Produse pentru agroserc s a (50)

SUSPERIN AC/S - Agricultură

SUSPERIN AC/S - Agricultură

SUSPERIN AC/S is a blend of magnesium sulphate and surfactants. Generally, fertilizers form agglomerates when they contain moisture and become sticky. Agglomerated fertilizer does not flow evenly which causes the problem in distribution and usage. Adding SUSPERIN AC/S to fertilizers helps to prevent caking thanks to its moisture absorption capacity. Enhance the free flow properties of powder fertilizers Provides robust, long-lasting caking control Easy to apply to powder fertilizer in a typical operation Enhance the treated fertilizer’s marketability When considering the use of any Latro’s products in a particular application, you should review our latest Safety Data Sheet and ensure that the use you intend can be accomplished safely. For Safety Data Sheets and other product safety information, contact the Latro’s Sales Office nearest to you. Appearance:White Powder Free Moisture:0,5% max pH ( in 10% Solution):3-5 Water Soluble (MgO):30,7% min-32,5% max Magnesium (Mg):18,5 % min-19,6 max


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Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation. Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 5 LITERS
Protecție Antibacteriană

Protecție Antibacteriană

La asas antibacterianas de nuestras cestas y carros protegen de una gran cantidad de patógenos gracias a su fórmula a base de óxido de zinc dopado y sinérgico totalmente inocuo. Este aditivo es un potente agente antimicrobiano que elimina el 99.9% de bacterias, hongos y algas. Mejora la higiene, la seguridad y minimiza el desarrollo de potenciales malos olores. GARANTÍA DE CALIDAD Para Shopping Basket es muy importante tu seguridad y la de tus clientes. Por eso, todos nuestros productos siempre cumplen con las máximas garantías de calidad y seguridad. Las sustancias contenidas de la fórmula antibacteriana de nuestras asas cumplen con las Directivas de la Unión Europea CE 1048/2005 y CE 528/2012. BENEFICIOS - Efectivo ante microorganismos dañinos Previene de la proliferación de hongos, bacterias y algas. - Activo 24/7 La fórmula antimicrobiana permanece activa durante toda la vida útil de la cesta o carro.
Acid formic 94%

Acid formic 94%

Sănătate la locul de muncă

Sănătate la locul de muncă

Pourquoi, comment ? Dynamiser votre entreprise sur des enjeux croisés de santé positive, de cohésion d'équipe et de performance. Apporter à vos équipes les moyens de diminuer le stress en faveur de la qualité de vie et du bien-être au travail. Favoriser des comportements adaptés en matière d'alimentation, de sommeil et de gestion du stress permettant à chacun de développer son plein potentiel. Nous proposons des solutions ludiques, dédramatisants 3 thèmes majeurs de la santé : dans une démarche éducative positive, coopérative en petit groupe inclusif mobilisant l'intelligence collective. Sérotonine Plus Cabinet d'Expertise vous accompagne au sein de l'entreprise pour une réflexion croisée et la mise en place d'ateliers, débats, conférences, interactifs, sur les problématiques de stress, d'alimentation et de sommeil. Je suis à l'écoute de votre projet. Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez nous joindre au ou par email.
Extract de merișor

Extract de merișor

100% organic cranberry juice powder 100% Gluten Free, Organic, non-GMO, Kosher and Halal certified
Seră din sticlă temperată

Seră din sticlă temperată

Surface : 3,1 m2 Qualité : Cadre profilé finition aluminium Vitrage : Verre trempé 3 m/m Dimensions : L 161 cm x P 193 cm x H 145 / 216 cm Ouverture : 1 porte coulissante, 1 lucarne Inclus : Boulons et écrous en aluminium
Capete de foraj rotunde

Capete de foraj rotunde

Round drill heads
Soluție de acrilamidă M-Bis 40% - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă M-Bis 40% - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS07GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution UNSPSC-No: 41105319 Code:1138 Manufacturers:GERBU
Săpun Natural Handmade Agarta 100 Gr

