ECHIPAMENT DIAGNOSTIC - Analiza conductivității țesuturilor și a tulburărilor microcirculației
SensitivE Audit® DynamicB
The module allows analyzing tissue conductivity and microcirculation disorders using certain dosed stimuli. Cannot be used without an interface block.
The module can:
• automatically conduct an incremental scanning of the head and limbs with impulses of negative and positive polarity (20 derivations), with a repetition rate of 10 Hz. At that, the electric signal test is physiological and does not cause discomfort;
• to readjust the signal received via the use of direct or alternating current influence in the measuring range to exclude effect of fabric electrolysis;
• use sequential transfer of frequency-wave information to the object under study along the diagonals, in accordance with the distribution of energy meridians;
• to carry out early prediction of neoplastic and fibrodystrophic processes in selective foci;
• to reveal the hidden foci of tissue conduction disorders and their influence on the studied object's functional reserves of adaptation.