Produse pentru aplicatie (595)

Designul Aplicațiilor Mobile și Web

Designul Aplicațiilor Mobile și Web

Wir entwerfen intuitive und visuell ansprechende mobile und Web-Apps, die ein nahtloses Benutzererlebnis bieten. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Entwicklung benutzerfreundlicher Oberflächen, die sowohl funktional als auch ansprechend sind und auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse Ihrer Nutzer zugeschnitten sind. Wir stellen sicher, dass das Design responsive ist und sich reibungslos an verschiedene Geräte und Bildschirmgrößen anpasst.
Aplicații multimedia

Aplicații multimedia

Übersetzungsservice. Qualitätsmanagementsystem zertifiziert durch ISO-9001:2008. Übersetzungsdienst zertifiziert gemäß EN-15038:2006. Übersetzungsbüro LinguaVox. Übersetzung von Multimedia-Anwendungen
Sanareg : Soluție de alkilsilan repelentă la apă și anti-eflorescență pentru zidărie

Sanareg : Soluție de alkilsilan repelentă la apă și anti-eflorescență pentru zidărie

Sanareg Non-film reactive liquid based on an alkylsilane emulsion dissolved in water to be used for the inhibition of saline efflorescence in the dehumidifying restoration of masonry, by spraying or applying with a brush with rigid bristles. Sanareg penetrates into the capillary pores of mineral substrates and reacts with the hydroxyl groups encountered in its path, forming an invisible water-repellent barrier that does not allow water to escape to the surface, leaving the transpiration to water vapor unaltered. Sanareg is an alkylsilane water emulsion, non-hazardous, non-toxic and VOC-free. The application of Sanareg does not alter the original wall breathability. Particularly indicated in combination with the cycle of natural dehumidifying plasters Untersana, Sanatigh and Sanastof. This also applies to Untersana, Caleosana and Sanastof. Non-film reactive liquid based on an alkylsilane emulsion dissolved in water to be used for the inhibition of saline efflorescence in the dehumidifying restoration of masonry, by spraying or applying with a brush with rigid bristles. Sanareg penetrates into the capillary pores of mineral substrates and reacts with the hydroxyl groups encountered in its path, forming an invisible water-repellent barrier that does not allow water to escape to the surface, leaving the transpiration to water vapor unaltered. Remove the soilings and saline manifestations by vigorous brushing; then eliminate any dust residue. Surfaces should be as dry as possible at the time of application. Apply Sanareg by spraying or with a long-bristled brush, proceeding from the bottom upwards. Remove any surface excess. When used as a preliminary treatment before a plastering cycle, apply the first coat of rendering immediately after applying Sanareg. Sanareg is water-based, which is why its effectiveness is not compromised even if the substrate is not perfectly dry at the time of application. From 0.10 to 0.20 kg of Sanareg for each square metre of surface to be treated, based on the porosity of the support. Plastic can 5 kg - Plastic can 25 kg
BRANȘARE APLICABILĂ PE Ø 100 MM - Branșamente simple

BRANȘARE APLICABILĂ PE Ø 100 MM - Branșamente simple

Le piquage permet de raccorder un tuyau sur un réseau existant. Il suffit d’ouvrir le tuyau du réseau principal et d’appliquer le piquage. Pour une parfaite étanchéité utilisez du silicone ou de la bande adhésive. Les options de personnalisation disponibles sur ce produit sont : le diamètre du piquage l’angle du piquage Dimensions:100 mm Angle:30°, 45°
Asistent Virtual pentru Aplicație Mobilă

Asistent Virtual pentru Aplicație Mobilă

UPARTNER propose l'intégration d'assistants virtuels sur les applications mobiles pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et fournir un support instantané. Nous développons des assistants virtuels sur mesure qui peuvent être intégrés à vos plateformes numériques pour fournir une assistance en temps réel, répondre aux questions des utilisateurs et les guider tout au long de leur parcours. Ces assistants virtuels utilisent l'intelligence artificielle pour comprendre et répondre aux requêtes des utilisateurs de manière naturelle et efficace, offrant ainsi un support personnalisé et instantané 24/7.
Dezvoltarea și gestionarea bazelor de date

