Produse pentru • i (15)

BITE SPORT - Arahide — Banane Proteină vegetală 13%

BITE SPORT - Arahide — Banane Proteină vegetală 13%

Bite Sport with a high concentration of protein and nuts will be suitable for energy charge before training. INGREDIENTS: date paste (32%), dried banana (23%), roasted peanuts (21%), dried apricots, pea protein, dietary fibre, natural banana flavouring. Protein 5.8 g:Fat 4.5 g Carbohydrate 23.3 g:Weight Вес 45 g
Vehicul cu perne de aer (hovercraft) - Jetter – vehicul universal cu permeabilitate crescută

Vehicul cu perne de aer (hovercraft) - Jetter – vehicul universal cu permeabilitate crescută

Jetter luftputefartøy er spesielt designet for de som verdsetter pålitelighet, kvalitet og individualitet i alt. Jetter gjør det mulig for eieren å være på farten uten hensyn til årstid og værforhold ved å ha et stort utvalg av applikasjoner, fra elvevandring og ekstreme fritidsaktiviteter til å utføre alvorlige oppgaver for transport av varer. På grunn av driftsprinsippet - bevegelse ved hjelp av luftinjeksjon under bunnen - er Jetter egnet for bruk på nesten alle typer overflater, både på vannflaten og i sump, is, hummocks, sand eller snø. Dette fartøyet kan også håndtere stigninger og lave hindringer. Jetters imponerende ytelse, høyteknologiske ytelse og progressive design - det er valget mellom sterke og selvsikre mennesker. JETTER er ideelt for de som: - Ikke vant til begrensninger - Lever en aktiv livsstil, kan ikke forestille seg uten kjøring og fart - Setter pris på kvalitet, pålitelighet, komfort - Har sin egen lyse personlighet - Ikke redd for eksperimenter Tom masse av fartøyet, kg, ikke mer:290 Lastet fartøyet vekt, kg, ikke mer:550 Passasjerkapasitet, antall personer:2 Motorkraft, h.p:65 Drivstoffkapasitet, l:47 Drivstofforbruk, l/t:13 Kjøreområdet (med vind opp til 5m/s), km:til 280 Fartøyets hastighet med vind opp til 5 m/s:på vannoverflaten - opptil 75 km/t Fartøyets hastighet med vind opp til 5 m/s:på is og snødekte overflater - opptil 90 km/t Utetemperatur under drift:fra -30 ° C til + 40 ° C
Sterilizatoare de aer COVID19 - Health Stream – Purificator de aer 03

Sterilizatoare de aer COVID19 - Health Stream – Purificator de aer 03

Width (mm): 504 Depth (mm): 131 Height (mm): 1237 Input power (V): 220±10%/ 50 Hz Noise level (Db): 42 Enclosure material: Mild steel powder coated Lamp service life (hours): 8000 Air processing rate (cubic metres \ h): 300 Room size (square metres): 100 Bactericidal efficiency: 99% Lamps per unit: 3 Total lamp power (W): 90 Warranty lasts for (months): 12 Device type: wall-mounted Weight (kg): 26
SensitivE Audit® — ECHIPAMENT DE DIAGNOSTIC - Diagnosticarea corpului uman într-un timp scurt - SensitivE Audit® 550/555

SensitivE Audit® — ECHIPAMENT DE DIAGNOSTIC - Diagnosticarea corpului uman într-un timp scurt - SensitivE Audit® 550/555

SensitivE Audit® devices are the premium segment in the range of SensitivE diagnostic tools. The device uses the advanced LifeStream® program and is able to run complete diagnostics of a human body in a short space of time, without any harm to health. SensitivE Audit has the form of a transformer that allows you to supplement and improve the basic set with different modules, as well as a greater number of reference processes with corrected frequency spectra, which provides for substantially increasing testing accuracy. The accuracy of the device SensitivE Audit diagnostics reaches — 97% SensitivE Audit was inspired by cutting-edge high-speed technologies and has been globally recognized by the scientific community.
Bastoane de scorțișoară - Bastoane de scorțișoară – sortiment ALBA, Premium, "Sri Lanka", 30g

Bastoane de scorțișoară - Bastoane de scorțișoară – sortiment ALBA, Premium, "Sri Lanka", 30g

