Produse pentru aplicatie (1096)

Filtre IR de interferență cu trecere scurtă - O gamă de filtre de interferență în infraroșu cu trecere scurtă pentru o varietate de aplicații

Filtre IR de interferență cu trecere scurtă - O gamă de filtre de interferență în infraroșu cu trecere scurtă pentru o varietate de aplicații

Knight Optical can offer infra-red interference Shortpass filters for use in Heat Shielding. We supply a range of infra-red interference Shortpass filters for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers in Heat Shielding. Infra-red interference Shortpass filters are designed to transmit wavelengths shorter than the “cut-off” of the filter and to block bands above that. In many systems that require heat shielding while still needing visibility a shortpass filter can be used. These can attenuate infrared radiation and allow through visible light, which allows your temperature sensitive equipment to be visible. They can also be paired with a longpass filter to make a bandpass filters. Read PDF for more Information….. Material::(Fused Silica/Silicon/Germanium) Diameter & aperture (mm)::12.5mm ±0.1 (8.5mm aperture) Thickness (mm)::≤6.1mm +0/-0.1 CWL tolerance (nm)::± 20% of FWHM FWHM tolerance (nm): :± 20% of FWHM Optimum operating temp::23°C Edge treatment::Mounted in black anodized aluminium ring Surface quality: :80/50 Per MIL-0-13830A Usable temperature limits::-50°C to +80°C
Rivete de viteză G-Speed® - G-Speed® nitul de viteză multi-gama pentru o gamă largă de aplicații.

Rivete de viteză G-Speed® - G-Speed® nitul de viteză multi-gama pentru o gamă largă de aplicații.

Up to 60 rivets per minute! – Endorsed by major customers! GESIPA® speed rivets are a cost-effective alternative to automation. Speed rivet technology is a joining method that requires access from only one side and which enables fast cycle times thanks to the preloaded rivets and automatic feed. Advantages • Large grip range • Reduced variation • Optimum hole filling capabilities and bearing stress • Ideally suited for transferring shear strengths with moderate clamping force • Ideal for: — LED light strips — Electronic/pcb assembly — Lightweight sheet metal structures — PC housings — Rating plates — Blind holes Material:alu, stainless steel, monel
RĂCITOR ÎN FORMĂ DE V (V-COOLER) - Seria versatilă de răcitoare în formă de V pentru orice aplicație

RĂCITOR ÎN FORMĂ DE V (V-COOLER) - Seria versatilă de răcitoare în formă de V pentru orice aplicație

Onze op maat gemaakte en energiemodulaire radiatoren bieden een robuust en betrouwbaar ontwerp. Meer dan 40 jaar ervaring in de productie van alle soorten radiatoren en drycoolers garanderen een hoogwaardige oplossing in verschillende toepassingen.
Comutator de Presiune DS 400 - Comutator de Presiune / Electronic / pentru Aplicații de Igienă / cu Ecran

Comutator de Presiune DS 400 - Comutator de Presiune / Electronic / pentru Aplicații de Igienă / cu Ecran

Der elektronische Druckschalter DS 400 ist eine gelungene Kombination aus — intelligentem Druckschalter — digitalem Anzeigegerät und ist für vielzählige Applikationen in unterschiedlichen Industriebereichen konzipiert. Standardmäßig verfügt der DS 400 über einen PNP-Schaltausgang und ein Anzeigemodul, das drehbar im Kugelgehäuse montiert ist. Zusätzliche optionale Ausführungen wie z.B. eine eigensichere Ex-Ausführung, ein zweiter Schaltausgang sowie ein Analogausgang runden das Profil ab. Merkmale: — Nenndrücke: 0 ... 100 mbar bis 0 ... 600 bar — Genauigkeit: 0,35 % (Opt. 0,25 %) FSO — Messwertanzeige auf 4-stelligem LED-Display — Anzeigemodul dreh-und konfigurierbar Optionale Merkmale: — Ex-Ausführung Ex ia = eigensicher für Gase — Drucksensor verschweißt — kundenspezifische Ausführungen
Senzor de Umiditate - MK33-W Mini - Optimal pentru Aplicații în Măsurarea Uleiului

Senzor de Umiditate - MK33-W Mini - Optimal pentru Aplicații în Măsurarea Uleiului