Dezvoltarea și gestionarea bazelor de date

Optimisez la gestion de vos données avec les services de développement et de gestion de bases de données de JL Development.
Aplicație de afaceri - Dezvoltare web personalizată

Aplicație de afaceri - Dezvoltare web personalizată

Vous souhaitez gagner du temps, rationaliser vos échanges de données et automatiser vos process, nous intervenons sur vos enjeux business pour que vos investissements digitaux soient optimum ! Notre rôle est de vous développer des applications métiers pour vous faire gagner en temps, en productivité et en efficacité. Nous développons des applications web en fonction de vos besoins et ceux pour 4 objectifs : 1. Améliorer la performance et le rendement de vos équipes en repensant votre chaîne de valeur. 2. Automatiser et industrialiser vos process métiers pour limiter les tâches chronophages et réduire ainsi les coûts. 3. Valoriser votre entreprise en lui forgeant une image innovante, et en fait un argument de vente supplémentaire. 4. Répondre en tout point à vos attentes et vous permet de n’avoir aucune fonction manquante ou inutile.
Dezvoltare Web

Dezvoltare Web

Immergiti in design straordinari e navigazione intuitiva con le nostre soluzioni web su misura. Dalla semplice vetrina online a complessi portali aziendali, creiamo esperienze che catturano l'attenzione e spingono all'azione.
Aplicatie Integrare Shopify cu FGO - Pentru magazine online Shopify

Aplicatie Integrare Shopify cu FGO - Pentru magazine online Shopify

Creeaz? facturi automat sau manual cu un singur clic. Marcheaz? automat o factur? pl?tit? în sistemul FGO, atunci când o comand? este Pl?tit? în Shopify. Poate anula sau ?terge o factur? atunci când comanda este anulat? în Shopify. Faciliteaz? integrarea FGO cu software-ul de contabilitate SAGA Permite personalizarea diferitelor op?iuni de facturare. Pute?i crea facturi pentru mai multe comenzi în acela?i timp.
Aplicații pentru utilizatori - Aplicații personalizate sau complet realizate la comandă.

Aplicații pentru utilizatori - Aplicații personalizate sau complet realizate la comandă.

We develop our applications using ReactNative, a framework that creates truly native applications using a common JavaScript code and the framework React.
Aplicație de Laborator Medicină

Aplicație de Laborator Medicină

Laborgerät zur PCR-Analyse
Dezvoltare Software, Dezvoltare Hardware, Aplicații, Soluții Personalizate

Dezvoltare Software, Dezvoltare Hardware, Aplicații, Soluții Personalizate

CSA Engineering entwickelt Software und Elektronik /Hardware für Industrie, Medizintechnik, Bahntechnik, fördert Digitalisierung & IoT-Innovationen Die Kernkompetenz der CSA Engineering AG liegt in der Entwicklung von Software und Hardware für Anwendungen in Industrie, Medizintechnik, Bahntechnik und IoT. Ziel ist es, die Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Systemen voranzutreiben. Die Softwarekomponenten der Produktentwicklung umfassen Embedded Software für eingebettete Geräte, Backend- und Frontend-Architekturen sowie Applikationen.
Aplicații LED

Aplicații LED

Konzeption, Entwicklung und Fertigung von Leiterplatten und Baugruppen speziell für die Optoelektronik. Panasonic® FR4 Basismaterial mit verbesserten thermomechanischen Eigenschaften als Alternative zu Alukernleiterplatten. Peters ELPEMER® Lötstopplack reinweiߟ oder schwarz für hohe optische Anforderungen, hochdeckend, UV-beständig, keine Vergilbung im bleifreien Reflowlötprozess. Peters Heatsink-Paste zum Thermomanagement von LED-Modulen, Siebdruck von Wärmeleitpads und Thermalvias. Dampfphasen-Reflow-Lötung Technologie neuester Generation mit Prozessüberwachung, stressfreie Lötung bei max. Peaktemperatur von 235°C von kritischen Bauteilen wie LEDs.
Întreținerea site-urilor web și a aplicațiilor

