Produse pentru alimente (19167)

Componente de instalare, tehnologia alimentelor

Componente de instalare, tehnologia alimentelor

Calentamiento óhmico I Compuerta automática I Módulo de agua caliente - El calentamiento óhmico es un proceso cuidadoso y continuo para el calentamiento de productos, en especial para productos en trozos como frutas, verduras, especias y otros alimentos. El calentamiento se lleva a cabo mediante corriente eléctrica, actuando el producto como resistencia eléctrica. En comparación con los procesos de cocción tradicionales, el producto no se calienta mediante una superficie caliente, sino uniformemente por toda su sección transversal. La compuerta de cierre rápido automática es especialmente adecuada para procesos de apertura y cierre frecuentes. Debido al calor y a la humedad, la introducción de aditivos en el aparato de cocción mediante tuberías fijas es crítica. Por eso, las aperturas de llenado automáticas ofrecen ventajas de proceso y liberan al operador de trabajos pesados e intensos.
Rabbit Creștere și Rabbit Mix - linia de furaje pentru iepuri Ducato

Rabbit Creștere și Rabbit Mix - linia de furaje pentru iepuri Ducato

Rabbit Crescita è un mangime complementare per conigli composto di: erba medica, orzo, crusca di grano tenero, farina di granturco, farina estraz. soia 44 prot. ogm, carrube frantumate grosse, total vit-vitamina E, fosfato bicalcico, cloruro di sodio, olio di germe di granturco Rabbit Mix è un mangime complementare per conigli composto di: orzo schiacciato, erba medica disidratata plts, granturco schiacciato, orzo comunitario, crusca grano tenero, pisello proteico schiacciato, favino schiacciato, farina di granturco, carrube frantumate grosse, far. estraz. soia 44 prot. ogm, integratore vitaminico, fosfato bicalcico, cloruro di sodio Ecco i valori analitici a confronto: Proteina grezza 12.17 - 12.86 Umidità 13.30 - 13.19 Cellulosa grezza 10.46 - 10.63 Ceneri grezze 4.65 - 4.80 Oli e grassi grezzi 2.26 - 2.06
Stil Barbecue

Stil Barbecue

Barbecue Style Colin-Ingredients Ref:050B24011 Main ingredients:paprika, smoked paprika, red and green peppers Natural:No Heat treatment:No
Ulei de palmier

Ulei de palmier

Huile De Palme Modèle:Bidon En Plastique de 1 L
Emailuri de bază pentru alimente dietetice - Nutriție

Emailuri de bază pentru alimente dietetice - Nutriție

Fichier des fabricants et revendeurs de produits diététiques Base de données emails et adresses concernant la fabrication et la vente de produits alimentaires diététiques, France entière et DOM TOM. 3.779 adresses - 3.260 emails Base emails fabrication et vente de produits et aliments diététiques France réservée aux entreprises pour leur campagne de prospection marketing par mailing ou emailing en BtoB. Eléments contenus dans notre listing France DOM TOM 3.779 Nom, adresse, code postal, ville et téléphone fixe 3.260 EMAILS (contrôlés, vérifiés, validés) 954 N° de tél mobile 352 N° de fax Notre base de données complète vous renseigne également sur : Le code NAF, le N° SIRET et SIRENE, le nom du Responsable de la société, le capital, le chiffre d'affaires et également les sites internet existants. Fichier emails des fabricants et magasins d'aliments diététiques pour emailing BtoB destiné aux entreprises pour la recherche de clients et les opérations de marketing par mailing
Extract de pulbere de ienupăr 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Extract de pulbere de ienupăr 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Processed plant part: Seeds Extraction agent: Ethanol & water Carrier: Maltodextrin Scientific Name: Juniperus communis The juniper, a member of the cypress family, is prized for its aromatic berries. These contain essential oils such as alpha- pinene and terpinene, which give juniper its characteristic flavor and fragrance. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale
Cutie de Suplimente Alimentare

