Produse pentru • i (1955)

Glass 320 WHITE – Materialul din sticlă non-combustibil

Glass 320 WHITE – Materialul din sticlă non-combustibil

GLASS 320 WHITE ist ein nicht brennbares Glasgewebe A2, das speziell für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen im Bereich des textilen Bauens entwickelt wurde. Mit seiner hohen mechanischen Belastbarkeit und Zugfestigkeit ist es ideal für den Einsatz in öffentlichen Gebäuden mit hoher Publikumsfrequenz, wie Flughäfen, Bahnhöfen und Museen. Das Gewebe ist nach der neuen Norm EN 13501-1 A2 -s1, d0 zertifiziert und bietet somit höchste Sicherheit in brandschutzbedürftigen Einbausituationen. Die großzügige Breite von 320 cm ermöglicht nahtfreie Anwendungen, was es ideal für großflächige Wandverkleidungen und Hinterleuchtungen macht. Neben seinen technischen Vorteilen bietet GLASS 320 WHITE auch gestalterische Flexibilität. Die einseitige Beschichtung ist auf die Herausforderungen der LED-Technik abgestimmt und sorgt für eine homogene Lichtverteilung ohne Sterncheneffekte. Die reinweiße Oberfläche bietet eine reflektionsfreie Ebene, die sich ideal als Beamer-Leinwand eignet. Ob als Wandverkleidung, Druckmedium oder flexible Wand zur sicheren Abgrenzung bei Umbaumaßnahmen, GLASS 320 WHITE ist die perfekte Lösung für moderne Architekturprojekte.
Sisteme de tăiere CNC de înaltă precizie de la ZINSER – soluția ta pentru economic

Sisteme de tăiere CNC de înaltă precizie de la ZINSER – soluția ta pentru economic

ZINSER GmbH offers you top-class CNC cutting systems that impress with their outstanding quality, reliability and efficiency. Our systems include oxy-fuel, plasma and laser cutting technologies that are optimized for mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum. With customized solutions and innovative technology, our machines are ideal for demanding production requirements. Premium cutting systems 4000 series The ZINSER premium series (models 4025B, 4125B, 4026B, 4126B) stands worldwide for excellent cutting quality and machine reliability. These machines are perfect for oxy-fuel, plasma, laser, bevel cutting as well as drilling and threading. Economical cutting systems 2000 series Our economical models (ZINSER 2315, 2325, 2425, 2426) are powerful and robust. They offer precise cuts and high flexibility for various applications, including simple and bevel cuts and pipe processing.
TU91 – Mașină de Umplere a Tuburilor - Umplătorul de Tuburi Rezistent la Apă

TU91 – Mașină de Umplere a Tuburilor - Umplătorul de Tuburi Rezistent la Apă

Tubenfüllmaschine für bis zu 100 Tuben p.m. (mech.), auch für Zweifarbenabfüllung Besonders für Pharma und Nahrungsmittel Die TU91 ist eine mechanisch über Kurven und Servomotoren angetriebene, hochwertige Tubenfüllmaschine mit getaktetem Rundtisch und vielen Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Aufgrund der Bauweise ist sie leicht zu reinigen (auch mit Schwallwasser!) und kann in der M+PE Ausführung in Minutenschnelle von Alu- auf PE-Tuben umgerüstet werden. Der Drehteller enthält zwölf einfach wechselbare Tubenhalter. Die Einzelstationen sind auf Säulen mit separaten Antrieben radial um den Drehteller positioniert. Das Maschinengestell besteht aus Edelstahl, die produktführenden Teile sind aus AISI 316L gefertigt.
Dispozitive de Ridicare Electrice HE-EP – pentru Containere de până la 1.000 kg

Dispozitive de Ridicare Electrice HE-EP – pentru Containere de până la 1.000 kg

Heben und senken Sie Lasten bis 1.000 kg von jetzt an besonders energieeffizient. Die neuen HE­-EP-­Modelle verfügen über einen elektromotorischen 230-­Volt­-Antrieb und verbrauchen dadurch deutlich weniger Energie als druckluftbetriebene Hebegeräte. Zudem sind alle HE-­EP-­Modelle in teilmobiler Ausführung mit zwei Laufrollen lieferbar und können so leicht am Arbeitsplatz versetzt werden. Entdecken Sie jetzt selbst die Vorteile dieser innovativen Alternative zu Hebegeräten mit pneumatischem Antrieb. Das Wichtigste in Kürze: • Besonders energieeffizient dank elektromotorischem Antrieb. • Geeignet zur Aufnahme von Kleinbehältern, Rollwagen, Bodenrollern und Gitterkörben. • Tragfähigkeit je nach Modell zwischen 200 und 500 kg. • Stufenlose Einstellung der gewünschten, ergonomischen Arbeitshöhe. • Erhältlich in teilmobiler und stationärer Ausführung. • Automatikbetrieb mittels sensorischer Höhenerkennung als Sonderausstattung möglich. • Jetzt neu: optional mit 24V-Wechsel-Akku - für...
Burghiu pentru Pământ – RT 55

