Produse pentru alimente (6800)

FRIED CHICKEN BUCKET - Gala de hârtie pentru pui prăjit și popcorn

FRIED CHICKEN BUCKET - Gala de hârtie pentru pui prăjit și popcorn

Custom Fried Chicken Bucket and Popcorn boxes have come out of nowhere to be the goto packaging for this fantastic food. With their ability to be molded into anything, custom packaging has transformed the industry! These kind of packaging had a special place in society. This packaging needs to be reflective of such an attitude. Bring colors, and exciting graphics are the perfect way to transfer that feeling. However, this has become so common. As a result, we introduce custom packaging for your onestopshop to all your packaging needs. With the ability to change nearly every aspect of your packaging, custom packaging lets you tell your story. It helps you distinguish yourself from others!
Pizza Asortiment Dalya

Pizza Asortiment Dalya

Hunkar Natural and Healthy Food Fine Assortment Pizza: The Joy of Variety Being prepared with healthy and natural ingredients, Hunkar Natural and Healthy Food's special series Fine Assortment Pizza presents a rich variety in pizza. This special assortment, combines different flavors to satisfy your palatal delight. Prepared with organic and nutritious ingredients, these pizzas ensure that you do not compromise on taste while considering your health. Hunkar Natural and Healthy Food, presents traditional delicacies with a modern and healthy approach. %100 Original Italian Recipe: Handmade Italian Recipe's Real Delicacy for Italy's Peerless Tastes
Făină de soia - Furaje pentru animale

Făină de soia - Furaje pentru animale

Protein: 45% min. Moisture: 8% max. Color: light yellow Packing: In bulk or 1100 kg or 1200 kg big bags Protein:45% min Moisture:8% max Color:light yellow
Coloranți pentru Alimente și Băuturi - Portofoliu Larg de Culori Alimentare

Coloranți pentru Alimente și Băuturi - Portofoliu Larg de Culori Alimentare

Farben und färbende Lebensmittel sind zentrale Rohstoffe in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie. Wir führen synthetische Farben, natürliche Farben und färbende Lebensmittel. Entdecken Sie unsere Welt der Farben und finden Sie Ihr passendes Produkt!
Năut - Falafel /Hummus - pentru producția de Falafel și Hummus

Năut - Falafel /Hummus - pentru producția de Falafel și Hummus

1 A Kichererbsen 7 mm im 25 kg Sack. Top geeignet für die Falafel und Humus Produktion. Kichererbsen sind nicht nur schmackhaft, sondern auch reich an Protein, Ballaststoffen und essentiellen Nährstoffen, die eine gesunde Ernährung unterstützen. Diese kleinen Kraftpakete finden in zahlreichen kulinarischen Kreationen Verwendung, sei es in herzhaften Gerichten wie Suppen, Eintöpfen und Salaten oder in köstlichen Backwaren, beispielsweise als Bohnenmehl. Gewicht: 25 kg / Sack
Orz pentru furaj Grad 2

Orz pentru furaj Grad 2

Fed Barley Grade 2 is an ancient crop offered by EG Export and Import, known for its versatility and nutritional benefits. Barley has been cultivated since 7000 B.C. and is considered one of the most purposeful grain crops in the world. It stands fourth in terms of the importance of cereal grains globally and is used by humans and animals for food, feed, and beverages. Barley grain is a great source of energy and protein, making it an essential component in beef cattle diets. Fed Barley Grade 2 is primarily grown in temperate regions and is tolerant to drought and saline soils, making it a reliable choice for farmers and producers. EG Export and Import provides the best quality Fed Barley Grade 2, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and purity. The barley is characterized by a moisture content of 13% max and a crude protein content of 10% min, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, EG Export and Import offers Fed Barley Grade 2 as a reliable and nutritious choice for those in need of high-quality barley. Whether used in food, feed, or beverages, this barley is designed to meet the diverse needs of its customers.
Ravioli Sardo

Ravioli Sardo

I grandi ravioli sardi sono ripieni di ricotta (formaggio morbido) e limone e incarnano la semplicità e la purezza dei sapori mediterranei, offrendo un'esperienza culinaria fresca e raffinata. Questo raviolo rappresenta un'armonia perfetta tra la dolcezza e la morbidezza avvolgente della ricotta e il sapore agrumato della freschezza vibrante del limone, racchiuso in una delicata sfoglia di pasta.
Integratori alimentari in pulbere în stick packs

Integratori alimentari in pulbere în stick packs

Gli stick pack di integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un modo moderno e pratico per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi piccoli pacchetti sono facili da trasportare e utilizzare, consentendo un'integrazione rapida e discreta. Ideali per chi ha uno stile di vita attivo, gli stick pack sono una scelta popolare per chi cerca un'integrazione semplice e veloce.
Broccoli Proaspăt - Aliment cu Calorii Reduse

