Ob Deckeneinbau-, Wand-, Steh- oder Pendelleuchten, gerne beraten wir Sie, welche Leuchtelemente für Sie geeignet sind.
Und wir bieten eine große Auswahl an Design- und eigenkreierte LED-Leuchten mit bis zu 5 Jahren Garantie.
Because of the extreme diffuse and vertical mirrored light the LUMIMAX® LED Coaxial Lights constitute a consistent and shadowless illumination of objects. So surfaces are bright and defects are dark. Therefore Coaxial Lights are used for surface checks, imprint checks and completeness checks on very reflecting surfaces. LED Coaxial Lights work at a small operating distance and are available for continuous or flash operation.
Operation mode:Continuous/ switching or Flash
Illumination colour:White, Red, Blue, Green
Protection class:IP40