Produse pentru aplicatie (46)

Îndepărtarea Neoplasmelor

Îndepărtarea Neoplasmelor

removalEvery eighth person in the world in his life is faced with warts, nevuses, papillomas and other neoplasms. Moreover, they are a problem not only of an aesthetic nature sometimes neoplasms that seem harmless at first glance pose a serious danger to human health. Modern medicine recognizes laser removal of skin neoplasms as the most effective and safe. Laser modules Nd YAG Invasive and Er YAG Active are used to remove a wide variety of neoplasms. The use of one or another module is determined by the type, location, size of the neoplasm and other factors. Together with the above modules during the procedure, you can use a large number of different handpieces, maniples and optical fibers, so that the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure is guaranteed.
ECHIPAMENT LASER - Complex profesional multifuncțional LASEST

ECHIPAMENT LASER - Complex profesional multifuncțional LASEST

Laser multifunctional professional complex LASEST is the most powerful and versatile professional laser and is effectively used in various fields of laser medicine. High power, treatment efficiency, the latest developed techniques, ergonomic nozzles with spot sizes up to 24mm and high energy density, ultra-intelligent and yet friendly software – all this allows doctors around the world to carry out laser procedures much faster and more safely than before. We do not claim that the separate nozzle or laser produced by the lasermedtech company or the laser is the best in the world – but we just took the best laser components from the world’s leading manufacturers, selected the most universally recognized effective techniques in the world and combined it all in one complex. That is why with the help of the LASEST laser complex you can easily select all the necessary equipment for various fieldslaser medicine such as: * laser in surgery * gynecology * laser in cosmetology.
Tratamentul osteoartritei

Tratamentul osteoartritei

treatmentLaser therapy is an effective method in the treatment of joint arthrosis. This is confirmed by numerous studiesNumerous clinical studies show that the Nd YAG Arthro laser module has a biostimulating effect on damaged cells of biological tissues in osteortrosis. The biostimulating effect of the Nd YAG Arthro LASEST laser has a high degree of specificity and depends on various radiation parameters (mJ, s, Hz), which are carefully selected in the LASEST medical protocols and are confirmed by a number of positive tests in medical centers. To stimulate the process of cell proliferation, the qualitative characteristics of Nd YAG Arthro radiation (frequency and time of exposure) are more important
Tratamentul ulcerelor diabetice

Tratamentul ulcerelor diabetice

treatmentLaser treatment of diabetic ulcers has many advantages over other methods. Firstly, this method is absolutely safe, secondly, it allows to improve the course at any stages, thirdly, the effect occurs only on the affected skin area.Slow healing of wounds, especially diabetic ulcers, is an urgent problem of rehabilitation medicine, despite significant progress in understanding the basic principles and issues that occur during these processes. Highintensity laser therapy with Nd YAG Arthro laser in the treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers (deep ulcers of the 2nd degree) shows good results in more than 80% of patients. Using Nd YAG Arthro LASEST is characterized by a high degree of safety and comfort in the treatment of diabetic ulcers
Platformă SaaS pentru organizații de microfinanțare

Platformă SaaS pentru organizații de microfinanțare

Moln Programvara för finansiella teknikföretag som hanterar utlåning för banker, mikrofinansiering organisationer, kreditkooperativ, leasing- eller inteckningsföretag samt pantbanker. SaaS-plattform av Brainysoft fungerar som en automatiserad kredit transportör av hela cykeln - från ansökan om lån, hjälp med att registrera ett lån under livet, fram till rapportering till tillsynsmyndigheter. Systemet automatiserar funktionella processer för utfärdande av lån / krediter på distansbasis eller på kontoret, leasing och hypotekslån, POS-utlåning, kundprodukter via abonnemang, islamisk bank. Konkurrensfördelar: •Olika funktioner ger oss möjlighet att snabbt starta genom att konfigurera - från 1 månad. •Volymer för industriella transaktioner - höga prestanda har bevisats i volym över 3 miljoner låntagare. •Antifraud-modul. •Flexibel konfiguration av kreditprodukter. •PLUG & PLAY-teknik under integration med externa datakällor för att öka mängden information om klienten. Alla funktioner för att genomföra hela utlåningsprocessen:Kredit transportör av hela cykeln, Bedömning, System, Integration av redovisning, Lånekostnad Typer av utlåning:online, leasing, inteckningstjänster, POS-utlåning, kundprodukter via abonnemang, kreditlinjer Finansiella och teknologiska tjänster av tredje part som utförs med hjälp av ett mjukvarugränssnitt:Tjänster för identifiering kundbas, kreditbyråer, bestämning av cirkeln av potentiella kunder osv. Konfiguration av låneprodukt:134 parametrar Olika funktioner ger oss möjlighet att snabbt starta genom att konfigurera:från 1 månad Gränssnittet är utformat på två språk:Engelska och ryska Teknisk dokumentation som finns tillgänglig online:Mer än 1000 sidor Beprövade industriell transaktionsvolymer:Mer än 3 miljoner kontrakt
Liposucție cu laser