Broccoli Proaspăt - Aliment cu Calorii Reduse

Broccoli is known for being rich in nutrients while being low in calories. They are a source of beta carotene, vitamin C, B6, folic acid and lutein. In addition, they contain many minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is worth introducing this valuable vegetable to your diet, especially if you have vision problems or do a lot of sports, because it is also a great source of protein. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin K, thanks to which it has a good effect on bones and joint cartilage. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is believed to be a cancer-fighting substance
Samyang Sarimyun - Tăiței f chewi pentru tocăniță

Samyang Sarimyun - Tăiței f chewi pentru tocăniță

This is a block of plain ramen noodle with no soup base. Perfect for hotpots, tteokbokki and other korean stews. 110:grammes


Professional detergent for cleaning stainless steel surfaces. Provides long-lasting protection and shine to stainless steel surfaces. FEATURES Ready-to-use product, forms a protective film on the surface, preventing oxidation. Removes stains and marks and resists fingerprints, maintaining a polished appearance. FIELDS OF APPLICATION The product is recommended for cleaning stainless steel surfaces such as: the exterior of refrigerators, freezers, extractor fans, utensil washing machines and other stainless steel surfaces. HOW TO USE It is recommended to use the product undiluted. Spray onto surfaces and wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Then rinse thoroughly. For best results, after rinsing, dry the surface with a clean, dry paper towel. REF:ALI6204.1
Găluște și cereale

Găluște și cereale

Groats and Cereals
Sfeclă - superaliment, aliment

Sfeclă - superaliment, aliment

Beta vulgaris è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Amaranthaceae, comunemente nota come barbabietola. La barbabietola è un alimento ricco di fibre, vitamine (specialmente folati e vitamina C), e minerali come potassio e magnesio. È anche nota per le sue proprietà antiossidanti e anti-infiammatorie, grazie alla presenza di composti bioattivi come le betalaine. Il consumo di barbabietola è stato associato a vari benefici per la salute, tra cui il miglioramento della pressione sanguigna, delle prestazioni fisiche e della salute del cuore. Imballaggio:Cartoni da 25kg
Vitrină Încălzită Fast Food 2 Niveluri APW WYOTT APW WYOTT - Vitrine Încălzite

Vitrină Încălzită Fast Food 2 Niveluri APW WYOTT APW WYOTT - Vitrine Încălzite

Vitrine chauffante 2 niveaux Construction en inox Étagère chauffante avec revêtement en aluminium Isolation des étagères Réflecteurs en inox poli Chaleur contrôlée par un thermostat pour la source de chaleur à l’avant et à l’arrière Cotés, avant, arrière et intérieur décorés avec de la peinture Lampes incandescentes incassables Pieds 10cm en acier et polycarbonate ancrés dans une base solide en inox Verre trempé sur les côtés pour une visibilité maximum Lampe témoin Couleur standard: Noir &; rouge Homologué CE Référence:DMXD-60S Marque:APW wyott
Uleiul organic Sacha Inchi în butoaie de 60 de litri - Ulei vegetal comestibil în butoaie de 60 de litri pentru industria alimentară

Uleiul organic Sacha Inchi în butoaie de 60 de litri - Ulei vegetal comestibil în butoaie de 60 de litri pentru industria alimentară

Sacha Inchi olie in metalen cilindrische vaten van 60 liter van het merk Shanantina is beschikbaar voor distributie op de Europese en internationale markt. Beez is importeur, distributeur en groothandelaar van deze biologische plantaardige olie van hoge kwaliteit. Deze plantaardige olie is een voedingsproduct dat wordt gemaakt van Sacha Inchi zaden die zijn gepeld en koud geperst (eerste koude persing). Sacha Inchi olie is rijk aan Omega 3, 6 en 9, en aan vitaminen A en E. Betrokken sectoren : - Voedingsindustrie - Cosmeticasector Verzending: Primaire verpakking: Koudgewalste stalen cilinder, met inwendige coating van Valspar EHD002 epoxyfenolvernis. Opslag: Houdbaarheid: 18 maanden bij optimale opslagcondities in een gesloten container.
Fabricarea Suplimentelor Alimentare pentru Terți

Fabricarea Suplimentelor Alimentare pentru Terți

Experts in food supplements, dietary products, herbal medicines and sports suppl - At PACS we provide quality food supplements, medicinal plants and sports supplements at the best price on the market. Our vast experience in the industry and international operations allows us to guarantee an optimal, fast, personalised, differentiating and confidential production process, adapted to your needs and existing market regulations. Discover the wide range of products and formats available for your company. Available formats: • Pills • Hard capsules/ Soft capsules • Syrups • Powder (Monodose) • Ampoules (Monodose) For more information about our products, technical data sheets, and/or distribution, please consult our sales team. We will be pleased to serve you and present you with options adapted to your requirements.
Făină de Pește 71%

