Metilsulfonilmetan (MSM) 99% - Metilsulfonilmetan (MSM) 99%
Bioactive form of sulfur Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 99% China.
Metilsulfonilmetan is present at fabrics of all live organisms, including the person. MCM arrives as a part of foodstuff (vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, fish), but easily collapses at culinary processing.
Biological effect of sulfur (metilsulfonilmetan): antioxidant, detoksikatsionny, normalizing functions of immune system, anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing, antiallergic, antiparasitic, the laxative improving structure of skin, hair and nails, etc.
Sulfur (metilsulfonilmetan) is required at the following states and diseases:
Strengthening of immune system
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Rheumatoid arthritis
Osteoarthrosis (osteoarthritis) and osteochondrosis
Improvement of health of skin
Sulfur (metilsulfonilmetan) is also necessary in the following situations: autoimmune diseases, psychoemotional stresses, conditions of chronic fatigue, migraine, lock, cosmetic programs for