Produse pentru alcool etilic de origine agricola 96 prodvinalco 1l (14)

Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 5 l

Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 5 l

Polifenolak dituen oliba-olio birjina estra bat da, oliba-olio birjina estra konbentzionalak baino 10 aldiz antioxidatzaile gehiago ematen dituena. Gure olioa olibaetatik zuzenean lortu da, prozedura mekaniko eta hotzeko erauzketa bidez, iragazi gabe eta dekantazio natural zainduarekin, Goi-mailako polifenolak ez hondatzeko, Arróniz barietateko olibatik zuzenean lortzen da heltze une zehatzean. , bere heltze-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, eta prozedura mekanikoen eta hotz ehotzearen bidez. Iragazi gabe eta dekantazio prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez Arróniz barietateari esker, oliba-polifenolek, hala nola hidroxitirosolak eta oleuropeinak, endekapenezko hainbat patologiaren intzidentzia murrizten laguntzen dute, odoleko lipidoak estres oxidatibotik babestuz. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeina 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg Kontsumitu gordinik (bakarrik, edo elikagai hotzetan gehituz). Egunean bi koilarakadarekin, bihotza zaindu eta kolesterol-maila egokia mantentzen lagunduko duzu. Horrez gain, zelulak estres oxidatibotik babestuko dituzu, horrela zahartze prozesua motelduz.
Ulei de măsline extra virgin organic Reuza 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Biancolilla și Taggiasca

Ulei de măsline extra virgin organic Reuza 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Biancolilla și Taggiasca

The Reuza Extra Virgin is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars, with rather different effects: the Biancolilla olive and the Taggiasca olive. Extra virgin olive oil · 100% Italian oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Biancolilla olive and Taggiasca olive · Sweet and aromatic, an excellent condiment for salads and crudites, Reuza is a highly selected product: it combines the aromatic notes of the Biancolilla olive with the sweetness of the Taggiasca olive. The result is surprising and very pleasant. The name “Reuza”, Rose in Ligurian dialect, refers to a perfumed oil, just like a flower. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:REU .75
Ulei de măsline extravirgin - 100% ITA Organic il Biologico

Ulei de măsline extravirgin - 100% ITA Organic il Biologico

Thanks to its fragrance and SOFT yet persistent flavor, Fiorentini 100% Italian ORGANIC Il biologico extra virgin olive oil Il biologico is ideal for preparing dishes where the taste of the food matches the fruity notes of the oil which is obtained from 100% organically grown Italian olives. For those who don’t want to compromise between flavour and wholesomeness – try it on everything you prepare in your kitchen.
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin din Măsline Picual Selecție CD, Recolta

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin din Măsline Picual Selecție CD, Recolta

Práctica y económica presentación para su AOVE de uso diario en la cocina. Es nuestro PICUAL virgen extra con la misma calidad de la botella de cristal, pero más económico.
Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic - Acid 5-aminolevulinic; Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic - Acid 5-aminolevulinic; Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

5-ALA ist ein pharmazeutischer Wirkstoff hergestellt nach cGMP-Richtlinien. Vorteile: * Wettbewerbsfähiger Prozess * Europäischer Hersteller * Registriert und freigegeben in EU und USA 5-Aminolävulinsäure ist eine Aminosäure, die den Ketocarbonsäuren zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird vermehrt in Tumorzellen zu einem rot fluoreszierenden Molekül umgebaut. Diese reichert sich in Tumorzellen etwa 4 Mal mehr an als in gesunden Zellen. Die Substanz ist ein Photosensibilisator, sie kann mit Lichtenergie Sauerstoffradikale bilden. Diese Radikale zerstören die Zelle, weshalb 5-Aminolävulinsäure z.B. bei durch UV-Strahlung verursachten Hautkarzinomen Anwendung findet. Name:5-Aminolävulinsäurehydrochlorid CAS:5451-09-2 Produktinformation:API Indikation:Tumordiagnostik, photodynamische Th.
Ulei de chimen negru 500 ml

Ulei de chimen negru 500 ml

Le miel ou l'huile de cumin noir brun foncé a un goût légèrement amer et a une odeur intense et épicée. Il est pressé à froid du cumin noir (Nigella sativa). L'acide linoléique, qui est dans l'huile de cumin noir jusqu'à 55%, est d'acide gras insaturé du groupe oméga-6, qui a un effet positif sur la peau. L'acide oléique est un acide gras monounsasté est l'acide oméga-9 le plus courant. L'EFA n'appartient pas à l'EFA - le corps humain est capable de produire cet acide à partir d'autres acides gras. L'acide oléique joue un rôle protecteur dans la prévention de l'athérosclérose et des maladies cardiovasculaires. Effery, les grains de cumin noir sont riches en nombreuses substances et vitamines précieuses. La composition contient principalement: la thymochinone; La vitamine E et le bêta-carotène, ainsi que les vitamines B; Biotine - inestimable pour la peau et les cheveux, ainsi que pour le bon fonctionnement du système nerveux; de précieux flavonoïdes et stérols et alcaloïdes de nature r
Oțet de mere cu șalotă 20cl - Domaine Flaguerie