Făină de Pește 71%

Fish Meal 71% is derived from raw fish or fish trimmings, typically leftover from the preparation of fish for human consumption. The raw material undergoes a cooking process at 80-90°C, after which it is pressed into a cake, dried, and coarsely ground to form a brown, loose flour with a protein content of 71.5%, fat content of 13.3%, and Lysine content of approximately 5.83%. Herring and Sprats from the Baltic Sea are the primary fish used in Foodcom S.A.'s Fish Meal. The product has a shelf life of 12 months and should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry warehouse. Foodcom S.A. offers packaging Fish Meal in bags or Big Bags. Fish Meal is a highly nutritious component of animal feed and is commonly used in aquaculture, as well as for pigs, poultry, and pets. Foodcom S.A. also offers Fish Meal 60% and 65%.
Semințe de Floarea Soarelui Organice

Semințe de Floarea Soarelui Organice

"Flower named after the sun The sunflower is native to North Central America. The sunflower blooms from July to October. On sunny days the flower head turns with the sun. Nutrients in Sunflower Seeds The sunflower seed is the fruit of a sunflower. They are edible when removed from the shell. Sunflower seeds contain mainly vitamins B and E, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and the powerful antioxidant selenium. Consumption of sunflower seeds Eat these healthy seeds out of hand or mix them with other seeds and kernels into a superfood mix, which you in the yogurt or sprinkle on your salad."
Melci Pugliese cu smântână

Melci Pugliese cu smântână

Si tratta delle lumache della specie Helix aperta con la loro tipica "panna bianca" opercolate, nella fase di letargo. E' una lumaca molto ricercata e considerata, un alimento prelibato in tutta la Puglia e oggetto di numerosi piatti tipici. Una delle varianti più comuni è la seguente: si lavano le chiocciole, si privano dell’opercolo e si lasciano a bagno in acqua. In una casseruola si fa appassire in olio extravergine d’oliva abbondante cipolla affettata; quindi si aggiungono sale, pepe, le chiocciole ben sgocciolate e qualche foglia di alloro. Si cuoce a fiamma vivace e quando comincia ad affiorare nuovamente l’olio, si versa un bicchiere di vino Rosato che si lascia evaporare. Si aggiusta di sale e si serve ben caldo. CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO E CONDIZIONI DI VENDITA Lumache 100% naturali, già pulite e spurgate, pronte da consumare Periodo di vendita: disponibili tutto l'anno Confezionate in cartoni da 1kg a 5 kg Ordine minimo: 500 kg
Lampă LED pentru industria alimentară - Design ultra-subțire, curat și durabil

Lampă LED pentru industria alimentară - Design ultra-subțire, curat și durabil

La campana LED Design & Food serie CDE es la solución más atractiva para utilizar en entornos de procesamiento de alimentos abiertos al público y otras áreas, donde se requiera una luminaria de diseño o la certificación según los estándares NSF. Sus cierres ópticos cumplen con el requisito 'Sin vidrio' para las áreas de alimentos. Fabricada mediante aleación de aluminio, con un acabado muy definido y de calidad, su ángulo hacia abajo sin ranuras y sus tornillos de acero inoxidable que no están expuestos a la corrosión, garantizan que no quedarán residuos después del lavado. LED:NICHIA NF2W757GRT-V3 Eficiencia LED:170lm/W - 5000K ±5% Eficiencia Sistema Luminoso:Mayor del 80% Alimentación:100-277VAC 50-60Hz Grado de protección:IP66 & IP69K Vida Útil:Más De 50000h. (LM70 & 30°C) Ópticas Disponibles:(A) 90° / (B) 120°
Fitile din ceară vegetală pentru încălzitoare de mâncare - Ø max 45 mm - Fitile pentru fabricarea lumânărilor

Fitile din ceară vegetală pentru încălzitoare de mâncare - Ø max 45 mm - Fitile pentru fabricarea lumânărilor

Ces mèches cirées naturelles sur socle de 35 mm de hauteur sont enduites d'un mélange de cire de soja et de cire d'abeille. Elles conviennent parfaitement pour la fabrication de bougies chauffe plat d'un diamètre maximum de 45 mm en cire végétale. Ce type de mèche cirée est adaptée uniquement pour les cires végétales. Pour l'utiliser une mèche enduite sur socle, versez 2 mm de cire liquide dans votre contenant et ajoutez immédiatement votre mèche enduite dans le fond pour la maintenir. Puis, votre mèche est bien figé dans la cire, remplissez votre contenant en laissant 7 mm de mèche en surface. Référence:MS-VG-CP-45 Usage:Bougies Chauffe Plat Bougies Chauffe-Plat Cires compatibles:Colza Palme Paraffine Soja Tournesol Composition Mèches:Mèche en coton enduite en cire naturelle livrée montée sur socle Couleur:Ivoire Longueur / Hauteur de la mèche:35 mm Diamètre de votre bougie:maximum 45 mm Conditionnement:Lot de 50
Făină de floarea-soarelui

