Produse pentru allpremed hydro dm (37)

Osmocem N: Monocomponent, osmotic, ciment impermeabil rigid

Osmocem N: Monocomponent, osmotic, ciment impermeabil rigid

Osmocem N gray Cement compound for the preparation, with the sole addition of water, of a waterproofing osmotic coating that can create horizontal and vertical barriers, also suitable in conditions of negative hydrostatic thrust vis-à-vis water permeation in the buildings. Typical uses include waterproofing underground rooms, elevator compartments, garages, basements, tanks, etc. The action of the active components and of the adhesion promoters of Osmocem N, saturated by the reaction the support capillaries, forming a complex system of gel and stable crystals, which results in the best sealing, effective even in conditions of negative hydrostatic thrust, without hindering the breathability of the walls. Osmocem N is compatible for food substances: is certified as suitable for the containment of foodstuffs and drinking water (Certificate no. 02/2010 Laboratorio Analysis Service di Settimo di Pescantina - VR). Osmocem N waterproof test: • Resistance to positive hydraulic thrust, UNI EN 12390/8: water penetration depth with 5 bar pressure = 1-2 mm (*) • Impermeability to negative hydraulic thrust, UNI EN 12390/8 modified (concrete support a / c ratio 0.7): no passage of water with a pressure of 1.5 bar (*) concrete with penetration depth <= 20 mm are considered waterproof. Waterproofing rigid structures and masonry walls underground, buried or in any case subject to water permeation: lift wells, basements, tanks, pipes, tunnels, garages, bridges, reservoirs, areas containing food, etc. in conditions of positive and negative hydrostatic thrust provided they are sufficiently porous and absorbent and free from any waterproofing and / or water-repellent surface treatment, whether chemical (siloxanes, epoxies, polyurethanes, etc.) or natural (wax-up). Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., water repellent treatments in general, etc. conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Osmocem N and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 19-20% (for interventions in the form of a spatula) or 21-22% (for interventions using a brush with long bristles). After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. If applied by brush, roll out two or more crossed coats. Although it is not a specific product for finishing thick coats, it can still be used for these purposes. In these cases, it is appropriate to use a fibreglass mesh Armaglass 160. Approximately 1.7 kg/m² of Osmocem N for each millimetre of thickness to be made. Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg


Used to make filling primers for HYDRONYLON ® HN on bituminous felt substrates. CONSUMPTION: 2 kg/m 2 – using SW-1 technical mesh APPLICATION: Apply the first layer of HYDRONYLON ® HP on the prepared substrate using a brush or broom . After the first layer has dried, apply the second layer of HYDRONYLON ® HP through a SW-1 technical mesh (it is also permissible to apply the first layer of HYDRONYLON ® HP directly on the prepared substrate through a SW-1 technical mesh). The base coat should be made in at least two layers. PACKAGING:25 kg COLOUR:Grey
Mineral Plus

Mineral Plus

Mineral Plus
Aromaterapie - Sisteme de hidromasaj

Aromaterapie - Sisteme de hidromasaj

40 centuries ago, the Egiptians and the Chinese have discovered the benefic effects of the essential oils. The Arabians have approached the same theme of scientific bases, as authors of some scripts containing studies about some botanic species. Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a french chemist, one of the fonders of modern aromotherapy, has discovered almost by accident the healing properties of some aromatic oils, in the years 20’s of the last century. The aromotherapy universe presumes alleviation with the perfumes’ help. This type of treatment is addressed not only to the body, but to the soul and the intelect, reestablishing the equilibrium of those entities. The essential oil is a real force which can swing the various aspects of the human being: physic, emotional, mental and spiritual.
HUILE D'AEXASORB - Instalatori - Ingineri de încălzire

HUILE D'AEXASORB - Instalatori - Ingineri de încălzire

Absorbant huiles et hydrocarbures, fioul Absorbe rapidement les taches d’huiles, d’essence, de cambouis, de gras et de peinture. Assure la propreté et la sécurité des sols où il y a la présence d’huile ou autres liquides. Peut absorber jusqu’à 150% de son volume (en fonction de la substance). Également recommandé pour le sol de la cuisine en cas de présence de gras important. Destiné aux professionnels chargés d’interventions nécessitant une absorption très rapide : plombiers, nettoyage des parkings extérieurs et intérieurs, transports des liquides, risque de pollution etc, tous les garages et toutes les stations services, les cuisines de collectivités, les arrêts de bus en ville, les industries… Réf:AB830 Conditionnement:Boite poudreuse 1 L – Carton de 6 Ex:AEXASORB'UIL
Hydracup (Îngrășământ) - Cupru Organic