Der kapazitive Feuchtesensor MK33-W mini der IST AG wurde speziell für High-End Messanwendungen und extreme Umweltbedingungen entwickelt, wodurch er sich hervorragend für Applikationen in Ölmessungen eignet. Der MK33 überzeugt durch seinen besonders breiten Feuchte- und Temperatur-Messbereich sowie seine hervorragende chemische Beständigkeit. Der Sensor hat einen Messbereich von 0 % RH bis 100 % RH (maximaler Taupunkt +95 °C) mit einer Kapazität von 200 pF ±40 pF (bei 30 % RH und +23 °C) und wird im Temperaturbereich von -40 °C bis +190 °C eingesetzt. Weitere Vorteile des kapazitiven MK33-W Feuchtesensors sind: — Hohe chemische Beständigkeit — Sehr driftarm — Grosser Temperaturbereich — Sehr stabil bei hoher Feuchte — Betauungsresistent — Geeignet für den Einsatz in harschen Umweltbedingungen — Schnelle Erholungszeit Der kapazitive IST AG MK33-W Feuchtesensor ist standardmässig mit Sn überzogenen CuP-SIL-Anschlüssen oder Au/Cu-Draht erhältlich.
Imprimantă cu jet de cerneală de înaltă rezoluție, HP - REA JET HR - facilitează imprimarea curată, ecologică și fără solvenți

Imprimantă cu jet de cerneală de înaltă rezoluție, HP - REA JET HR - facilitează imprimarea curată, ecologică și fără solvenți

REA JET´s HR product family offers high resolution coding and marking systems using especially developed inks to facilitate clean, environmentally-friendly and solvent-free marking on even non-porous surfaces. HR systems are maintenance-free. With each cartridge change a new print-engine is in place. The REA JET HR is designed for endusers for installation right at the production line. Applications — Protection against counterfeiting and traceability — Ideally suited for serialization and track & trace applications — For absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces — Alphanumeric texts, barcodes, 2D codes, Data Matrix codes and logos — Variable data such as date, time, counter, shift code, database contents — Highest print resolution up to 600 dpi, configurable in 16 levels Stainless steel control device:IP 65 design Full-color graphic display:dia. from approx. 14.4 cm (5.7 inch) Graphical user guidance:many languages supported Supported fonts:True Type Fonts (TTF) Character set:Unicode Console:Number pad Operation:cursor block, push button function Model REA JET HR 2K:2 print heads Model REA JET HR 2K, print height:up to 25,4 mm Model REA JET HR 4K:4 print heads Model REA JET HR 4K, print height:up to 50,8 mm
Jowatherm® PO 221.80 - Acoperire de profile

Jowatherm® PO 221.80 - Acoperire de profile

Colle thermofusible base PO, forte résistance à la température, cadences moyennes.
Asamblaje de cabluri - Cabluri și conectori personalizați pentru toate aplicațiile

Asamblaje de cabluri - Cabluri și conectori personalizați pentru toate aplicațiile

We assemble cables according to customer specifications for all kind of applications. In addition to common cable types, we also offer the production of customer-specific special cables, including the manufacture of customer-specific connectors. On the basis of your sample, your specification or technical drawing, we will create an individual offer and support you during the project. We advise you on the selection of suitable materials and offer cost reduction options. We offer you an active co-operation in the development and construction and give suggestions for improvement. For an offer we need: •technical drawing, sketch or pattern •technical specifications, equipment extras •required amount Please send following informations to: One of our engineering experts will contact you asap
Frenzelit Isoplan 1000 GREENLINE - Material de izolație ecologic pentru temperaturi mai ridicate

Frenzelit Isoplan 1000 GREENLINE - Material de izolație ecologic pentru temperaturi mai ridicate

Isolationsplatten von Frenzelit sind für den Einsatz im Hochtemperaturbereich in der Wärmetechnik, im Anlagen- und Ofenbau, in der Prozessindustrie, in der Schifffahrt, als auch im bautechnischen Brandschutz entwickelt worden. Durch die Werkstoffkombination ergibt sich eine hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit. Die Isolationsplatten können vielfältig weiterverarbeitet werden wie z. B. bohren, fräsen, schleifen und wasserstrahlschneiden.
Aplicator din bumbac 150 mm PP, cap mare, steril individual

Aplicator din bumbac 150 mm PP, cap mare, steril individual

Cotton Applicator 150 mm PP, Big Head, sterile individually
Distribuitoare semi-automate de etichete autocolante DFP-WR - Dispensere și etichetatoare de etichete

Distribuitoare semi-automate de etichete autocolante DFP-WR - Dispensere și etichetatoare de etichete

