Produse pentru antihistaminice (9)



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RoxFox® Product protection with rosemary Sausage products, salad dressings, delicatessen or convenience foods - whatever it is, consumers appreciate fresh, visually perfect food. Optimise your product quality and freshness with RoxFox® products. At the same time, secure your colour stability and opt for maximum product protection. RoxFox® is available in water-soluble or oil-soluble variants, and also in E number free variant "N". N for natural RoxFox® products W-N and O-N each have a harmonious flavour profile, while also offering antioxidant potential. Apart from indication of spice or spice extract, no further declaration is necessary when using RoxFox® W-N and RoxFox® O-N. Thus, there is no need to declare an E number under the German Food Additives Regulation (ZZulV). RoxFox® benefits: Optimisation of product quality Optimum colour stabilisation Optimum active substance distribution Use in brine applications Use in products high in oils and fats Prevents fat auto-oxidation
Lactat de bamipină - 61670-09-5; Ingredient farmaceutic activ; antihistaminic

Lactat de bamipină - 61670-09-5; Ingredient farmaceutic activ; antihistaminic

Bamipin es un agente antialérgico y antipruriginoso del grupo de los antihistamínicos de primera generación, que se utiliza en forma de gel para el tratamiento sintomático de las picaduras de insectos. Los efectos anticolinérgicos se basan en el antagonismo de los receptores H1 de la histamina. El fármaco, administrado en forma de gel, se aplica de forma fina varias veces al día. Además, el efecto refrescante así mediado alivia las molestias causadas por las picaduras de insectos. Nombre:Lactato de bamipina Número CAS:61670-09-5 Indicación:antihistamínico


RoxFox® Product protection with rosemary Sausage products, salad dressings, delicatessen or convenience foods - whatever it is, consumers appreciate fresh, visually perfect food. Optimise your product quality and freshness with RoxFox® products. At the same time, secure your colour stability and opt for maximum product protection. RoxFox® is available in water-soluble or oil-soluble variants, and also in E number free variant "N". N for natural RoxFox® products W-N and O-N each have a harmonious flavour profile, while also offering antioxidant potential. Apart from indication of spice or spice extract, no further declaration is necessary when using RoxFox® W-N and RoxFox® O-N. Thus, there is no need to declare an E number under the German Food Additives Regulation (ZZulV). RoxFox® benefits: Optimisation of product quality Optimum colour stabilisation Optimum active substance distribution Use in brine applications Use in products high in oils and fats Prevents fat auto-oxidation
Bamipin Lactat - 61670-09-5; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; Antihistaminic

Bamipin Lactat - 61670-09-5; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; Antihistaminic

Bamipin ist ein antiallergischer und juckreizlindernder Wirkstoff aus der Gruppe der Antihistaminika der 1. Generation, der in Form eines Gels zur symptomatischen Behandlung von Insektenstichen eingesetzt wird. Die anticholinergen Effekte beruhen auf dem Antagonismus an Histamin-H1-Rezeptoren. Das als Gel verabreichte Arzneimittel wird mehrmals täglich dünn aufgetragen. Zudem lindert die so vermittelte Kühlwirkung die durch Insektenstiche vermittelten Beschwerden. Name:Bamipinlactat CAS Nummer:61670-09-5 Indikation:Antihistaminikum
Lactat de Bamipină - 61670-09-5; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; antihistaminic

Lactat de Bamipină - 61670-09-5; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; antihistaminic

Bamipine is an anti-allergic and antipruritic agent from the group of 1st generation antihistamines, which is used in the form of a gel for the symptomatic treatment of insect bites. The anticholinergic effects are based on antagonism at histamine H1 receptors. The drug, administered as a gel, is applied thinly several times a day. In addition, the cooling effect thus mediated alleviates the discomfort caused by insect bites. Name:Bamipine Lactate CAS Number:61670-09-5 Indication:antihistaminic


Amino Acids


Plant extract