Produse pentru caterpillar snow groomer (22)

Caterpillar 966M - Condiție excelentă / Ore puține / CE

Caterpillar 966M - Condiție excelentă / Ore puține / CE

Caterpillar 966M Excellent état / Faibles heures / CE Année : 2016 Numéro de référence : BM005269 Heures 9.967 Type : 966M Emplacement : Veldhoven, Pays-Bas Certificat : CE Numéro de série : CAT0966MCDYC01079 Disponible chez Boss Machinery ! Cette chargeuse sur pneus Caterpillar 966M de 2016 a une puissance moteur de 229 kW et compte 9967 heures de fonctionnement. Le poids total de ce Caterpillar 966M est de 24000 kg et les dimensions sont de 10,15 x 3,35 x 3,56. De plus, ce 966M est équipé de Système de pesée, Climatisation, Radio, Graissage centralisé. La chargeuse sur pneus Caterpillar possède également un marquage CE. Voulez-vous plus d'informations ou voulez-vous essayer le Caterpillar 966M dans notre chantier ? Veuillez nous en informer. Dimensions/Poids Poids : 24 000 kg L*l*H : 10,15 x 3,35 x 3,56 m Informations techniques Configurations d'entraînement : 4 x 4 Informations sur le moteur Marque du moteur : Caterpillar Modèle du moteur Catégories:Chargeuses sur pneus Modèle:966M - Excellent état / Faibles heures / CE Année:2016 Heures moteur:9967 heures Marque:chenille Condition:Occasion Motorisation:Diesel
Jaguar - Mașină de colectare a pietrelor 175 - Colector de pietre

Jaguar - Mașină de colectare a pietrelor 175 - Colector de pietre

Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting Machines are considered as one of the indispensable tools that play a critical role in making stony lands suitable for agriculture in the global arena of the agricultural sector. This machine is designed to process your soil while collecting stones from the surface to a depth of 35 cm with a special drum system and spring sieve . Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting machines are used to clean coasts and beaches in many industrial areas such as the tourism sector as well as agricultural lands . With its ability to collect stones from 3 cm to 45 cm in diameter , the spring sieve and drum system prevents soil and mud from collecting . The fact that our machine is produced with a special steel alloy material that offers long blade life guarantees durability and efficiency. The specially designed pad and transmission system ensures trouble-free operation and long life as long as regular oil maintenance is performed. Working Width:175cm Storage capacity:Max. 6000kg Required Tractor Power:60 - 80 HP Stone diameter it can collect (min., max.):3-35cm Working Depth (max.):35cm Weight:3525kg Length:520cm Road Width:255cm height:250cm Warehouse Height:260cm
Transportor Mini Sport pentru Grădină cu Șenile - Unelte de Construcție

Transportor Mini Sport pentru Grădină cu Șenile - Unelte de Construcție

Able to overcome almost any obstacle with this mini transporter and move on steep terrain with inclines of up to 25°. The containers of these mini transporters can support heavy weights, in this case, this model has a load capacity of 300 kg and has the additional advantage that the shelves that make it up are extendable. Thanks to this, the volume of cargo you want to transport can be much larger and offer more uses than you might initially think. This mini transporter on complicated surfaces offers much better grip than wheelbarrows, thanks to its rubber tracks that grip the ground perfectly, making it an excellent option when you need good traction on uneven or complicated terrain and with little grip. The user can overcome almost any obstacle with this mini transporter and move on steep terrain with inclines of up to 25°. Reference:605.SG MINITRANSPORTER 300
Lama de Zăpadă Seria V

Lama de Zăpadă Seria V

Variables ADLER-Schneeschild für den nächsten Winter!
Dăltițe de Zăpadă Tokvam

Dăltițe de Zăpadă Tokvam

Unter dem Motto "we make winter easy" fertigt Tokvam aus Norwegen seit 1958 Schneefräsen für Radlader und Traktoren für höchste Ansprüche. Im Program sind Schneefräsen sowohl für Zapfwellenantrieb als auch hydraulisch angetrieben zum Anbau an Radlader und Traktoren.
Vehicul pentru Îndepărtarea Zăpezii - SUR M31

Vehicul pentru Îndepărtarea Zăpezii - SUR M31

Ce châssis roule jusqu’à 90 km/h, il peut ainsi intervenir rapidement sur un site à déneiger Plus large que le châssis TREMO, il peut recevoir en outil frontal une lame de déneigement de 1,80 m. les atouts de la M31
Încărcător pe roți Cat de 5 până la 7 tone

Încărcător pe roți Cat de 5 până la 7 tone

Die kompakten, leistungsstarken Cat Radlader mit hydrostatischem Antrieb mit zuschalt baren Differentialsperren, Knickpendelgelenk und kräftiger Z-Ladekinematik bieten vor allem mehr Ausbrechkraft -
Încărcător Caterpillar C966

