Produse pentru aplicatie (7)

Generarea de Energie - Aplicații Industriale

Generarea de Energie - Aplicații Industriale

Kigema boasts a long history of collaboration with power plant equipment manufacturers. Swift response and operational excellence combined with the quality of our products make Kigema the supplier of choice for the manufacturers of turbines and other equipment items, and also for power plant maintenance. Kigema has extensive experience and broad expertise in the production of rings for wind turbine bearings. We have been working with global leaders in the bearing production business, supplying rings for roller and plain bearings for turbines of up to 10 MW in output.
Benzi adezive duble - Filme adezive, spume, materiale nețesute și filme adezive duble

Benzi adezive duble - Filme adezive, spume, materiale nețesute și filme adezive duble

Taśmy dwustronne samoprzylepne, wysokotemperaturowe, montażowe i uszczelniające w produkcji przemysłowej, do łączenia ze sobą permanentnie lub tymczasowo w zróżnicowanych procesach sklejania i łączenia ze sobą materiałów. Dysponujemy dużym asortymentem taśm pokrytych klejem akrylowym, kauczuk lub silikon. Oferujemy taśmy i pianki dwustronnie do łączenia różnego rodzaju tworzyw, PA, PMMS, APS, PS, HIPS, PP, PE, PCV oraz gumy, folii budowlanych, do marmuru, ceramiki, szkła, betonu.
Cortine cu grafica personalizată a clientului - blackout. - Nu suntem limitați de dimensiunea imprimării; cortina poate avea multiple aplicații.

Cortine cu grafica personalizată a clientului - blackout. - Nu suntem limitați de dimensiunea imprimării; cortina poate avea multiple aplicații.

Nasze kotary mają nieograniczone możliwości zastosowania, przekształcając przestrzenie komercyjne. Nie ogranicza nas wymiar wydruku – nasze kotary mogą służyć jako eleganckie zasłony okienne, efektowne ściany działowe czy kurtyny zasłaniające przejścia do innych pomieszczeń. Dzięki zaawansowanej technologii druku gwarantujemy doskonałą jakość obrazu i trwałość kolorów, co pozwala na realizację nawet najbardziej wymagających projektów. Każda kotara może być precyzyjnie dopasowana do specyficznych potrzeb i wymiarów danego miejsca, co sprawia, że jest to rozwiązanie idealne dla sklepów, restauracji, hoteli i biur. Zaprojektuj swoją kotarę, wybierając z szerokiej gamy grafik lub przekazując własny projekt – z nami stworzysz niepowtarzalny element dekoracyjny, który nie tylko funkcjonalnie oddzieli przestrzenie, ale również stanie się wyjątkowym nośnikiem wizerunku Twojej marki. Skontaktuj się z nami, aby omówić swoje potrzeby – wspólnie znajdziemy rozwiązanie.
Marin - Aplicații Industriale

Marin - Aplicații Industriale

Kigema works with marine producers as well as train and maintenance providers. The company has a long track record of manufacturing carriers, stern tube bushes and other products made of brass and bronze.Wide range of copper-based products, Complete manufacturing solutions according to customer drawings, Flexible approach to customer's needs, No minimum order quantity Quality management systems, Short lead times, Patented and efficient technology, Continuous development of the offer.
Minerit - Aplicații Industriale

Minerit - Aplicații Industriale

Kigema has extensive experience and broad expertise in the production of products for the Mining industry. We are working with conventional power generation plants all over the world.Wide range of copper-based products, Complete manufacturing solutions according to customer drawings, Flexible approach to customer's needs, No minimum order quantity Quality management systems, Short lead times, Patented and efficient technology, Continuous development of the offer.
Industria feroviară - Aplicații industriale

Industria feroviară - Aplicații industriale

Kigema works with locomotive producers as well as train and locomotive maintenance providers. We manufacture and regenerate used cast-steel and cast-iron sleeves. The company has a long track record of manufacturing sleeve bodies made of brass and bronze.Wide range of copper-based products, Complete manufacturing solutions according to customer drawings, Flexible approach to customer's needs, No minimum order quantity Quality management systems, Short lead times, Patented and efficient technology, Continuous development of the offer.
Producția de Roți dințate și Mașini - Aplicații Industriale

Producția de Roți dințate și Mașini - Aplicații Industriale

Kigema works with producers of large-size machinery, such as industrial gearboxes, worm gears, hydraulic presses, mining equipment, pumps. We supply rings, discs and sleeves made of bearing alloys, as well as other components according to customer documentation. Wide range of copper-based products, Complete manufacturing solutions according to customer drawings, Flexible approach to customer's needs, No minimum order quantity Quality management systems, Short lead times, Patented and efficient technology, Continuous development of the offer.