Liposucție cu laser

liposuctionLaser lipolysis using the LASEST laser complex is one of the most effective and safest methods of dealing with body fat. This method is so widespread due to the complete absence of scars and painWhen laser liposuction is performed using the Nd YAG Invasive laser module, only a few thin punctures of the skin are carried out and laser radiation is transmitted into the adipose tissue through a very thin optical fiber (600 μm). Under the influence of highprecision optical radiation, adipose tissue is destroyed and excreted from the body.
Platformă SaaS pentru instituții care acordă burse

Platformă SaaS pentru instituții care acordă burse

Logiciel de nuage pour des entreprises financières et technologiques qui fournissent des prêts, pour des banques, pour des établissements qui accordent des microcrédits, pour des coopératives de crédit, pour des entreprises de crédit-bail ou pour des établissements qui accordent des crédits hypothécaires et des maisons de prêt. La plate-forme SaaS Brainysoft remplit les fonctions du convoyeur de crédit automatisé du cycle complet: de la demande de prêt, du monitorage du crédit lors de l’exécution du contrat de prêt aux rapports fournis aux autorités de surveillance. Le système automatise l’octroi des prêts / crédits à distance et au bureau, l’octroi des prêts dans le cadre des contrats de crédit-bail, l’octroi des crédits hypothécaires, des crédits POS, des crédits d’abonnement et des crédits dans le cadre du banking islamique. Fonctionnalités qui permettent aux établissements de credit de mener leur activité au cycle complet:Convoyeur de crédit automatisé du cycle complet Types de prêts:en ligne, le crédit-bail, l’hypothèque, des prêts POS, des prêts d’abonnement, des lignes de crédit Services financiers et technologiques fournis par des tiers :Services d’identification, de vérification et d’obtention des informations sur des clients etc. Parametrage du produit de prêt :134 paramètres Larges fonctionnalités permettent de démarrer rapidement le système par voie de sa configuration:au moins 1 mois Interface en 2 langues :L’anglais, le russe Documentation technologique qui est disponible en ligne :Plus de 1000 pages Grands volumes de transactions:plus de 3 millions de contrats
Rejuvenare laser non-ablativă

Rejuvenare laser non-ablativă

rejuvenationThe noninvasive method of collagen photoreduction using LASEST neodymium laser emitters is quite attractive for patients, since a return to an active lifestyle does not require recovery timeThe procedure for laser nonablative rejuvenation is based on the absorption of laser energy by hemoglobin with partial coagulation of the microvascular network in the papillary dermis and the release of stimulating conductors. This process leads to the regeneration of the microvascular network, stimulation of fibroblasts and the production of new collagen fibers. The end result of skin treatment with nonablative laser rejuvenation will be smoother skin and reduced pore size.
Îndepărtarea cicatricilor

Îndepărtarea cicatricilor

removalSkin scars are the following connective tissue formation after wound healing, which differs in shape, size and properties from the rest of the skin, which is difficult to treat. A combination of invasive and noninvasive LASEST techniques provides the best results for scar removal and scar correction.For removal scars and scars, LasMedTech has developed a number of techniques that include both invasive and noninvasive methods.
Terapia leziunilor musculare sportive

