Produse pentru alimente (713)

Burgerbox - Cutie pentru burgeri din hârtie kraft maro

Burgerbox - Cutie pentru burgeri din hârtie kraft maro

umweltfreundliche Burgerbox aus recyceltem Kraftpapier in mehreren Größen erhältlich Fragen Sie nach unserem besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
Majestatea Mea Înghețată de Pepene Marasli

Majestatea Mea Înghețată de Pepene Marasli

Flavor Blowing Fresh Winds: Hunkar Maraslim Melon Ice Cream One of nature's most valuable gifts, melon, with Hunkar Maraslim's peerless touches, finds life in ice cream. Prepared with fresh milk and natural sahlep, this melon ice cream creates a tropical journey in the palate. Hunkar Maraslim selects the freshest milk and forms the basis of the ice cream. The clear and delicious milk is felt in every bite. Melon, The Heart of Tropical Flavor: The sweet and refreshing flavor of melon is indispensable in our Hunkar Maraslim melon ice cream. The unique flavor of melon makes itself felt in every bite. The sahlep plant adds a unique consistency and flavor to the ice cream and offers a healthy alternative. Hunkar Maraslim's use of natural sahlep makes our ice cream unique.
Suplimente Alimentare Lichide – Siropuri

Suplimente Alimentare Lichide – Siropuri

Gli integratori alimentari in forma di sciroppo offrono un metodo di assunzione rapido ed efficiente, ideale per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole. I componenti attivi contenuti negli sciroppi vengono assorbiti più rapidamente dall'organismo, garantendo un'efficacia immediata. Questa forma farmaceutica permette un dosaggio personalizzabile, adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Gli sciroppi sono disponibili in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, realizzati in materiale PET o vetro, per garantire la massima qualità e sicurezza del prodotto. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano. La formulazione degli sciroppi include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti vegetali fluidi, vitamine, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo gli sciroppi, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Mașină de Închidere a Sticlelor

Mașină de Închidere a Sticlelor

DESCRIPTION High stability on high capacity. Can handle multiple bottles size, types and shapes Type of metal used S.S 316 / 304 Certifications ISO 90012015, OHSAS 180012007, ISO 500012011, ISO 450012018 SPECIFICATION Servo conveyor system One collecting table HMI and SCADA system with touch screen integrated user friendly and simplified software. Available certification up on your request UL, CE, GMP, FDA, ASME. Available documents up on your request I.Q (Installation qualification), O.Q Operational qualification), P.Q Performance qualification. Linear closing system. Bottles:Closing Pharmaceutical:Machine
Canale de Vânzare

Canale de Vânzare

Our wide range of sales contacts will help you to implement your product on sales markets and platforms
Serum Perlă Multiactiv Ediție Exclusivă Melc 30 Ml

Serum Perlă Multiactiv Ediție Exclusivă Melc 30 Ml

Multiactive Pearl Serum Exclusivite Snail Edition 30 Ml
Reparația echipamentelor de ospitalitate - Soluții pentru defecțiuni în echipamentele de ospitalitate

Reparația echipamentelor de ospitalitate - Soluții pentru defecțiuni în echipamentele de ospitalitate

Somos una empresa de Barcelona especializada en atender urgencias en menos de 3 horas provocadas por averías en maquinaría de hostelería al mejor precio. Ofrecemos Servicio técnico para cámaras de frío, botelleros, arcones, neveras industriales, refrigeradores, congeladores, mesas refrigeradas, lavavajilla industrial, congeladores, campanas extractoras industriales, hornos, parrillas, exprimidores de zumo, máquinas de granizado y vending, tostadoras industriales, etc. Contacte con nosotros y le atenderemos con la mayor urgencia para que su negocio nunca pare.


We are experienced in complex supply of industrial automation in the field of process and production technologies. Our services include creation of all the steps of project documentation, a draft of the control system including functional safety, programming of control systems, and creation of operator interface. In terms of turnkey projects, we take care of full material supply including their assembly and installation for the customer. We fully revive the system, put it into operation, and provide future service. In the area of process automation we focus primarily on the supply of turnkey electrical engineering projects to build or modernize industrial technologies. We will suggest a solution for you, create all steps of project documentation, ensure material supplies and their installation. We will provide software development for technology management, put it in operation and take care of the repair services.
Cartofi Dulci (Patate Douce) - Varietate: Beauregard

Cartofi Dulci (Patate Douce) - Varietate: Beauregard

Variety:Beauregard Class 1 Size M/L/XI Flesh color: White and red Package: Top open carton 6.5kg Season: Jan-Mar/ Aug-Dec.


