Cea mai bună furnizor pentru căldură pvc

Franța, Roanne Cedex
...Performanțe termice excelente Robust și compact Circuit secundar ușor de curățat Fascicul dilatabil Fără constrângeri de instalare Capcana de nămol încorporată Special dedicat ingineriei climatice, acest schimbător de căldură cu plăci sudate oferă performanțe termice optime pentru aplicațiile de substație cu apă supraîncălzită (până la 11 MW unitar) sau deconectările rețelelor HP/BP Pincement de...

Produse pentru căldură pvc (46)

Eșantion PVC

Eșantion PVC

Nuancier HELIOS pour tous nos produits en PVC : - fenêtres; - portes d’entrée ; - portes coulissantes
Benzi PVC - PVC, PP, PET benzi curbate

Benzi PVC - PVC, PP, PET benzi curbate

Vi produserer hyllelister og hyllelister til ulike butikker og supermarkeder. Materialet vi lager er PVC, PP, Pet Kald og varm bøyning mulig


It has similar application areas with PVC. It has chemical resistance to acids and bases. It features weldability. Weldability is more difficult than PVC but more resistant weld seams are obtained. It has higher temperature resistance than polyethylene and PVC. Cost is low and economical since its density is very low. It has a high impact resistance. It can be used on section plates. Mechanical strength values are better compared to Polyethylene.
Vopsea pe bază de solvent

Vopsea pe bază de solvent

SOLVENT PAINT of COSMOCHROME is a high quality undercoat for concrete surfaces (concrete columns, concrete floors, walls, ceramic tile roofs etc). It is highly durable against extreme weather conditions and atmosphere pollution. It has strong adhesion, great covering power and extreme hardness PACKAGE:0,75 LT, 10 LT, 2,5 LT COLOR:Black, Cypress Green
Protech Fix AC-Therm: Fixativ acrilic de întărire anti-condensare, în dispersie apoasă

Protech Fix AC-Therm: Fixativ acrilic de întărire anti-condensare, în dispersie apoasă

Protech Fix AC-Therm Water-based anti-condensing wall covering, with excellent fixing and anchoring properties, with good coverage based on high penetration acrylic resins, 3M Glass Bubble, pigments, fillers and covering fillers. Suitable as an anti-condensation fixative primer, prior to painting or coating the plaster with anti-condensation paints or plasters (-THERM). Ideal for interventions on walls with mucilage deposits, bacterial phenomena and moulds. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it is particularly suitable for solving mould problems. It can be applied on any plaster (rustic, civil, plaster, dry mortar, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete, etc.). Made with special resins and additives it reduces the absorption of the support while allowing the necessary transpiration, uniforms the absorption making the application of the finishing coats easier. It always works in depth, which is why it is the ideal preparation for applying water-based paints or coatings. Adhesion is excellent even on particularly difficult surfaces, thanks to the use of special resins and the presence in the formulation of an adhesion promoter interacting between the support and the product. Preliminary treatment of any surface (civil, plaster, rustic, dry mortars, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete etc.) designed to isolate the support surfaces and standardise the absorptions of the subsequent anti-condensate treatments (painting and protective coatings). Packaging: 14-liter bucket UM: €/l


It is a chelated liquid potash that facilitates the availability of potassium. Being completely soluble, its application is very fast and is immediately assimilated by the plant. Improves the organoleptic quality of fruits, vegetables and industrial crops, as well as the coloration of the flowers of ornamental plants. Applied at the end of the vegetative phase (before harvesting or harvesting) it advances ripening, increases resistance to drought and climatic adversities. The presence of an adequate dose of chelating agent guarantees the total availability of potassium, regardless of the quality of the water used for foliar and fertigation treatments SKU:n/a Size:1000 LITERS, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS
ACCESORII Vopsea albă

ACCESORII Vopsea albă

Protects the outdoor insulation from U.V. and inclement weather. White paint:0.75 litre
PVC Noua Epocă

PVC Noua Epocă

New generation solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. Suitable for use in drinking water systems. THF-free. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
Piscină din polipropilenă

Piscină din polipropilenă

Ihr eigener Polypropylen Pool ermöglicht Ihnen kostbare Momente der Entspannung. Baden im azurblauen Wasser des Pools zu jeder Zeit, ob tagsüber oder am Abend ist dessen Garantie. Dies beweist die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden aus dem In- und Ausland. Die Pools werden aus Polypropylen (Compact Pools 8 mm und Milano Pools 8 mm) geschweißt, der UV stabilisiert ist. Das Material bieten wir in vier Farben an. Die Pools sind mit zuverlässiger Technologie ausgestattet, die für die Reinigung und Wasserpflege sorgt. Je nach Kundenwunsch kann man den Pool mit weiterem Zubehör bestücken.
Acoperiri din poliuretan