Făină de floarea-soarelui

Sunflower Meal
30 cutii de catering cu capace înalte negre de 750 ml - Tăvi / cutii / recipiente alimentare

30 cutii de catering cu capace înalte negre de 750 ml - Tăvi / cutii / recipiente alimentare

Cette boîte noir est idéale pour les traiteurs ou les professionnels de la vente de repas à emporter ou même les particulier. Elle permet de garder vos réalisations au chaud que ce sois des plats en sauces ou autres mais aussi de réchauffer l'intérieur sans souci. Elle a l'avantage d'être aussi très étanche grâce à son couvercle se clipsant dessus. Code:BCKTP751N Dimensions barquettes:180 x 140 x 52 ( L x l x H en mm) Dimensions couvercles:175 x 135 x 22 ( L x l x H en mm) Température d'utilisation:-20°C/+130°C Volume:750 ml Matière:Polypropylène
Fasole - Cereale și Semințe

Fasole - Cereale și Semințe

Appearance Dry seed Forma / Shape Reniforme abolada / Abolated reniform Smell / Odor Characteristic of dry grain. and I clean. Free of odors of humidity, fermentation, rancidity, mold, putrefaction or any other strange odor. / Typical of dry grain. and I clean. Free of musty, fermentation, rancid, moldy, rotting odors or any other foreign odour. Color Typical Black Flavor/Flavor Product characteristic. / Typical of the product. Texture / Texture Dura / Hard Baked appearance It should not be hard or overcooked in the established cooking time of 2 hours. 90 min. / It should not be hard or overcooked in the established cooking time of 2 hours. at 90 min.


Ulei Culinar din Cânepă Bio - Trufă - Maison Wagram

Ulei Culinar din Cânepă Bio - Trufă - Maison Wagram

Redécouvrez la cuisine et ses saveurs à travers nos huiles culinaires innovantes, issues de l'agriculture biologique, fabriquées en France à base de chanvre bio. Huile culinaire à base de chanvre bio, goût truffe. Utilisation simple et rapide par pressions grâce à son embout pompe, qui permet d'assaisonner à votre convenance.
Cortec EcoLine® Grăsime Biobazată pentru Mașini Alimentare

Cortec EcoLine® Grăsime Biobazată pentru Mașini Alimentare

Cortec EcoLine® Bio-based Food Machinery Grease. Safeguard your food processing equipment with EcoLine®, the bio-based grease that delivers superior performance and environmental responsibility. Made from renewable plant oils, it provides exceptional lubrication, corrosion protection, and washout resistance. Meets stringent FDA and NSF standards for food contact.Ideal for conveyors, mixers, packaging, pumps, and more.Reduce your environmental footprint while ensuring food safety and equipment longevity.
Carucior de Servire Alimente EM 106-1 - Bucătărie Horeca

Carucior de Servire Alimente EM 106-1 - Bucătărie Horeca

Compressor cooling system (250W-230v 1N AC 50 Hz) 4 x GN 1/3 + 2 x GN 1/6 capacity Pool Dimension: 800x340x85 mm Plexi glass display case with wooden sides that can be opened by sliding from two sides Sliding table Push handle and borders are stainless steel Thermostat with digital display Weight: 64 kg Weight:64 kg
Garnitură de conexiune în formă de L detectabilă - EPDM / Metal - Pentru industria alimentară

Garnitură de conexiune în formă de L detectabilă - EPDM / Metal - Pentru industria alimentară

Béné Inox propose une large gamme de joint L détectable pour l'environnement agroalimentaire. Le joint L décelable a la caractéristique d'être composé d'EPDM et de métal. En cas de dégradation du joint, les particules métalliques présentes la rendent détectable par les rayons X ou le détecteur de métaux. Avec sa couleur bleue, ce joint est facilement identifiable dans un environnement agroalimentaire. Diamètres disponibles ::de 25 mm au 104 mm Amplitude de température ::-40 °C à +125 °C Réglementation ::CE 1935/2004 Norme : :FDA
Piper de înaltă calitate - Piper

Piper de înaltă calitate - Piper

Herencia est née d'une profonde appréciation pour l'artisanat et l'héritage que représentent le café guatémaltèque et les épices de qualité. Notre parcours a commencé dans les hautes terres luxuriantes du Guatemala, où nos ancêtres cultivaient le café avec passion et expertise. Au fil des ans, nous avons élargi nos horizons pour inclure une gamme diversifiée d'épices, célébrant ainsi l'essence de la saveur et de la tradition.