Joachim Kaiser – Ein Haus, zwei Konzepte, ein Credo: Leidenschaft
Sare - Toate tipurile

Sare - Toate tipurile

Tradege expand it's product range and providing all types of salt to it's clients with very competitive solutions.
Bar și Evenimente Speciale

Bar și Evenimente Speciale

Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, offiziellen Veranstaltungen, Events eine besondere Note durch ein exklusives Bar-Catering zu verleihen.
Beltane Biofix

Beltane Biofix

Dieses fast klassische Fixprodukt besteht aus zwei Würzmischungen, die schrittweise zum Einsatz kommen und in zwei Stufen ihr volles Aroma entfalten. Abpackung: zwei Sachets in einer Giebelpackung.
Producția de Imagini Pop Art - 'Pregătire cu Canabis'

Producția de Imagini Pop Art - 'Pregătire cu Canabis'

Bio-Kochbilder von auf: https://Cooking-Art.Shop und https://Pop-Art.Store


Mehr als 110 Länder trinken Capri-Sun. Der fruchtig-süße Drink im silbernen Beutel begeistert seine Fans schon fast 50 Jahre – ein echtes Kultgetränk eben. Trotzdem geht das Aushängeschild der inhabergeführten Heidelberger Wildwerke mit der Zeit und relaunchte passend zum Sommer die spritzig-neue Sorte Capri-Sun Lemon – mit duftendem Tattoo-Must-have. DIE AUFGABE: ZITRONEN IN DIE LÄDEN REGNEN LASSEN Und natürlich den Rausverkauf am POS pushen. Ganz einfach, wenn die Einlistungsgespräche laufen. Wie, wissen wir DIE UMSETZUNG: DUFTENDE PROMOTION Nicht nur mit dem Zitrus-Duft von Capri-Sun Lemon bezirzen wir die Einkäufer, nein, auch mit dem duftenden Salesfolder in Capri-Sun-Beutelform (analog und digital) und Entspannungsknautschfrüchten. Aber auch am POS geht’s dufte zu: Aktionspaletten und Glasscheibenaufkleber verströmen den Capri Duft. Da wir immer nochmal weitergehen, findet sich der Duft auch im On-Pack auf den Capri-Sun Lemon Kartons: Duftende Flash Tattoos für Kinder
Amidon de cartofi - (Nativ) amidon de cartofi

Amidon de cartofi - (Nativ) amidon de cartofi

Potato starch is used as a thickening agent in a variety of food products, including soups, sauces, and baked goods. Its ability to bind water is an advantage here for food manufacturing and product development. Potato starch is also used as a binder in the production of sausages and as a stabilizer in dairy products. Potato starch can be used in the following products: Dough products such as bread, pasta, cookies, and also in other products such as candy, canned vegetables, meat products, convenience foods, and as animal feed.
POT ALB PENTRU WRAP SNACK ȘI CARTOFI FRIGERE - Pahar sau recipient pentru vafe sau cartofi prăjiți din carton alb, cu sau fără imprimare

POT ALB PENTRU WRAP SNACK ȘI CARTOFI FRIGERE - Pahar sau recipient pentru vafe sau cartofi prăjiți din carton alb, cu sau fără imprimare

Matière : Carton Blanc avec revetement ingraissable Article : Gobelet ou Pot Atouts : Gobelet à wrap résistant aux matieres grasses grâce à un carton épais et vernis. Il permet de maintenir le wrap dans un emballage plaisant et pratique. Utilisations : Ces gobelets kraft brun sont parfaitement adaptés pour la conservation et le transport de vos wraps, gauffres, frites, tortillas et nuggets Ideal pour la présentation de gaufre, crêpe, frites ou tout autre snack. En Kraft ou caton blanc imprimé ou non. Disponible en 3 tailles.
PIZZA BOX - Cutie de pizza imprimabilă în toate dimensiunile

PIZZA BOX - Cutie de pizza imprimabilă în toate dimensiunile

Unsere Mikrowelligen Pizza-Boxen sind in allen Größen von 18 cm bis 60 cm erhältlich und bieten die Möglichkeit zur individuellen Anpassung mit Ihrem Logo und Design. Wir bieten Digital- oder Offsetdruck in bis zu 6 Farben an, um Ihre Marke bestmöglich zu präsentieren. Highlights: Material: Hochwertiger mikrowellengeeigneter Karton Druck: Bis zu 6 Farben, individuell anpassbar Größen: Von 18 cm bis 60 cm, ideal für jede Pizza Verfügbarkeit: Braune und weiße Varianten Anpassung: Perfekt für Ihr Branding Profitieren Sie von unseren umweltfreundlichen, bedruckbaren Pizza-Boxen und heben Sie Ihr Geschäft auf das nächste Level!


