Produse pentru arapii supermarketului (7)



We design and manufacture successful grocery Groceries are in great demand, as the goods that create the main food stock of every home. Moreover, it is grocery that forms the lifestyle of the modern consumer. Therefore, experienced merchandisers try to arrange these departments in the most attractive way carefully planned, ergonomic, facilitating the choice and access to products, and at the same time conveying the idea and message of the product whether it is environmental friendliness and purity of products, modernity and drive, or home comfort. Such tasks are solved by professional retail equipment for groceries from ZOKKO - roomy large drawers, ergonomic drawers with a movable shelves - racks and stands for displaying packaged products racks, boxes and dispensers for bulk products thematic racks and POS displays original eco-style barrels, dummies and many other variations in concept and style in modern, farm, classic Welcome!
Unitate de Vânzări Alimentare

Unitate de Vânzări Alimentare

We create designs that integrate creativity with the needs of the city and make your brand and products more effective! We design and manufacture food vending units used primarily in brands and municipalities in the food sector, squares, shopping malls, movie theaters, educational institutions and other public spaces. We exchange ideas with our team of architects, engineers and designers, and prepare sales units in line with the location and company goals.
Etichete de transport "Această expediție constă în _____ pachete"

Etichete de transport "Această expediție constă în _____ pachete"

Das Kennzeichen steht für die Zusammengehörigkeit von Paketen. Diese können entweder von einem Absender oder an einen Empfänger, adressiert sein. Das Transportetikett soll eine Verwechsungsgefahr von Zustellern verhindern. Als Merkmalseigenschaft ist der Schriftzug "Die Sendung besteht aus____ Paketen" angebracht, der in schwarzen Druck auf rotem Grund, besondern hervorsticht. Sie haben die Möglichkeit dieses Etikett in folgendem Material zu erwerben: Material Chromohaftetiketten: UV-Beständigkeit:     ja Größe:                        14x7 Druck:                        2-fabig rot/schwarz Eigenschaften:          permanent klebend, hohe Endfestigkeit; begingt Wasserabweisend
Cutie de baklava

Cutie de baklava

Baklava kutusu
Roșii congelate

Roșii congelate

Frozen tomatoes


Either bottoms or quarters, Frosty Foods offers high-quality standards for all types of processed artichokes tailored for the consumer preferences. Keep Frozen Below -18° C Packing Types 400 gram 10 kilo 2.5 kilo 10 kilo Types Bottoms Quarters


Mélange pour caramel