Terapia leziunilor musculare sportive

injuriesLaser therapy is a popular and promising method of sports rehabilitation. A variety of laser techniques implemented in the LASEST complex allows you to deal with a wide range of muscle damage characteristic of testing large loads of organismsWhen practicing many sports, damage to the small muscles, tendons and joints very often occurs. The use of the Nd YAG Arthro LASEST laser module in sports medicine is highly effective due to the whole range of parameters and characteristics of the therapeutic laser radiation generated by this module. Due to the special temporal and spatial form of the impulses, pathologies with deep localization occur and the necessary biological effect is provided even in deep tissues. Photothermal and photomechanical processes that occur when exposed to damaged tissues provide the synthesis of extracellular matrix molecules, regeneration of connective tissue cells
Rejuvenare Vaginală

Rejuvenare Vaginală

rejuvenationLASEST vaginal antiaging techniques are a great opportunity to restore lost vaginal muscle tone, restore female sexual function and sexual activity at any age. This is an effective solution to eliminate intimate problems of both physiological and purely external natureIn connection with the individual structure of the human body, as well as over time, in the reproductive system of women, deterioration in elasticity and changes in shape are noted. Thanks to the use of the laser module Dual Gentle Gynecology, the intermolecular bonds of collagen are reduced, which allows the processed bonds to be effectively reduced and compressed. In addition, the natural processes of neocollagenesis are triggered, so that the tissue in the treated area becomes elastic. Using the LASEST laser complex for vaginal rejuvenation, there is no need for hospitalization of the patient or anesthesia.
Platforma SaaS pentru instituții de microfinanțare

Platforma SaaS pentru instituții de microfinanțare

Η πλατφόρμα λειτουργεί ως αυτοματοποιημένος μεταφορέας πίστωσης πλήρους κύκλου - Το υπολογιστικό νέφος για χρηματοδοτικές και τεχνολογικές εταιρείες δανεισμού, τράπεζες, οργανισμούς μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων, πιστωτικούς συνεταιρισμούς, εταιρείες χρηματοδοτικής μίσθωσης ή ενυπόθηκων δανείων και ενεχυροδανειστήρια. Η πλατφόρμα SaaS της Brainysoft εκτελεί τις λειτουργίες ενός αυτοματοποιημένου μεταφορέα πίστωσης πλήρους κύκλου - από την αίτηση δανείου, την υποστήριξη δανείων στη διαδικασία ζωής έως την υποβολή εκθέσεων σε ρυθμιστικές αρχές. Λειτουργικά, το σύστημα αυτοματοποιεί τις διαδικασίες έκδοσης δανείων / πιστώσεων από απόσταση και στο γραφείο, χρηματοδοτική μίσθωση και στεγαστικά δάνεια, POS δανεισμό, προϊόντα πελατών με συνδρομή, Ισλαμική τραπεζική. Τύποι δανεισμού:Πιστωτικός μεταφορέας πλήρους κύκλου, Αποτίμηση, Σύστημα, Λογιστική ενοποίηση, Λογιστική δανείων Χρηματοοικονομικές και τεχνολογικές υπηρεσίες τρίτων που παρέχονται μέσω του προγράμματος:Υπηρεσίες αναγνώρισης, επαλήθευσης και μελέτης πελατών, Πιστωτικά γραφεία, Επεξεργασία πληρωμών Δημιουργία προϊόντος δανείου:Με 134 παραμέτρους Διακλαδισμένη λειτουργικότητα επιτρέπει γρήγορη εκκίνηση με διαμόρφωση:από 1 μήνα Η διεπαφή προσαρμόζεται σε 2 γλώσσες:Αγγλικά, Ρωσικά Τεχνολογική τεκμηρίωση διαθέσιμη στο διαδίκτυο:Περισσότερες από 1000 σελίδες Αποδεδειγμένοι βιομηχανικοί όγκοι συναλλαγών:Περισσότερα από 3 εκατομμύρια συμβόλαια
Laser pentru Smas-endolifting cu laser

Laser pentru Smas-endolifting cu laser

endoliftingIt has been proven that heating the deep layers of the skin to 6070 C is the optimal temperature that leads to the synthesis of its own collagen. The technique of laser SMASendolifting consists in the fact that an ultrathin fiber with a diameter of 200600 microns of a special shape, depending on the zone of exposure, is easily inserted under the skin into the superficial layers of the hypodermis.
Tratamentul Incontinenței Urinare

