Produse pentru aplicatie (131)

TriboShield TS421 - Acoperire Polimerică pentru Aplicații Lubrifiate

TriboShield TS421 - Acoperire Polimerică pentru Aplicații Lubrifiate

TS421 besteht aus technischen Thermoplasten, die speziell für extrem geringe Reibung unter Schmierbedingungen mit reduzierten Belastungen ausgelegt sind,
Măsurarea tunelurilor - Terratec - Aplicații

Măsurarea tunelurilor - Terratec - Aplicații

Tunnel surveying - Terratec - Applications
Pulbere de fructe Yacon bio, prebiotic natural, en-gros + ambalat

Pulbere de fructe Yacon bio, prebiotic natural, en-gros + ambalat

Yaconpulver eignet sich als Geschmacksträger, Zusatzstoff in Fleisch und Wurstwaren, als Zuckerersatzstoff in allen Lebensmitteln (z.B. Smoothie- Mischungen, Schokolade, Müsli, Tabletten, Getränken ) Yacon ist reich an Inulin und Oligofructose, die zu den Polysacchariden zählen, eine der natürlichsten Zuckeraustauschstoffe. Beide besitzen eine 30-50%ige Süßkraft gegenüber herkömmlichem Zucker und weisen kaum Kalorien auf. Inulin und Oligofructose sind wichtige Präbiotika, die aufgrund ihrer unverdaulichen Ballaststoffe bis in den Dickdarm gelangen können, wo sie den natürlichen Darmbakterien als Nahrung diesen. Diese "guten" Bakterien sind verantwortlich für eine gesunde Darmflora, die positiven Einfluss auf unser Immunsystem und auf unsere Verdauung haben. Präbiotika sind lösliche Ballaststoffe, die aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaft im Magen und Darm Wasser zu binden und aufzuquellen, die Verdauung anregen und für ein längeres Sättigungsgefühl sorgen. Durch den hohen Gehalt an Inulin zählt Yacon zu einem idealen Zuckerersatz auch für Diabetiker, daher die Bezeichnung "Diabetiker-Kartoffel". In der Lebensmittelindustrie kann Yacon als Zuckersatzstoff eingesetzt und das Produkt als "zuckerfrei" angeboten werden. Wurst,-und Fleischhersteller schätzen das leicht süßliche Aroma und die Tatsache, dass Yacon den Ballaststoffgehalt in tierischen Lebensmitteln erhöht. Auch als Fettersatz ist Yacon sehr bliebt, es macht Speisen cremiger und verwandelt etwa einen Magerquark in eine Delikatesse. Gebinde: 20 kg Dose: 240 g, etikettiert + neutral
Exalign - Carcasă de Rulment cu Flanșă sau Pe Pedestal Autoajustabil

Exalign - Carcasă de Rulment cu Flanșă sau Pe Pedestal Autoajustabil

Selbsteinstellendes Stehlager zum Ausgleich von Fluchtungsfehlern
Lagăr glisant DU-B Metal-Polimer - Metal Polimer

Lagăr glisant DU-B Metal-Polimer - Metal Polimer

mit PTFE und Bronzerücken
Măsurători 3D în arhitectură - Aplicații

Măsurători 3D în arhitectură - Aplicații

Z+F 3D phase based laser scanners enable a detailed condition and damage assessment of the current status of a building or complex structure and its surroundings. It is easy to create 2D floor plans or views of the object to plan building or conversion projects of the 3D data. Therefore, 3D data is an ideal planning basis for structural measures. For site measuring, 3D documentation is just the right technology, because you will save time and money. Moreover you can evaluate different options of how the available rooms can be used without accessing the site in reality. The whole work can be done from your office desk and the data will be available even after many years. Structural damages Structural damages always mean economic loss for the owner and user of a building, and can influence the future value of a property significantly.
Măsurare 3D și managementul facilităților - Aplicații

Măsurare 3D și managementul facilităților - Aplicații

In the management of large buildings, it is important to have current plans of facades, facilities, furnishings, piping and paths to carry out renovation and conversion work. An exact calculation of the costs is only possible with detailed and current plans. Thanks to the high level of flexibility and user-friendly handling of the Z+F IMAGER®, the laser scanner can easily be integrated into the fields of facility management without a long training period.
DP4-B - Rulment glisant metal-polimer cu PTFE și suport din bronz

