Produse pentru alimente (133)

Amidon de porumb autohton

Amidon de porumb autohton

Maisstärke wird gewonnen, indem das Maisrohmaterial von Verunreinigungen gereinigt und anschließend mit Hilfe von Wasser gemahlen wird. Dabei werden Gluten und Stärke getrennt und die aufgeschlämmte Stärke getrocknet, bevor sie zu Pulver verarbeitet wird. Er ist als gentechnikfreier europäischer Mais erhältlich.
Borcan de sticlă 900 ml

Borcan de sticlă 900 ml

We offer high-quality glass jars of various capacities at the best prices on the market. Minimal order: • Full truck quantities Price (includes delivery costs to the customer in Poland): • 900 ml jar - 0.17 eur/pcs. Method of packaging: • Bulk - 1,872 pieces per pallet, 26 pallets per truck; • In shrink foil, 8 pieces each - 1,560 pieces per pallet, 26 pallets per truck. The jars can be mixed, you can get the full product offer from us, just ask! Certificates: •Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety. VAT: •We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction. We cordially invite you to cooperate! Minimal order:26 pallets VAT Invoice:We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction Certificates:Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety
Amidon de Porumb Nativ

Amidon de Porumb Nativ

Skrobia kukurydziana ma szerokie zastosowanie w produkcji deserów, wyrobów cukierniczych, fast foodów, kiełbas, marynat, sosów, polew, zup suchych, premiksów do sosów i dań gotowych. Skrobia kukurydziana znajduje również zastosowanie w przemyśle papierniczym, tekstylnym, tekturowym i klejowym. W zastosowaniach farmaceutycznych i medycznych skrobia kukurydziana wykorzystywana jest jako smar do rękawic chirurgicznych. W kosmetyce produkt może być substytutem talku w artykułach dla niemowląt. Inne zastosowania obejmują segment żywienia zwierząt dla zwierząt gospodarskich, drobiu i pasz dla ryb.
Glutamat monosodic (MSG)

Glutamat monosodic (MSG)

Il glutammato monosodico, noto anche come MSG, è il sale sodico dell'acido glutammico, uno degli aminoacidi più abbondanti. Il glutammato monosodico si ottiene dalla fermentazione di amido, canna da zucchero, barbabietola da zucchero o melassa, ma si trova anche nel brodo di alghe, oltre che in molte verdure, formaggi e funghi. Il glutammato monosodico contiene un singolo amminoacido dell'acido glutammico e non è considerato contenuto di proteine grezze. È insolubile e non igroscopico nemmeno nei comuni solventi organici. Risponde bene alla lavorazione, poiché non si decompone durante la cottura. In presenza di zucchero cambia colore in marrone quando vengono applicate anche alte temperature. Di solito è disponibile come monoidrato, una polvere cristallina bianca, inodore e solubile in acqua.
Fosfat monocalcic (MCP)

Fosfat monocalcic (MCP)

Le phosphate monocalcique est obtenu par la réaction de l'acide phosphorique et du carbonate de calcium. En tant qu'élément constitutif de l'os, le phosphore est impliqué dans de nombreuses transformations biochimiques importantes. Le phosphate monocalcique 25 kg se présente sous forme de poudre fluide ou de petits granulés de couleur blanche ou grisâtre. Il est facile à mélanger avec d'autres matières premières. Le produit est responsable du bon développement des os et des tissus, du bon fonctionnement du métabolisme et du système nerveux, ainsi que de l'augmentation de la productivité et de la force immunitaire.
Gluten Vital de Grâu

Gluten Vital de Grâu

La fecola di patate si ottiene separandola meccanicamente dalle altre parti della patata mediante risciacquo, pulitura, asciugatura e setacciatura. La fecola di patate è un prodotto senza glutine applicabile alle merci per i clienti con intolleranza al glutine. L'amido di patate nativo è una polvere bianca pura senza odore estraneo e sapore neutro ed è quindi ideale per modificare la consistenza dei prodotti senza interferire con il loro gusto. Le sue proprietà leganti e di ritenzione dell'umidità lo rendono un ingrediente popolare nel segmento dei prodotti da forno. Rispetto all'amido di mais, l'amido di patate nativo rimane stabile alle alte temperature.