Pot ou Bol à salade à poké, à soupe ou à nourriture en Kraft Brun naturel. Matière : Carton brun en Kraft biodegradable de qualité alimentaire, resistant a l'humidité et aux matières grasses. Forme : Bol rond Déscription : Ce bol empilable et esthétique au design moderne valorisera vos produits Utilisations : Ces bols sont parfaits pour vos salades, vos plats en sauce ainsi que tous vos plats chauds ou froids Disponible en: Kraft, CKB (interieur blanc exterieur Kraft), en carton blanc ou en carton noir. impression standard ou impression personnalisée logotée. Dimension: 300CC, 16Oz, 550CC, 750CC,1050CC ou 38 Oz. Couvercle : Plastique RPET (non micro-ondable). PP pour les diamètres 97 et 115. Fermeture rapide et totalement hermétique. Vendu séparément Pot/ bol à soupe 16 Oz/480 cc: 110*94*68 mm, 480ml, 9,5 gr, White/ Black/ Kraft/ CKB Pot/ Bol à salade 20 Oz/550 cc:145*128*50 mm, 550ml, 10,5 gr, White/ Black/ Kraft/ CKB Pot/ Bol à salade 26 Oz/750 cc:145*125*68 mm, 750ml, 14,5 gr, White/ Black/ Kraft/ CKB Pot/ Bol à salade 32 Oz/1000 cc:185*165*52 mm, 1000ml, 16 gr, White/ Black/ Kraft/ CKB Pot/ Bol à salade 38 Oz/1300 cc:185*160*69 mm, 1300ml, 22,5 gr, White/ Black/ Kraft/ CKB
Cutie pentru Tacos și Burger - Cutie rectangulară folosită pentru ambalarea Tacos, sandvișuri și hamburgeri

Cutie pentru Tacos și Burger - Cutie rectangulară folosită pentru ambalarea Tacos, sandvișuri și hamburgeri

Boite en carton cannelé totalement ecologique sans aucun point de colle. Trés pratique, livrée totalement à plat, Montage trés simple (coome une boite à pizza) İmprimable CMYK. Trés belle qualité à petit prix!


Boite à pizza en Carton ondulé E cannelure. En brun-brun, blanc-blanc, brun-blanc ou blanc-brun. imprimé en 6 couleurs. Peut être personnalisé avec votre logo et votre design. Disponible: Dans toutes les dimensions de 18 cm à 60cm. Impression digitale ou offset jusqu'a 6 couleurs.


Sacs DOYPACK à Fermeture Zippée Hermetique Pour Le Conditionnement Café - Nos sachets DOYPACK à fermeture zippée hermétique sont la solution idéale pour conditionner et préserver la fraîcheur du café, mais ils conviennent également à une grande variété de produits comme les fruits secs, les épices ou autres denrées sensibles. Grâce à leur fermeture zippée, ces sachets protègent le contenu de l'humidité et de l'air, garantissant une conservation optimale des arômes et saveurs. Entièrement personnalisables, ces sachets deviennent de véritables supports de communication pour votre marque. L'impression de votre logo ou de vos designs est réalisée avec des techniques de haute qualité, telles que l'offset, la sérigraphie ou la flexographie, pour un rendu visuel saisissant et soigné. Ces options permettent de sublimer vos emballages avec des couleurs vibrantes, des textures élégantes et un effet visuel captivant, rendant chaque sachet unique et immédiatement reconnaissable.


Kraft Paper box, meal box, tray, or platter with lid suitable for hot or cold dishes. Microwave-safe. Available quality: - Brown Kraft - White Bristol Cardboard - Black inside and Kraft outside - Custom or Logo printed. Available Size: - 500 ml. - 600 ml. - 750 ml. - 1200 ml. - 2100 ml. Available lid: - PET transparent lid Size:500CC/ 600CC/ 750CC/ 1200CC/ 2100CC
PAIE DIN HÂRTIE KRAFT MĂRONE - Paie din hârtie Kraft maro de unică folosință pentru băuturi

PAIE DIN HÂRTIE KRAFT MĂRONE - Paie din hârtie Kraft maro de unică folosință pentru băuturi