DP4-B - Rulment glisant metal-polimer cu PTFE și suport din bronz

Gute Verschleißbeständigkeit und Gleitfähigkeit in einem breiten Last-, Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturbereich bei Trockenlauf
Sonde de contact pentru aplicații auto - pentru testarea cablajelor și conectorilor

Sonde de contact pentru aplicații auto - pentru testarea cablajelor și conectorilor

Clever designed contact probes, threaded probes, switch probes, step probes, push back probes - the perfect contacting solution for each application.
Aplicații - Dulapuri de comutare

Aplicații - Dulapuri de comutare

Due to many successful projects we possess a wealth of experience in this field. In the following a selection of applications: special machinery, textile industry, automotive industry, aviation industry, special equipment manufacturing, packaging industry, power and drive technology, machine and plant engineering as well as shipping industry.
Măsurare 3D în patrimoniu - Aplicații

Măsurare 3D în patrimoniu - Aplicații

For listed buildings, there are regular new construction tasks. Often there are no adequate plans on the basis of which planning, modernization or renovation can be carried out. Due to the very high scan rate of more than 1 million measured values per second, range resolution in the millimeter range and a measuring accuracy in the mm range, even the capture of the finest structures and details is still possible with the 3D laser scanners from Zoller + Fröhlich. The 3D documentation is therefore the ideal prerequisite for reconstructions of, for example, design conditions or sensitive stucco work. The recorded inventories, damage, structures and details are recorded in databases and allow a faithful reconstruction of the entire object or of parts of the object at any later time.
Investigarea locului crimei - LKA - Aplicații

Investigarea locului crimei - LKA - Aplicații

Crime scene surveying - LKA - Applications
Pistoale de pulverizare interne

Pistoale de pulverizare interne

large portfolio for the internal coating of cans and tubes
dispozitiv de măsurare manual - dispozitiv de măsurare manual pentru aplicații industriale

dispozitiv de măsurare manual - dispozitiv de măsurare manual pentru aplicații industriale

Divers appareils de mesure de différentes formes sont regroupés sous le terme appareil d'analyse. Un appareil de mesure manuel pour les applications industrielles vient compléter les différents modèles de détecteur de fuites et le débitmètre. Un pack logiciel (analyse) spécialement adapté est disponible avec le débitmètre de pression différentielle.
DT12P / DT512P Sonde de Măsurare Digitale - Sonde de măsurare incrementale robuste pentru aplicații standard

DT12P / DT512P Sonde de Măsurare Digitale - Sonde de măsurare incrementale robuste pentru aplicații standard

Inkrementaler Messtaster mit magnetischem Funktionsprinzip. Extrem unempfindlich gegenüber Verschmutzungen wie Ölnebel, Feuchtigkeit und Staub. Perfekt geeignet zur automatisierten Messwerterfassung in Messvorrichtungen, Montage und Fertigungsanlagen. Messbereich:12mm Genauigkeit:6µm (p-p) / 10µm(p-p) Auflösung:1µm / 5 µm Max. Ansprechgeschindigkeit :100m/min Referenzmarke:keine Messbolzenbetätigung:Feder / Pneumatisch mit Adapter DZ176 (optional) Ausgangsignal:TTL-Linedriver (RS422) mit Interpolator MT14 (optional)) Kompatible Messwertanzeige :LT10 / LT11 Serie
Evaluarea daunelor de asigurare - Aplicații

Evaluarea daunelor de asigurare - Aplicații

Surveying of insurance damage - Applications
Racord de cablu Ex-Barrier ICG 653/UNIVERSAL - Racord de cablu Ex-Barrier ICG 653/UNIVERSAL pentru cabluri blindate și neblindate

Racord de cablu Ex-Barrier ICG 653/UNIVERSAL - Racord de cablu Ex-Barrier ICG 653/UNIVERSAL pentru cabluri blindate și neblindate