Încărcător Caterpillar C966

chargeur Caterpillar C966
Sembdner RS 50 E mașină pentru construcția gazonului

Sembdner RS 50 E mașină pentru construcția gazonului

Bateria elektryczna 2x36V Li-Ion, 1 x ładowarka 230 V, 1 x ładowarka samochodowa - Zalety w skrócie - Ręcznie prowadzona wersja podstawowa - Wszystkie cechy jakościowe maszyn do pielęgnacji murawy firmy Sembdner - Polecane również do użytku prywatnego Sprawdzona jakość firmy Sembdner dla każdego Mniejsze i prywatne ogrody mogą teraz również korzystać ze sprawdzonej jakości firmy Sembdner. Ręcznie prowadzona maszyna do uprawy trawnika RS 50 H może być obsługiwana ręcznie, jest znacznie tańsza w zakupie i jeszcze bardziej kompaktowa. Mimo to zachowany został wydajny system budowy darni firmy Sembdner. Po wstępnym wałowaniu, podczas którego rozdrabniane są grubsze bryły, co stwarza optymalne warunki do prawidłowego przykrycia gleby przez nasiona, następuje siew za pomocą elastycznej szczotki perlonowej. Ciała obce nie mogą więc przeszkadzać ani utrudniać procesu siewu. Ilość nasion na metr kwadratowy może być dokładnie zważona i regulowana. Napęd jeża odbywa się poprzez łańcuch i jest chroniony przez osłonę. Szerokość robocza:50 cm Waga ok.: od 63 do 100 kg Zawartość zbiornika na nasiona:ok.40 Ltr. L/W/H ok. (z szyną prowadzącą):1270 / 590 / 940 mm Wydajność powierzchniowa na jedno ładowanie akumulatora ok.:1500 m2
Încărcător pe roți

Încărcător pe roți

Diese sehr fokussierte Anwendung gibt es in unterschiedlichsten Größen, folglich können von sehr kleinen Lasten bis hin zu enormen Mengen viele Arbeiten durchgeführt werden. Von der Antriebsstärke über das Eigengewicht bis hin zur Schaufelgröße variieren die Radlader enorm. Gleiches gilt auch für die Radlader in unserem Angebot, weshalb Sie hier sehr wahrscheinlich das richtige Produkt für Ihre Bedürfnisse finden werden.


Hârbă de disc Scorpion 160 R - Hârbă de disc montată pe tractor Scorpion 160 R

Hârbă de disc Scorpion 160 R - Hârbă de disc montată pe tractor Scorpion 160 R

Rębak SKORPION 160 R to maszyna przeznaczona do współpracy z ciągnikami średniej wielkości - (min. moc 60 KM), zawieszana na trzypunktowym układzie z tyłu ciągnika. Doskonale sprawdza się przy pracy w terenie, gdzie jest utrudniony dojazd samochodem jak i również jest o wiele tańszą alternatywą dla rębaków mobilnych z napędem z silnika spalinowego. Przestrzeń załadunku drewna, gardziel o wymiarach 285 mm szerokość i 165 mm wysokość pozwala na rozdrabnianie gałęzi wraz z konarami i odrostami (z liśćmi i z igliwiem), a także okrągłego drewna do średnicy 16 cm. W rębaku Skorpion 160 R, układ tnący stanowi tarcza wyposażona w dwa noże tnące, współpracująca z dwoma nożami podporowymi. Posiada hydrauliczny podajnik gałęzi, składający się z dwóch rolek napędzanych osobnymi silnikami hydraulicznymi. Układ hydrauliczny w rębaku jest napędzany z własnej pompy hydraulicznej, co zwalnia użytkownika z potrzeby korzystania z hydrauliki ciągnika.
Dispersor tip SH - Potrivit pentru sare, nisip și pietriș

Dispersor tip SH - Potrivit pentru sare, nisip și pietriș

-driven by forklift hydraulic system -variable gritting range; can be adjusted by varying height and angle of inclination of mast -stirring mechanism -protective grid as cover -fork sleeves for pick-up by a forklift truck material:steel
Snowboard motorizat "Monotrack" - Snowboard moto pliabil ușor pentru toate terenurile "Monotrack"

Snowboard motorizat "Monotrack" - Snowboard moto pliabil ușor pentru toate terenurile "Monotrack"

Snowboarding is perfect for snowboarding in a variety of terrain, in areas that do not have specially equipped tracks, as well as for use in conditions where movement on snowmobiles is difficult or prohibited (parks, forest, frozen river surface, etc.). In other words, this device can serve you both for entertainment, walks, sports, and for work, replacing a motorcycle tow or mini snowmobile! The low weight and compact size of a motorcycle snowboard allow you to transport it without special equipment. You can easily take it with you wherever you go - out of town, for recreation, fishing. Motosnowboard is best suited for active, family vacation, sports, tourism (walks), entertainment. This board can reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour and is controlled by your body. A simple forward movement will not require any tension or effort from you. The all-electric version is possible. Weight from:64 kg Maximum speed up to:40 km/h The distance on the road on one battery charge:40 km or more Mountain climbing angle up to:25 degrees Dimensions in:180 x 45 x 90 cm package Frame and knots are made of:steel Composite track, with crossbars for strength:Composite Track width:38 cm