Întreținerea site-urilor web și a aplicațiilor

Si avez besoin d’un prestataire disponible capable de vous suivre et de vous conseiller, que ce soit en terme de maintenance corrective ou de maintenance applicative, notre agence web est là pour vous aider.
Responsabil de Securitate Laser pentru Aplicații de Construcție și Topografie

Responsabil de Securitate Laser pentru Aplicații de Construcție și Topografie

Laserschutzbeauftragte sind auf Baustellen unverzichtbar, seit in den Lasergeräten leistungsstärkere Laser der Klassen 3R und 3B eingesetzt werden. Wir bieten das passende Seminar für diese Anwendung!


ESAU & HUEBER verfügt über jahrzehntelange Fertigungs- und Installationserfahrung bei Herstellern von pharmazeutischen und biotechnologischen Produkten.
TELEMESS Tehnologia Măsurării Telemetriei GmbH - Tehnologia Măsurării Distanței, Aplicația DMS și Dezvoltarea Electronicii, Măsurarea Benzilor de Măsurare DMS

TELEMESS Tehnologia Măsurării Telemetriei GmbH - Tehnologia Măsurării Distanței, Aplicația DMS și Dezvoltarea Electronicii, Măsurarea Benzilor de Măsurare DMS

TELEMESS verfügt über eine langjährige Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Dehnungsmessstreifen-Technologie. Besuchen Sie uns:
Dezvoltare Mobilă

Dezvoltare Mobilă

Depuis près de 15 ans, Akelio accompagne ses clients pour des projets de développement mobile dans tous secteurs d'activité : médical, loisirs, finance, industrie... L'agence a l’habitude de développer des fonctionnalités propres aux applications mobiles : géolocalisation, boussole, carte google maps, notifications, partage de fichiers, système de paiement, réseau social, agenda partagé, partage de contacts, application fonctionnelle en mode déconnecté… Votre application mobile sera développée sur-mesure, avec un accompagnement de A à Z : nous déterminons ensemble vos objectifs, vos besoins et surtout, les fonctionnalités de l'application. Nous nous occupons également de l'hébergement et de l'infogérance de votre solution. Enfin, Akelio maitrise la technologie flutter, qui permet de créer un code unique pour iOS et Android. Cela permet de gagner du temps et surtout, de réduire les coûts de développement !
Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor pentru web, desktop și mobil

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor pentru web, desktop și mobil

Für das Kursinstitut Plativio Modern Training haben wir eine neue, barrierefreie und SEO-optimierte Webseite umgesetzt. Sie überzeugt durch einen detaillierten Kurskatalog sowie ein Direktbuchungs- und Bezahlsystem und lädt besonders schnell für ein optimales Nutzererlebnis.
Serviciu de dezvoltare web, aplicație mobilă și SEO

Serviciu de dezvoltare web, aplicație mobilă și SEO

Depuis 1984, notre agence de communication offre ses services dans le Cambrésien et dans toute la région des Hauts-de-France : Cambrai, Arras, Valenciennes, Douai, Péronne, Saint-Quentin, Amiens, Béthune et Lille. Notre secteur digital, Com' des frères vous offre des prestations dédiées au web qui s'adapte parfaitement à vos besoins. À l'écoute de vos attentes, notre équipe digitale imagine, conçoit et gére vos projets digitaux de A à Z. Développement web : Site internet, e-commerce, application mobile, etc. Gain de visibilité : Amélioration de votre référencement sur le web. Campagne marketing, campagne Facebook, campagne SMS, etc.
Dezvoltarea Aplicațiilor

