Produse pentru alcool etilic albit (42)

Lactat de etacridină monohidratat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic și antibacterian

Lactat de etacridină monohidratat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic și antibacterian

El lactato de etacridina es un compuesto orgánico aromático basado en la acridina. Se utiliza principalmente como antiséptico (en forma de pomadas y soluciones) para el tratamiento de heridas infectadas y piodermas. Además, se aplica como solución de irrigación vesical y vaginal. Es eficaz contra la mayoría de las bacterias grampositivas, como los estreptococos y los estafilococos, pero ineficaz contra las bacterias gramnegativas, como Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Además, el lactato de etacridina se utiliza para la diarrea (o la profilaxis de la diarrea). En este caso, el principio activo normaliza el aumento del movimiento de los intestinos gracias a su efecto antiespasmódico. También tiene un efecto antibacteriano y reduce la permeabilidad de la pared intestinal a los fluidos. De este modo, se puede contrarrestar la diarrea. Por regla general, se administra en combinación con albuminato de tanino. Nombre:Lactato de etacridina monohidratado Número CAS:6402-23-9 Indicación:Antiséptico y antibacteriano
Acid citric

Acid citric

El ácido cítrico se encuentra naturalmente en las frutas cítricas, pero también se puede fabricar. El ácido cítrico industrial se produce principalmente por fermentación o por reacción química. Este último método se utiliza en aproximadamente el 90 % de la producción mundial e implica la fermentación con enzimas y cepas microbianas, más comúnmente Aspergillus niger. El ácido cítrico tiene la capacidad de ayudar a estabilizar las emulsiones y previene la separación de grasas. El producto final está disponible en forma de polvo o granulado como ácido cítrico anhidro.
Eter vinilic etilic / Etoxietena ≥ 98 % - Eter vinilic

Eter vinilic etilic / Etoxietena ≥ 98 % - Eter vinilic

Chemical appearance Ethyl Vinyl Ether or Ethoxyethene has a colorless transparent appearance and come in a liquid form. It has a distinguishable ether odour and is very soluble in water. It has a density of 0.753 g/mL. Chemical application and strength Ethyl Vinyl Ether or Ethoxyethen is a chemical which has a wide range of industrial applications. One of its main uses is in the production of varnishes and adhesives. It is also used as an anesthetic drug which is suitable for all ages. Its application in the medical field covers operative procedures which don’t require muscle soreness. A great satisfactory agent used in thoracic procedures, given that hypotension risk is avoided. CAS Number:109 – 92 – 2 HS Code:290919
Sodă Caustică Lichidă 50% / Lichid de Hidroxid de Sodiu 50% - Sodă Caustică

Sodă Caustică Lichidă 50% / Lichid de Hidroxid de Sodiu 50% - Sodă Caustică

Liquid Caustic Soda Lye is basic a solution of sodium hydroxide. Depending on the intended application, it can be diluted to 32% or 50 %. The solution is colourless and does not have any smells. It is a salt formed by the reaction of sodium and water HS Code:281511
Albastru de metilen - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Albastru de metilen - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Ulei CBD (10%) Spectru Complet Distilat - Ulei CBD (10%), Spectru Complet Distilat, en-gros

Ulei CBD (10%) Spectru Complet Distilat - Ulei CBD (10%), Spectru Complet Distilat, en-gros

Para el aceite de CBD de espectro completo destilado, utilizamos un extracto de cáñamo procedente de un cultivo ecológico certificado en los Alpes suizos. Los destilados son el producto final después de la destilación y el procesamiento de un aceite crudo, en el que se eliminan del extracto las ceras, los lípidos y otras sustancias vegetales.
Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic - Acid 5-aminolevulinic; Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic - Acid 5-aminolevulinic; Hidrochlorid de 5-aminolevulinic; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

5-ALA ist ein pharmazeutischer Wirkstoff hergestellt nach cGMP-Richtlinien. Vorteile: * Wettbewerbsfähiger Prozess * Europäischer Hersteller * Registriert und freigegeben in EU und USA 5-Aminolävulinsäure ist eine Aminosäure, die den Ketocarbonsäuren zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird vermehrt in Tumorzellen zu einem rot fluoreszierenden Molekül umgebaut. Diese reichert sich in Tumorzellen etwa 4 Mal mehr an als in gesunden Zellen. Die Substanz ist ein Photosensibilisator, sie kann mit Lichtenergie Sauerstoffradikale bilden. Diese Radikale zerstören die Zelle, weshalb 5-Aminolävulinsäure z.B. bei durch UV-Strahlung verursachten Hautkarzinomen Anwendung findet. Name:5-Aminolävulinsäurehydrochlorid CAS:5451-09-2 Produktinformation:API Indikation:Tumordiagnostik, photodynamische Th.
Ketoprofen - Ketoprofen; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; EP; JP; CAS 22071-15-4

