Oglinzi Plane pentru Cartografiere 3D - Oglinzi plane sau de suprafață frontală sau oglinzi de prima suprafață în aplicațiile de cartografiere 3D
Knight Optical can offer you Plane Mirrors (general, λ/1 and λ/4), for use within 3D Mapping Applications in a range of materials such as Soda-lime float glass, white float glass, and BK7 glass.
Plane mirrors also known as front surface mirrors or first surface mirrors are used within 3D Mapping Applications. As stock we hold a number of general purpose, λ/1 and λ/4 with a range of up to 6 types of coatings such as Enhanced Aluminium, Ali/SiO2 and Ali/Mgf2. Our general purpose grade mirrors are made from good quality float glass and generally available in thicknesses of 1mm, 3mm and 6mm as standard.
How our mirrors are used within 3D Mapping, is they are used as a sender and receiver of a laser beam that will take a reading of a specific surface, and from that reading it can create a 3D map of the surface that is has read. FOR MORE INFORMATION READ THE PDF..
Material::Soda lime float glass, BK7 or equivalent
Diameter Tolerance::+0/-0.2mm
Lengths/ width::±0.3mm (≤100mm), ±0.5mm (>100mm)
Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig for general purpose, <40-20 scratch/dig for λ/4
1.1mmthk::1λ over 10mm dia.
3/6mmthk: :2λ over 25mm dia.
Parallelism::<3 arcmin