Acoperiri din poliuretan

ADLER PUR-based coatings are modern solvent-based systems that meet the most demanding standards in furniture and interior decoration. The best resistance, both for chemical and mechanical stresses and strains, as well as ease of application and use are the special features of this type of coating system. ADLER offers the best choice of PUR-based coatings for the most diverse types of wood as well as the most varied design concepts. Premium quality and efficient use are always ensured in the process. In this manner, you can meet almost any need or requirement for the surface as desired by your customers.
Film PPF colorat

Film PPF colorat

Film de protection de couleur permettant de changer la couleur d'un véhicule tout en aillant la protection du film PPF (auto cicatrisation, brillance, protection UV, protection film routier...
Clear Pak®

Clear Pak®

Biobasierte, nitrit- und aminfreie korrosionshemmende Verpackungsfolie Die nächste Generation umweltfreundlicher, nitritfreier VCI Folien. Innovative Korrosionsschutzfolie überzeugt durch die Kombination aus maximalen Rostschutz aus umweltreundlichen Bestandteilen, überragenden mechanischen Eigenschaften und schonender Anwendung.
Adeziv poliuretanic

Adeziv poliuretanic

Poliuretano (5,0 kg) + endurecedor (0,7 kg) es decir, un kit de 5,7 kg Aplicaciones: Para todos los revestimientos de suelos interiores o exteriores de caucho, en losetas o en rollo, las moquetas y los céspedes sintéticos. Ventajas: Apto para el encolado de numerosos revestimientos y sobre soportes tales como hormigón y aglomerados. Recomendado para los usos intensivos. Gracias a su flexibilidad, puede ser sometido a importantes variaciones de temperatura


VOUS SOUHAITEZ RECEVOIR UN ÉCHANTILLON GRATUIT AVANT DE RÉALISER VOTRE ACHAT ? CELA EST POSSIBLE ! FAITES VOTRE DEMANDE D'ÉCHANTILLONS GRATUITS DE SOL PVC EN SUIVANT NOS INSTRUCTIONS CI-DESSOUS. Pour tout envoi d’échantillon, merci d’indiquer dans les commentaires le type de produit que vous souhaitez recevoir, en précisant la couleur et la surface. 1 à 2 modèles par envoi. Les frais de port de 9,00 EUROS TTC seront remboursés lors de votre prochaine commande. Ajoutez au panier Renseignez toutes les informations utiles à la livraison Effectuez le paiement (9 € TTC = Frais de port uniquement) Précisez l'échantillon voulu dans la zone "Commentaire"
Pa - Poliamidă

Pa - Poliamidă

Belongs to the most popular thermoplastics with constructional application. It owes its popularity to special properties, such as high mechanical strength, excellent sliding properties, high impact resistance, good chemical resistance, damping ability and machinability (turning, milling, cutting)
CV-2688-12 - Adeziv pentru film cu volatilitate controlată

CV-2688-12 - Adeziv pentru film cu volatilitate controlată

"Para aplicações eletrônicas e espaciais que exigem baixa liberação de gases e condensáveis ​​voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em dispositivos sensíveis. Para colagem ou vedação de elastômeros de silicone e alguns metais ou plásticos"


Die mehr als 40-jährige Erfahrung in der Polyurethanverarbeitung mit den PUR Werkstoffsystemen sowie Formulierungen für Spezialanwendungen garantieren hochwertige Formteile nach Kundenwunsch.
CETEXALT - Metalurgi

CETEXALT - Metalurgi

Nettoyant dégraissant industriel polyvalent en solution aqueuse à haut pouvoir émulsifiant. Hyper polyvalent – Concentré – Économique – Ininflammable – Biodégradable – Contient un inhibiteur de corrosion Le dégraissant professionnel le plus polyvalent et le plus adapté pour tout nettoyer et dégraisser. Composé d’une solution riche en produits actifs naturels et synthétiques non polluants. Permet un nettoyage subtil, rapide et efficace. Concentré économique et pratique. N’altère pas le plastique, le caoutchouc, le plexi, le tissu, le verre… S’utilise pur ou dilué. Ne laisse pas de film gras. Ne pollue pas le milieu naturel. Contient un inhibiteur de corrosion. Ininflammable, biodégradable, sans solvants chlorés, sans hydro carbure, sans ammoniaque, sans butyl glycol. Réf:i505 Conditionnement:Bidon de 1 L avec Vapo – Carton de 20 Métiers:Métalliers Ex:CETEXALT ORIGINAL


Zähe Hochleistungskunststoffe mit zuverlässiger Verschleißbeständigkeit.
Compoziție de blocare a filetelor