HAWKE ICG 653/UNIVERSAL is a compound barrier gland for armoured or braided cables which provides an inspectable, repairable barrier seal. It is suitable for all armour / braid types. It is also suitable for non armoured cables or cables with fibre optic cores. Available materials: Brass, Nickel plated brass, Stainless Steel 1.4404, V4A, 316L, Aluminum Types of Protection: Ex db IIC Gb, Ex eb IIC Gb, Ex nR IIC Gc, Ex tb IIIC Db Suitable for use in Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21, Zone 22 and in Gas Groups IIA, IIB and IIC. Explosion-proof acc to ATEX/IECEx Temperature range: -60 °C / +80 °C Clamping range: 5,5 mm to 78,0 mm Thread options: metric M20 to M75, NPT 1/2" to 3" Protection grades: IP66, IP67, IP68 (30 metres for 7 days), IP69, Deluge Protected DTS01, NEMA 4X
Celulă de Sarcină în Formă de S pentru Tensiune și Compresie - 8512 - Foarte precisă, design foarte plat, aplicare simplă a forței, multe cicluri de sarcină

Celulă de Sarcină în Formă de S pentru Tensiune și Compresie - 8512 - Foarte precisă, design foarte plat, aplicare simplă a forței, multe cicluri de sarcină

The measuring element of this load cell consists of a double bending beam with strain gauges, the resistance of which changes with the application of force. Upon applying a voltage to the strain gauge bridge, the change in the strain gauge resistance is converted into output voltage, which is directly proportional to the force. The strain gauges and the entire measuring element are protected from water spray by metal cover including sealing material. The tensile or compressive load to be measured is applied to the sensor element through the M6 threaded hole located on each end face. The load can be applied easily, along the sensor axis. This serves to prevent falsification of the measured values. Overload protection can be realized with little effort using a mechanical stop. FEATURES Measuring ranges from 0 … 20 N to 0 … 880 N Relative non-linearity: ±0.25 % F.S. Many load cycles Protection class IP54 Excellent price-performance ratio burster TEDS optionally available Measuring range:0 … ±20 N / 0 … ±50 N / 0 … ±100 N / 0 … ±220 N /0 … ±440 N/0 … ±880 N Direction of force:Tension and compression Signal output:1,6 mV/V 1,7 mV/V 2,7 mV/V depending on measuring range Overload protection:Option Range of operating temperature:-30 ... +90 °C
Lanț de Măsurare cu Cost Mic - 8532, 9186 - Lanț de Măsurare cu Cost Mic pentru Aplicații de Măsurare a Forței cu Senzor de Forță și Ecran Digital

Lanț de Măsurare cu Cost Mic - 8532, 9186 - Lanț de Măsurare cu Cost Mic pentru Aplicații de Măsurare a Forței cu Senzor de Forță și Ecran Digital

Die Kraftmesskette wurde für Anwendungen konzipiert, wo Genauigkeitsanforderungen nicht im Vordergrund stehen, sondern ein sehr günstiger Anschaffungspreis und eine einfache Funktionalität Bedingung sind. Durch die DMS-Technik des Sensors können sowohl statische, als auch dynamische Kraftverläufe gemessen werden. Die große Anzeige erlaubt ein bequemes Ablesen der einwirkenden Kraft auf den Sensor. Mit den 4 integrierten Gewindebohrungen kann der Sensor schnell und einfach in bestehende Produktions- und Montageanlagen integriert werden. Einsatzgebiete sind z.B. Festigkeitsprüfung von Schweißverbindungen Sportmedizin Klemmkraftüberwachung von Schlauchverbindungen Der Sensorkörper ist eine flache, zylindrische Scheibe, in die oben ein ballig geformter Lasteinleitknopf integriert ist. Prinzipiell muss die Krafteinleitung axial und zentrisch in den Sensor erfolgen. Messbereiche:0 ... 500 N / 0 ... 20 kN Schutzart:Sensor IP60, IN-LINE-Verstärker IP67
GGB-SHB - Rulmenți din oțel călit

GGB-SHB - Rulmenți din oțel călit

steel bushing
SENSOR DE PRESIUNE MINIATURIZAT - 8103 - Compact, mic, aplicabil universal, membrană montată la nivel, fabricat din titan

SENSOR DE PRESIUNE MINIATURIZAT - 8103 - Compact, mic, aplicabil universal, membrană montată la nivel, fabricat din titan