Burghiu pentru Pământ – RT 55

Von einem baustellenüblichen Kompressor angetrieben, arbeiten sich diese Erdraketen mit wuchtigen Kolbenschlägen durchs Erdreich. Sie können zudem aufgeweitet werden und Rohre direkt mit einziehen. Die Rohrrammen pressen Stahlrohre von 100 bis 800 mm unter Bahndämmen, Straßen und anderen wertvollen Oberflächen hindurch. DIE VORTEILE DIESER ERDR... Von einem baustellenüblichen Kompressor angetrieben, arbeiten sich diese Erdraketen mit wuchtigen Kolbenschlägen durchs Erdreich. Sie können zudem aufgeweitet werden und Rohre direkt mit einziehen. Die Rohrrammen pressen Stahlrohre von 100 bis 800 mm unter Bahndämmen, Straßen und anderen wertvollen Oberflächen hindurch. DIE VORTEILE DIESER ERDRAKETEN WERDEN SIE UND IHRE MITARBEITER ÜBERZEUGEN: ● richtungsstabil und zielgenau durch hinderniszertrümmernden Felsschlag-Meißelkopf ● nur 3 Hauptbauteile, dadurch sehr robust ● leicht (z.B. wiegt die Erdrakete RT 95 nur 48 kg) ● alle Maschinen mit genial einfacher Ziehsteuerung für Vor- und Rücklauf
Film Tubular - Film Suflat – Protecție Excelentă Împotriva Murdăriei, Dăunătorilor și Nu Numai

Film Tubular - Film Suflat – Protecție Excelentă Împotriva Murdăriei, Dăunătorilor și Nu Numai

Blown film consistent quality by the roll At Dürrbeck you can expect a large selection of tubular film in various widths and thicknesses and with a range of features. This variety is important as products vary in their shapes and sizes, and require different levels of protection. Plastic blown film is especially suitable for products with adjustable lengths. Blown film is typically made of low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Polyethylene is affordable, durable, watertight and tear-resistant. Depending on how it will be used, we also produce plastic blown film made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), medium-density polyethylene (MDPE), and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). Blown film made of DKFol®-Eco and DKFol®-Eco-Coex offers especially high strength with low thickness. These films allow for a reduction in thickness, without compromising on strength and stability.
Separator de ceață de ulei AF-30P - Separator de ceață de ulei – sisteme de extracție pentru vapori

Separator de ceață de ulei AF-30P - Separator de ceață de ulei – sisteme de extracție pentru vapori

Oil mist separators are a must in order to ensure the extraction of oil mist from machine tools. With AOF filters we offer a whole series of extraction systems for effective extraction and filtration. The separator can filter emulsion mist, oil mist, smoke and odours. Oil mist filters can be installed on almost all turning machines– and milling machines and BAZ. In this way you can offer a healthy working environment for you and your employees. Heat and odours are effectively filtered and the emulsion separated from the exhaust air can be reused. The filters of the oil mist separators are equipped with multi-stage filtration. The elements are cleanable and reusable. Harmful emissions, dust and aerosols are removed from the air at almost 100%. Health hazards Oil mist and emulsion mist Motor:0.75 kW capacity:29 m³ /min (1,740 m³/h) Noise level:70 db (A) Air inlet:Ø 200 mm
Cutie paletă din plastic pliabilă – GitterPak® 1200 x 800 - Alternativa durabilă la cutiile din oțel și lemn

Cutie paletă din plastic pliabilă – GitterPak® 1200 x 800 - Alternativa durabilă la cutiile din oțel și lemn