Hydracup (Îngrășământ) - Cupru Organic

Il est un biofertilisant foliaire à base de Zinc et Cuivre complexés avec hydracided’acide citrique, obtenu de forme naturelle.Il agit aussi comme correcteur de carences avec une petite quantité de Zinc et Cuivre, avec un haut niveaud’efficience fertilisant et avec une basse consommation énergétique par la plante.En conséquence on améliore l’état physiologique de la plante et il augmente indirectement la défensenaturelle, induit une meilleure résistance au stress et aux maladies produites par bactéries etchampignons. Il est un biofertilisant foliaire à base de Zinc et Cuivre complexés avec hydracided’acide citrique, obtenu de forme naturelle.Il agit aussi comme correcteur de carences avec une petite quantité de Zinc et Cuivre, avec un haut niveaud’efficience fertilisant et avec une basse consommation énergétique par la plante.
Materii Prime Farmaceutice

Materii Prime Farmaceutice

Wir bieten Wirkstoffe zum Einsatz in humanmedizinische oder veterinäre Arzneimittel mit entsprechender ausführlicher Dokumentation und Zertifizierung. Die Firma “Hommel” blickt auf eine fast 125 jährige Historie zurück. Wir liefern hochwertige Substanzen an die Pharma-, Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie. Hommel hat sich durch langjährige Erfahrung, hohe Flexibilität und stetige Zuverlässigkeit weltweit einen guten Ruf für seine Lieferung von Rohstoffen erworben. Unsere Kunden verlassen sich auf eine prompte und unkomplizierte Belieferung. Wir bieten Ihnen pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe sowie Hilfsstoffe und andere Substanzen aus unterschiedlichen Produktionen und oft mit mehreren Alternativen an. Unser Unternehmen verbindt langjährige Praxis mit moderner Technik und bietet Ihnen stets beste Qualität zu einem fairen Preis.


HYLO-PARIN® Augentropfen mit Hyaluronsäure und Heparin dienen dem Schutz und der Regeneration trockener, gereizter Augen.
Dimetilacetamid (DMAC)

Dimetilacetamid (DMAC)

DCP Biomex HDI 5L

DCP Biomex HDI 5L

DCP Biomex HDI 5L is een supergeconcentreerde 2-in-1 reiniger en ontvetter die een superieure reinigingskracht biedt. Deze biologisch afbreekbare en milieuvriendelijke formule is geschikt voor een breed scala aan toepassingen, waaronder onderdelen wassen, hogedruk- en stoomreiniging, ultrasoon en dompelbaden, sprayen en borstelen. Het product is veilig te gebruiken op alle metalen, inclusief aluminium en titanium, en werkt corrosieremmend op aluminium oppervlakken. Vrij van chloor- en petroleumoplosmiddelen, bleekmiddel, ammoniak, bijtende middelen, fosfaten, fosfonaten, NTA en EDTA, biedt DCP Biomex HDI 5L een veilige en effectieve reinigingsoplossing voor diverse industrieën. DCP Biomex HDI 5L is de ideale keuze voor bedrijven die op zoek zijn naar een krachtige en veelzijdige reiniger.
Hyalone 60 mg/4mL - Produse ortopedice

Hyalone 60 mg/4mL - Produse ortopedice

HyalOne 60 mg Injection is used to treat pain in osteoarthritis patients who have not received adequate relief from simple pain medications or exercise and physical therapy. In adults over the age of 21, it is also used in plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles or folds on the face and to enhance the lips. HyalOne is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, and highly elastic injectable solution, which is based on purified sodium hyaluronate produced by bacterial fermentation of a high-molecular-weight fraction of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally occurring in many tissues of the body, including cartilage and synovial fluid. It is a principal component of synovial fluid responsible for its viscosity and elasticity. Being a natural lubricant and shock absorber, hyaluronan is indispensable for proper joint function.
Ampla 1:9 Concentrat pentru Dezvoltator

Ampla 1:9 Concentrat pentru Dezvoltator

“Low chem” solution for Conventional Positive plates Recommended for Dark and Variant plate
Albastru de metilen - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Albastru de metilen - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