Cutie de Suplimente Alimentare

Food supplements are food supplements that are often used to strengthen immunity, to improve sports performance among athletes, and to provide certain vitamins and minerals that cannot be obtained from food. Food supplements are frequently used among the general public and are very successful. Food supplement manufacturers need medicine box-like boxes in which to put the supplements. These boxes should be boxes that protect the food supplement product from heat, light, moisture and dust. Food supplement boxes, which are basically made of cardboard and the weight of the cardboard can be increased or decreased according to demand, should basically protect the food supplement product from all factors and keep it clean until the expiration date. For this reason, quality is also very important. On the food supplement box, there is information written in small fonts such as expiration date, general information about the product, method of use, place of production.
Hunkar Maraslım Înghețată Simplă 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslım Înghețată Simplă 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Plain Ice Cream Contents: The product is produced by using fresh cow milk and natural sugar. Does not include additives. Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguished by its plain milk aroma. Has an intense and creamy texture. Presents a simple and natural taste. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr plain Ice Cream can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched. Optionally, its flavor can be enriched by adding sauce or various garnishes. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging. Production Process:
Căpșună Uscată - Căpșună

Căpșună Uscată - Căpșună

Çukurova’mızın bereketli topraklarından özenle seçmiş olduğumuz meyveleri, özel fırınlarımızda kurutarak sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz. Kurutulmuş ürünlerimiz herhangi bir katkı maddesi, renklendirici ve koruyucu içermemektedir. Kuru meyvelerinizi dilerseniz sağlıklı atıştırmalık olarak, dilerseniz hazırlayacağınız pastalarda dilerseniz de kahvaltılık gevrekleriniz başta olmak üzere hayatınızın her alanında güvenle kullanabilirsiniz. Doğallığı, lezzeti ve kokusuyla kurutulmuş meyvelerimizin mutfağınızın vazgeçilmez bir parçası olacağından eminiz.
Crochete Mixte

Crochete Mixte

Mixed croquettes - Croquettes CATEGORY:Croquettes
DEL/SYNC - Curea de transport cu acționare pozitivă

DEL/SYNC - Curea de transport cu acționare pozitivă

Positive drive conveyor belts DEL/SYNC associate conveyance and synchronous drive with extreme precision. It offers an excellent guidance and precise positioning of the transported products. Made in polyurethane, DEL/SYNC conveyor belt is reinforced by aramid reinforcements that eliminate elongation. Both the upper and lower surfaces are easy to clean and contribute to improve the hygiene level. Hardness:From 80ShA to 95ShA Thickness:1,6mm ; 2,3mm ; 3mm


Balai alimentaire, vendu à l'unite sans le manche.
Piure de Ghimbir, Extract și Extracte

Piure de Ghimbir, Extract și Extracte

Wir verarbeiten Ingwer als Püree oder als Extrakt (Wasserbasis), sowohl BIO als auch konventionell. Aus diesen Rohstoffen können wir Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Grundstoffe für Ihre Getränke entwickeln. Ingwer ist derzeit ein sehr gefragtes Produkt. Profitieren Sie von unserer Expertise: wir bieten Ingwer Grundstoffe, Ingwerextrakte, Ingwerausüge, Ingwerpüree, Ingwersaft an Wir kombinieren Ingwer mit vielen anderen Geschmaksrichtungen, wie zum Beispiel, Ingwer Zitrone, Ingwer mit Banane, Ingwer mit Minze...
Mașină de Procesare a Alimentelor - Producător din Coreea

Mașină de Procesare a Alimentelor - Producător din Coreea

Meidän SYP riisi kakku kone (Leipomokonemyynnin) on suunniteltu siten, että se voi tuottaa Popping viljan välipala / Chip / Cracker / kakku käyttäen 100% luonnollinen jyviä. Tällä hetkellä mekaaniset laitteet on tehty, mutta se ei pysty käsittelemään korkeassa paineessa jatkuvasti ja tuottaa nonuniform tuotteita. Sen osia kuten ketjuja ja moottorit ovat kuluneet helposti ja aiheuttaa usein erittelyt. Meidän "SYP" riisi kakku kone korjataan nämä puutteet ja käyttää hydrauliikka tuottaa yhtenäisiä tuotteita ja lisäsi huomattavasti kestävyyttä. Lisäksi erilaisia muotit ovat saatavilla eri kokoja ja muotoja asiakkaiden tarpeita. Pienkoneet voidaan tuottaa paikallisia kauppoja ja ja suurempia koneita voidaan tuottaa hyvin tehtaisiin. Lisätietoja, ota yhteyttä !! Kiitos
Sămânță de carob

