... calitate, certificate, precum și echipamente pentru guverne, furnizori de servicii medicale, afaceri, comercianți cu amănuntul și consumatori.
Produse, mărci și etichete private disponibile în funcție de stoc. Certificări, oferte de îndeplinire și prețuri disponibile la cerere. Livrare la nivel mondial disponibilă. Depozite în întreaga UE și SUA cu capacitate 3PL. Cereri pentru surse și îndepliniri suplimentare disponibile.
A sales bubble is mainly used by real estate developers. However, it could also be useful for other companies regardless of their sector of activity. Composed of a single-block container or a module of several bungalows, at 1001 Containers you can access a very wide choice. Custom sales bubble layout Personalized sales space To attract the maximum number of prospects, the space dedicated to sales should be fully personalized. For this, you can, for example, opt for a fully glazed single-block modular structure. Very stylish, this type of construction could also allow passers-by to see the entire interior of your sales bubble in order to highlight your activity. Reception area or showroom For those who offer specific services and products, they can also order modular containers that could serve as a showroom.
The O2 Consulting team has accumulated considerable experience in supporting financial and digital technology projects and is one of the market leaders in legal support for state-of-the-art financial technologies.
Digital companies, private investors and venture funds seek our advice on the structuring of and integrated support for projects, on compliance issues, legal support in implementing FinTech transactions, in carrying out compliance procedures and supporting legal relations of any kind among start-ups, developers, business angels, etc.
We are leading experts not only in Russia but also in other countries in taxation of digital companies and we actively participate in developing new international and domestic legislative rules in this sector.
We have our finger on the pulse in the latest digital spheres and understand sensitive points and grey zones; we monitor trends in the global regulation of this sphere.
Our European office and strong business relations in Switzerland...
Market Research and Pricing Strategy and Optimization. Using
science-based market research, We offers companies insights into their customers’ willingness-to-pay, as well as other pricing insights, to help optimize prices.
Vertretung für Unternehmen und Beratung für den Deutschen und Europäischen Markt.
Wir vertreten Ihr Unternehmen in Deutschland und ganz Europa. Wir haben Kontakt zu über 3000 direkten Ansprechpartnern in der Industrie.
Retouren werden bei uns schnell vereinnahmt und geprüft. Schließlich können die Besteller nur dann finanziell entlastet werden, wenn die Ware einwandfrei und wieder verwendbar ist.
Wo versendet wird, entstehen stets auch Retouren bzw. Rücksendungen. Je nach Branche in einer Quote bis über 60 %. Es gibt unterschiedlichste Verfahren, wie mit Retouren umgegangen werden kann. Dabei richten wir uns stets nach der Branche, bzw. den Wünschen des jeweiligen Kunden. Üblicherweise prüfen wir eingehende Retouren gemäß vereinbarter Kriterien und führen einwandfreie Waren wieder ins Lager zurück.
Retouren werden schnell vereinnahmt und geprüft. Schließlich können die Besteller nur dann finanziell entlastet werden, wenn die Ware einwandfrei und wieder verwendbar ist. Diese Prüfungen mit allen verbundenen Buchungen führen wir stets innerhalb der vereinbarten Zeitfenster durch.
Nous vous aidons à développer un plan financier détaillé comprenant les prévisions de revenus, les dépenses, les flux de trésorerie et les indicateurs clés de performance financière. Cela démontre la viabilité financière de votre entreprise.
2Hats Logic Solutions is a leading Shopware development agency in Berlin, Germany. They offer expert Shopware development, consulting, and support services to businesses of all sizes. With over 10 years of experience in e-commerce development, 2Hats Logic Solutions has a deep understanding of the Shopware platform and the needs of online businesses.
Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally.
No jargon, no hidden fees
Simple approval process
Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days
Low Interest rate of 2%
Prior bankruptcies accepted
Zero credit checks required
CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country
Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum
Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital
Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever
For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected.
Email: finance@cucinafinance.com
Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014
Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
Accès à une salle de réunion où un bureau privatif
Wifi & connexion par câble
Capacité de 1 à 14 personnes
Pas de supplément par personne
Tarif membre
La qualité dans la préparation des documents comptables à destination de votre expert-comptable est primordiale et indispensable pour la production de documents comptables (bilan, compte de résultat, situation) et sur l’ensemble des déclarations (TVA, impôts…).
ADV CONSEILS est là pour mettre en place une méthode de travail et une organisation administrative visant à bien préparer en amont ces pièces comptables. Cette tâche chronophage nécessite beaucoup de rigueur et d’attention mais représente une forte valeur ajoutée.
Avec ADV CONSEILS, fini le de temps perdu à la recherche de documents nécessaires à la bonne tenue de votre comptabilité. De part ces prestations, ADV CONSEILS vous garantit par son expérience, une relation plus harmonieuse et sereine avec votre expert-comptable lui permettant ainsi de consacrer plus de temps et vous apporter davantage de conseils et stratégies, ce que vous attendez !
Pourquoi établir un prévisionnel ?