The world's best cinnamon sort. Perfectly grinds in a household coffee grinder or mortar. - the world's best Ceylon cinnamon - the thinnest bark - the smallest diameter of the stick - the youngest bark, that contains the maximum of useful properties. - does not smell as long as it looks like a stick, unlike cassia. It gives off its aroma only after crushing or grinding. - subtle, delicate aroma without harsh notes
BITE STAR - Ciocolată — Proteină vegetală de nucșoară 14%

BITE STAR - Ciocolată — Proteină vegetală de nucșoară 14%

Peanuts, Chocolate, Nutmeg, Cloves, Cinnamon. Protein 6.3 g:Fat 6.5 g Carbohydrate 21.1 g:Weight Вес 45 g
BITE CREATE IT - Măr — Scorțișoară Proteină vegetală 11%

BITE CREATE IT - Măr — Scorțișoară Proteină vegetală 11%

Bite is a natural snack made of nuts, rich berries, fruit and superfood. Every bar contains up to 15% of vegetable pea protein. Рea protein contains the maximum quantity of vegetable protein that is easily digested by the body. INGREDIENTS: date paste (40%), dried apples (16%), hazelnuts (12%), almonds (12%), sunflower seeds, pea protein, dried figs, raisins, dietary fibre, ground cinnamon (0.1%), natural apple flavouring. Protein 5.3 g:Fat 7.6 g Carbohydrate 21.7 g:Weight Вес 45 g
Vehicul cu perne de aer - Jetter – vehicul universal pentru teren accidentat

Vehicul cu perne de aer - Jetter – vehicul universal pentru teren accidentat

Jetter-ilmatyynyalus on suunniteltu niille, jotka arvostavat luotettavuutta, laatua ja yksilöllisyyttä kaikessa. Jetter tarjoaa laajan valikoiman sovelluksia, jokikävelyistä ja virkistysäärilajeista vakaviin lastinkuljetustehtäviin. Jetter antaa omistajansa olla liikkeellä vuodenajasta ja sääolosuhteista riippumatta. Toimintaperiaatteesta johtuen - mekaanisen ahtiimen avulla pohjan alla - Jetter soveltuu käytettäväksi melkein kaikentyyppisillä pinnoilla, olipa se vedenpinta, suo, kohva, röykkiö, hiekka tai lumi. Kiipeily ja matalat esteet ovat myös hänen valtaansa. Jetterin vaikuttavat tekniset tiedot, huipputekninen suorituskyky ja edistyksellinen muotoilu ovat vahvojen ja itseluottavaisten ihmisten valinta. JETTER ON TÄYDELLINEN VAIHTOEHTO NIILLE, JOTKA: - Ei ole tottunut rajoituksiin; - Johtaa aktiivista elämäntapaa, ei voi kuvitella itseään ilman draivia ja nopeutta; - Arvostaa laatua, luotettavuutta, mukavuutta; - Erottuu persoonallisuudestaan; - Ei pelkää kokeita Tyhjän aluksen paino, kg enintään:290 Lastatun aluksen massa, kg enintään:550 Matkustajakapasiteetti, henk.:2 Moottorin teho, hv:65 Polttoainetilavuus, l:47 Polttoaineenkulutus, l / h:13 Matkustusetäisyys (tuulella enintään 5 m / s), km:jopa 280 Aluksen nopeus (tuulella enintään 5 m / s):veden pinnalla – jopa 75 km / h Aluksen nopeus (tuulella enintään 5 m / s):jäällä ja lumella – jopa 90 km / h Ulkoilman lämpötila käytön aikana:-30 ° C - + 40 ° C
BITE BALANCE - Cocos — Nucă braziliană Proteină vegetală 10%

BITE BALANCE - Cocos — Nucă braziliană Proteină vegetală 10%

Bite is not just a tasty snack, but also a very on the go meal. It is easy to control weight and to maintain muscle tone with bites help. INGREDIENTS: date paste (55%), hazelnuts (18%), coconut flakes (15%), pea protein, dietary fiber, brazil nuts (2%), chia seeds, ground cardamon, natural coconut flavouring (0.1%), ground nutmeg (0.1%). Protein 4.6 g:Fat 10.3 g Carbohydrate 19.3 g:Weight Вес 45 g
BITE BOOST IT - Merișor — Semințe de dovleac Proteină vegetală 13%

