Produse pentru armare gfrp (9)

Armaglass Corner 33: colț GFRP din fir de sticlă și rășină epoxidică pultrudată

Armaglass Corner 33: colț GFRP din fir de sticlă și rășină epoxidică pultrudată

Armaglass Corner 33 Angular element of monolithic GFRP mesh made with continuous filament glass fiber yarn bars and pultruded epoxy resin primer. The bars are intertwined with each other through a stitching thread, using a unique technology that allows the formation of joints between the longitudinal and transverse bars with high mechanical resistance. The epoxy resin guarantees the mesh high dimensional stability, alkali resistance and improves the mechanical characteristics. The composite has a square mesh with a side of 33 mm, an ideal size for use with mortars for CRM reinforcement systems. The corner piece is a component of our RINFOR SYSTEM systems, which also include GFRP networks, gussets and connectors combined with our lime-based or cement-based mortars. To be used in combination with the Armaglass Structura 33 mesh for the reinforcement of masonry and concrete structures through the reinforced plaster technique (CRM system: Composite Reinforced Mortar). To prepare the support, carefully follow what is indicated in the technical data sheets of the mortar with which Armaglass Corner 33 is combined. Apply Armaglass Corner 33 in correspondence with all the corner areas of the reinforced plastering, in order to guarantee the structural continuity of the RINFOR SYSTEM reinforcement system. Packaging: Loose from 1.05 meters UM: €/piece
DURA - NEOBARS (GFRP bare de armare)

DURA - NEOBARS (GFRP bare de armare)

Dura Composites Rebar was established in more than 30 years, specializes in the production of GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) Rebars.
Simulări termomecanice ale structurilor (4)

Simulări termomecanice ale structurilor (4)

Des simulation en dynamique rapide, chocs, transitoires violents...
Serii mici în industrie și meșteșuguri (GRP)

Serii mici în industrie și meșteșuguri (GRP)

GFK Bauteile für die Industrie und Handwerk
Testare a Tehnologiei de Îmbinare

Testare a Tehnologiei de Îmbinare

FÜGETECHNIKPRÜFUNG Die Fügetechnikprüfung führen wir mittels der Computertomografie durch. Fehlerhafte Verbindungen beim Schweiβen, Löten, Nieten oder Kleben werden schnell erkennbar. Die Auswertung der Fügetechnikprüfung erfolgt in 2D-Röntgenbildern, Schnittfilmen oder 3D-Darstellungen.
Urmărirea Proiectelor și Performanței

Urmărirea Proiectelor și Performanței

Unsere flexible Projekt- und Leistungserfassung bringt Transparenz und Übersicht in die erfassten Stunden und erleichtert die effiziente Kostenkontrolle.
Gestionarea Previziunilor

Gestionarea Previziunilor

Pourquoi établir un prévisionnel ? Pour chiffrer les objectifs à atteindre Pour estimer la viabilité d’un projet (lancement d’une nouvelle activité, d’un nouveau produit, conquête d’un nouveau marché, acquisition de foncier ou d’équipement) Pour estimer les besoins financiers à mobiliser (notamment si l’horizon sanitaire et/ou économique venait à s’assombrir) Pour identifier le risque de difficultés financières afin de les régler rapidement (il faut pouvoir régler ces difficultés de manière anticipée et non le « couteau sous la gorge », négociation de facilités de caisse, obtention d’un emprunt, report d’un projet) Pour identifier les écarts entre vos résultats et vos prévisions (en y remédiant, vous optimisez la gestion de votre entreprise) Pour toutes ces raisons, confiez-nous la réalisation de votre prévisionnel financier qui vous sera transmis en 48 heures ouvrés.
Certificarea Produsului

Certificarea Produsului

Übernahme aller vorbereitenden Maßnahmen einschließlich Test-Engineering und Begleitung der Zertifizierungsprüfung bei den entsprechenden akkredierten Stellen z.B CE-Zulassung.
Armaglass Corner 66: colț GFRP din fir de sticlă și rășină epoxidică pultrudată

Armaglass Corner 66: colț GFRP din fir de sticlă și rășină epoxidică pultrudată

Armaglass Corner 66 Angular element of monolithic GFRP mesh made with continuous filament glass fiber yarn bars and pultruded epoxy resin primer. The bars are intertwined with each other through a stitching thread, using a unique technology that allows the formation of joints between the longitudinal and transverse bars with high mechanical resistance. The epoxy resin guarantees the mesh high dimensional stability, alkali resistance and improves the mechanical characteristics. The composite has a square mesh of 66 mm side, ideal size for use with mortars for CRM reinforcement systems. The corner piece is a component of our RINFOR SYSTEM systems, which also include GFRP networks, gussets and connectors combined with our lime-based or cement-based mortars. To be used in combination with the Armaglass Structura 66 mesh for the reinforcement of masonry and concrete structures through the reinforced plaster technique (CRM system: Composite Reinforced Mortar). To prepare the support, carefully follow what is indicated in the technical data sheets of the mortar with which Armaglass Corner 66 is combined. Apply Armaglass Corner 66 in correspondence with all the corner areas of the reinforced plastering, in order to guarantee the structural continuity of the RINFOR SYSTEM reinforcement system. Based on the total length of the corner areas. Packaging: Loose from 1.05 meters UM: €/piece