ERP - Sistem de Planificare a Resurselor Întreprinderii

ERP - Sistem de Planificare a Resurselor Întreprinderii

En Merlos somos asesores tecnológicos y partners de las principales firmas de Software de Gestión. Analizamos las características de tu negocio para ofrecerte el ERP que mejor se adapte a las necesidades de tu empresa. Nuestros programas te permitirán gestionar con rigor y efectividad todas sus áreas: compras, ventas, facturación, pedidos, almacenes…, Optimiza todos los procesos comerciales y controla el flujo de trabajo de una forma muy fácil y eficiente. Todo con un solo programa informático. Nos encargamos de integrarlo con el resto de software de gestión empresarial (CRM, Business Intelligence, Preventa / Autoventa,…).
Aquavital Tip 1

Aquavital Tip 1

1/4" - 3/8" Zoll, Rohrdurchmesser: 5 – 14 mm Größe (L x B x H) mm: 96 x 57 x 64
Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Flexible single-component mortar that protects and waterproofs all types of construction surfaces, concrete or mortar in the presence of water or humidity. Its flexibility allows it to cover microcracks that form in concrete subjected to deformation. Strong adhesion, impermeability, no shrinkage and excellent workability. Maximum thickness per layer:1mm Minimum total thickness:2mm Consumption:1.25 kg/m2 and mm thickness
Acid Humic Black Diamond - Acid Humic Lichid din Surse Organice

Acid Humic Black Diamond - Acid Humic Lichid din Surse Organice

İçerisinde bulunan humik-fulvik asit ve potasyum sayesinde bitkinin gereksinimi olan organik madde ve gelişimi için gerekli olan potasyumu ihtiva etmektedir. Black Diamond Humik Asit Hücre bölünmesini hızlandırır. Dolayısıyla, bitkinin büyümesi ve gelişmesi de hızlanır. . Kök oluşumunu ve gelişimini hızlandırır. Kökleri kuvvetlendirir. Saçak kök oluşumunu teşvik eder. . Tohumda çimlenmeyi hızlandırır. Bitkinin hayatta kalabilme yeteneğini arttırır. idelerin daha hızlı ve kuvvetli büyümelerini sağlar. . Bitkide hücre enerjisinin fazlalaşmasını sağlar. . Bitki metabolizmasını düzenleyerek azot bileşenlerinin birikmesini önler. . Yararlı toprak mikroorganizmalarının gelişmeleri ve çoğalmaları üzerinde uyarıcı etki yapar. Bunların topraktaki miktarını ve aktivitelerini arttırır. . Bitkinin soğuğa, sıcağa ve fiziksel etkilere karşı dayanıklılığını arttırır. Böcek ve hastalıklara karşı direncini çoğaltır. . Meyvelerde (üründe) hücre duvarları kalınlığının artmasını sağlar.
Soluție Hidroalcoolică – Bidon de 5L

Soluție Hidroalcoolică – Bidon de 5L

Solution Hydro Alcoolique – Bidon De 5l Caractéristiques:Solution hydroalcoolique recommandée par l’OMS pour l’antisepsie rapide des mains Certificats:Cf fiche sécurité, taux alcool sup à 70% Minimum de commande:1 palette de 64 ou 128 bidons Stock actuel:11 000 bidons de 5L (entrepot ile de France) Production journalière:5000 bidons de 5L Packaging:Palette de 128 bidons de 5L Délai de livraison:2 jours (nous consulter en amont)
Întărire, Consolidare și Densificare - Pentra-SilL® (HD+C) Întăritor, Densificator și Întărire

Întărire, Consolidare și Densificare - Pentra-SilL® (HD+C) Întăritor, Densificator și Întărire

The performance of a true cure, hardener and densifier in a single application.


Das von Biosepar völlig neu entwickeltes formalinfreies Fixiermedium hat viele Vorteile gegenüber den formalinhaltigen früheren konventionellen Fixiermittel. Diese sind u.a.: Allgemein bessere Färbeeigenschaften von Gewebe und Zellen, die die diagnostische Qualität und Sicheheit enorm erhöhen, keine Gewebeschrumpfungen durch Denaturierungen, keine störende färberische Artefacte, intakte immunologische Sensitivität von Antikörper und Antigen, Vermeindung der irreversiblen Vernetzung von DNS und RNS und fehlende Giftigkeit, wodurch keine Entsorgungsprobleme bestehen. Das FixSepar® ECO PLUS Histology (FEPH®) bietet für alle Human- und Veterinärmediziner, Biologen, Immunologen und Molekularbiologen zukünftig bessere Ergebnisse und günstigere, ungefährliche Arbeitsbedingungen.