Pour chiffrer les objectifs à atteindre
Pour estimer la viabilité d’un projet (lancement d’une nouvelle activité, d’un nouveau produit, conquête d’un nouveau marché, acquisition de foncier ou d’équipement)
Pour estimer les besoins financiers à mobiliser (notamment si l’horizon sanitaire et/ou économique venait à s’assombrir)
Pour identifier le risque de difficultés financières afin de les régler rapidement (il faut pouvoir régler ces difficultés de manière anticipée et non le « couteau sous la gorge », négociation de facilités de caisse, obtention d’un emprunt, report d’un projet)
Pour identifier les écarts entre vos résultats et vos prévisions (en y remédiant, vous optimisez la gestion de votre entreprise)
Pour toutes ces raisons, confiez-nous la réalisation de votre prévisionnel financier qui vous sera transmis en 48 heures ouvrés.
Plan3 deckt alle Geschäftsbereiche von Fertigungsbetrieben und Handelunternehmen ab und kann als offenes und flexibles System rasch und kostengünstig an Ihre betrieblichen Anforderungen angepasst werden.
Plan3 ist schlank, schnell und effizient.
Plan3 ist durch seine intuitive Handhabung und Anpassung an Ihre Geschäftsprozesse schnell erlernt und schmerzlos implementiert.
Plan3 ist Prozess- und Workflow-orientiert. Mit Plan3 organisieren Sie Ihre Arbeitsabläufe und Geschäftsprozesse.
Plan3 ist durch konsequenten Einsatz von TCP/IP und eine echte Client/Server-Architektur auch über das Internet und auf Laptops vor Ort nutzbar.
Plan3 integriert Officeprogramme und vorhandene Applikationen in die betrieblichen Abläufe.
Plan3 kommuniziert mit Lieferanten und Kunden über EDIFACT-, VDA- und individuelle Schnittstellen.
Plan3 bindet CNC-Automaten und Anlagen ein, Plan3 erfasst MDE- und BDE-Daten und steuert Logistik-Systeme.
En Detectives Tercer Grado ofrecemos una gran variedad de servicios de investigación dentro del ámbito laboral y empresarial, con los que enfrentarse a cualquier tipo de problemática interna o externa causada por empleados, clientes o proveedores.
Si te preocupa que en tu empresa pueda estar produciéndose una situación irregular que afecte a su productividad o seguridad, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
“Always Be There, Always Help”
On a tous déjà prononcé ou entendu la phrase suivante : « leur produit est bon mais ce qui manque chez eux c’est le service ». Au-delà de la résolution de problèmes qui doit simple, rapide et efficace, il s’agit pour vous d’offrir une expérience unique à vos clients quand ils vous contactent. Ubinaweb développe ses services sur une notion de service client extrêmement exigeante. Car il ne suffit plus d’avoir des clients satisfaits, si vous voulez vraiment que votre affaire détonne, vous devez créer des fans dévoués et enthousiastes :
- Contact personnalisé,
- Gestion efficace dès le premier contact,
- Traitement ultra qualitatif,
- Validation de la satisfaction.
- Externalisation call center, du support clients et de l'assistance clientèle.
- Sous-traitance de centres d'appels, du support clients, de l'assistance clientèle et de la télévente.
We provide services for entrepreneurs who are seeking start-up or expansion capital. To qualify for start-up capital you must have an investor ready Business Plan which includes all financial projections, funding breakdowns, Resumes, executive summary, company overview and a sound marketing plan. All business applying for expansion capital must show that you are a legitimate business, including financial statements and organizing documents.
We are a full service brokerage firm that facilitates business funding for start-ups and expansions. We also offer Business Plans Services, financials preparation and Much more. We can help you find the right investor for your project.
Project Finance:Bank Guarantee & standby letter of credit
Loans:Medium Term Notes
Funding:Project Funding
Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally.
No jargon, no hidden fees
Simple approval process
Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days
Low Interest rate of 2%
Prior bankruptcies accepted
Zero credit checks required
CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country
Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum
Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital
Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever
For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected.
Email: finance@cucinafinance.com
Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014
Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally.
No jargon, no hidden fees
Simple approval process
Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days
Low Interest rate of 2%
Prior bankruptcies accepted
Zero credit checks required
CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country
Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum
Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital
Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever
For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected.
Email: finance@cucinafinance.com
Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014
Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally.
No jargon, no hidden fees
Simple approval process
Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days
Low Interest rate of 2%
Prior bankruptcies accepted
Zero credit checks required
CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country
Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum
Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital
Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever
For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected.
Email: finance@cucinafinance.com
Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014
Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally.
No jargon, no hidden fees
Simple approval process
Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days
Low Interest rate of 2%
Prior bankruptcies accepted
Zero credit checks required
CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country
Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum
Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital
Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever
For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected.
Email: finance@cucinafinance.com
Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014
Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
We provide our clients IP project support in various areas: protection, registration, transfer of IP, use of intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trade marks and inventions.
We have vast experience of working with clients operating in innovative IT development areas. We understand all aspects of business protection in terms of commercial secrecy and the nuances of securing title to privately developed software.
We also perform due diligence of IP, prepare a contractual framework of any complexity under Russian and foreign law (including franchising agreements, licence agreements and contracts with developers), provide support in negotiations and disputes, and advise on regulatory matters.
Our ability to pool the best specialists from various practice areas on project teams provides our clients with integrated IP solutions under the laws of various jurisdictions, with optimal regulatory and tax arrangements and taking into account the specific nature of the given...