DFP-WR is a series of semi-automatic distributors of adhesive labels on rolls, completely made of steel, easy to use, versatile for any type of label you normally use. Available in widths up to 100 mm. or 200 mm. The holder can be adapted to any core can accept rolls up to 300 mm. diameter, thus offering long autonomy.The labels are read by two sensors that self-learning by the microprocessor automatically identify the difference in transparency between the label and the backing paper, presenting the label on the peeler, almost completely detached. Withdrawing the label, the next pop-up automatically. The control board also allows you to stop the rotation of the motor when coil is finished, or in case of paper breaking. It sign the anomaly with a sound signal. There is an electromechanical sensor for transparent labels and a preset counter for the regressive or progressive counting of the labels. The use of the battery version allows to work for about 4 hours without power supply. Example model:MOD. DFP-WR 100 Engine :Step by step Label width:mm. 15-100 Label lenght:mm. 15-600 External reel max diameter:mm. 300 Internal reel diameter:from 38 to mm. 110 Progress speed:from 10 to 15 mt./min.
ELKEM CAF 50 - Pentru aplicații electrice și electronice. Sectorul auto și vehiculele în general

ELKEM CAF 50 - Pentru aplicații electrice și electronice. Sectorul auto și vehiculele în general

O CAF 50 foi especialmente desenvolvido para clientes profissionais. Está bem adaptado aos requisitos em termos de desempenho e de rentabilidade na vedação e colagem com técnicas de vedação húmida no sector automóvel (transmissão, etc.), no sector dos eletrodomésticos, para aplicações eléctricas e electrónicas ... Sector automóvel e veículos em geral Vedação da bomba de água, Coletores de admissão, Caixas de velocidades, Vedação das tampas dos motores, Vedação do filtro de óleo, Sistemas de ar condicionado, Colagem do farol principal, Vedação dos invólucros dos filtros de ar, Peças eléctricas, Peças electrónicas, Componentes de placas de fogão em cerâmica
WIKA Tip PSM02 Comutator Compact de Presiune - Pentru aplicații industriale, histerezis de comutare ajustabil

WIKA Tip PSM02 Comutator Compact de Presiune - Pentru aplicații industriale, histerezis de comutare ajustabil

Einstellbare Schalthysterese Einstellbereiche: 0,2 … 2 bar [3 … 30 psi] bis 30 … 320 bar [450 … 4.600 psi] und -0,85 … -0,15 bar [-25 inHg … -5 inHg] Nichtwiederholbarkeit des Schaltpunktes: ≤ 2 % Schaltfunktionen: Schließer, Öffner oder Wechsler Messstoffe: Druckluft, neutrale und selbstschmierende Fluide und neutrale Gase
Reciclarea monitoarelor LCD - domenii de aplicare

Reciclarea monitoarelor LCD - domenii de aplicare

According to initial estimates, in Germany about three million LCD monitors will be recycled in the year 2016. However, they often still have backlighting containing mercury and therefore have to be classified as “hazardous waste” in accordance with the German General Administrative Regulation (AVV) and registered in compliance with the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (Elektro G) under category 3. Whereby special conditions must ensure that no risk arises from the mercury for the environment or for humans. However, because of a lack of suitable automated procedures for the recycling of LCD monitors, it was to date only possible to dissemble the appliances laboriously by hand, with the ensuing health dangers for the workers. For this, ERDWICH now offers two alternatives which are both safe and time-saving for recycling LCD monitors. Mercury and valuable resources can be removed and recycled in an environmentally sound way in the future: 1. Monitor sawing plant for...
Forjarea fluxului de granule pentru aplicații critice - componente de siguranță mecanică: forjate în matriță închisă

Forjarea fluxului de granule pentru aplicații critice - componente de siguranță mecanică: forjate în matriță închisă

Forgings have a grain flow, like the fiber structure of wood, caused by plastic deformation during the forging process. Proper orientation of grain flow improves the physical properties of forged parts. Everyday examples for forgings are car wheel bolts or screw nuts. Further examples include all kind of fasteners and hoists including forged hooks, eyebolts, and chain links. Forgings are also part of complex assemblies like crawler track chains, articulation sockets for busses or trains, hydraulic systems and lifting gears, as well gearwheels (forged blanks), pinions, rollers, holders and supports. Made in Germany of European primary material KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH is a Western German drop forge, specialized in small series production of closed die forgings from 200g to 130Kg unit weight and up to 600mm length of all forgeable steel grades and superalloys according to: ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 ASME, PED, KTA, RCC-M ABS, BV, ClassNK, DNV, LR closed die drop forgings:up to 130Kg unit weight Length:600mm all steel grades and special alloys:carbon and stainless steel, superalloys Processed in Germany:of European quality steel and raw material special metals:corrosion-resistant, non-embrittling, seawater-suitable forgings also for shipbuilding according to::ABS, BV Marine & Offshore, ClassNK, DNV, LR Shipping pressurizes parts according to::ASTM/ASME, PED, AD2000, KTA, AVSD, RCCM Examples: international boiler projects of:Alstom, Babcock, CNIM, EDF, Mitsubishi/Hitachi (MHPS), and more