With a 1200 x 800 footprint, the ORBIS GitterPak® is a reliable 1 to 1 substitute for metal gitterboxes, metal tubs and wooden crates in automotive and industrial applications. The collapsible and stackable design offers transport efficiency and warehouse space savings. Due to the unique side wall design, our folding pallet boxes are particularly robust and can be used for years to come. Plastic pallet boxes do not rust and prevent metal-on-metal part damage with an all-plastic design. The ORBIS GitterPak is manufactured from 100% recyclable materials. At the end of the service life, we offer to buy back obsolete plastic packaging and use the raw materials in new packaging production. - 900 kg weight capacity - Stackable 1 + 5 static / 1 + 2 dynamic - Collapsible 1 : 2,7 - Easy and quick repair on site Outside Dimensions (L x W x H):1200 x 800 x 960 mm Weight Capacity:900 kg
RK MonoLine – Unitate Liniară/Axă Liniară cu Acționare prin Curea

RK MonoLine – Unitate Liniară/Axă Liniară cu Acționare prin Curea

Die Linearachse RK MonoLine ist eine Rollenführung im oberen Leistungssegment, die mit einem sehr guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis überzeugt. Als Ergänzung seines Lineareinheiten-Portfolios für das mittlere Belastungssegment hat RK Rose+Krieger jetzt mit den Rollenführungen eine neue Baureihe auf dem Markt gebracht. Die RK MonoLine ist zunächst in den gängigen Baugrößen 40 und 80 erhältlich – wahlweise mit Zahnriemenantrieb (Z) oder ohne Antrieb als mitlaufende Momentenunterstützung (R). Weitere Größen werden folgen. Die zahnriemengetrieben Variante ist in der Baugröße 80 bis 4.100 N belastbar und erreicht Verfahrgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 10 m/s, bei zulässigen Beschleunigungen von bis zu 20 ms². Die neuen Linearachsen überzeugen durch ein gleichmäßiges Laufverhalten und hohe Präzision bei mittlerer dynamischer Belastung. • Schutzart IP20 • Umlenkungen ermöglichen variable Motoranordnung • Wiederholgenauigkeit +/- 0,05 mm • Geführter Zahnriemen • Zentrale Schmierung
Super Shots – Sleep Shot - Superfood

Super Shots – Sleep Shot - Superfood

Der Sleep Shot ist eine fruchtige Mischung aus Orangen & Äpfel. Für die Schärfe sorgen Ingwer und Kurkuma. Zusätzlich enthält der Shot Melatonin, was zu einem gesunden und guten Schlaf beitragen kann.
K 20 – Bandă adezivă din PVC moale

K 20 – Bandă adezivă din PVC moale

Die extrem weich eingestellte Folie ist mit einem alterungsbeständigen Naturkautschukkleber beschichtet. Anwendungsgebiet: Abkleben und Ummanteln von Isolierstoffen wie Mineralwolle oder Schaumstoff in der Klima-, Heizungs- und Sanitärtechnik.
Cutie de Fructe – Stivuirea Cireșelor și Prunelor CA

Cutie de Fructe – Stivuirea Cireșelor și Prunelor CA

Produktvarianten anzeigen Die Steigen und kleinen Boxen passen sich Ihrem Arbeits- und Platzverhältnissen an. Vorallem die faltbaren Steigen sparen enorm viel Platz und sind leichtgewichtig und dabei stabil. Seiten und Boden perforiert Artikelnummer:7C.LA -1 Außenmaße:500 x 300 x 120 mm Farbe:grün Gewicht:0,54 kg Material:HD-PE, UV resistent
Verinox – Inovația care Reduce Costurile - LIPP-SYSTEM

Verinox – Inovația care Reduce Costurile - LIPP-SYSTEM

Stainless steel is expensive. Verinox offers the same level of quality as the conventional material used for the construction of tanks and containers while using less stainless steel. With Verinox – the duplex material developed by Lipp – a sheet of stainless steel is joined to a sheet of galvanised steel by means of a separation layer. Three components form the basis for this material that is ideal for tank and container construction not only does it have outstanding physical properties but it also uses a reduced quantity of expensive stainless steel, resulting in lower costs. With this invention, Lipp has successfully retained the economic benefit of the LIPP Double Seam System while improving the material savings made. VERINOX ENABLES STAINLESS STEEL TO BE USED INSIDE TANKS – ESPECIALLY WITH MEDIA THAT REQUIRE SUFFICIENT RESISTANCE No open joints due to the folded design Doubly lined in stainless steel with a smooth continuous finish
Durdana Marble - Durdana Marble – Piatră naturală elegantă din Pakistan

