für den direkten Test der aktuellen Eingabemaske Einstellbare Wiedervorlagenfunktion mit Eskalation bei Zeitüberschreitung Mögliche Eingabeelemente sind Textfelder, Dropdowns, Listenfelder, Radiobuttons, Checkboxen usw. Einstellbare Validierung von Pflichtfeldern, Datentypen, Eingabemustern (Email, IP Adresse usw.), Textlängen, Duplikats Prüfungen für einzelne Felder und Kombinationen Einstellung von Standardwerten für Eingabeelemente Abhängigkeiten zwischen Listenwerten (Cascading Dropdowns)
Soluționarea problemelor de comportament

Soluționarea problemelor de comportament

Solución de problemas de comportamiento y modificación de conductas inadecuadas: ansiedad por separación, agresividad, miedos, problemas de micciones y heces descontroladas, ladridos excesivos, conductas destructivas, etc.
Respectarea termenelor

Respectarea termenelor

Nous sommes garant de l’arrivée de vos marchandises dans les délais imposés.