As a contract manufacturer and contract filler, we offer our customers a large and varied range of industrial care products. From wax release agents and basic cleaning agents to special cleaning and cold cleaning agents, floor oils or Chromoblitz-emulsions and sweeping shavings: This product variety of industrial care products meets almost every customer’s wish and need. In addition, what may have existed up to now only as an idea of the customer can be specially developed by the knowledge and innovative strengths of Wachsfabrik Segeberg GmbH. Basic cleaning agents: Flexible surfactants Basic cleaning agents are based on surfactants, which are either water- or solvent-based, depending on the desired application. These industrial care products have a degreasing and dewaxing effect. Floor oils: Impregnation of industrial floors Special floor oils are used to make industrial floors less sensitive to dust and dirt and to impregnate them.
9922 Kit T de 1" - Drenaj 1", seria 99 și sifonuri aferente

9922 Kit T de 1" - Drenaj 1", seria 99 și sifonuri aferente

9922 1-inch gas T-kit consisting of the following elements: 9919/1 1-inch gas drain 9917 ring nut for 1 inch gas drain 9918 gasket for 1-inch gas drain 9916 union nut (3 pcs) 9914 sealing gasket diameter 32 (2 pcs) 9915 sealing gasket dm. 30 9922/1 1-inch gas T-piece Material:White ABS
Novelis Fusion™ 6HF – s200

Novelis Fusion™ 6HF – s200

Novelis Fusion™ 6HF – s200 is a heat treatable product for applications with extremely demanding formability requirements. This product is recommended for inner applications such as decklid and door inners and other closure inner panels. This product has an excellent balance of properties for forming and strength. In addition, it offers a unique advantage in the hemming process enabling sharp feature lines and rope hem designs that permit the reduction in perceived gap between adjacent panels. All values are typical. Density:2.7 x 10³ kg/m³ Elastic Modulus:70,000 N/mm² Coefficient of Thermal Expansion:23.4 x 10-6 K-1 Thermal Conductivity:160 – 190 W/mK Electrical Conductivity:26 – 30 m/Ωmm²
Adeziune spray Goebel

Adeziune spray Goebel

Sprühkleber zur Fixierung verschiedenster Werkstoffe Menge:1 SKU:2233561000
Centaur Professional Multitehnologie - Sisteme de Control al Accesului CDVI Sigure și Revoluționare

Centaur Professional Multitehnologie - Sisteme de Control al Accesului CDVI Sigure și Revoluționare

Sistema di controllo accessi Centaur Professional Multitecnologia, permette la gestione fino a 8196 badges e 512 Varchi, per sito, (massimi siti gestibili 64). Il software applicativo per controllo accessi viene fornito con chiave di abilitazione USB, questo sistema è in grado di gestire fino a 64 Concentratori mod. CT-V900-A, ad ogni concentratore si possono collegare direttamente fino a un massimo di 2 lettori con protocollo Wiegand e per ogni concentratore inoltre è possibile collegare fino a 3 moduli di espansione lettori mod. CA-A470-A, ad ogni modulo di espansione lettore si possono collegare fino a un massimo di 2 lettori creando cosi un sistema di 512 lettori per sito. La connessione da concentratore al modulo di espansione avviene mediante linea seriale RS-485 cosi come tra i modulo di espansione.
Buton din plută pentru aplicator - Deodorant solid organic

Buton din plută pentru aplicator - Deodorant solid organic

Votre bouton poussoir est abimé ? Vous voulez le remplacer. Nous vous proposons deux boutons, avec deux tailles différents, pour s’adapter aux mieux à votre applicateur en bois. À noter : lorsque vous achetez le duo, le bouton poussoir est bien intégré à votre commande.
RO-M Fusion - Mașină automată de strapping pentru aplicații universale