Durdana Marble - Durdana Marble – Piatră naturală elegantă din Pakistan

Herkunft und Merkmale: Durdana Marmor ist ein natürlicher Stein, der durch seine elegante Ästhetik und robuste Struktur besticht. Dieser Marmor stammt aus Pakistan und zeichnet sich durch seine hellen, beigen und cremefarbenen Töne aus, die häufig mit feinen, grauen oder goldenen Adern durchzogen sind. Durdana Marmor wird weltweit für seine Vielseitigkeit und Haltbarkeit geschätzt, weshalb er oft in hochwertigen Bau- und Innenarchitekturprojekten eingesetzt wird. Technische Eigenschaften: Dichte: Die durchschnittliche Dichte von Durdana Marmor beträgt etwa 2.7 g/cm³, was ihm eine hohe Festigkeit verleiht.Wasseraufnahme: Mit einer niedrigen Wasseraufnahme von weniger als 0.5 % ist dieser Marmor für den Einsatz in feuchten Umgebungen geeignet, allerdings wird die Verwendung einer Versiegelung empfohlen, um Fleckenbildung zu vermeiden.Druckfestigkeit: Durdana Marmor hat eine Druckfestigkeit von etwa 110 MPa, was ihn widerstandsfähig gegenüber großen Lasten und mechanischem Druck macht
Quantrol – Controler compact LC300 - Ecrane

Quantrol – Controler compact LC300 - Ecrane

Format 96 x 96 mm Two/three step, continuous controller Sensor monitoring Up to 5 outputs 1 Analogue input (universal) 1 Binary input 1 Relay output (closing contact) Self-optimization (autotuning) for exact PID control Manual/automatic mode Configurable limit monitoring (alarms) Setpoint switching Level/keyboard locking RS485 interface (Modbus RTU) Ramp and timer function Firing curve for ceramic furnaces Plug-in controller module Setup interface (USB Mini-B)
Autosol® Curățitor pentru mașini agricole – acid - AUTOSOL® CURĂȚITOARE AGRICOLE

Autosol® Curățitor pentru mașini agricole – acid - AUTOSOL® CURĂȚITOARE AGRICOLE

AUTOSOL® AGRICULTURAL CLEANER - ACID Cleaning concentrate based on inorganic acids and surfactants, used to remove stubborn mineral soiling from agricultural vehicles and machinery. Cleans agricultural machinery, spraying equipment, tanks, agitators, filters, etc. Removes easily mineral dirt, cement, lime and also rust and corrosion Very efficient and cost effective Save on glass surfaces Compliant to REGULATION (EC) No 648/2004 of 31.03.2004 on detergents Item number:22 000204
PGDQ – Etichete certificate UL

PGDQ – Etichete certificate UL

We have been designing and producing UL labels for well-known industrial companies since 1990. The requirements and regulations are very complex and may require a detailed consultation in order to explain the UL-compliant marking and the different application programs. The UL certification of an end product by an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) refers to every single component of the product. A label is such a component whose requirements are regulated in the UL 969 “Standard for Marking & Labeling Systems”.
Inginerie mecanică – Prelucrare - Capace de protecție

Inginerie mecanică – Prelucrare - Capace de protecție

A tailor-made protective cover that can be created in three fabrics to suit the level of aggressivity: TPSN (chemicals), Tortop B+ or Torcal B+ (chips, oils, sand). Fabrics adapted to movements with high abrasion resistance. The robot cover has sealed seams to prevent the penetration of fluids, particles and water. The robot can be fully protected, from the base to axis 6, Option of protecting only the robot wrist joint from axis 4 to axis 6, Option of protecting only the robot body from axis 1 to 3. Velcro opening on back and top of cover for quick access to robot mechanics Optimum protection against spatter when deburring aluminum parts Resists high-pressure cleaning of engine blocks, Suitable for protection against sand projections from engine blocks after the casting process
Tip 8037 – Válvula de motor deslizante a prueba de explosiones_tip 8037 – Gs3 - Motor actuator

Tip 8037 – Válvula de motor deslizante a prueba de explosiones_tip 8037 – Gs3 - Motor actuator