Compoziție de blocare a filetelor

Schraubensicherungslack (Plombierungsicherung) in unterschiedlichen Farben und Lösungsmittelhaltig für ein sicheres Sichern und Siegeln von Schrauben. Erhältlich in und 15 ccm und 60 ccm Tuben. Deutschland: 21,50 €


guaranatu®: Das neue Power-Guarana. http://www.guaranatu.de/ guaranatu® ist ein neu entwickelter koffeinhaltiger Extrakt der Guarana Pflanze, hergestellt in einem hochwertigen Extraktionsprozess – ein natürliches Herstellungsverfahren, das durch den ausschließlichen Einsatz von Nanowasser ein besonders reines und hochwertiges Produkt garantiert Natürlicher Koffeingehalt: bis zu 25 % Wasserlöslichkeit: 100 %
Producător și distribuitor angro de învelișuri din lemn

Producător și distribuitor angro de învelișuri din lemn

Soluciones de revestimiento de madera personalizada y de calidad. Novalk es un fabricante y distribuidor mayorista de revestimiento para madera. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos para diversas aplicaciones. Nuestros revestimientos para madera garantizan la protección, el acabado y la durabilidad de sus proyectos, ya sea para uso en interiores o exteriores.
Vopsea pentru piscină

Vopsea pentru piscină

ISONEM POOL est un revêtement pour piscine, bi composant à base de résine de polyuréthane. Elle n'est pas affectée par l'eau et sa pression.


Properties: ALDOVET SAN is a special surface disinfectant concentrate on an excellent bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal effect. ALDOVET SAN is very well suited for the disinfection of surfaces and equipment in livestock barns, as well as for working surfaces, sanitary facilities, and animal transport vehicles. Application: Only apply on acid-resistant surfaces. Before disinfection, all surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly with suitable cleaning agents for animal houses (e.g. ALDOVET TENS). After the surfaces are cleaned and dried the proper use-solution of ALDOVET SAN is applied with the usual application equipment. Surfaces with animal contact must properly be rinsed with water after disinfection.
AC Hidraulică

AC Hidraulică

AC Hydraulic is een Deense toonaangevend fabrikant van hoogwaardig garage- en werkplaatsmateriaal. Van de Calseyde verdeelt hun producten al meer dan 30 jaar en beschikt over een belangrijke voorraad, werkplaats en wisselstukken. Meer informatie omtrent de gamma, technische fiches, cataloog en video’s vindt u op de web site van AC Hydraulic.
Camere de Fermentare Suporturi 800x1000mm Cărucioare 810x1070mm Intrare 810 - Patiserie Cofetărie

Camere de Fermentare Suporturi 800x1000mm Cărucioare 810x1070mm Intrare 810 - Patiserie Cofetărie

Chambres De Fermentation Supports 800x1000mm Chariots 810x1070mm Entree 810 - Boulangerie Pâtisserie


Adesivo e rasante premiscelato alleggerito con sfere di vetro a base di leganti idraulici ad elevato livello qualitativo costante, prodotto con impianto computerizzato. L’incollaggio e la rasatura dei pannelli isolanti di polistirolo, polistirene (anche goffrato), poliuretano, sughero, legno cemento in interno ed esterno ; la rasatura di superfici in calcestruzzo, rivestimenti rustici, plastici e/o minerali, intonaci tradizionali o premiscelati a base di calce e cemento sia nuovi che vecchi anche se verniciati purché in ottimo stato di conservazione, di intonaci che presentano lesioni da ritiro, sarà realizzata con adesivo/rasante in polvere alleggerito con sfere di vetro, a base di leganti idraulici tipo “INTOCOL PP LIGHT” della MALVIN S.r.l., applicato a mano e da impastare con sola aggiunta d’acqua, con un consumo di 2/4,5 kg/mq come collante e di 2,5/3 kg/mq come rasante, con resistenza a compressione a 28 gg di categoria CS III .
Piele Bonded

Piele Bonded

Cuoio rigenerato. Vari spessori. Alta qualità. Ideale per produzioni di borse e cinture.
Injecție de formare

Injecție de formare

In the injection moulding process TPE pellets are fed into the machine through a hopper and then into a heated barrel. The heat from the barrel turns the material into a liquid resin which is then injected into a closed mould under high pressure. After allowing the molten polymer to cool, the finished part can be removed from the mould. Injection moulding is a high-volume, high tooling cost process, the advanced properties of our TPE compounds deliver short cycle times allowing parts to be produced at a rapid rate. The information below is intended as a general overview, settings may vary depending on the specific grade selected. Please CONTACT US for detailed processing information Settings Equipment Conventional injection moulding machine Compression set At least 2:1. Special screws with short sections and higher compression ratios (3:1 to 4:1) may be good at low screw speeds Shrinkage Between 1.0% and 2.5% depending on the grade, type of application and location of the gate. Moul