RO-M Fusion - Mașină automată de strapping pentru aplicații universale

• Heat-weld sealing unit in standard-3 version • Wear-free DC drive, brushless motor technology • Strap end detection with ejection of remaining strap • Easy strap coil change and threading system • Soft strapping selectable for sensitive packages • Low-wear, controlled strap path system • Adjustable strap tension via potentiometer • Energy-saving drives • Electronic control • Hinged front table top • Sturdy foot pedal for cycle start • 4 castors of which 2 are lockable • Table top length 600 mm or alternatively 700 mm or 800 mm • CE marking inclusive conformity declaration Type of sealing:heat-welding
Dispozitive de înaltă presiune și recipiente de înaltă presiune - pentru aplicații speciale

Dispozitive de înaltă presiune și recipiente de înaltă presiune - pentru aplicații speciale

Wir sind Ihre Experten in Design, Engineering und Fertigung von Hochdruckapparaten, Hochdruckautoklaven und Anlagen in geschweisster Ausführung. Mit umfassenden zerstörungsfreien Prüfmethoden wie z.B. Röntgen der Schweissnähte oder Druckprüfung bis 1000 bar, stellen wir eine einwandfreie Produktequalität sicher. Mit KASAG-Produkten halten Sie dem Druck stand.
Lentile din silice fuzionată UV pentru lasere cu stare solidă - UV FS este comparabil cu N-BK7 sau alte sticle optice similare în ceea ce privește performanța

Lentile din silice fuzionată UV pentru lasere cu stare solidă - UV FS este comparabil cu N-BK7 sau alte sticle optice similare în ceea ce privește performanța

Knight Optical can offer UV Fused Silica Lenses for Solid State Laser applications. UV FS is a prime choice for lenses in use with Solid State Lasers due to its consistently high transmission in the UV/VIS/NIR regions. This means that it can be used with a range of different laser types, such as Titanium-doped sapphire (tuneable to 660-1080nm) or Alexandrite (tuneable to 700-820nm) with very little change in performance. UV FS is comparable to N-BK7 or other similar optical glasses in its performance, having a very similar average transmission over the VIS range up to approximately 2000nm and a slightly lower refractive index. The Abbe constants of UV FS are also very similar to that of N-BK7, although slightly higher. Read PDF for full specification Material::UV Grade Fused Silica Operating Wavelength:587nm Diameter Tolerance::+0 / -0.10mm Centring Tolerance::<5 arc min Focal Length Tolerance::± 0.2mm (<10mm) ±2.0% (10mm – 1000mm) Centre Thickness Tolerance:±0.2mm
Divizoare de fascicul în tomografia de coerență optică

Divizoare de fascicul în tomografia de coerență optică

An advanced technology used specifically within retinal imaging and analysis - Optical Coherence Tomography otherwise known as OCT is an advanced technology used specifically within retinal imaging and analysis. This non-invasive technology was designed to provide highly detailed images of the retina as well as the optic nerve. It uses light waves to take cross-section images of your retina, using OCT it is possible to see each of the retina’s distinctive layers. Within OCT’s, a light source with a broad optical bandwidth is used for illumination and is split by a Non-Polarising Beam-Splitter into 2 paths referred to as the reference and sample arms. The light from both the reference and sample arms are reflected back and combined at the detector. An interference effect is seen at the detector in the reference and sample arm only if the time travelled by the light is nearly equal. Read PDF for more info Material::N-BK7 or Equivalent; UV Grade Fused Silica Dimension Tolerances::+0, -0.02mm Flatness::λ/4 over 25mm Surface Quality::<40/20 Scratch/Dig Angles::+/-1 arcmin Coatings::Typically 50:50; 70:30; 90:10 Ratio Split
Polarizator circular pentru aplicații fotografice - Furnizat într-o gamă de dimensiuni și forme cu straturi personalizate

Polarizator circular pentru aplicații fotografice - Furnizat într-o gamă de dimensiuni și forme cu straturi personalizate

Knight Optical can offer Circular Sheet Polariser for use within Photographic Applications. We supply a range of Circular Sheet Polariser for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Photographic Applications. Our Circular Polarisers consist of a quarter wave plate cemented to a linear polariser. While a linear polariser may be used to reduce glare during photography (such as reflection from the surface of a body of water), autofocus systems struggle to correctly focus on linearly polarised light. With the addition of the quarter wave plate, this has little impact on the intensity of incident light to the sensor, but it makes autofocussing much easier. For more information read PDF… Shapes: :Circular Polarisers, Square Polarisers Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.5mm
Prisme Romboidale de Precizie - Optică pentru utilizare în Aplicații de Imagistică