PAILLE CARTON PAPIER KRAFT BRUN Matière : Papier Carton Brun Kraft alimentaire biodegradable et bio compostable Forme : Paille Déscription: Recyclable et éco-responsable ces pailles sont un choix écologique pour la dégustation de vos boissons, sans odeur ni gout. Utilisations : Pailles en papier cartonné kraft pour les boissons froides Couleur Disponible: Kraft, Blanc, Unicolor (noir, vert, rouge, bleu...etc) Bicolor Striées (Blanc-noir, blanc-rouge, blanc-vert, blanc-bleu, blanc-jaune ...etc), Fantaisie (à pois, à rayures, zigzagué, bronze, doré, rose doré ...etc) Logoté (portant les couleurs et le logo de votre entreprise) Emballage: Disponible en emballage individuel ou en vrac en paquet. Diamètre disponible : 2,5mm, 4 mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12 mm.
TAVĂ DIN ALUMINIU - Tavă din aluminiu de unică folosință

TAVĂ DIN ALUMINIU - Tavă din aluminiu de unică folosință

Matière : Aluminium préformés Forme : Rectangulaire Caractéristiques produit : Ces barquettes sont idéales pour la préparation des plats cuisinés et le transport. Résiste à la congélation (-20°C) et à la cuisson au four traditionnel (+380°C). Non micro-ondables. Vendus avec ou sans couvercles. La barquette aluminium est le moyen idéal pour présenter et servir vos aliments. Fabriquées en aluminium de haute qualité, ces barquettes alimentaires sont entièrement recyclables. Utilisations : Réchauffer les plats au four et les présenter Couvercle : Opercule adapté au volume de la barquette. Vendu séparément
CUTIE DE BURGER DIN HÂRTIE KRAFT CLAIMSHELL - Cutie de burger din carton ondulat Claimshell puternică, simplă și imprimată, de unică folosință din kraft maro

CUTIE DE BURGER DIN HÂRTIE KRAFT CLAIMSHELL - Cutie de burger din carton ondulat Claimshell puternică, simplă și imprimată, de unică folosință din kraft maro

Claimshell shaped Recycle Brown Corrugated Kraft paper box N Flute and F Flute. Disposable Burger box Plain or Printed Leakproof and moisture resistant Size:11*11*7,5 cm Box of :250pcs. 153.000 pcs in one container. Deliver to your warehouse. 11*11*7,5:cm 250:pcs/box 153.000:pcs/container
Bol de supă din hârtie

Bol de supă din hârtie

Les bols à soupe en papier avec couvercle en PP sont : Sécuritaires et sains. Adaptés au four et au micro-ondes. 16 Oz. Disponibles en : Kraft enduit, carton blanc et carton Kraft. Imprimables jusqu'à : 5 couleurs. Capacité : 16 Oz Matériau : Carton Kraft/Carton blanc/Carton Kraft enduit Couleur d'impression : 5 couleurs
Hunkar Maraslim Înghețată Maras Simplă 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim Înghețată Maras Simplă 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim Plain Maras Ice Cream 500 gr. Contents: The product is made using fresh cow milk and natural sugar, following traditional Maras recipes. Does not include additives. Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguished by its natural and authentic Maras ice cream taste. Presents an unmatched aroma with thick and creamy texture, complementing the natural taste of milk. With its pure and plain taste, presents a traditional experience. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr. Plain Maras Ice Cream can be served by itself or alongside various desserts and fruits. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched by adding garnitures such as chocolate sauce, hazelnut crumbs or fruit purée Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging.
Înghețată cu cacao Hunkar Maraslim

Înghețată cu cacao Hunkar Maraslim

The Flavor that Warms Us: Hunkar Maraslim Cocoa Ice Cream The intense aroma of cocoa and the white flavor of milk come together with the unique touches of Hunkar Maraslim! Enriched with natural sahlep plant, this delicious cocoa ice cream leaves an unforgettable taste on the palate. Our cocoa ice cream is prepared with an intense cocoa mixture obtained from the highest quality cocoa beans. This way, you feel the deep and satisfying taste of cocoa in every bite. The sahlep plant adds a unique consistency and flavor to the ice cream and offers a healthy alternative. Hunkar Maraslim's use of natural sahlep makes our ice cream unique.
Hunkar Maraslim Tăiere Simplă 4 Piese Înghețată

Hunkar Maraslim Tăiere Simplă 4 Piese Înghețată

Hunkar Maraslim Plain Cut 4 Piece Ice Cream Taste: Distinguished by its plain and intense milk taste. Produced by a thick milk texture alongside milk's natural tastes. Presents a fresh and natural milk taste with every piece. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim Plain Cut 4 Piece Ice Cream, can be served as cut practically. The pieces, on preference, can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging. Production Process: Hunkar Maraslim ice creams are made from utmost quality ingredients in modern production facilities under hygienic conditions.