Produse pentru acid lactic solutie (7)





Alcohol-based gel with quaternary ammonium compounds, free of dyes and perfumes, quick-drying, intended for hand hygiene. Product used in HACCP Plan.FEATURES Alcohol-based skin sanitizer with high efficacy against transient microorganisms on the skin. Product specifically formulated for hand sanitization in hospital and food facilities, among others. Contains emollient and humectant substances to maintain the skin's natural oils. FIELDS OF APPLICATION Product specifically formulated for hand hygiene in hospital and food facilities, among others. It is strongly recommended to use the product in all cases where hands can be agents of transmission of pathogenic diseases. HOW TO USE Apply the pure product (1 to 3 ml) to the palms of your hands and rub for 30 seconds until completely dry. Do not rinse with water. REF:ALI6109
Hipoclorit de sodiu 12% - acid hipocloros de sodiu (NaOCl)

Hipoclorit de sodiu 12% - acid hipocloros de sodiu (NaOCl)

Sodium Hypochlorite 12% Aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite in demineralized/decalcified water, obtained from the reaction between chlorine gas and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, both substances obtained with mercury-free membrane technology. Physical specifications: Green liquid with pH about 11, solved in water with boiling point of 40° C. Stability and reactions: Slowly dissolved in the air, incompatible with hydrochloric acid, ammonia, urea, metals and methanol. Handling and storage: Keep away from sun shine, acids, heat, flammable materials and organic material. Keep in a dry place. CAS number 7681-52-9 WE number,231-668-3 Chemical formula NaOCl Molar mass 74,44 g/mol Customs tariff code,28289000
Acidul Alfa Lipoic: Antioxidantul Superior - Excipienți

Acidul Alfa Lipoic: Antioxidantul Superior - Excipienți

Alpha lipoic acid, also known as lipoic acid, is a naturally occurring compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It is found in small amounts in certain foods and is also available as a dietary supplement. Alpha lipoic acid is unique in that it is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, which allows it to penetrate all parts of the body. It can easily cross cell membranes and enter cells, including those in the brain. This versatility makes it an effective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the aqueous and lipid fractions of cells. Other Name:Alpha Lipoic Acid Spec./ Purity:99% Purity CAS Number:1077-28-7 Appearance:Slightly yellow powder or granular Main function:Powerful antioxidant, supports cellular energy production, promotes healthy blood sugar levels Test Method:HPLC Identification:Positive Odor&Taste:Characteristic Assay(Dried basis):99.0%~101.5% Loss on Drying:≤0.20% Melting Point:60~62°C Particle Size:90% pass 20 mesh Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm Lead:NMT0.2ppm Cadmium:NMT0.5ppm Mercury:NMT0.1ppm Cadmium:NMT0.2ppm Total Plate Count:NMT3,000cfu/g Total Yeast & Mold:NMT300cfu/g E.coli:Negative


Detartrant naturel Elimine le tartre et la rouille La force du citron Fabrication française Naturellement present dans le citron, l’acide citrique fait partie des produits menagers de base qui ont fait leur preuve. 100% naturel*. Nettoyant et detartrant hors pair. S’utilise dans toute la maison : machine à cafe, bouilloire, machine à laver, robinetteries, cuvettes des WC, plans de travail, surfaces en inox, chrome, ceramique, plastique… Formidable antioxydant, l’acide citrique elimine la rouille sur le metal. Ideal egalement pour venir à bout des taches de brûle, de cafe, de the ou autres salissures tenaces. * Ingredients actifs 100% d’origine naturelle. Faire un essai prealable sur une petite surface. Ne convient pas aux surfaces aluminium et marbre, et ne pas melanger avec du chlore et de la soude. Ne pas eclabousser sur un tissu ou un vêtement (decoloration possible).
Acid citric

Acid citric

Kwas cytrynowy występuje naturalnie w owocach cytrusowych, ale może być również wytwarzany. Przemysłowy kwas cytrynowy jest wytwarzany głównie w drodze fermentacji lub reakcji chemicznej. Ta ostatnia metoda stosowana jest w około 90% światowej produkcji i polega na fermentacji przy użyciu enzymów i szczepów drobnoustrojów, najczęściej Aspergillus niger. Kwas cytrynowy ma zdolność stabilizowania emulsji i zapobiega oddzielaniu się tłuszczu. Produkt końcowy dostępny jest w postaci proszku lub granulatu jako bezwodny kwas cytrynowy.
Acid citric

Acid citric

El ácido cítrico se encuentra naturalmente en las frutas cítricas, pero también se puede fabricar. El ácido cítrico industrial se produce principalmente por fermentación o por reacción química. Este último método se utiliza en aproximadamente el 90 % de la producción mundial e implica la fermentación con enzimas y cepas microbianas, más comúnmente Aspergillus niger. El ácido cítrico tiene la capacidad de ayudar a estabilizar las emulsiones y previene la separación de grasas. El producto final está disponible en forma de polvo o granulado como ácido cítrico anhidro.