Aufgrund seiner sehr kleinen Abmessungen ist dieser Sensor universell einsetzbar. Durch die fehlende Messkammer (frontbündige Membrane) eignet sich dieser Sensor für alle Messungen, bei denen Rückstände des zu messenden Materials zu Problemen führen können. Mit verschiedenen lieferbaren Gewinde- und Anschweißadaptern kann der Einsatzbereich noch erweitert werden. Anwendungsgebiete: Getränkeabfüllanlagen, Lebensmittelindustrie Mischanlagen für die chemische Industrie Pharmabereich Kosmetikherstellung Biotechnik Die Miniatur-Drucksensoren sind komplett aus Titan hergestellt und besitzen daher eine ausgezeichnete Korrosionsbeständigkeit.Die als Messelement dienende Membrane wird aus dem vollen Material herausgearbeitet. Ihre Innenseite ist mit Dehnungsmessstreifen ausgestattet.Diese setzen die durch einen Druck hervorgerufene Auslenkung der Membrane in eine elektrische Widerstandsänderung um, die von einer nachzuschaltenden Elektronik verstärkt gemessen und weiterverarbeitet wird. Messbereiche:0 … 1000 bar Messart:≤ 20 bar: Messung gegen Atmosphäre Messart:≤ 50 bar: Messung gegen eingeschlossene Atmosphäre Ausgangssignal:1 mV/V - 2 mV/V -Je nach Messbereich Gebrauchstemperaturbereich:-55 … +150 °C
Cercetarea platformelor petroliere - Scopus - Aplicații

Cercetarea platformelor petroliere - Scopus - Aplicații

Surveying oil platforms - Scopus - Applications
SENSOR DE FORȚĂ / MOMENT - X/Y/Z - Tip 8565 - Măsurarea forței/momentului în direcțiile X, Y și Z, pentru aplicații robotice

SENSOR DE FORȚĂ / MOMENT - X/Y/Z - Tip 8565 - Măsurarea forței/momentului în direcțiile X, Y și Z, pentru aplicații robotice

8565 KRAFT- / MOMENTENSENSOR - X/Y/Z In der Robotik und Automatisierungstechnik steigen stets die Anforderungen für ein präzises,taktiles Handling. Mit dem robusten Mehrachssensor 8565 und seinem geringen Übersprechen (Crosstalk) sind Sie in der Lage,jederzeit und unabhängig von der Ausrichtung Ihren Prozess zu überwachen und zu bewerten. Mit nur einem Sensor erhalten Sie eine exakte 3-dimensionale Belastungs- information.Über die sechs unabhängigen Ausgänge können Sie die Wirkrichtung der Lasten selektiv bewerten (Axialkraft [Fz] / Querkräfte [Fx/Fy] / Drehmoment (Mz) / Biegemoment [Mx/My]).Durch das kompakte Design und der Adaption über den genormten Roboterflansch nach DIN ISO 9049-1 lässt sich der Sensor schnell und einfach in vielen Anwendungen integrieren.Bei der Feststellung von geringsten Abweichungen in Ihren dyna- mischen und komplexen Fertigungsprozessen können Sie direkt eingreifen und nachregeln.Somit lassen sich Fehlteile vermeiden und die Fertigungs- kosten reduzieren. Messbereiche:Kraft: Fx / Fy = 1 kN, Fz = 2 kN Messbereiche:Drehmoment: Mx / My / Mz = 50 Nm Kraftrichtung:Kraft und Moment in X-, Y- und Z-Richtung Gebrauchstemperaturbereich:-10 ... +80 °C
Topografie și arheologie - Petra - Aplicații

Topografie și arheologie - Petra - Aplicații

Surveying and archeology - Petra - Applications
Măsurători 3D în asigurări - Aplicații

Măsurători 3D în asigurări - Aplicații

In many projects insurance companies have the problem that the building to be insured is either not completely documented or was documented a long time ago, so that the available data is out of date. 3D laser scanning is an efficient way to detect the current condition of the building and all its details. The 3D data is particularly useful for insurance companies when it comes to the following tasks: Assessment of property value Surveying the inventory in 3D Calculation of areas In fact the 3D data is of particular importance in the case of damage. A new survey of the damaged object can be carried out and by using software, the condition before and after the damage can be compared and visualised directly. The amount of damage can be quantified much more precisely in comparison to a quantification without the use of 3D data.
Măsurare în caz de dezastru - Aplicații

Măsurare în caz de dezastru - Aplicații

Surveying in the event of a disaster - Applications
CELULĂ DE ÎNCĂRCARE ȘI SENZOR DE MOMENT – Model X/Y/Z 8565 - Măsurarea forței de tracțiune/comprimare în direcțiile X și Y simultan

CELULĂ DE ÎNCĂRCARE ȘI SENZOR DE MOMENT – Model X/Y/Z 8565 - Măsurarea forței de tracțiune/comprimare în direcțiile X și Y simultan