Dezvoltarea Aplicațiilor

If off-the-shelf applications aren’t quite giving you what you need, you might want to consider using custom web application development services. This will give you tailored software solutions which specifically address your unique needs and challenges. By introducing a customised web app, you will be able to streamline business processes, integrate data sources and optimise operations to give customers and employees a more refined online experience. With a custom web app (instead of an off-the-shelf app), you benefit from enhanced security and control, greater scalability and flexibility, a tailored solution and long-term cost-effectiveness. Application modernisation is the process of taking existing legacy applications and modernising their platform infrastructure, internal architecture, and/or features. When we talk about application modernisation today, the discussion tends to focus on monolithic on-premises applications (often these are outdated and maintained using waterfall development processes). While these traditional development processes are too slow and complicated to iterate, the key is how these can be brought into cloud architecture and release patterns, namely microservices DevOps. By tackling the monolith and breaking it down into microservices DevOps frameworks, you can increase the velocity of new feature deployments, enhance efficiencies and re-imagine existing workflows. If you are starting from scratch, custom web application development will serve you well, giving you an app that precisely meets your business needs. But if you have legacy apps that are mostly fit for purpose, but could do with some streamlining, then application modernisation could be the best way forward. Application modernisation works by modernising your pre-existing apps. More often than not, it’s best to modernise these apps in stages. For example, many businesses start by moving their apps from their on-premises data centres to the cloud in what’s known as a “lift and shift” migration. This allows them to take immediate advantage of the most basic benefits of cloud computing. From here, businesses can move onto more advanced modernisation techniques, such as rebuilding all or some of the parts of their apps to adopt best practices.
Întreținerea și actualizarea aplicațiilor

Întreținerea și actualizarea aplicațiilor

Ofrecemos servicios de mantenimiento y actualización para asegurar que tu app móvil funcione de manera óptima y esté siempre actualizada con las últimas tendencias tecnológicas.
Dezvoltare web și mobil

Dezvoltare web și mobil

Dans un monde de plus en plus numérique, il est crucial pour les entreprises de disposer d'un site web performant et attractif pour attirer de nouveaux clients et se démarquer de la concurrence. Les dépenses mondiales en développement Web ont augmenté de 8,5% en 2020, selon une étude de Forrester Research. (Forrester Research) Elles devraiet atteindre 4,3 billions de dollars en 2023 d'après le même organisme. Cependant, la création d'un site web de qualité nécessite des compétences techniques et créatives que toutes les entreprises ne possèdent pas en interne. C'est pourquoi de nombreuses entreprises font appel à des agences de développement web pour les aider à créer des sites web professionnels et efficaces. La demande de services de développement Web est en hausse, car les entreprises cherchent à améliorer leurs sites Web et à développer des applications mobiles. (Statista) Vous êtes donc à la bonne porte si vous souhaitez profiter de développement web.
Dezvoltare web personalizată - Dezvoltare aplicații web

Dezvoltare web personalizată - Dezvoltare aplicații web

Desarrollamos su aplicación web totalmente a medida, PHP, HTML5, Moddle, CSS, Frameworks, JS, MySQL.
Aplicații web - Menținerea accesibilității conținutului cu aplicația web oricând și oriunde

Aplicații web - Menținerea accesibilității conținutului cu aplicația web oricând și oriunde

Mit der zunehmenden Bedeutung von mobilen Geräten und dem Browser als universelle Laufzeitumgebung, werden klassische Desktop-Anwendungen immer mehr von Webanwendungen verdrängt. Der große Vorteil einer Webanwendung: - Weder an Betriebssystem, einem Hersteller, eine Geräteklasse oder einen Ort gebunden - - Keine Beschränkungen durch die Nutzung des Browsers - - Von Anfang an bereits per Definition netzwerkfähig - - Überall dort einsetzbar wo auch eine klassische Desktop-Anwendung eingesetzt wird - - Unabhängigkeit von Ort und Endgerät -
Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor Android - Dezvoltarea software-ului pentru aplicații de afaceri

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor Android - Dezvoltarea software-ului pentru aplicații de afaceri

Have an idea for a mobile app? Going to outsource but not sure which outsourcing company to choose? We are here to help you decide. It can be hard to create the desired iOS and/or Android application but with the right team of experts it can be easy. Just contact us and we will help you create and upload your business application for no time on Google play and Apple store. Wondering about the price? Cost reduction and time saving is one our prime goals.