Maltodextrin wird durch die enzymatische Hydrolyse von Pflanzenstärke hergestellt, am häufigsten aus Mais, aber auch aus Reis und Weizen. Das Endprodukt ist ein flockiges weißes Pulver mit hoher Löslichkeit. Es erhöht den Nährwert vieler Rezepte. Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften kann Maltodextrin helfen, die Feuchtigkeit zu regulieren und die Haltbarkeit von Produkten zu verlängern.
Sorbate de potasiu

Sorbate de potasiu

Potassium Sorbate is a highly effective, safe and non-toxic antioxidant for food. Due to its versatility and harmlessness, it is considered one of the best preservatives on the market. It is mainly produced synthetically and is a tasteless and odorless powder. It is listed as a preservative with restrictions for use in cosmetic products, with a maximum allowable concentration of 0.6%, calculated as Sorbic Acid. Its effectiveness is enhanced in acidic environments. The shelf life of Potassium Sorbate is 24 months, and Foodcom S.A. offers it in 25 kg bags. Potassium Sorbate is commonly used in packaged foods to prevent spoilage during production and packaging and throughout shelf life. In limited concentrations, it is also safe for use in cosmetics and can be found in various cosmetic products such as face creams, oils, lotions and hair products.
Amidon de Porumb Local

Amidon de Porumb Local

Mısır nişastası, tatlılar, şekerlemeler, fast food, sosisler, soslar, soslar, sırlar, kuru çorbalar, sos premiksleri ve hazır yemeklerin üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca mısır nişastası kağıt, tekstil, karton ve yapıştırıcı endüstrilerinde de uygulanmaktadır. Farmasötik ve tıbbi kullanımlarda mısır nişastası örn. cerrahi eldivenler için bir yağlayıcı olarak. Kozmetik kullanımda ürün, bebek ürünlerinde talk yerine kullanılabilir. Diğer kullanımlar, çiftlik hayvanları, kümes hayvanları ve balık yemi için hayvan besleme bölümünü içerir.
Cani de 720 ml cu transport inclus în preț

Cani de 720 ml cu transport inclus în preț

Wir bieten hochwertige Gläser mit unterschiedlichem Fassungsvermögen zu den besten Preisen auf dem Markt. Mindestbestellmenge: - Volle LKW-Mengen Preis (inklusive Lieferkosten an den Kunden in Polen): - Dose 720 ml - 0,63 PLN/Stk. Verpackungsart: - Bulkware – 2.304 Stück auf einer Palette, 26 Paletten auf dem LKW. Die Gläser sind mischbar, das komplette Produktangebot erhalten Sie bei uns, fragen Sie einfach nach! Zertifikate: •Unsere Produkte verfügen über entsprechende Qualitätszertifikate, die eine hohe Qualität und Sicherheit garantieren. MwSt.: •Wir stellen für Ihr Unternehmen eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer aus und sorgen so für volle Transparenz der Transaktion. Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Zusammenarbeit ein! minimale Bestellung:26 Paletten MwSt:Wir stellen für Ihr Unternehmen eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer aus und sorgen so für Zertifikate:Unsere Produkte verfügen über entsprechende Qualitätszertifikate, die eine hohe Qualität und Sicherh
Glutamat monosodic (MSG)

Glutamat monosodic (MSG)

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, an amino acid naturally found in many vegetables, cheeses, mushrooms, and seaweed broth. It is usually obtained by the fermentation of starch, sugar cane, sugar beet or molasses. It is resistant to decomposition when cooked and turns brown when exposed to high temperatures in the presence of sugar. MSG is a white crystalline powder, odorless and water soluble with a shelf life of three years when stored in a cool, dry place. Foodcom S.A. offers MSG in 25 kg bags. The popularity of Monosodium Glutamate stems from its ability to impart a unique flavor known as "umami," which is considered the fifth taste. This makes it a widely used ingredient in the food industry, especially to enhance the flavor of meats, soups, baked goods, condiments and other products.


La lysine (également connue sous le nom de L-lysine) est l'un des acides aminés qui active les réactions enzymatiques, la synthèse des protéines et le développement osseux. Il joue également un rôle important dans le métabolisme des glucides et l'absorption du calcium. A l'échelle industrielle, il est obtenu à partir de caprolactame. La lysine apparaît généralement sous forme de poudre blanche. La durée de conservation de L-Lysine 25 kg est de 2 ans. Le produit doit être stocké dans un environnement sec et frais. Foodcom fournit à ses Partenaires Commerciaux de la Lysine en packs de 25 kg.


Vanillin is an organic compound in the vanilla bean responsible for its pleasant fragrance and unique taste. It contains three functional groups - aldehyde, hydroxyl and methoxyl - attached to a benzene ring. Although it can be synthesized from guaiacol and extracted from paper manufacturing waste, it is usually used as a flavoring agent in the food industry. Although synthetic Vanillin has a stronger flavor than natural vanilla, it is often used as a substitute due to its lower cost and longer shelf life. It is available in the form of white to yellow crystals and can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to two years. Vanillin is available in 25 kg bags. Vanillin has many uses in various industries, but it is mainly used as a flavoring agent in the food industry, especially in confectionery. It is also used in cosmetics and perfumes, tobacco products, air fresheners and as a chemical reagent.