Săpun Natural Handmade Agarta 100 Gr

Thanks to the Provitamin B5 and Vitamin E in its content, it cares for your skin while cleaning. Thanks to Panthenol, it does not dry the skin and helps moisturize the skin. Vitamin E keeps the skin smooth and soft. Thanks to this soap obtained from natural fatty acids, your skin will be purified and regained its radiance. SKU:8749582 UPC:AGK-86965437
Suntem certificați ecologic

Suntem certificați ecologic

Grâce à notre certification BIO, vous pouvez avoir votre propre gamme de biscuits BIO ! N'hésitez pas à nous consulter.
Alcool izopropilic (IPA)

Alcool izopropilic (IPA)

Capsulă Solidago 360 mg - Solidago virgaurea

Capsulă Solidago 360 mg - Solidago virgaurea

Traditional herbal medicinal product to increase the amount of urine to achieve flushing of the urinary tract a adjuvant in minor urinary complaints. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusively based upon long-standing use
Acetonă Puritate Ph. Eur., BP, NF Unitate: 2,5 L

Acetonă Puritate Ph. Eur., BP, NF Unitate: 2,5 L

Fungicide Biologice

Fungicide Biologice

La photo ne correspond pas au produit pour l'Espagne. Numéro d'enregistrement : 25761 Composition : Huile d'orange 6%
Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

We offer Private Label manufacturing for this product. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet includes probiotics (Lactobacilius Acidophilus, Lactobacilius Rhamnosus ) and prebiotics (inulin) in its formulation. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet help to prevent and treat content for diarrhea, constipation lactose intolerance, tourist diarrhea, antibiotic-induce diarrhea. It is used for regeneration of bowel epithelium and correction of dybiosis.Treatment starts with 1 capsule just before a meal and dosage are adjusted according to response. You can start to use 1 capsule per day and increase it to 2 capsules and 3 times per day.
Pastile de Acerola - Vitamine

Pastile de Acerola - Vitamine

Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei und schützt Zellen vor oxidativen Stress. Vitamin C trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei und erhöht die Eisenaufnahme. Inhalt: 115 Tabletten à 600 mg = 70g Wirkstoff: Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C(V/V) Verzehrsempfehlung: Täglich 2 Tabletten 2 Tabletten enthalten 120 mg an Vitamin C*. (* deckt 150% des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs lt. NKV). Zutaten: Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C, Süßungsmittel: Iosmalt, natürliches Himbeeraroma, Trennmittel: Magnesiumsalze von Speisefettsäuren, Füllmittel: Siliciumdioxid.
Autoclave Medicale

Autoclave Medicale



ESSERA B - Îngrășământ pe Bază de Bor

ESSERA B - Îngrășământ pe Bază de Bor

Ethanolamin şelatlı ve suda kolay çözülebilen, bitkiler tarafından hızla alınabilen Bor(B) içermektedir. Meyve tutumunu arttırır ve Olgunlaşmasına yardımcı olur. Meyvelerde irileşememe problemini ve şekil bozukluklarını giderir. Bitkinin çevre koşullarına karşı olan direncini arttırır.
Produse Pe Bază De Ierburi - Produse Pe Bază De Ierburi La Spiga și Il Girasole

Produse Pe Bază De Ierburi - Produse Pe Bază De Ierburi La Spiga și Il Girasole

Qui Vi presentiamo Un Catalogo di Prodotti di Erboristeria accuratamente scelti, con principi attivi selezionati e delle aziende migliori sul mercato.
Alcoolat - Alcoolat de Nucă de Cocos

Alcoolat - Alcoolat de Nucă de Cocos

Naturalité: Naturel Aspect: Liquide Degré alcoolique: 50%, 70% VOL Solubilité: Alcool; Hydrosoluble
IQF Aronia

IQF Aronia

IQF aronia - juice quality or puree with/without seeds Origin: Poland
Mașini de întărire prin inducție

Mașini de întărire prin inducție

Induction hardening machines
Acid citric encapsulat

Acid citric encapsulat

Encapsulated Citric Acid Granular or fine powder Packaging: 25kg bag or 1000kg big bag
Acid malic

Acid malic

Malic acid E296 powder Packaging: bags
Pudră de Cremă de Cocos

Pudră de Cremă de Cocos

Coconut cream powder Typical intensive and fresh coconut flavour