Blackthorn Vision is a team with more than 10 years of experience in desktop application development. Our .NET WPF and UWP tools and technologies experts develop exceptional solutions for most effective local machine applying and create software for offline operations. We possess deep background of desktop solution implementation for such industries as Energy, Oil & Gas, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Machinery, Budgeting & Accounting, Hospitality, Clouds & CyberSecurity and Industrial Automation for business and science purposes. MAJOR BENEFITS OF DESKTOP APPLICATIONS - Network Independence - provision of working offline - Utility - the guarantee of top security and reliability - Productivity - the boost of flawless performance and efficiency - Customization - the satisfaction of particular business needs
Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor și site-urilor web

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor și site-urilor web

Notre équipe d'ingénieurs informatiques français, réactive agile et précise, ultra qualifiée et expériementée dans le cadre de developpement d'application et site web, pourra donner vie à n'importe lequel de vos projets. Nous sommes des experts de technologie de programmation innovantes, et tout cela à un prix compétitif.
Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor mobile folosind Flutter și Swift - Aplicații mobile pentru: Rețele sociale; Sănătate; Educație; Finanțe

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor mobile folosind Flutter și Swift - Aplicații mobile pentru: Rețele sociale; Sănătate; Educație; Finanțe

Mobile applications development is one of our key services. Being an offshore outsourcing company, we have been building solutions for Clients all over the world since 2003. iOS and Android are known to be the most widely spread mobile platforms. ISS Art developers delivered a lot of mobile solutions for these platforms in the following spheres: - Social media - Healthcare - Education - Finance - Agriculture - Manufacturing Swift and Flutter are the most popular technologies that we choose for mobile applications development today due to a considerable advantage such as: code is implemented once for both iOS and Android, thus cost expenses are decreased highly. Our mobile development team has such experts as analysts, UX designers, developers and QA experts who deliver high quality products meeting our clients’ expectations. Ready-to-go development kits for a quick turn-around:It helps to deliver the product for you quickly A talent pool of 86 experts in ONE place:We have 86 experts (analysts, UI/UX, developers and QA) Well-coordinated project teams:We have a perfectly-built process of gathering a project team Turn-key solutions with 100% quality under the hood:Both user-friendly and reliable on the backend World standard products - easy to support and enhance:Solutions to world standards –easy to support High rating:4.8+ out of 5 on Clutch and 100% on UpWork
Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor mobile - Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor mobile care se adaptează nevoilor și

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor mobile - Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor mobile care se adaptează nevoilor și

Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Móveis que se adapta às suas necessidades e ao seu orçamento. Desenvolvemos aplicações móveis tanto para Android como para iOS. Desenvolvemos, desenhamos e implementamos apps para a sua marca ou empresa. Acreditamos na criação e desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis que não só são grande, mas memorável, inspirador e notável. A 24Web trabalha no sentido de desenvolver e implementar aplicações personalizados. Aplicações móveis que podem alavancar o alcance, aumentar a satisfação e captar mais negócios. Especializamos no desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis que fazem a diferença. Aplicações que aumentarão seu alcance e ajudarão a obter retornos mais altos. Temos uma equipa dinâmica que o ajudará a atingir seus objetivos, criando soluções únicas e personalizadas. Trabalhamos para compreender as suas necessidades e para moldar e guiar a sua estratégia móvel. Nós adoramos receber ideias e transformá-los em aplicações móveis reais.