Tratamentul Incontinenței Urinare

treatmentLaser treatment of urinary incontinence is most effective if the disease was caused by stress, psychological discomfort. Also, indications for this procedure may be atony of the pelvic floor muscles. Er YAG Gynecology is used to treat this diseaseUrinary incontinence is currently a serious and common problem, which affects up to 25% of women, mostly older women. Often this problem occurs at a younger age and is often associated with poor heredity, overweight problems or due to excessive physical exertion
Platformă SaaS pentru instituții de microfinanțare

Platformă SaaS pentru instituții de microfinanțare

Die cloudbasierte Software für Fintech-Unternehmen, die sich mit der Krediteinräumung beschäftigt, Banken, Mikrofinanzinstitutionen, Kreditgenossenschaften, Leasing- oder Hypothekenunternehmen und Pfandhäuser. Die Plattform SaaS von Brainysoft erfüllt die Funktionen des automatisierten Vollzyklus-Kreditförderers - von der Kreditantragstellung über die Kreditunterstützung im Lebensprozess bis hin zur Berichterstattung an die Aufsichtsbehörden. Funktionell automatisiert das System die Prozesse der Krediteinräumung per Fernzugriff und im Büro, von Leasing- und Hypothekendarlehen, POS-Krediteinräumung, Kundenprodukten im Abonnement und islamitischen Banking. Wettbewerbsvorteile: •Die verzweigte Funktionalität ermöglicht einen schnellen Start auf dem Wege der Einstellung - ab 1 Monat. •Industrielle Transaktionsvolumina - nachweislich hohe Leistung bei dem Volumen über 3 Millionen von Kreditnehmern. •Modul Antifraud. Alle Funktionen zur Durchführung des vollständigen Prozesses zur Krediteinräumung:Vollzyklus-Kreditförderer, Bewertung, System, Rechnungslegungsintegration, Kreditbuchhaltung Arten der Krediteinräumung:Online, Leasing, Hypothek, POS-Krediteinräumung, Abonnementprodukte, Kreditlinien Finanziell-technologische Dienstleistungen von Drittanbietern, die über eine Softwareschnittstelle b:Finanz- und Technologiedienstleistungen Dritter, die im Rahmen des Programms bereitgestellt werden Einstellung des Kreditprodukts:Gemäß 134 Parametern Die verzweigte Funktionalität ermöglicht einen schnellen Start auf dem Wege der Einstellung:ab 1 Monat Die Schnittstelle ist an 2 Sprachen angepasst:Englisch, Russisch Technologische Dokumentation ist online verfügbar:Mehr als 1000 Seiten Nachgewiesene industrielle Transaktionsvolumina:Mehr als 3 Millionen Verträge
Platformă SaaS pentru instituții de microfinanțare

Platformă SaaS pentru instituții de microfinanțare

La plataforma Brainysoft actúa como un transportador automatizado de crédito de - Software en la nube para empresas fintech especializadas en créditos, bancos, organizaciones de microfinanzas, cooperativas de crédito, empresas de leasing o hipotecas y casas de empeño. La plataforma SaaS de Brainysoft realiza las funciones de un transportador automatizado de crédito de ciclo completo: desde la solicitud de crédito, el apoyo crediticio en el proceso de vida hasta la presentación de informes a las autoridades supervisoras. Funcionalmente, el sistema automatiza los procesos de emisión de préstamos / créditos de forma remota y en la oficina, leasing e hipotecas, créditos POS, productos de cliente por suscripción, banca islámica. Todas las funciones para un proceso de concesión de créditos completo:Transportador de crédito de ciclo completo Tupos de concesión de créditos :en línea, leasing, hipotecas, créditos POS, productos por suscripción, líneas de crédito Servicios de tecnología financiera de terceros prestados a través de una interfaz de software:Servicios de identificación, verificación y estudio de clientes, Procesamiento de pagos, etc. Configuración del producto crediticio:Por 134 parámetros Funcionalidad ramificada permite un inicio rápido mediante configuración:mínimo 1 mes Interfaz está adaptada a 2 idiomas:Inglés, ruso Documentación de proceso está disponible en línea:Más de 1000 páginas Volúmenes probados de transacciones industriales:Más de 3 millones contratos