The reinforced version of the type 8037 sliding gate motor valve is suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with Directive 94/9EG. Media such as steam, liquids, gases etc. can be excellently controlled with this motor valve, even in hazardous areas. Metal bellows Position electronics Analog stroke feedback Limit switch . . . Ex zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 Protection class I 2G Ex de (ia) IIC T6/T5 or T4 (gas version) Protection class II 2D Ex tD (iaD) A21 IP 66 T80C (dust version) Size:DN15 - DN250 Pressure:PN 10/40, PN100, ANSI #150, #300, #600 Stainless steel:Body 1.4408 / 1.4581, Cover 1.4404 / 1.4571 Carbon steel:Body 1.0619 / 1.0570, Cover 1.0570 / 1.4404 Media temperature:-60 °C up to 350 °C Connection:Wafer type design Thrust:1 kN, 2,5 kN, 5 kN Voltage:24 ... 230 V AC/DC Protection class:IP 66
Kit SteriPlast® – set de prelevare steril - Dispozitiv de prelevare, de unică folosință

Kit SteriPlast® – set de prelevare steril - Dispozitiv de prelevare, de unică folosință

The sampling set SteriPlast® Kit consists of ten sample spatulas or ten sample scoops and ten SteriBag Premium tamper-proof sample bags. Thus the SteriPlast® Kit is the ideal combination for sampling where purity and sterility is essential. All parts are sterilised by gamma rays and suitable for use with foodstuffs. The scoops or spatulas are clean room manufactured and individually packed. The sample bag SteriBag Premium has an integrated sealing and is liquid-tight. A unique tracking code on both the bag and the tear-off field guarantees complete documentation and traceability. SteriPlast® Kit including scoop 50 ml or spatula 150 mm insertion depth, and SteriBag Premium 300 ml.
G-Bulb (nituri oarbe) - Nit oarbă de înaltă rezistență – din oțel carbon și oțel inoxidabil, gamă largă de prindere

G-Bulb (nituri oarbe) - Nit oarbă de înaltă rezistență – din oțel carbon și oțel inoxidabil, gamă largă de prindere

Main features • Excellent hole fi lling capability • High clamping force • Excellent tensile strength through large closing head • Excellent shear strength through mandrel locking • Processing with standard setting tools • Process control compatible with the TAURUS® C • RoHS compliant Material:Stainless steel
Centrifugă decantor X4E - Deshidratarea nămolului de canalizare într-un mod nou – Performanță Xtra cu un consum mai mic

Centrifugă decantor X4E - Deshidratarea nămolului de canalizare într-un mod nou – Performanță Xtra cu un consum mai mic

Honored with the German Innovation Award 2019, the Xelletor series is one of the greatest achievements in the field of sewage sludge. Dewatering sewage sludge is standard for wastewater treatment plants and since it usually has to be transported away, operators have an interest in separating as much water as possible from the sludge. This saves weight and thus reduces costs. Savings of up to 10% in sludge volume and 34% in energy consumption are possible. Our Xelletor high-performance centrifuge inspires customers all over the world with the many years of technical know-how and innovative spirit behind it. Decanter Bowl:Customized Solutions Decanter Scroll:Customized Solutions Wear Protection:Customized Solutions Simp-Drive®:Customized Solutions Recuvane®:Customized Solutions (Adjustable) Impeller:Customized Solutions Overflow Weir:Customized Solutions Differential Speed:Customized Solutions
Separare – SMAid

Separare – SMAid

Separate – SMAid
UNI FLANȘĂ – simplă, sigură și rațională

UNI FLANȘĂ – simplă, sigură și rațională

Versiones divisibles de plástico y metal aíslan cables fabricados en serie Con las variantes de brida divisible UNI FLANSCH de plástico y UNI FLANSCH HD (Heavy Duty) de metal, para su uso en el difícil entorno industrial, PFLITSCH ofrece meditadas soluciones para la introducción fiable de cables fabricados en serie. Una segunda placa bastidor de plástico PA de gran calidad en gris y negro o de zinc fundido a presión se puede emplear con una sección de chapa estándar de 112 mm x 36 mm para conectores rectangulares pesados de 24 polos, a los que proporciona un aislamiento seguro. Sus ventajas: Tres racores para cables integrados para más de 100 entradas aislantes distintas Secciones de cables de 2,0 mm a 20,5 mm Clase de protección IP 66 Valores de descarga de tracción por encima de la media según EN 62444, clase A Temperaturas ambientales de -20 °C a +80 °C
Mașini de crimpare a colțurilor - PRESSTA – Linia

Mașini de crimpare a colțurilor - PRESSTA – Linia

Corner Crimping Machines - PRESSTA – Line
Suport de pliante montat pe perete "Dunărea" ⅓ A4

