Produse pentru arapisul supermarketului (25)

Alimentație - import-export

Alimentație - import-export

Alimentation - import-export


Green queen ou calico Espagne
Soluție împotriva coacerii premature a fructelor și legumelor

Soluție împotriva coacerii premature a fructelor și legumelor

Natural C: Puissant absorbant naturel pour la conservation des aliments - Natural'C est un absorbant naturel de l'éthylène, une hormone végétale responsable du processus de maturation des fruits, légumes et fleurs. Se présente également sous forme d’un simple FILTRE qui capte automatiquement l’éthylène dégaré par les produits et bloque ainsi la maturation pour rallonger la durée de conservation. Arboriculture, horticulture, production de légumes Grossistes en fruits, fleurs et légumes Négoce de fruits, fleurs et légumes Plateformes de stockage de courte à longue durée Transport de courte ou longue distance Traitement sur petites et grandes chambres froides En absorbant l'éthylène, MCE99 peut stopper complètement le processus de maturation, préservant ainsi la fraîcheur et la qualité des fruits, légumes et fleurs. Son utilisation permet d'éviter les pertes liées à la surmaturation des produits, tout en offrant des produits plus frais et de meilleure qualité aux consommateurs.
Capetele gondolei

Capetele gondolei

Gondola ends are powerful point-of-purchase (POP) display fixtures strategically placed at the ends of store aisles to maximize product visibility and drive impulse purchases. These high-traffic areas are prime retail real estate, often used to promote seasonal items, new products, or special offers. Gondola ends are versatile, accommodating a variety of shelving, hooks, and signage to create an organized and visually appealing display. Retailers use these displays to attract customers' attention as they navigate the store, encouraging them to explore featured products. Effective gondola ends enhance merchandising efforts, boost sales, and create a dynamic shopping experience.
Protecția Coloanelor

Protecția Coloanelor

Effizienter Schutz von Rechteck- und Rundsäulen aus Kunststoff oder im Materialmix aus Kunststoff und Edelstahl Alle Säulenschutzelemente werden nach Kundenwunsch gefertigt und können vorgebohrt inkl. erforderlichem rostfreien Montagematerial geliefert werden.


Maîtrise de la conformité alimentaire de vos emballages et la maîtrise de vos risques électrostatiques. Nos big bag sur mesure sont adaptés à votre application et à vos denrées alimentaires : poudre, grain, produit sec, céréale, farine, sucre, biscuit, riz, amidon, chocolat, café, thé, aide culinaire, confiserie…


We design and manufacture successful grocery Groceries are in great demand, as the goods that create the main food stock of every home. Moreover, it is grocery that forms the lifestyle of the modern consumer. Therefore, experienced merchandisers try to arrange these departments in the most attractive way carefully planned, ergonomic, facilitating the choice and access to products, and at the same time conveying the idea and message of the product whether it is environmental friendliness and purity of products, modernity and drive, or home comfort. Such tasks are solved by professional retail equipment for groceries from ZOKKO - roomy large drawers, ergonomic drawers with a movable shelves - racks and stands for displaying packaged products racks, boxes and dispensers for bulk products thematic racks and POS displays original eco-style barrels, dummies and many other variations in concept and style in modern, farm, classic Welcome!


Spargel in verschiedene Schnitten Spargel (Aspargus officinalis L.) ist eine ausdauernde, mehrjährige Kulturpflanze, deren weiße bzw. grünen Sprossen (Stangen) als Gemüse verwendet werden. Wir bieten folgendes Sortiment: weiß/grün unterschiedliche Längen und Durchmesser Stangen Abschnitte ohne Spitzen (center cuts) Abschnitte mit Spitzen (tips & cuts) Spitzen
Import / Export de fructe și legume / materii prime pentru industrie

Import / Export de fructe și legume / materii prime pentru industrie

Naszą firma P.N.O ARPOL od 1990 roku zajmuje się importem oraz exportem owoców i warzyw . Jesteśmy w stanie zaoferować duży wybór produktów w klasie premium oraz do przetwórstwa ( mrożenie / tłoczenie)
Etichete de transport "Această expediție constă în _____ pachete"

Etichete de transport "Această expediție constă în _____ pachete"

Das Kennzeichen steht für die Zusammengehörigkeit von Paketen. Diese können entweder von einem Absender oder an einen Empfänger, adressiert sein. Das Transportetikett soll eine Verwechsungsgefahr von Zustellern verhindern. Als Merkmalseigenschaft ist der Schriftzug "Die Sendung besteht aus____ Paketen" angebracht, der in schwarzen Druck auf rotem Grund, besondern hervorsticht. Sie haben die Möglichkeit dieses Etikett in folgendem Material zu erwerben: Material Chromohaftetiketten: UV-Beständigkeit:     ja Größe:                        14x7 Druck:                        2-fabig rot/schwarz Eigenschaften:          permanent klebend, hohe Endfestigkeit; begingt Wasserabweisend
Primirea fructelor - Fructele sunt primite în coșuri

Primirea fructelor - Fructele sunt primite în coșuri

Fruit is received in large quantities baskets from different farms with demographics. It is being washed and sorted in different sizes. Sizing of fruit is critical for both quality and yield purposes with standardised technology utilised across facilities.
Morcovi - Morcovi de la producători greci

Morcovi - Morcovi de la producători greci

Dont hasitate to contact with us for our carrots
Avocado Hass Peru

Avocado Hass Peru

Aguacate hass peru Importacion aéreo hacia Europa y asía


Pineapple is a new product in our region. It was considered as a luxury product in our markets. Basically, it is demanded in winter when summer fruits season in our region ends. We get high varieties of Latin -American pineapple For 6 to 8 months every year we received pineapple weekly or semi-monthly basic. Because of the nature of this product in our markets pineapple business is only a SPOT business
Grăunță de orz

Grăunță de orz

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
morcovi - păstârnac

morcovi - păstârnac

We can supply you carrots / parsnip, quality 100% guarantee Packaging: 1000kg bigbags / 10kg bag


Aguacate hass Palacios / Palta Hass Cajas de 4kg
Cerbère Cactus

Cerbère Cactus

Cerbère Cactus est une association située à Cerbère. La ville plus au sud de France ! Avec un climat aride et des terres sèches, le terrain est propice à la culture de figuiers de barbarie. La rencontre entre Anouk Lehideux, la fondatrice de L'épineuse et l'association Cerbère Cactus a eu lieu en juin 2021 ! Une très belle rencontre qui a débouché sur pleins de projets collaboratifs liés à la récolte de la figue de barbarie.
Roșii congelate

Roșii congelate

Frozen tomatoes
Portocal - Portocal amar - Portocal - Export de portocal amar

Portocal - Portocal amar - Portocal - Export de portocal amar

Portakal - Turunç ihracatı kalite orange - bitter orange
Hrana Vie pentru Acvarii

Hrana Vie pentru Acvarii

Wir bieten je nach Witterung und Jahreszeit bis zu 14 verschiedene Sorten Lebendfutter.
Promovarea vânzărilor

Promovarea vânzărilor

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Either bottoms or quarters, Frosty Foods offers high-quality standards for all types of processed artichokes tailored for the consumer preferences. Keep Frozen Below -18° C Packing Types 400 gram 10 kilo 2.5 kilo 10 kilo Types Bottoms Quarters
Ceapă - galbenă

Ceapă - galbenă

Exportamos cebolla amarilla
Zahăr cristalin alb

Zahăr cristalin alb

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%