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Cuptoare ceramice - ceramică – bijuterii

Cuptoare ceramice - ceramică – bijuterii

Electric or gas-fired furnaces, with dimensions and specificities according to your needs Top quality insulation using fibre materials and lightweight insulation bricks Precisely determined power rating Sturdy, precision construction Door fitted on adjustable hinges and fitted with seal Simple and rapid closing system (locking options) Wound resistances, mounted on porcelain tubes to ensure homogeneous radiation Flue installed in the vault & inspection hatch in the door Temperature control system (programmable controller adapted according to the size of the oven and your cooking)
Silo-uri de stocare - 2 x 1000m³ silo, Ø9m88 – Înălțime totală 16m

Silo-uri de stocare - 2 x 1000m³ silo, Ø9m88 – Înălțime totală 16m

Product = Pellets Extraction System = by gravity > belt conveyor under silo bottom 1 x 200m³ silo, Ø5m56 Product = Pellets Extraction System = by gravity > lorry (Belgium)
COMPRESOARE DE ÎNALTĂ PRESIUNE - Presiune mare – Calitate a aerului de 40 bar și accesorii

COMPRESOARE DE ÎNALTĂ PRESIUNE - Presiune mare – Calitate a aerului de 40 bar și accesorii

HP- 40 bar air receiver options Standard (horizontal on the base-frame or vertical ) the HP- 40 bar air receiver is hot galvanised with accessories, including safety valve and Bekomat drain system. Depending on the location and country, the air receivers have to comply with the local codes and certifications. All Codes and certifications are available : CE-PED, ASME VIII, CRN for Canadia , TR CU suiting to Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, SELO code in China, South Korea 40 bar certification. NR13 for Brazil… HP – 40 bar piping and accessories 40 bar piping between the compressor, HP air receiver and the HP dryer flanges, supports, safety warrant and mounting accessories, shut off gates /40 bar stop valve is included in standard. Also available : – accessories for specific HP connection installation before the dryer ; elbow… HP- 40 bar air Dryer options Stainless steel condenser, dew point alarm, Bekomat draining system. Water cooled condenser is recommended for ambient temperatures...
NOUL AQUALINE V2 (FĂRĂ CUTIE DE CONTROL)– 3kW - Încălzitoare pentru băi de apă

NOUL AQUALINE V2 (FĂRĂ CUTIE DE CONTROL)– 3kW - Încălzitoare pentru băi de apă

The Aqualine v2 is a heating and circulating unit for stall drinking bowls. It ensures the supply of temperate drinking water in winter time and prevents the water from freezing in the bowls. Water temperature is a determining factor for the transformation of food into energy. Cattle always prefer warm water. For example, to heat 50 liters of water of 0°C to 39°C, the animal will spend 1950 calories, which is approximately the third of its daily needs. It can be connected to any drinking bowl line for cows, calves, sheep, pigs, horses, etc. The Aqualine v2 can be supplied in 3 versions : without control box, with control box or with digital control box. Advantages: Very strong heating body made in aluminium with coating Abcite , 100% recyclable Low watt density heating element made of Incoloy 800 (7,5W / cm²) what increases its lifetime and those of the coolant Integrated circulation pump into the heating body allowing a fast and homogenous preheating. ...
Lămâie și Ghimbir Organic Îmbogățit cu Vitamina C – Sărac în Calorii 27,5 Cl - Magazin

Lămâie și Ghimbir Organic Îmbogățit cu Vitamina C – Sărac în Calorii 27,5 Cl - Magazin

La limone & zenzero Granaline est une boisson pétillante aux citrons IGP de Syracuse (Sicile) et au gingembre, enrichie en vitamine C, un antioxydant naturel. Faible en calories et en sucre de canne non raffiné. Cette boisson rafraichissante contribue à une meilleure digestion ! Contient également des racines de gingembre dont les vertus tonifiantes ne sont plus à démontrer. Plus qu’une simple boisson, un véritable allié digestif. Cette limonade BIO d’une nouvelle génération est composée de citron IGP de Syracuse (Sicile), d'infusions de fruits, et d'huiles essentielles du zeste de citron BIO. De l'eau de source gazeuse liée à l'activité volcanique d'Etna... et naturellement enrichie en vitamine C, un antioxydant d'origine végétale. Et rien d’autre !
Silo-uri de depozitare pentru toate produsele vrac - silo de 500m³, Ø 7,41m – Înălțime totală 15m

Silo-uri de depozitare pentru toate produsele vrac - silo de 500m³, Ø 7,41m – Înălțime totală 15m

Product = dry woodchips, protection against explosions Extraction System = Planetary screw extractor + Sand color paint (Portugal) Modular, extendable silos, adapted to industrial storage capacities for all bulk products and allowing for complete emptying and refilling with another product without requiring any intermediate cleaning. DOHOGNE SYSTEM silos are constructed from curved panels with external bolts, are self-cleaning, can be dismantled and are interchangeable. Their thickness varies from 2 to 4 mm, and standard dimensions are 940 x 1940 mm. Robust, sealed silos resulting from over 50 years’ experience, complying with European standard EN 1991-4 and with all specific static and dynamic storage criteria.
Sisteme de preîncălzire pentru motoare - TopStart 0,5 – 4kW monofazat

Sisteme de preîncălzire pentru motoare - TopStart 0,5 – 4kW monofazat

The TopStart 0.5 – 4Kw is an electric coolant heater for all types of water-cooled engines. The heater can be put into service a few hours before starting the engine or work continuously in order to keep the engine permanently at the required temperatur. This ensures an easy full power start whatever the ambient temperature and avoids cold start mechanical damage. The system has the following advantages: fuel savings, decreasing pollution, reduced engine wear, no more difficult cold starts. It is universal, reliable, easy-to-install and maintenance free. The TopStart heaters are suited for all industrial applications, either stationary (generator sets) or mobile (emergency vehicles, trucks, vans, etc.). Download the technical sheet Advantages: Strong die-casted aluminium body, 100% recyclable Low watt density heating element made of Incoloy 800 (7,5W / cm²) what increases its lifetime and those of the coolant Integrated circulation pump into the heating body allowing a fast and homo
Limonadă Bio Îmbogățită cu Vitamina C – Săracă în Calorii 27,5 Cl - Magazin

Limonadă Bio Îmbogățită cu Vitamina C – Săracă în Calorii 27,5 Cl - Magazin

La limonata Granaline, est une boisson pétillante d’une nouvelle génération ! Enrichie naturellement en vitamine C, un antioxydant de source végétale, elle vous donnera un coup de peps à coup sûr ! Profitez de ses bienfaits en solo, en famille ou avec des amis. Le citron est reconnu pour sa forte teneur en vitamine C. Le citron contenu dans nos recettes Granaline contient 100% des apports journaliers recommandés en vitamine C, dont l’effet antioxydant et énergisant n’est plus à prouver! ​ En effet, la vitamine C tout en protégeant les cellules contre le stress oxydant contribue également à réduire la fatigue. Elle est produite à partir de citrons de qualité IGP de Syracuse (Italie). Faible en calories et en sucre de canne non raffiné.