LOAD CELL AND TORQUE SENSOR – X/Y/Z - Model 8565 In robotics and automation engineering, the requirements for precise, tactile handling are constantly increasing. The robust 8565 multi-axis sensor with its low crosstalk enables you to monitor and evaluate your process at any time, regardless of the sensor’s orientation. With just one sensor, you can obtain accurate three-dimensional load information. Its six independent outputs let you selectively evaluate the direction of action of the loads (axial force [Fz] / lateral forces [Fx/Fy] / torque [Mz] / bending moment [Mx/My]). Thanks to its compact design and adaptation via the standardized robot flange in accordance with DIN ISO 9049-1, the sensor can be integrated into many applications quickly and easily. When the slightest deviations are detected in your fast-moving and complex production processes, you can intervene immediately to make adjustments. This helps to prevent faulty parts and reduce manufacturing costs. Measuring range:Load: Fx = 1 kN / Fy = 1 kN / Fz = 2 kN Measuring range:Torque: Mx / My / Mz = 50 Nm Direction of force:Tension and compression in X, Y and Z directions Range of operating temperature:-10 ... +80 °C
Pompă pentru butoaie pentru aplicații igienice - F 427 / FP 427

Pompă pentru butoaie pentru aplicații igienice - F 427 / FP 427

The Drum pump F/FP 427 is ideal for hygienic applications and suitable for conveying media out of drums, IBCs and other containers. It can be easily and quickly disassembled for cleaning / sterilization and can be completely stripped down to individual parts. The pump has minimal dead spots. The drive shaft, the inner and the outer tube are made of stainless steel (316 Ti resp. 1.4581). The pump is also available as FOOD and 3A certified version and complies with international safety standards. Benefits: - Ideal as hygienic pump - Can be quickly and easily taken apart for cleaning - All parts in contact with the medium can be sterilized - Transfers also fluids containing solids such as juices with pulp or soups with spices - Available with different connection at the pressure side (e.g. Clamp 1 1/2" or RD 58x1/6) - Available with 3A Certificate - Available as FOOD version - Appropriate for food contact acc. to EC 1935/2004 and FDA CFR 21 Flow rate::max. 240 l/min Delivery head::max. 13 mwc Viscosity::min. 1 mPas - max. 1000 mPas Outer tube diameter::max. 43 mm Immersion length::700, 1000, 1200 Materials outer tube::Stainless steel Media / Fluids::Media with solid particles, Petroleum products, Thin media Seal: :sealless in the liquid area Container::1000 l IBC, 200 l drums
Manometre pentru aplicații de sudare

Manometre pentru aplicații de sudare

Pressure gauge and thermometer are suitable for the various pressure and temperature measurement applications. We offer solutions for gas and liquid measurements. The range covers capsule, plate or Bourdon-tube pressure gauges and measuring instruments made from various materials with versions extending from standard models to stainless steel versions, for use in corrosive environments, and electronics measuring equipment.
RESISTOMAT® 2311 - RESISTOMAT® 2311 proiectat și optimizat pentru aplicații foarte rapide în automatizare.

RESISTOMAT® 2311 - RESISTOMAT® 2311 proiectat și optimizat pentru aplicații foarte rapide în automatizare.

The RESISTOMAT® model 2311 has been designed and optimized for high-speed applications in automation systems. Up to 100 measurements per second can be achieved. It works on the basis of the welltried four-wire measurement method in which test-lead resistances and contact resistances are eliminated. The instrument leads are monitored for damage by a built-in open circuit detector. A 2-way and 4-way comparator with switching outputs is available for classifications and selections. Of course, temperature compensation is available for any test object material. Specific temperature coefficients can be entered. Temperature recording takes place using a PT100 sensor or a temperature transmitter (pyrometer) with an analog output. A special circuit for protecting the measurement input when measuring inductive test objects has been developed to prevent damage to the meter from voltage peaks produced when the test object is disconnected. Measuring range:20,000 mΩ to 200,00 kΩ Resolution:1 μΩ / 10 μΩ / 100 μΩ / 1 mΩ / 10 mΩ / 100 mΩ / 1 Ω / 10 Ω Measurement accuracy:0.03 % of reading ±2 digits Automatic temperature compensation:10 diff. temp coefficients can be selected & individually set Interfaces:EtherCat / PROFINET / EtherNet/IP