Aplicații Speciale - Sisteme de Inundație

Aplicații Speciale - Sisteme de Inundație

Eine besondere Anwendung der Druckluft-Blasentechnik ist die Geschwemmselanlage. Durch erhöhten Einsatz der Luftmenge bildet sich an der Wasseroberfläche eine starke Strömung, die eine Barriere für Treibgut (Äste, Zweige, Tüten etc.) bildet.
Concentrat Algicid pentru Îndepărtarea Algilor 1 L

Concentrat Algicid pentru Îndepărtarea Algilor 1 L

Chlorine-free, low-foaming, pH-neutral anti-algae agent. Prevents algae formation in the pool and swimming pool. Caution biocide! Other sizes available on request Chlorine-Free Algicide Concentrate - Pool Algae Prevention:22 pH-Neutral Algae Remover - Effective Pool Maintenance:22
Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS07GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution Code:1107 Manufacturers:GERBU


Hypertonic Marine plasma -Sea water High concentration inoligoelement - 30x10 ml - 100% Plasma marin Hypertonique. Boîte de 30 ampoules buvables de 10ml Strictement élaboré selon le protocole établi par René Quinton, le Plasma Marin Hypertonique Propos'Nature dynamise votre organisme et renforce vos défences naturelles. Recolté au large de l'Atlantique dans de strictes conditions de sécurité et d'hygiène et mis en ampoule sous 24h. La microfiltration se fait à très basse température pour préserver toutes les qualités et l'efficacité des constituants marin (oligoéléments et protéines du plancton). Sels minéraux : 30000 p.p.m. Reference:EDMHYPER
Grade TPE medicale originale - Seria standard Mediprene 500M

Grade TPE medicale originale - Seria standard Mediprene 500M

The Mediprene 500M range encompasses our original medical TPE grades. They are available in hardnesses from 0 Shore A to 62 Shore D. With translucent and transparent grades, they are also easy to colour. Mediprene grades are sterilizable with gamma, EtO and steam and representative grades have passed cytotoxicity tests according to ISO 10993-5 and biocompatibility tests according to USP Class VI. Mediprene TPEs have proven to be a strong alternative as replacement to PVC; they are completely synthetic and latex free thereby minimizing allergy risks. The right TPE formulation is the key to a safe and successful medical product. When a standard formulation does not meet the needs of a unique application, we will formulate a custom solution. Special Features Flexibility and elasticity 0 Shore A to 62 Shore D Transparent and crystal clear grades Soft-touch appeal Excellent resistance to many fluids used in the healthcare environment PVC, silicone &amp; latex free Adhesion to PP or PE i
Anchorsana Fix: Compoziție rapidă, pe bază de var și aluminate, pentru fixări și ancore

Anchorsana Fix: Compoziție rapidă, pe bază de var și aluminate, pentru fixări și ancore

Anchorsana Fix Premixed based on hydraulic lime, special sulfur aluminate binders, water retainers, shrinkage compensators and reducers of the water/binder ratio, used for fixing and anchoring, in masonry, connectors, inserts, bars, brackets, grouting of the joints, tacking of lesions. It is a product with accelerated setting and hardening, with setting start at 30 ', end setting at 60' and development of mechanical strength already after 90 'of curing. Particularly recommended in the restoration of period and monumental buildings. The particularly fine constituent materials allow adequate anchoring even in the presence of a small space between hole and connectors. By mixing Anchorsana Fix with different water contents, the product passes from thixotropic consistencies (23% water) to fluid gel consistencies (30% water), allowing any type of anchoring, from overhead to inclinations towards the bass. The product does not contain resins and solvents and can also be used indoors, subject to the usual precautions necessary when handling materials based on alkaline and irritating powders such as lime (use suitable personal protective equipment, such as gloves and protective goggles). Fixing and anchoring, in masonry bodies, of rigid connectors, jib connectors, inserts, bars with improved adherence, anchors. It develops great adhesion on materials of different nature: metal, fiberglass, basalt. Blow with compressed air and forced suction of the housing holes. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, moving, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface". Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer; gradually add Anchorsana Fix and the water still required, continuing to mix, until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. Apply with a trowel or by casting. The mixing water indicatively required is equal to 23% by weight for thixotropic doughs, and to 30% by weight for doughs with a plastic-fluid consistency. Approximately 1.6 kg of Anchorsana Fix for each cubic decimeter of volume to be filled. Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Hematoxilina Mayers - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Hematoxilina Mayers - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Mayers Hematoxylene - CHEMICALS PRODUCT CODE:BKMH00001 SIZE:500 ML