Prisme Romboidale de Precizie - Optică pentru utilizare în Aplicații de Imagistică

Knight Optical can offer Rhomboid Prisms for use within Imaging Applications. We supply a range of Rhomboid Prisms for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Imaging Applications. Rhomboid Prisms are designed to displace a beam laterally while maintaining its direction. Rhomboid prisms rely on total internal reflection and so do not often need to be coated For more information read the PDF… Material::N-BK7 or equivalent Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.2mm Angles::+/- 3 arc minutes Surface Figure::< 1 waves Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Coatings::< AR Coatings available on request
Feronerie din safir C-tăiat/Z-tăiat - Safir pentru feronerie de presiune, vizualizări de cuptor, ROV-uri subacvatice, analiză de gaz și petrol

Feronerie din safir C-tăiat/Z-tăiat - Safir pentru feronerie de presiune, vizualizări de cuptor, ROV-uri subacvatice, analiză de gaz și petrol

Sapphire (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and optical materials available for use in the range from UV up to 5µm. Sapphire is birefringent and if its use is for critical optical application then the crystal might have to be cut along the zero degree plane, or C-Cut. Random cut is usually cut along a plane that is 60° off-axis as the growth in this direction is the easiest to grow. Random cut is anything that is not the C-Cut angle. Sapphire can fluoresce depending upon the concentration of other minerals within the lattice, for example Iron (Fe) or Chromium (Cr). Clear Sapphire might fluoresce orange when illuminated by UV light if impurities are in the crystal. Fluorescent free Sapphire has to be grown from 'pure' feedstock and seed and in an environment that cannot place impurities into the lattice. Click PDF link to read more …... Material::Random-Cut Sapphire Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm Length,width::±0.1 mm Thickness::±0.1 mm Flatness::<5λ Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig Parallelism::5 arc min
Oglinzi Knight Optical pentru aplicații laser - Fabricăm oglinzi utilizate în UV/VIS/NIR și infraroșu

Oglinzi Knight Optical pentru aplicații laser - Fabricăm oglinzi utilizate în UV/VIS/NIR și infraroșu

Due to high intensity light from the laser, mirrors used with a laser application require a high damage threshold, and high reflectivity. Knight Optical can help! Laser mirrors are used to reflect or redirect the laser. This manipulation of the beam means it is great for laser applications where there is limited space, as the beam can be steered multiple times. We manufacture mirrors used in the UV/VIS/NIR and infrared. We provide a number of mirrors from stock with coatings at infrared wavelengths such as: Dielectric (98% NIR) Protected Silver (96% VIS/NIR) Protected Gold (97%@750-FAR IR) These are available to purchase from stock in a wide ranges of sizes from 6.3 mm in diameter to a 300mm x 300mm square and various different thicknesses. They are also available with varying flatness specifications with λ/10 also available for immediate shipment and for you to achieve the highest performance. Read PDF for full specification..
Oglinzi L/10 de la Knight OpticaL - Oglinzi lambda/10 personalizate pentru utilizare în aplicații de imagistică

Oglinzi L/10 de la Knight OpticaL - Oglinzi lambda/10 personalizate pentru utilizare în aplicații de imagistică

Knight Optical can offer you stock and custom lambda/10 mirrors for use in imaging applications, in a range of materials such as BK7 or equivalent, Zerodur, Quartz, UV Fused Silica and many more. Mirrors are made from low expansion glass for optimum stability to maintain the lambda/10 flatness. The mirrors help produce high quality images and can be coated with a variety of coatings to ensure that the perfect quality image in the wavelength you require is achieved: •Enhanced aluminium 94%R for visible applications. •99.9% dielectric for laser use in visible applications. •UV aluminium for UV applications down to 180nm. •98.5% dielectric for laser use in the NIR applications. •Ion plated silver for NIR-2000nm applications. •Protected gold for 750nm to far infra-red applications Lambda/10 mirrors are used to produce a better quality signal from the mirror, resulting in a higher quality imaging. Read PDF for more information… Material::N-BK7 (or equivalent), Zerodur, UV Fused Silica, Borosilicate Shape::Circular, Square or rectangular Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.5mm Parallelism::< 3 arcminutes Surface quality::<10-5 Scratch/Dig Flatness:: λ/10 or λ/20 over 90% of mirror aperture Coating::A range of mirror coatings to suit your wavelength