Suport de pliante montat pe perete "Dunărea" ⅓ A4

This high quality wall mounted leaflet holder is made from clear polystyrene. Due to the specially injected grooves in the base it also looks stylish. The two keyholes provided on the back allow a simple and stable mthod to mount to the wall. This brochure holder is ideal for presenting your flyers in DIN A4, A5 or 1/3 A4(DL) format. Each option have a filling depth of 35mm.
HotCoils − Încălzitoare înfășurate - Încălzitoare de duză, încălzitoare de manifold și plăci de încălzire fabricate din încălzitoare HotCoil

HotCoils − Încălzitoare înfășurate - Încălzitoare de duză, încălzitoare de manifold și plăci de încălzire fabricate din încălzitoare HotCoil

HotCoils have a larger cross-sectional area and are thus capable of greater power than MicroCoils. For this reason they are used in hot runners with adequate space and where high heat densities are required. Owing to the large number of variants and for cost reasons, the sheath material for HotCoils is stainless steel - the standard for the market and thus also for Freek. HotCoils are large enough that thermocouples can be integrated into them. Our standard here is Type J (Fe-CuNi; red/blue), while Types J and K are also available conforming to the IEC and ANSI standards (see colour codes). Since the measurement point of a built-in temperature sensor is situated in the heater and never where the heat is actually required, a HotCoil with a thermocouple makes particular sense where the application allows the use of larger processing (temperature) windows or where the installation location or the design requires protection against overheating. round cross sections:Ø2,0, Ø3,0, Ø3,3, Ø4,0 mm rectangular sections:1,4x2,4, 1,8x3,2, 2,0x4,5, 2,2x4,2, 3,0x4,8, 4x6 mm square sections:3,0x3,0, 3,2x3,2 mm
WRW/SRW – Coloană dublă - Agitatoare cu tripied

WRW/SRW – Coloană dublă - Agitatoare cu tripied

WRW/SRW – Double column Double column wall mounted stand mixer/floor stand mixer Rigid stand for wall-mounting or floor stand for mixers from 100 kg. The stand consists of 2 u-shaped columns with a ball-borne support slide with a cantilever beam for the mixer. The double-column stand allows the processing of tank volumes up to 4 m3, depending on the tank dimensions. Mixer powers up to 75.0 kW and support loads up to 1,000 kg can be realized. Under these conditions, the stand can be equipped with all fast running or gear-reduced mixers and their matching agitator elements. The lift is done electrically by a lift drive and chain drive. The electric supply is guided through a laterally mounted energy chain. Customized solutions for instance a stand mixer with H foot or stand equipped with coaxial agitator type KRK are feasible.
Etichetele noastre cu mânecă – ambalajul promoțional al...

Etichetele noastre cu mânecă – ambalajul promoțional al...

With the help of our sleeve labels or shrinking labels your packaging becomes an eyecatcher. Glasses, bottles, cans – no matter how your packaging is formed – with our sleeve labels your products are presented with higher value and are detected better by your customers – good for your sales! The tube-alike sleeve labels are pulled over the packaging and are shrinked onto it by heat. Hereby the foil nestles tightly against nearly all shapes – without adding any glues and without making any rubbish. We deliver our foil sleeves in following raw materials: PET PVC OPS We deliver our foil sleeves: on roll as single cut-to-size separately preformed for difficult jobs (for gas bottles or also for the food sector. Our sleeve labels are also available with vertical and horizontal perforation up to the fastening. This enlightens the opening of the sleeve. Furthermore the genuininess of the packaing can easily be seen. Additional security features like e.g. hologramms or special inks are...
Bang® Fără Cafeină — Pachet de 12

Bang® Fără Cafeină — Pachet de 12

Unleash the power of productivity and vitality with Bang® Caffeine-Free, the ultimate choice for a refreshing energy boost without the caffeine-induced side effects. This 12-pack of pure exhilaration will redefine your energy experience, elevating your senses without compromising on taste or performance. Dive into a world of endless possibilities as you crack open a can of Bang® Caffeine-Free. With each sip, you’ll be captivated by the delightful fusion of tantalizing flavors that dance on your taste buds, leaving you craving for more. From the zesty citrus notes to the luscious fruit undertones, every can promises a sensational and guilt-free indulgence that is sure to make your taste buds sing with joy. But Bang® Caffeine-Free is much more than just an explosion of flavors; it’s a revitalizing elixir that supports your active lifestyle. Packed with essential vitamins, amino acids, and CoQ10, this beverage is thoughtfully crafted to fuel your body and mind, unleashing your full