Ce dumper est facile à démarrer grâce à sa clé de démarrage et est certifié CE ISO EPA, garantissant une performance et une qualité élevées Poids total:252 kg Poids de chargement maximal:400 kg Système de basculement:Hydraulique Angle de basculement:95° Vitesse:6 km/h Rayon:1 m Capacité d'escalade:20°
RT 120 Tăietor de Șanțuri

RT 120 Tăietor de Șanțuri

Wir bieten Ihnen eine breite Palette von handgeführten Grabenfräsen bis zu Aufsitz Grabenfräsen und Grabenpflüge.  Diese Produktlinie ist für die Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung (z.B. Wohn- und Gartenanlagen, Drainagen, Beregnungsanlagen) als auch für Kabel- und Rohrleitungstiefbau (z.B. Versorgungsleitungen,Glasfasernetze,Hausanschlüsse) geeignet. Für etwaige Anbaugeräte passend zur richtigen Maschine, fragen Sie einfach bei unserem Verkaufsteam nach. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage und stehen für weitere Informationen gerne zu Ihrer Verfügung. Länge: 3,17 m Breite: 2,1 m Höhe: 2,92 m Motor: Deutz® TCD 3,6 L4, Diesel Netto-Nennleistung: 90kW Basisgewicht: 3946 kg Optional: Front-Gegengewicht: 590 kg Seitliches-Gegengewicht: 114 kg
Căptușeală din pânză pentru răspânditoare de zăpadă și pluguri

Căptușeală din pânză pentru răspânditoare de zăpadă și pluguri

We produce tarpaulin with the highest standards for snow spreaders and ploughs for snow cleaning. Everything is custom-made. Our good work is proven by being used in a few highly respected companies that produce heavy machinery.
Roabă cu șenile autoîncărcătoare - Roabă cu șenile cu capacitate de încărcare de 450 kg

Roabă cu șenile autoîncărcătoare - Roabă cu șenile cu capacitate de încărcare de 450 kg

Brouette à chenille autochargeuse idéale pour les terrains difficiles et accidentés grâce à son faible encombrement, sa capacité de franchissement et ses 450 kilos de charge utile. Appréciée pour les travaux de déblayage de gravats, le transport de sable, de ciment, etc., elle est l'outil polyvalent par excellence grâce à l'utilisation de nombreux accessoires (benne, bétonnière, pelle ...). Elle vous permettra de résoudre les problèmes d'accessibilité au chantier. - Auto-chargeuse - Moteur thermique essence - 450 kilos de charge utile - Fonctionnement hydro-statique - 92 cm de largeur
Leopard - Mașină de Zdrobire a Pietrei 170 - Zdrobitor de Piatră

Leopard - Mașină de Zdrobire a Pietrei 170 - Zdrobitor de Piatră

Agromeks Leopard Stone Crushing Machines are superior agricultural equipment designed to create a productive agricultural environment by purifying agricultural lands from the negative effects of stones, while also enriching soils in terms of minerals . Our models with various working widths (150cm, 170cm, 200cm) enable you to grind the stones on your land and prepare the soil . These machines can be used in a wide range of applications, such as fields, orchards, greenhouses, vineyards, beaches and non-agricultural industrial areas. Diamond Boron Carbide (Carbide) crusher teeth offer superior performance by ensuring long-lasting and uninterrupted operation. Hardox chassis and body maximize durability and guarantee error-free operation even under the most challenging operating conditions. Our machines keep functionality and durability at the highest level with specially produced Italian transmissions. Working Width:170cm Power Requirement:Min.: 95hp Required tractor feature:Super Creep gear Tillage depth:Max: 20cm Working Speed:0.3-2 km/h Crusher blade feature:Boron Carbide Machine interior coating:Hardox PTO shaft speed:540rpm Crusher blade position:Helix machine back cover:Hydraulic
Jaguar - Mașină de colectare a pietrelor 140 - Colector de pietre

Jaguar - Mașină de colectare a pietrelor 140 - Colector de pietre

Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting Machines are considered as one of the indispensable tools that play a critical role in making stony lands suitable for agriculture in the global arena of the agricultural sector. This machine is designed to process your soil while collecting stones from the surface to a depth of 35 cm with a special drum system and spring sieve . Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting machines are used to clean coasts and beaches in many industrial areas such as the tourism sector as well as agricultural lands . With its ability to collect stones from 3 cm to 45 cm in diameter , the spring sieve and drum system prevents soil and mud from collecting . The fact that our machine is produced with a special steel alloy material that offers long blade life guarantees durability and efficiency. The specially designed pad and transmission system ensures trouble-free operation and long life as long as regular oil maintenance is performed. Working Width:140cm Storage capacity:Max. 4500kg Required Tractor Power:50 - 65 HP Stone diameter it can collect (min., max.):3-35cm Working Depth (max.):35cm Weight:2800kg Length:520cm Road Width:225cm height:250cm Warehouse Height:260cm
Lame de Răzuire Cat

Lame de Răzuire Cat

Schürfzüge, früher bei großen Erdbewegungen oft die dominierenden Baumaschinen, werden heute in Deutschland kaum noch eingesetzt.
linie de ciocane hidraulice CAT

linie de ciocane hidraulice CAT

pelle hydraulique cat ligne brh