Sămânță de carob

Seasonal carob seed, Mediterranean and Lebanese origin options available.
EXPONAT DUO DE CONTER F.40 X P.60 X H.40 - Expuneri

EXPONAT DUO DE CONTER F.40 X P.60 X H.40 - Expuneri

Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:DUO/40
Coajă de grâu dur

Coajă de grâu dur

Aus 100% echtem und reinem Hartweizengrieß und Eiern aus Bodenhaltung Artikelnummer: H-12 Masse: 500 g
Alzezine - Supliment alimentar

Alzezine - Supliment alimentar

Caractéristique : Une association de plantes au service de la mémoire. À chaque instant de la journée, que l'on soit adolescent ou adulte, au travail ou chez soi, notre cerveau utilise toute une palette de capacités sophistiquées connues sous la dénomination de " FONCTIONS COGNITIVES". Elles sont définies comme étant les fonctions intellectuelles et se divisent en 4 classes : Les fonctions réceptives permettant l’acquisition, le traitement, la classification et l’intégration de l’information. La mémoire et l’apprentissage permettant le stockage et le rappel de l’information. La pensée ou le raisonnement concernant l’organisation et la réorganisation mentales de l’information. Les fonctions expressives permettant la communication ou l’action. Certains oublis occasionnels (comme l’oubli de ses clés, un rendez-vous, le nom de quelqu’un) sont normaux à tout âge et sont généralement liés à l’inattention. En outre il est normal d’observer un déclin des performances cognitives avec...
Făină de Quinoa Albă Bio 1 Kg

Făină de Quinoa Albă Bio 1 Kg

La Farina di Quinoa BIO Gluten Free è un'alternativa culinaria altamente salutare e nutriente. Ottenuta dalla macinazione dei semi di quinoa un cereale senza glutine originario delle Ande. Certificata biologica e priva di glutine la farina di quinoa è perfetta per le persone che seguono una dieta senza glutine o che hanno intolleranze alimentari. La quinoa stessa è un alimento straordinario ricco di proteine complete che forniscono tutti gli amminoacidi essenziali necessari per la salute muscolare e il benessere generale. Inoltre, è una preziosa fonte di fibre alimentari che favoriscono la digestione e promuovono una sensazione di sazietà duratura. La Farina di Quinoa BIO Gluten Free contiene anche una gamma di vitamine e minerali importanti, tra cui vitamine del gruppo B, ferro, magnesio e zinco. Questi nutrienti sono fondamentali per il corretto funzionamento del corpo e svolgono un ruolo chiave in numerose funzioni fisiologiche.


PLANTUS STRONG - Supliment Alimentar (Capsulă)

PLANTUS STRONG - Supliment Alimentar (Capsulă)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Nigella sativa Terminalia sp. Terminalia sp. Boswellia serrata Foeniculum vulgare PLANTUS STRONG contains Nigella sativa, which helps protect the immune system. PLANTUS STRONG is available as 60 capsules in a glass bottle.
Frizerie canină în Ribarroja del Turia - Frizerie pentru câini și pisici în Ribarroja del Turia

Frizerie canină în Ribarroja del Turia - Frizerie pentru câini și pisici în Ribarroja del Turia

¿Necesitas llevar a tu perro a la peluquería canina en Ribarroja del Turia? en Mascotita encontrarás lo que buscas. Buen servicio, trato preferente y tu mascota en las mejores manos ¿no encuentras cita para peluquería de perros y gatos? No te preocupes, llámanos y te reservamos hora para la peluquería canina en nuestras instalaciones. Te sorprenderemos. La mejor peluquería canina y peluquería felina en Ribarroja del Turia. Recibimos clientes de toda la zona del Camp de Turia, incluso de más lejos. Reserva tu cita ya en tu peluquería para perros o peluquería para gatos de confianza.
MSM în Tablete 100 Tablete