Oțet de mere cu șalotă 20cl - Domaine Flaguerie

Flaguerie cider vinegar is the result of the acetic transformation of organic cider into vinegar. This natural vinegar is aged for several months in oak barrels before being bottled without filtration. A vinegar mother may form at the bottom of the bottle. Flaguerie cider vinegar is enhanced with shallot Gross weight :490g / 1,08lb Weight of the carton of 12 :6kg / 13,23lb Acidity level:5° Residual alcohol:<0,5°
Ulei de nucă virgin bio din Périgord AOP 10 cl - Vinzü

Ulei de nucă virgin bio din Périgord AOP 10 cl - Vinzü

Une huile de noix exceptionnelle dans un format découverte de 10 cl, parfait en combo avec l'huile de noisette du Périgord, elle aussi au même format. Cette huile vierge de noix AOP Bio est issue de la noyeraie d'Aline, située en plein Périgord noir, près de Sarlat. Une petite merveille prisée des chefs étoilés.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Turkey’s Aegean Region, cold-pressed for natural flavor and health benefits. With an FFA of maximum 0,8 and peroxide of 20,0, this 1000 ml unique bottle is perfect for cooking. Enjoy the rich taste and health benefits today! EAN:8696487008350
Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 2L

Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 2L

Polifenolak dituen oliba-olio birjina estra bat da, oliba-olio birjina estra konbentzionalak baino 10 aldiz antioxidatzaile gehiago ematen dituena. Gure olioa olibaetatik zuzenean lortu da, prozedura mekaniko eta hotzeko erauzketaren bidez, iragazi gabe eta dekantazio natural zainduarekin goi-mailako polifenolak ez hondatzeko, Arroniz barietateko olibatik eta heltze une zehatzean zuzenean lortzen da. Bere heltze-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, eta prozedura mekanikoen eta hotz ehotzearen bidez. Iragazi gabe eta dekantazio prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez Arroniz barietateari esker, oliba-polifenolek, hala nola hidroxitirosolak eta oleuropeinak, endekapenezko hainbat patologiaren intzidentzia murrizten laguntzen dute. Odoleko lipidoak estres oxidatibotik babestuz. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeina 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg. Gordinik kontsumitu
Ulei de măsline extravirgin Quadro 1 L - Ulei italian - extracție la rece

Ulei de măsline extravirgin Quadro 1 L - Ulei italian - extracție la rece

Il Quadro – our filtered extra virgin olive oil: excellent for all seasoning and cooking needs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italian Oil – Cold extracted Calvi “Quadro” Extra Virgin Olive Oil is our filtered extra virgin olive oil, always delicate, as is characteristic of the entire Calvi range. The color is warm yellow, sometimes slightly tinged with green. This product is also available in a 3 liter can. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. code:Q 1
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Arzentu 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Peranzana și Taggiasca

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Arzentu 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Peranzana și Taggiasca

The Arzentu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars: Oliva Peranzana and Oliva Taggiasca Extra Virgin Olive Oil · 100% Italian Oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Peranzana olive and Taggiasca olive · Excellent condiment for the most delicate dishes Arzentu is a highly selected, gentle and fragrant product that combines the distinctive characteristics of the Taggiasca olive and the Peranzana olive: they are both cultivars that produce very fruity oils: the very sweet Taggiasco, the Peranzana Extra with spicy notes a little more pronounced. The combination is very pleasant. The name “Arzenrtu” Argento in Ligurian dialect refers to a noble product, but with a vibrant note, in its name and flavour. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:ARG .75
Diethylpropion HCl (1% acid L-tartaric) - Diethylpropion HCl (1% acid L-tartaric); Ingredient farmaceutic activ

Diethylpropion HCl (1% acid L-tartaric) - Diethylpropion HCl (1% acid L-tartaric); Ingredient farmaceutic activ

El clorhidrato de dietilpropión es un ingrediente farmacéutico activo sintetizado sintéticamente, producido bajo cGMP, que cumple con las monografías EP, USP. Su CAS-N° dice 134-80-5. Se utiliza en el tratamiento de la obesidad exógena (obesidad) como un complemento a corto plazo, junto con cambios en la dieta y el estilo de vida. Especificaciones detalladas, certificado de análisis y muestras están disponibles a petición. El clorhidrato de dietilpropiona es un derivado de la anfetamina que actúa sistémicamente sobre el sistema cardiovascular, ciertos órganos y el cerebro (o el SNC) como un simpaticomimético indirecto α. Se cuenta entre los psicoestimulantes y suprime necesidades como el sueño, el apetito, la sed y la micción. La liberación de catecolaminas (por ejemplo, adrenalina, dopamina) aumenta la frecuencia cardíaca, la presión arterial y la circulación pulmonar.
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 ml - Riviera Ligure D.o.p. - Ulei italian - 100% măslină Taggiasca

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 ml - Riviera Ligure D.o.p. - Ulei italian - 100% măslină Taggiasca

Riviera Ligure DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Riviera dei Fiori Italian Oil, 100% Taggiasca Olive – Cold Extracted Lucinasco, located on the top of a hill about 500 m above sea level, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Oneglia Valley. Its olive groves, which extend below the town, are composed exclusively of Taggiasca variety olive trees and are renowned for their particularly happy exposure. They produce olives with a lower yield than other places in the valley, but the quality of their extra virgin olive oil is excellent. Our Riviera Ligure DOP selection is obtained from olives coming from Lucinasco olive groves, pressed to perfection in our oil mill. Cold produced and packaged must (unfiltered) after simple natural decantation. The bottle is wrapped with a sheet of gold paper, which ensures the protection of the product from light. code:DOP .50