Ketoprofen - Ketoprofen; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; EP; JP; CAS 22071-15-4

Ketoprofen is a synthetically synthesized Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, produced under cGMP, compliant with EP, JP monographs. Its CAS-N° reads 22071-15-4. It is used in treatment of arthritis-related inflammatory pains, severe toothaches that result in the inflammation of the gums or nerve pain. Ketoprofen is an acidic, non-opioid analgesic used for pain and inflammation. By inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis at the key enzyme cyclooxygenase, it can be used for acute and chronic pain (e.g. arthrosis and arthritides). Like most active ingredients in its class, it is poorly tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract, a particular side effect is light sensitization. Detailed specification, Certificate of Analysis and samples are available on request. CAS:22071-15-4 Product Information:API Route of Synthesis:Synthetic Patent Expiry:EU, US - expired Indication:Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory Dosage:Oral Name:Ketoprofen
Ditiophosphate 25S 95% - Ditiophosphate

Ditiophosphate 25S 95% - Ditiophosphate

Chemical appearance Dithiophosphate 25s or Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate has an appearance of a deep brown or almost black liquid. Some may classify it as a vandyck brown oily liquid and it has a density of 1.17 – 1.20. It has a PH value of 10 – 13 and a mineral substances percentage of 46 – 49. Chemical application and strength Dithiophosphate 25s or Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate is known to be a good flotation collector of copper, silver sulfide, zinc sulfide (activated), and lead ores. It can somewhat be dissolved in water. Also, it can be directly poured into ball mills and surge tanks. Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate is used mainly in the separation flotation process of ores like lead and zinc. Because of its properties it should not be subjected to intense heat like fire or extreme sunlight. Proper packaging must be observed. It is weak in collecting sulfide minerals and pyrite when in alkaline medium. It also is selective in collecting ores. CAS Number:61792-48-1 HS Code:292019
Sodă caustică lichidă 32% / Lichid de hidroxid de sodiu 32% - Sodă caustică lichidă

Sodă caustică lichidă 32% / Lichid de hidroxid de sodiu 32% - Sodă caustică lichidă

Liquid Caustic Soda Lye is basic a solution of sodium hydroxide. Depending on the intended application, it can be diluted to 32% or 50 %. The solution is colourless and does not have any smells. It is a salt formed by the reaction of sodium and water. NaOH≥:32.0 Na2CO3≤:0.06 NaCl ≤:0.0001 Fe2O3≤:0.0005 CaO≤:0.001
Ditiophosfat de sodiu dibutil / Ditiophosfat BS 49% – 53% - Ditiophosfat

Ditiophosfat de sodiu dibutil / Ditiophosfat BS 49% – 53% - Ditiophosfat

Chemical appearance Dithiophosphate IBS or Sodium Diisobutyl Dithiophosphate has a yellowish and dark brown coloured appearance. It comes in a stable liquid form which has no strong smell. It has a PH level of 10 to 13. Chemical application and strength Dithiophosphate IBS or Sodium Diisobutyl Dithiophosphate is a very good collector of nickel, zinc minerals (activated), and copper ores. It is also used within gold harvesting plants because of its ability to increase harvest of precious metals. In the process of depressing iron sulphides, high levels of pH is needed which makes this floater the ideal one to use. Also great in the recovery process of refractory gold which is contained in sulphide matrices Compared to most collectors of sulphide, only a small amount of Dithiophosphate IBS is needed in the flotation process. This floater gives maximum value in recovering precious metals. CAS Number:53378-51-1 HS Code:292019
Ditiophosphate de dibutilamoniu / Ditiophosphate BA 91% - Ditiophosphate

Ditiophosphate de dibutilamoniu / Ditiophosphate BA 91% - Ditiophosphate

Chemical appearance Dithiophosphate BA or Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate has a white and pale greyish coloured appearance. It comes in a fine powder form which has no kind of odour. It has a PH level of 9. Chemical application and strength Dithiophosphate BA or Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate is a very good collector and flotation agent of nonferrous metallic minerals like copper, zinc sulfide (activated), silver, polymetallic ores, and lead. Its pH levels are ideal in the depressing process of iron pyrites. It has is a very strong collector compared to thiocarbamates and various secondary collectors. A good flotation agent and is quite selective within acidic environments. Dithiophosphate BA can be quite weak in collecting magnetizing pyrite and pyrite but is very selective It is a very good collector of galena and can enhance the separation of pyrite and galena. CAS Number:53378-51-1 HS Code:292019