MSM în Tablete 100 Tablete

MSM ist ein kurzer Begriff für Methylosulfonylomethan, d. H. Die organische Verbindung von Schwefelschwefel im Körper: • ist ein Bestandteil von Proteinen, Hormonen und organischen Säuren • Es verbessert die Arbeit des Nervensystems und des Gehirns für den Zustand des Haut, Haare und Nägel • trägt zur Regeneration des Schwefelmangels bei .: • Sichtprobleme • Haarausfall, schlechte Haut und Nägel • Ein Gefühl chronischer Müdigkeit • Verlust der Gelenkelastizität
Colagen Pește Osteo 14 Bețe de 5g Fiecare - Colagen Pește Osteo 14 Bețe de 5g cu Condroitină și Glucozamină

Colagen Pește Osteo 14 Bețe de 5g Fiecare - Colagen Pește Osteo 14 Bețe de 5g cu Condroitină și Glucozamină

COLLAGEN OSTEO with chondroitin and glucosamine. Powder in stick #14. 5g of each Ingredients: marine collagen not less than 4500 mg, chondroitin sulfate 200 mg, glucosamine hydrochloride 250 mg. Take: adults 1-2 sticks, children from 12 years 0.5-1 stick once a day with meals. Dissolve the contents of the package in warm water, juice, tea, etc. The course of admission is 30 days. In osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, it is recommended to take collagen for a longer time. About 5-10 grams per day for at least 3 months. Collagen restores the mobility of joints, the level of joint pain, prevents the development of osteoporosis.
LFC 34220 - Ulei de Înaltă Performanță

LFC 34220 - Ulei de Înaltă Performanță

Die Öle der ELKALUB Reihe LFC 34000 sind CLP-Öle mit hohem Verschleissschutz bereits ab +40 °C. Damit werden die Verschleissschutz-Forderungen der DIN-Norm, die sich auf 80 °C festlegen, praxisgerecht erweitert. Belegt wird der hohe Verschleissschutz durch FE 8-Tests sowie FZG-Tests mit der hohen Schadenskraftstufe 14 (Die DIN-Norm verlangt Schadenskraftstufe 12). Die Öle der ELKALUB Reihe LFC 34000 bieten einen sehr guten Korrosionsschutz sowie eine hohe Verträglichkeit mit NBR-Dichtungen. Diese Öle sind verträglich mit Mineral- und Paraffinölen sowie synthetischen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Um den Status der H1-Zulassung zu behalten, darf keine Vermischung mit anderen Ölen vorliegen. Die Hauptanwendung liegt im Bereich der Getriebe- und Umlauf- sowie der Kettenschmierung. Der Temperatureinsatzbereich liegt zwischen -15 °C (-10 °C) bis +120 °C.
Formula 1 Cacao - Formula 1 Supliment Alimentar

Formula 1 Cacao - Formula 1 Supliment Alimentar

Integratore alimentare


A customer’s choice when looking for quality dates at an affordable price. Our WATANI Dates are cultivated with the same conditions and standards as our premium date brands, but the skins is more loose due to weather conditions during cultivation. dates have 30% 50% skin separation and weighs10 to 27gr per unit. Packing:1 Kg
Psillio - superaliment, fibră, organic

Psillio - superaliment, fibră, organic

Lo psillio è una fibra ricavata dai semi e dalla cuticola dello psyllium, ha un'azione lassativa naturale di tipo meccanico.
Cub 2kg/4,4lb - Bonapi - Miere Bonapi

Cub 2kg/4,4lb - Bonapi - Miere Bonapi

Miel de flores de la marca Bonapi en cubo de 2kg/ 4,4lb. 2kg:4,4lb
Culoare gel natural Roșu Yerocolors 70g

Culoare gel natural Roșu Yerocolors 70g

Natural gel color Yerocolors Professional gel colors Nett weight: 70gramm Partnership with: Bakeries; Confectionery manufacturers; Private confectioners; Retailers; Confectionery schools; Online and offline stores. Colour/ flavour:Red