BITE BOOST IT - Merișor — Semințe de dovleac Proteină vegetală 13%

Bite Boost it, containing natural vitamin С made of cranberry, strengthens health. INGREDIENTS: date paste (33%), pumpkin seeds (22%), dried cranberries (13%), almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins, pea protein, dietary fibers, chia seeds, natural cranberry flavouring (0.1%), ground cloves, ground cardamon. Protein 6.2 g:Fat 6.3 g Carbohydrate 25.07 g:Weight Вес 45 g
BITE LOVE - Cireș — Migdale Proteină vegetală 10%

BITE LOVE - Cireș — Migdale Proteină vegetală 10%

Bite is not just a tasty snack, but also a very on the go meal. It is easy to control weight and to maintain muscle tone with bites help. INGREDIENTS: date paste (38%), dried cranberries (21%), hazelnuts (21%), almonds (9.0%), pea protein, dietary fibre, sublimated cherries, sea salt, natural cherry flavouring, ground cinnamon, ground cloves.
Vapor aerian - Jetter – un vehicul versatil pentru teren accidentat

Vapor aerian - Jetter – un vehicul versatil pentru teren accidentat

Le navire aéroglisseur Jetter est spécialement conçu pour ceux appréciant la fiabilité, la qualité et l'individualité en tout. Avec une vaste gamme d'applications, des promenades sur la rivière et des activités récréatives extrêmes aux tâches de transport de marchandises sérieuses, Jetter permettra à son propriétaire d'être en déplacement quelles que soient la saison et les conditions météorologiques. En raison du principe de travail – le déplacement par injection d'air sous le fond – Jetter est adapté au travail sur presque tout type de surface, qu'il s'agisse de surface d'eau, de marais, de glace, de buttes, de sable ou de neige. Les montées et les obstacles bas sont également à sa portée. Les performances impressionnantes, les performances de haute technologie et la conception progressive de Jetter – c’est le choix de personnes fortes et confiantes. Poids de navire à vide, kg, pas plus:290 Poids de navire chargé, kg, pas plus:550 Capacité passagers, pers.:2 Puissance du moteur, ch.:65 Capacité de carburant, l:47 Consommation de carburant, l/h:13 Portée de déplacement (avec vent jusqu'à 5m/s), km:au 280 Vitesse du navire avec vent jusqu'à 5 m/s:la surface de l'eau – jusqu'à 75 km/h Vitesse du navire avec vent jusqu'à 5 m/s:sur les surfaces verglacées et enneigées – jusqu'à 90 km/h Température extérieure pendant le travail:du -30ºС au +40ºС
Sensitiv imago® 530 — DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL - Analiza și vindecarea organismului.

Sensitiv imago® 530 — DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL - Analiza și vindecarea organismului.

Sensitiv imago® 530 is the previous model in the SensitivE line. Hi-tech hardware-software complexes for diagnostic scan, analysis and healing of organism. Senstiv imago 530 device is being assembled according to the new European quality management standards 9001 full accepted in EU in 2013. The device passed the medical laboratory testing class 2, according to the European Directive.
BITE FIT IT - Morcov — Protein vegetal de caju 11%

BITE FIT IT - Morcov — Protein vegetal de caju 11%

Bite is a natural snack made of nuts, rich berries, fruit and superfood. Every bar contains up to 15% of vegetable pea protein. INGREDIENTS: date paste (39%), pumpkin seeds, dried apples, dried carrots (13%), pea protein, hazelnuts, dietary fiber, cashews (2%), chia seeds, natural apple flavouring (0,1%). Protein 5.3 g:Fat 3.7 g Carbohydrate 23.6 g:Weight Вес 45 g
BITE CHARGE IT - Kumquat — Lămâie Proteină vegetală 12%

BITE CHARGE IT - Kumquat — Lămâie Proteină vegetală 12%

Bite is not just a tasty snack, but also a very on the go meal. It is easy to control weight and to maintain muscle tone with bites help. INGREDIENTS: date paste (44%), pumpkin seeds, dried kumquats (12%), sunflower seeds, raisins, pea protein, cashews (4%), dietary fiber, chia seeds, natural lemon powder (0.1%). Protein 4 g:Fat 8 g Carbohydrate 18 g:Weight Вес 45 g